I Survived 200 Days on a Flat World with Nothing but... a Bonus Chest

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hello and welcome back to surviving in a flat world with nothing but a bonus chest yes this is the next 100 days guys yes i'm dan ross probs and welcome back if you have no idea what this actually is i will have an i card just pop up in the top right corner that you can click and watch the first day to 100 of this because this is the next 100 days so yes we're starting off in our little base and i'm just showing you where i left off and basically i'm just showing you the mob farm it's actually working now if you remember from the previous one and we got some crops and stuff but i'm deciding i'm gonna lift all this up now the main first couple 20 30 odd days i'm literally solely just grinding away trying to wait that's what i'm doing i'm literally waiting for a wandering trader to spawn with either a dark oak sapling or a oak sapling just solely so i can get apples to make a golden apple therefore i can cure a zombie villager another one that is and then i can breed them and make an iron farm that's the plan that is my plan for this 100 days it's a bit of a stretch will i succeed you'll have to see but yes i'm just showing you here on this little clip that we got the actual elute do you remember i did a raid and i thought this is quite an important part to show you just see how much stuff i actually got myself from that raid is unbelievable it really if you think about it honestly playing this flat world i'm really starting to realize how valuable some things are in minecraft i gotta go buy my daily business trading with villagers basically trading pumpkins and wheat because that's all i can do um for now at least and i keep buying golden carrots as well they are not the most amazing food ever but the saturation's amazing so and they're easier for me but yes i accidentally hit this sign with a cocoa bean and i forgot the game updated minecraft bedrock edition did and you can color signs now if you've got dye in your hand which is quite a nice new little feature i'm just showing you here as well that um i got some vines off the tree i think or maybe i bought them i can't quite remember but i'm just using my silk touch um a shovel and i was obviously just um grabbing them so next up i'm gonna go ahead and start planting some birch um saplings and i would just want some birch basically or any type of wood really but i thought i'll grow birch because it's a bit easier to chop down they don't grow big but it's mainly for my mob farm i'm going to be improving that in a minute also i just want to keep showing you random clips of me working away keeping myself busy like harvesting my wheat obviously i'm selling it but this is all for later on guys this is always for for when i get to have a village but yes a wondering trader has spawned in and this fella had some lily pads how great sand which is not too bad sugarcane i've already got sugar cane and red's hand but it had blue eyes now i never had any blue ice until now and this is what i've been using to basically transport my seeds and my wheat in the little water stream as you'll see in a minute but yes thank you very much sir and um unfortunately i will just kill you there you go and uh yeah you can see how fast the dirt actually travels now i've never really made anything like this before i just thought it'll be a lot more easier but yes i decided to like i said at the start strip down um the actual farmy area and get rid of it basically but then whilst i was doing that it turned night i saw a couple of witches i thought oh i'm gonna go for them because i like my little bits of redstone quite valuable and not only that witches do drop a variety of different things yes i just started to um like you can see here just improve my kind of wheat farm because i was noticing some things were going over the sides and etc yes now i'm setting up a ginormous sugarcane farm again like i say all i'm literally doing is kind of wasting my time here because i can't really do a lot unless a wandering trailer comes with different things um i pretty much got everything i can get i think um the only thing i could do is obviously go around and kill zombies and get iron but yes so yes unfortunately i had to do this tedious task of um jumping on farmland because you can't place sugarcane on farmland which is a bit annoying so yeah the only way i know of getting rid of this is literally jumping on it but yeah sugarcane farm is now pretty much there and uh yes i've just put a crafting table here and a couple of double chests is solely for the sugar cane and just some other veggie crops basically but yeah i shall store the sugar cane in this side the right side and then left will be like pumpkins and whatever yes continue chopping down more birch trees as always never have enough wood on a flat world to tell you that for for a fact um but yes we're getting quite rich here again this is gonna be for trading and for bread for breeding the villagers if i get another villager but yes now i just wanted to show you here that i was just going to improve or i am going to improve my mob farm now the main reason of me doing this is because i'm getting sick and tired of seeing enderman and enderman i keep picking up my dirt blocks and moving stuff around so i've decided to make this a bit higher one block higher so end them in a three blocks tool i believe so they should not spawn in here and get teleported down the bottom i hope and also i put some trapdoors as well just to encourage some mobs to fall off i've got a bit of an obsession with trap doors and i'm starting to really realize it but yes i jumped out of that um mob farm and look at all the mobs man there's so many so so many but yes again trading but this time his pumpkin was a value one so i don't understand how villages work but sometimes their stuff goes one sometimes it's nine i don't really know their trades keep changing all the time yes another wondering trader spawned in this is one of four now of since i've been playing but this guy actually sowed or sold sorry kelp so i thought oh my god i can make myself a coke farm something different to do so yes this is my little count farm i kind of made it a bit like a fish tank kind of thing so do and there we go guys so i've made it so it's got a bit of an easy access at the bottom i have no idea how i came up with this idea or design this is just what i've done and uh i thought about oh i better make a bit of an exit just in case i need to grab some air basically i'm just gonna plant down kelp in the sand and then i can come in and out through the door at the bottom and also i can come out the top here via the trapdoors but not only that i got a really good view of my little area which is really really nice from up here and also i decided this is a pretty decent place for me to just start growing vines so i will just stick my vines there so next up i decided to make myself some carpet so i converted all of the string i've got from spiders into wool and obviously used any excess wool i had and i made some carpet and this is solely for my sugarcane farm just to stop sugarcanes falling down the grooves of those stairs because that was a great idea then um i'm just showing you here as well i'm using kelp now as fuel for furnace fuel kelp blocks are very very very very very good for fuel and also i came up with another idea guess what involving trapdoors um yeah this is uh pretty flawless i would say so you can see when i stand here i'm really low down but if i'm on a trapdoor i can easily hit my kelp so this i was so happy that i figured this out and once again at trapdoors they honestly trapdoors have saved my life but yes i started writing in my diary day 128 i've made myself a makeshift kelp farm the better fuel and cooking with my furnaces still waiting on the wandering trader to spawn in with a sapling to get my to get that lovely apple i need hashtags still waiting or something yes i decided to start bow mailing and it started raining so i got the fishing rod out and uh a trader spawned in so i was like oh okay i just spot him in the corner of my eye sort of thing you know oh my god he's got podzol but what else has he got a cactus yes dying can make another farm for no reason so that's what i did i made a cactus farm like pretty cheap one because i haven't got a lot of sand as you can imagine i have to buy the sand right so once again i decided to give this a go i've i didn't really know of another way to get on in and out of here to collect my drops obviously i'm using water to uh you know to funnel all the drops in but i was gonna use trapdoors and actually works guys um and you'll see in a minute that i um complete this and yeah you can get up and down it using the trapdoors [Music] and there it is in all its glory the beautiful cactus farm it works it does the job i just want to farm everything i can on this world so you know when i saw the cactus i was quite excited and again i'm still waiting around for a sapling so it's nice it's something different for me to do so i took this opportunity to start mining up some cobblestone just because i might need it in the future killing zombies as usual they're dropping iron gear which is beautiful and i can obviously smell that down into nuggets and make ingots out of that and i just wanted to show you here it does actually work look so if i go through here i put a little fence gate i can jump down here and the items will get collected on top of this trapdoor and all we need to do is literally climb up a tower of trapdoors to get out of here and uh as you can see i'm currently missing a four more cat die i should say or cactus because it's uh yeah more than one cacti but yes you can see i can easily get out of here which is beautiful so all in all i was pretty chuffed by that but again once wow i can't believe it trap doors they are just genuinely the best thing ever for me currently yes another trader spawned in and uh he had slime balls and some um sand which is pretty cool but he also had something new a rose bush and i thought oh i'll get a couple of these and we can do a bit of decoration with these right so i baremailed it and um just chucked them around the outside of the house for a laugh because i felt a bit like beautifying this up or prettying it up i should say just because it looks better so then the big game changer happened i thought you know what i've got all this grass outside let's just make a ginormous pumpkin farm so i had to tear out my house and do a bit of reconstructing and uh i had to grow some more acacia saplings or get some more acacia wood basically and as you know i use my little horse to get up the trees um to see me tearing up with blogs but unfortunately my little horsey got stuck up there and uh i decided to uh take the crossbar out and shoot it to try and knock it off okay and he's still stuck so stupidly i did it again and i killed mr horsey epson chat or comment section but anyway after that catastrophe i decided to make myself in order of the horse a purple bed i have no idea why i did that but i made a purple bed just because i'm sick of seeing a white bed but yes i decided to write a bit more in the book today i started to make a move around in my house as i s as i'm still sadly waiting for the wandering trader for ivara dirks oak sapling or an oak sapling still waiting good but yes sir i've got my free cactus that i need um that completes the cactus farm then um eventually if and when i get iron i will automate this so it can automatically collect itself and probably hook it up to a composter or something but anyway let's start this um a pumpkin farm so i've never made anything like this big before involving pumpkins but i know they grow in a a block around all of itself so i came up with this idea it's probably very common i i don't really watch farm videos and i just know how the mechanics work in a game so i i just i just decided to do it like this um it's basically making a checkerboard pattern kind of thing and i was just putting water in these little holes i was digging holes and then putting water in there and eventually i will put my lilies pads that i've got which i've been buying and catching from fishing and that will prevent me falling in that water and all i need to do is just put torches on each of the corners as you'll see in a minute and grow some obviously grow and bone meal the pumpkins so they obviously are fully grown but you see look there's torches in there and every side a pumpkin can grow it's very tedious for me to go around and farm it but i need pumpkins because that's my main source of income if you know what i mean on this world pumpkins are how i'm getting emeralds right now so yeah i had to be done a bit tedious and a bit annoying it'd be better with observers but yes i also made my cocoa beans as you can see outside um like i say i was kind of cleaning out my house a bit there's a lot of space in my house and i really don't know what to do with it um as at this current stage um but in the future maybe i have an idea so next i decided to go around and try and get myself some sheep um this is solely to get some wool to finish off um my little um sugarcane farm the carpets um the problem with this is the only way me getting wool i could make some shears but it's so expensive for me to make shears right now um so yeah unfortunately i have to just breed these guys and um use the sword and just hope and pray that i maybe get a looting sword or something from a uh a zombie or something but yeah unfortunately that's all i can do so yeah next up i decided to make a bit of a a new design on my um wheat farm because i noticed that a couple of seeds and the wheat was like clipping across the edges of the uh the actual blocks here so i'm tearing up a bit higher i'm just doing a bit of modifications to the redstone at the back as well and um i realized all i literally need is like two or three pieces of redstone wire or dust or whatever and i can automate that you know like have them all go off in one go so i decided to take it upon myself kill witches and hopefully get some redstone and only in that night a typical a wandering trader spawned in with a jungle sapling i was quite happy about it but i would prefer it to be a oak sapling as you know um either way i bought that because obviously jungle saplings grow into massive trees but not only that you had buckets of tropical fish now i've also got a fish tank now technically so i was quite happy about the fish so i decided to actually let them free in my little kelp farm thingy um so we've got a couple of like tropical fish just swimming around now and i noticed i had enough emeralds to um actually go ahead and uh buy some more because i'm an idiot so that's what i did i bought two more but the best bit about this is obviously i get buckets it's not just about the fish buckets are really good because obviously if and when i get to the nether i could take lava from there quite easily or you know it's just handy to have a few buckets but yes you could definitely see the trapdoor here really pays you know it's just amazing how fast is that and easy as that because sarah and harvey i've hardly got anything guys i've got redstone on tap i've got nothing iron or anything how fast would i just harvest all that kelp without any issue yes i grew a couple of the um jungle saplings and i decided to go ahead and make this into a bit more of a cocoa farm kind of thing again it's kind of a bit like the cactus farm i don't really know what i'm going to be using it for probably just for compost to get some bone meal um pretty pretty cheap but yeah i made four basic um runs basically for the cocoa beans out of the jungle wood and i decided to write down that i actually got three types of wood now but i'm still needing that apple man i spotted a zombie where um not wearing holding a sword and this guy sorry was wearing a full iron like gear so i decided to change these guys into drowned and obviously as you know previous um episode or whatever um they actually drop their items pretty much all the way i managed to get myself two pieces of redstone um the previous night and when i killed this switch she actually dropped a piece of redstone no two pieces sorry so that means i can actually complete that circuit and now if i fire this thing off and then lift it back up again in a minute so it sucks all the water up you'll see boom there we go so that is a lot better now now all of the actual crops are getting pushed down that bottom bit i also added a ladder there as well so i can get in and out rather than me trying to stand on the crops all the time but yes if i pull that again it obviously sucks all the water back up and away we go but i know it's something else guys this stupid spider now i noticed there was a lot of random like grass patches and dirt patches so i don't think it's the first spider that's ever been in here so i need to fix that so we need to put a lid on this thing basically um and i thought oh i can't really just cover it in dirt because how am i going to see if stuff is grown so i'm going to have to mix and match here with dirt and gra glass sorry not grass um just so i could see the actual wheat if it's fully grown and then i can run around the back and pull the lever and away we go so that's what i did but i made a bit of a boo boo i'm obviously i forget that you're two blocks high in this game and uh i need to leave gaps so i can jump in and out ignore me getting all the crops on the floor not fertilized anymore or farmland or whatever you want to call it it you know i'm jumping on and off i obviously tilled it and fixed it all later but yes we just got a glass free by i don't even know how many length that is it's very long actually um but it's quite long but basically you got you could see i can see if it's grown i know to go and pull the lever and i thought i would check a couple of grass blocks on the top as well just to help it spread um because obviously i got that soap touch um shovel as well and that's what i did so yeah i could still get in and out of here i've obviously put torches around sorry just to uh help it speed up the growth cocoa beans are growing and i'm spotted another wandering trader and look what he had guys hallelujah dan is getting into villages now because he has got himself an oak sapling trade yes and my field of view quite high and that was just so solely so i could hopefully spot any things in the distance basically it's a bit easier to see yes unfortunately it became nighttime but i was really in a rush to get this guy i just bought everything he had pretty much i don't care how many emeralds it cost me i've been waiting for these oak saplings for god knows how many days like honestly it was on 128 on that diary so it's probably like another 30 days plus that i'm not joking guys to get an egg sapling i was like yes this is like proper proper cool but yes i decided to kill these witches and this um zombie just again to try my luck obviously i got the oak sapling i thought i was quite lucky yes we got oak i miss oak i always see oak on sky blocks it's weird starting off with um you know acacia yeah there we go so i ripped there about a 30 or days after i actually got myself an oak sapling if i could spell it here we go now i can make a village farm oh my god this is gonna be epic maybe we could go to the nether exactly yes i probably could go to the never now cause if you remember i i'm playing this with a behavior pack which solely added a few new drops to the um bonus chest as mentioned in the first one um the first part sorry and uh obviously the other thing was the villager trade right so if i get myself a mason villager he will actually sell um obsidium for stone but look what i saw an apple yes i was so hyped guys honestly i was like a little kid in a sweet shop genuinely it was like yes an apple so red and so shiny and juicy oh beautiful yes i've already got the gold required i've been grinding away for that if you remember um so yeah that's all good so what am i doing now i'm actually looking for a zombie villager so we need to cure this guy so i've already got the golden apple crafted and i've already got the last slowness potion uh weakness potion sorry not slowness and yeah we just need to lure this guy all the way back to my base now but me being myself i like to be mr safety so i put down a little boat so we get stuck in there there we go and i'm gonna go i put my horse back in here i can't go to sleep because that zombie villager will burn in the daylight right so i'm gonna cure him right now and i'm gonna stand with him so i checked my left to check my right and all that and there's nothing around so i'm very very happy about this i got my bed just in case and as soon as he turns i was like yes he stayed in the boat because sometimes they can actually come out of the boat so i decided to sleep straight away get rid of all the nasty hostile mobs and there we go we got our little villager and it's a cleric and i forgot these guys sold redstone dust and they sell lapis as well um so yeah all i need to do now is get this guy to the other guy the farmer dude right and then they can have fun oh god i love boats [Music] magic he's here and it is a stone mason because if you remember i actually made myself a um stone cutter and that's obviously what they need but you can see there 14 stone blocks or whatever we call one obsidian so these guys are together now which is awesome so now what can we do hmm i think as i've got so much oak because i didn't really need the wood i think i'm gonna go ahead and make a village home just to breed these guys up and stuff [Music] [Music] that is pretty much the last uh nope we got another row over here now again i am not a massive you know i'm not really good at building guys i suck but i'm trying to like get out of my comfort zone and build something that looks okayish obviously my block palette is very messed up because i'm in a flat world okay um bear with me um but yes it's something different rather than that stupid dirt box to keep the villagers in right so i'm gonna call this the village home um it's basically just a room so they can breed and i can actually trade with these guys in here so it's kind of like a trading pool yes i just need to get these guys across and there we go we have got both of the actual two dudes in here and you might have seen as well that i've put fences and doors because obviously villagers can come out in and out of doors but yes i'm chucking bread at these guys because this stuff is like love juice to them or something i i don't understand this game but what is what is with bread and villagers i have no idea but they love the stuff and it makes them make baby villages which is really cool obviously i've got wheat quite a lot of wheat but this is it guys it's it's basically i'm making a village which is cool so with all my space in my little house i've decided to come up with this cool little idea so i thought as i've got that mason um villager now it sells me breaks for emeralds so i've made a load of flower pots and i thought it would be a nice challenge to try and get every flower or any every item that can go in a flower pot in there if that makes sense now i have no idea if i can get um a dead bush i think that one might be a problem the wither raise is gonna be a tough one to get but um it's something different to go for right um but yes i gotta keep farming and obviously now i've got both of these villages and it's becoming more of a village i need to keep keep keep collecting wheat make bread sell it pumpkins i gotta sell oh this is so cool yes i decided right in the diary again i've made a lot of new friends we got a big family across the road but yes i'm working my way towards the nether portal which is really really cool and i'm not looking forward to going in there it was a joke but look at all the little children yay they're here you guys have been busy right but yes it's actually gone up now the price it was 14 but now it's gone up to 15. so i need um 10 pieces obsidian so 15 times 10 is 150 so i need to get 150 pieces of stone so i need to get going on the cobblestone generator and then obviously cooking it up in the furnace but this is where the kelp plays in because obviously kelp is very good burns you know fuel um i decided to also have a quick look at um some recipes for the different tables now i will be able to make the fletching table if i get to the nether but i looked at the smithing table and i thought and i remembered oh yeah hang on a minute there's a grindstone and then i remembered hang on a minute i've actually got a grind stain um but where is it i know i remembered oh yes i put it in the rarer stuffs or items there we go and um yeah i go and put this thing down because a couple of these guys have grown up now so they're obviously going to change um and we got a couple of nitpits as well but yes one of the guys changed the guy with the eye patch but look what he's selling an iron axe for free emeralds i mean that's infinite iron for me thank you very much but not only that it's way better than stone axe right so yeah i will happily take a couple of them from you sir but um obviously i want to level these guys up because these guys will actually sell diamond tools eventually um but it's quite hard for me to level them up because i don't have anything if you know what i mean but yes i decided to start boating these guys up to basically capture the nitwits because if you didn't know already and i don't know what happened with that boat um if you didn't know already nitwits still breed they are useless villagers but they still breed so i thought i may as well take these two guys out and separate them from this like crowd so i decided to put them back into the actual dirt box i made and i'm gonna use these two solely for making a iron farm that's my plan and uh somehow another baby has been born i have no idea why i think it's maybe because i pulled those um nitwits out of there maybe but yes i pushed him in a little uh little hole and uh he can stay there for now because i i went in there to just chat and i was like hang on a minute there is definitely the right amount in there weird stuff but anyway i've locked these guys in here now with all the dirt and i will play with them in the future so good night guys have a lovely time just sat in that boat poor fellas oh i wish the green guys were better than they really are um yes we've got another wondering trader honestly he didn't really sell a lot of good stuff um i just take the uh red sand and the packed ice i believe from him in the future i saw a spider on the roof and i wasn't concentrating but then i noticed hang on a minute isn't that the baby or is that a new baby i'm so confused is that the guy who i just pushed down i don't understand how he's got out uh i'm so confused so i started looking around and i noticed hang on a minute there's a blot missing here and i thought about it it's enderman isn't it look at him he's trying to come up again stupid little baby but yes we've got all sorts of weird animals and stuff down here but i know it's another block over there has been taken so i went around just to make sure that any more weren't missing because if any hostile mobs got in there they could actually come up and get me right um so yes i decided to start trading with this cleric he's obviously changed to a cleric because i have got that brewing stand right um so he's in reach of that um which is quite cool so he's permanently locked now he's a permanent cleric for me and i noticed that he's selling um obviously redstone dust so i decided to just buy it all because i'm probably going to use it in the future for farms or whatever i just got to keep doing this it's a bit of rinse and repeat um but i just need to level these guys up and obviously i'm gonna be getting new stuff from them which is pretty cool um so without villagers i would be pretty screwed on this uh kind of like world if you know what i mean so yeah i'm kind of working my way towards the uh never porter now as you can see i got seven pieces of obsidian and i wanted to use where i had my sheep um they've obviously been killed um for good use for wool um but yes i just wanted to put my never pool encased in here because sometimes you can get like zombie piglens and stuff they they come through or i don't know i don't want any mobs walking through it or anything so i decided to encase it yes i got enough stone to buy the 10 pieces obsidian which is beautiful and i know it's about to become nighttime and i need to just grab my lava because this is the only way i could think of of lighting the never portal so using lava and wood um obviously it burns and it it lights the never pull a bit like how you do a speedy never pull kind of thing um yes i'm gonna build this like this i mean i'm sure you all know how to build a nether portal if you played this game i mean it's not that um difficult right but yes one never portal guys beautiful and then i decided to do um this because i am an absolute legend but this zombie was kind of irritating me so i had to kill him come on zombie there we go he also dropped his helmet which is quite nice yes i did this because i'm an absolute idiot i thought that was fine and then i remembered oh yes wood burns oh yes wood burns that includes my fences right one absolute idiot so yeah i kept trying it anyway because i'm so stupid and um i ended up burning a little bit but it's fine i no no no harm was done it is fine but yes so i decided to just rip up the um fences and i will just put them back you know when i've actually lit this thing hopefully so i've tried again it doesn't seem to work um i'm kind of questioning here it's like is it never disabled or something in a flat world because this definitely should have lit by now i know there we go it's lit okay so now all i can do is go around and put the fence all around again so it's a bit in a bit more safer if you know what i mean and then i put a piece of carpet on there so i can get in and out and you know what we're gonna do guys we're gonna go in there here goes nothing now i've decided to not edit this at all this section okay because i want you to have exactly the same feeling like i had when i walked in there i do not even i didn't even expect it at all to look like this let alone i spawned in a crimson forest which is bonkers um i couldn't honestly believe it i thought a flat world never is flat i genuinely was like oh right it's a normal never that's pretty cool so then i started a thing about what have i got access here to okay i've got lava i've got mushrooms i've got gold now um pretty much on tap right i got loads of gold and i could actually barter with the piglins i got soul sand which i can use for bubble streams i got magma i can use for bubbles streams as well so i can make elevators up and down with items or for myself maybe i can make a sky base now oh god i was like i started to think like i was just looking around like wow okay we got black stone as well yeah we got quartz i can make um observers right so i can actually detect my pumpkins there's so much i can do here thank you very much never for being a normal never i genuinely thought it wasn't gonna be but the only downside is i need to actually go through here one at one point right to get blaze rods and that's something else i need to talk to you guys in the comment section let me know um how and if i should trying to battle the the ender dragon what do you think i should i mean how can i get the end portal frames what do you think is probably the best way and obviously because i don't have any sound on you didn't hear that but a gas actually just shot me and that's why i was on fire so he threw me off there or she i don't even know what they are if they're a girl or a boy i don't really know they're just an animal right or ghost thing i don't really know but um they that obviously it shot me and it threw me off um but uh i was trying to be a bit quick in here because i genuinely didn't have any gold armor on and if i'm in a crimson forest a piglen would probably um easily attack me but yes let me know in the um comment section what you think i should do about the ender dragon do i just add it as a trade or something or do i make it into the wandering traders trade thing um so like some maybe sometimes you can sell the end portal frames or do i make them craftable i could do quite a lot of things but i don't want it to be like ridiculously easy or do i just literally give myself 12 eyes of ender and the frames you know what you know what i mean to get to the end basically the portal that's what i'm talking about the end portal blocks and portal frames that's what they're called but yes i noticed them as well when i spawned in the nether um that way never portal was pretty much drenched in lava so i had to sort that out as well but again i was being super super careful here because if a gas shot me um i don't really know how i would have lit that again i mean i probably would be able to get iron eventually from a piglen or i could probably find a flint and steel in one of them ruin never portal things if they spawn um yes this time i decided to take it upon myself and go full on in the nether and go for a bit of a proper exploration because i've got my gold armor on now i've got a bit more gear and we're gonna go around and gather some items that are a bit different okay like that i am back in my village home [Laughter] yes these guys missed me so i had to come and see them right um yes we're just doing a bit more trading as you can see i'm noticing oh i can trade gold as well i also made myself a fletching table obviously i got gravel now from the never so i can get flint pretty easily um which is quite nice and look what i made i made myself a hopper yes i managed to smelt down a lot of iron junk and axes and stuff and i made myself a hopper so i can kind of automate that a bit better i also decided to grow some more jungle trees here now why am i doing this do you think yes i feel like i'm gonna go ahead and make an iron farm guys i am absolutely bonkers for doing this um this took me a very very long time to do um but yes first rule is to make a new village right i don't know a lot about villagers i don't know a lot about iron farms i only know what i know um this isn't a tutorial this isn't a copy of someone is iron farm this is just me i don't know how to explain it yes i decided to go 200 blocks away because i feel like that's probably far enough i don't know the exact numbers here or anything i just presume that's way far enough for a village because they spawn you know if they're that distance in the normal world it must be fine in this world right so yes i decided to grow those um jungle saplings and we're going to use jungle wood to make this iron farm because it's probably the easiest block i can physically get like jungle planks it's the easiest and it's probably the fastest and i got iron axes forever so it's not a problem so i decided to move these nitwit villages drag them all the way across a good tip here is if you go backwards on a horse it's just slow enough that you can drag a boat which is quite nice depending on your horse speed but yeah unfortunately it became night though it does take quite still a bit of time obviously 200 blocks away is quite far right um because a bedrock flat world obviously um spawns you in zero zero coordinates so i know exactly 200 blocks away is 200 pretty much so yeah i encase those villages because obviously it was night time and i've hooked up the horse and we're gonna go ahead and uh start a breeding chamber because that's what i need to do i need to breed these two dudes up quite a lot [Music] [Music] do [Music] so you probably saw as well if you've got a very keen eye there was a pillager patrol there as well um later on i do go and capture that um vindicator who's the captain and just chuck him in a boat for later i didn't want to start a raid yes i thought it was nice for you to just see how i actually got these guys in their own box and how i did it with boats and leads and water yes they are currently producing like babies i guess it's so weird i don't even know how else to say it but yes i gotta make a chamber and i'm pretty certain it's 20 villages and 20 beds or something if i remember correctly this is the second iron farm i've ever made in minecraft um i know they're very weird and technical but um here goes nothing right [Music] [Music] so i just decided to stop the time lapse a little bit just to show you and talk to you how i'm actually building this this is kind of based off the silent whisperer's design kind of thing it's just literally guys i just made up in my head from memory of the last iron farm i made on my realm with my community um it worked so i thought i'll just make the same thing again but yes unfortunately i didn't really mark this out very well but i know i need to give myself a three by three hole for the iron golem to fall in and this is the killing chamber basically so next i need to just go around and put a lot of water so if i do two and then miss a gap it becomes an infinite water source in the middle that's what i need to do i've also raised up the corners just so the water flows like in this angle because if i don't do that i will fill the whole area up with solid water that will not be flowing in this direction but basically i'm doing it like this if you've never seen anything like this it's quite common you probably know it already if you've made farms and stuff in the past or in the future or whatever i don't even make sense but you kind of understand what i mean it's basically all flowing to that center point so an iron golem or cats will spawn there and they get pushed automatically because we don't have conveyor belts we don't have fans like modded we can only do water streams right so i went decided to um make all that right next to these and whilst i'm doing that they're breeding right so this is why i decided to spend a bit of time and make that proper i also grew some birch trees you could probably see in the background and i was just doing a count up here of how many villages there is and there's actually 20 and also you're probably noticing there's no nitwits there they might have um smart my axe they they might have got hit by me um poor guys yes i'm pretty happy here i'm just kind of waiting around and seeing and looking if the um villagers are growing up now this is the killing chamber now i had a bit of a pickle here i couldn't remember if it had to be this height or it had to be one under i genuinely couldn't remember so i don't really know also i thought about this i made this whole thing out of wood and i'm putting lava down i need to surround this in glass otherwise we're gonna have some accidents maybe so yeah i decided to um bring this down a level because i'm more than certain and iron golem is only a little bit taller than a player right i i genuinely couldn't remember honestly i don't know if this is correct or not but i mean if it works it works right that's all i can say um so yeah i had to tower up with leaves because that's the only blocks i had and basically all the buttons around it are just to hold the lava in shape in this this like killing platform thing and you put it on a sign it doesn't make any sense because the sign doesn't burn um in my eyes it should burn instantly but it does it on minecraft it's an old mechanic i think yeah the only way to get out is um smashing up leaves and uh basically when an iron gang spawns or a cat it will just get pushed in to that lava and then it will burn to death unfortunately and drop his goodies on top of that campfire because there's water pushing it there we just got that hopper i made earlier under it so now i noticed pretty much all of my villages are grown up right which is pretty cool so now i can actually move these guys into the actual little holding cell or pod or whatever you want to call it and uh this is where it comes a bit fun um so i had to put some funny music up for you guys [Music] [Music] i don't know why i chose some banjo music but i did but yes you could definitely see the villagers are all in there now which is pretty cool and um yeah i decided to just start breaking this down i don't know it's look in the boat there was a villager in it how did that guy get in there i have no idea all i could think of is the water he was in and it made him jump a bit high and he somehow got stuck in there this guy is a sneaky little guy man he uh he didn't really want to go in the little cell i tell you that you what she when i when i break this i seem to remember he like walks back a bit or something there we go i told you oh god yes the best way of moving these guys around is using water and literally just pushing them um if you are really clever you could make the cell proper size so that it flows in properly but yeah i'm i'm just dan you know me yes i put beds up the top by the way i didn't mention that um that is to make this into a village so they spawn around the beds so yes there's 20 villages in this little holding cell there's 20 beds above the um iron farm so that is pretty much it so all i need to do now is collect all these drops and then i need to encase the cell with um point of interest blocks so i decide i'm gonna use composters because i have loads of wood and this is the part i'm a bit like i don't really know if this is gonna work because i've only used fletching tables i seem to remember it um on silent whispery's tutorial i watched a very long time ago he used fletching tables i seem to remember but yes um [Music] something's not right i'm like looking at this and i'm like this is not right at all what have i done here so i started like looking at this because i seem to remember like it looked nice when i made the holding cell before it didn't look like a mess like that so i'm like trying to think how do i get 20 blocks around where each villager needs to touch them basically basically the villagers needs to actually interact with these blocks so i decided to just go ahead convert all my gravel into flint and that was a lengthy process by the way and make a load of fl fletching tables so i changed it all to fletching tables as you're gonna see and still nothing's happening no iron golems are spawning this is very very odd and it really really threw me off guys i'm not gonna lie here i was so confused like why is this not working i'm sure this is exactly what i did on my realm um maybe this is where dan maybe should have looked at a tutorial maybe or maybe he should have uh looked at his realm maybe to say the least so yeah i cut this down to 10 and then actually that actually sprung my mind like hang on a minute is it actually 10 villages i think it is and it's 20 beds that's what it is that's where i went wrong and then i also thought this has to be higher because uh how could it be as low as that the iron golem items would just burn i was just honestly i was sat here for hours trying to pinpoint and figure out what was going on guys also blamed it on bed placement um i wish i thought of this before if there's only 10 villagers in there now because i killed 10 i basically cut open one of the um fletching table tables got rid of it and then killed 10 villagers i counted to 10 and um how would all 10 of them link up to the bed then that's something i didn't think of when i was um doing this you know you sometimes you see the particles the green particles come with the bed i was like why is some of the beds not doing it is it too far away maybe at this point i was quite tired maybe i don't really know generally guys i spent hours on this like hours but i wanted to show you my fixes and my errors what i did wrong so yeah basically what i ended up doing in the end i loaded up a normal flat world put it myself in creative i just made an iron farm identical to this and i tried to figure out why it wasn't working it needs to be 10 villages it needs to have 20 beds and i figured out they need to actually physically see the fletching table so it can't be under their feet it can't be above them it has to be like i've done it now so i don't know if this is changed or not but i'm not too sure but anyway i decided to put some water in here and as you could saw just then the villagers because there's so many cramped together they will push around and stuff i just thought i wanted to get these guys up a level because maybe that's why it wasn't working because on my flat world tutorial test thing i made it the same height but look a golem spawn so something's right here so thank god for that so i decided to tower up and i actually killed this guy and this guy give me some poppies obviously and some juicy ironing goods oh my god yes so i need to remove this block i think at the bottom that's what i need to do so i need to punch a hole in one of these get the water out and put it up a level if that makes sense to push them up but i gotta be careful here because i could easily drown the um villagers so yeah i was very happy though i got some iron which is really really cool and look what just spawned in front of me another golem so it's definitely working so right i'm out of villages right i'm out of beds not in the right place but we got us fixed so i decided to put the beds around the killing chamber just to see maybe because i was still at this point i don't understand why it's not working but then all of a sudden a golem spawned inside the killing chamber so then later on i decided if that worked it's got to work above it then because it's technically the same thing right so i tried it and again these particles were not coming out so i was very confused and then it just sprung my mind like maybe i'm doing this if i do this one block lower maybe it's going to work so i decide to give it a go and uh i haven't really got a lot of blocks left as you can see i've been burning through wood i've been burning through i've burnt through all of my leaves and everything i've probably got any building blocks now at this stage it's really early hours in the morning by the way um me playing this uh i was getting a bit like not stressed a bit teasy i should say um but then all of a sudden i place this bed down particles that's what i want so then i decide to put all the beds around and break these and look what happened guys a golem spawned in the actual killing chamber yes which is amazing guys i have a working iron farm on a flat world from a bonus chest oh my god that was so painful guys i can't explain it anymore i was so happy though so happy and there we go we have got pretty much unlimited iron now it's very very slow but it works okay that's the main thing i again i am not a scientific villager wizard redstone genius farm mechanic man this is the second iron farm i've ever built in this game i'm happy it worked i didn't look at any tutorials it's just me messing around for things i know and uh yeah we got unlimited iron now so i decided to make myself some iron blocks and you know what these are for right have you guessed already yes drp is actually going ahead and make himself an anvil and he can finally [Music] mix all these things together and make some pretty decent gear for now obviously we got access to diamonds as such yeah but i could get them from trading but look at my levels i'm on level 17 i was and uh i decided to combine these bows and it pretty much uses up everything i've got left that would be a pretty decent bow but look when i mix the unbreaking two with this one and get on breaking free on it it um pretty much kills my levels guys yes i really thought i should get myself a really good bow because obviously gas is never an absolute nightmare but anyway guys i'm daniel's probs thank you very much for watching that is the end of day 200. thank you and if you want to see a part three let me know in the comment section [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: DanRobzProbz
Views: 883,822
Rating: 4.9394727 out of 5
Keywords: drp, danrobzprobz, danrobsprobz, minecraft, dan, robz, probz, editon, version, mine, craft, bedrock, xbox, windows 10, mcpe, pocket, mobile, ios, android, pe, danrobsprobs, survival, minecraftbedrockedition, hard, days, day, 100 days, flat, world, superflat, 100, i survived 100 days, mincraft flat world, challenge, mcbe, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft superflat, minecraft flat, bonus, chest, with, only, the, surviving, loot, day 100, fun, help, guide, tutorial, mc, flat world survival, core, hardcore, super, nothing, day 200, 200
Id: O4KfIxAAc1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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