Things Only ORIGINAL MINECRAFTERS Remember! #2

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META-INF, that word man...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/dyvik- 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wait...YOU HAVE REDDIT! Omg I didn’t know all this time I’ve been watching you and you have reddit!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hogleader 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
thanks for the success over the first episode we're going to be doing this again today we're going to taking a look and a bunch of different features in Minecraft that only original Minecrafters will remember some of these they write the way back to the early days of the game some of them are a slightly more recent but all of them are interesting in their own kind of quirky way and this first one is definitely very quirky in the current version of Minecraft chainmail armor isn't exactly that exciting I mean it looks it does look very cool indeed but nobody ever really uses here however in the early days of Minecraft chainmail armor was incredibly valuable because the only way that you who craft it is using a literal fire and you weren't able to do that in survival mode obviously because no one's just holding fire in their inventory so it was it's just very odd I don't I still don't quite understand how or why that crafting recipe came about but that's how it used to be this is a ladder I mean it looks pretty nice it appears to be working pretty well as you can see I can ascend this thing perfectly but about five years ago if you had built this in a Minecraft Pro soar it they would laugh at you for using twice as many ladders as you needed to you see due to the strange way that ladder hitboxes worked and the way that the players interacted with ladders it meant that you can actually place ladders like this with one block gap in between them and you'd still be able to go up it unfortunately doesn't seem to be the case anymore jumping off cliffs doesn't exactly sound very healthy I mean it sounds like a heavy impact it sounds like bones crunching knees breaking yeah I definitely wouldn't recommend it but in the earlier days of the game it sounded like this which to be friendly hottest I pass is a funny sound it kind of made taking damage in Minecraft funny more comical and PvP fights were definitely hilarious powered rails certainly aren't cheap I mean gold isn't exactly easy to come by and then of course you have to use the redstone and you have to use the sticks and then you have to make sure that you get them in the right order and then after all that you only get yourself 60 I mean that really isn't very much so when I first started playing the game there was a very easy way to get a large of rails and that was to use a duplication glitch and all we had to do was hook up a redstone clock to a sticky piston and push a powered rail back and forth and then suddenly they'd just start appearing out of nowhere it was one of the first pieces of redstone that I ever worked on I'm just gonna get this other way shields look very cool I like them a lot I love the way they look when you block in you kind of shift forwards as well and when you start getting banners involved and designs on them they're sweet they're an awesome addition to the game but I still remember the days well before you could block with the sword and then blocking with swords was added and then it was removed once again when shields were introduced and I kind of miss it especially because it was a really nice way to say hi to other players it's like a little wave zombie flesh let's face it is a little bit pants really isn't it I mean it's it's a terrible item in Minecraft it has really no use so I tend to I mean when I get chest and chest to the stuff do a bit of that and then do a bit of that and I'm disgusted by the fact that I just picked up an extra stacks you know what let's chuck that in there as well but it does make sense I mean zombie dies it drops it zombie flesh when I first started playing minecraft zombies used to drop feathers when they died does anyone know why they used to do that why when villagers were first introduced into the game they weren't called villagers they were called testificandum solutely nothing they didn't have any trades they didn't do any farming they didn't do anything they don't serve any purpose all they tended to do was get killed off by zombies they were completely useless but then when Trading came along they became very very useful indeed because all you needed to do is get yourself a white coat villager with a decent paper trade and then you could go forever there was no way to lock out the trades you know generally when you're trading with villager they will do this that didn't used to happen you used to just be able to go through endlessly so as long as you had yourself a decent shoot came from you get yourself thousands upon thousands of emeralds really really easily nowadays if I just walk up to a sheep and punch it pater send me a cease and desist letter and the sheep kind of runs around a little bit and then eventually comes to a stop nothing particularly exciting but when I first started playing the game that's how we got our wolf there were no shears to speak of so the way that you did it is you're just punished even there explode out with all their wool which Biggers the question what did the player's fists look like I mean how how could you punch something and then all the hair just fly off his body please someone explain if I were to ask you what the most valuable item in Minecraft was there's a high likelihood that some people would say diamond blocks some people maybe would say obsidian obviously beacons definitely come to mind I mean they're definitely worth a lot because I pay in the back side to get but three maybe four years ago your answer may be slightly different this law fella right here now the reason that this thing was so valuable and so rare is because they only appeared in jungle temples there was no way to craft them and in jungle temples there's only three of these blocks so if you wanted to make a building out of them well you had to find a lot of jungle temples and you know what the same thing sort of goes for mossy cobblestone when I first started playing if you had a build entirely made out of mossy cobblestone you look like you had some serious gear because the thing is is that you couldn't craft it the only way that you could get your hands on mossy cobblestone was by finding mob cages and that was it so people would build entire structures out of this horrendous block I mean I genuinely think this might be one of the ugliest blocks in Minecraft ice melting in the current version of Minecraft is very boring I mean it just it just melts and then it flows there's nothing exciting about that in the slightest I remember the days when ice used to melt but then the water didn't used to flow now that was a lot more interesting because of course that meant that you can place ice in specific locations where you just wanted a water source and nothing else the ice would have melt and then you just have floating water it was it was fantastic it was incredibly useful in fact this is probably one of the features that I miss the most in Minecraft now as I'm sure most of you know I don't really enjoy playing modded minecraft and I certainly don't make too many modded minecraft videos on my youtube channel but when I first started playing the game I did Bert's installing mods was very different back then there were no mod loaders or anything like that you actually had to go into the my craft Johnny had to drag and drop the files in there and if you didn't delete meta in then you'd end up with well very strange problems as the Sun began to set in Minecraft this is what my hotbar would be looking like my diamond sold and then a bunch of steak you see the food system wasn't what it is now when I first started playing minecraft food didn't replenish a food bar instead it would replenish your health bar so this was essentially a set of eight instant health potions that you could use when you were fighting all of the mobs one design style that I personally really liked and I know a lot of medieval style builders definitely appreciate is being able to stack fences on top of one another being able to create simple things like this that then used to be a thing you can have fences of course you know they were they were definitely in the game but being able to place a fence on top of ends mm-hmm yeah that's that's not gonna happen looking back that was a bit of a strange feature to be honest with you I don't even understand why that was in the game one thing that I definitely take for granted in the current version of Minecraft is the ability to shift-click things on two containers so we can just hold down shift click and then we can place a button on the side of a dispenser you can place redstone on their repeaters whatever once again this didn't used to be the case what you had to do is get ourselves some glass place some vines on the glass block but then they would go onto the redstone thing that we were trying to place items onto and then you would be able to place your button or your redstone on it so long winded now if I ask you guys what's the best tool to use on these wooden slabs right here I'm sure all of you would say a diamond axe or an enchanted diamond axe but if I ask someone that same question back in 2011 or 2012 the chances are they'd respond with diamond pickaxe because for some bizarre reason wooden slabs were considered the same as stone slabs when it came to the Minecraft game code and that meant that you had to use pickaxes of them it also meant that they didn't catch fire which was actually quite useful I remember when my storage systems used to don't like this this would be a state-of-the-art storage system if one of your friends came over and so he had a storage system looking like this they would be very impressed and that's because there was no way to place chests next to one another now of course after that we had trapped chests introduced into the game which allowed us to do a bit of this action but one thing that I massively take for granted in Minecraft one door 13 is the ability to just place chests wherever you want to I mean look at this if 16 year old me could see what I'm doing right now I'd be blown away you have no idea how nice this is the ability to swing a sword willy-nilly without breaking blocks in creative mode didn't used to be the case I remember I built a chicken farm and some of the chickens escaped I try my best to kill them and I pretty much destroyed the entire thing it was not fun in the slightest it seems obvious when you break a button you're probably not trying to press the button are you I mean it will be awful if the button were to activate as you're breaking it well that's that's the world that I was in when I first started building redstone contraptions when you place the button you needed to know that that's why you wanted to place a button because if you tried to break it it would still like to bring the redstone contraption that's just ridiculous gunpowder hasn't always been called gunpowder actually used to be called sulfur now it's funny I totally forgot about this but I was speaking to agree in the other day we were moving some gunpowder around and he referred to it as sulfur which took me right the way back it's when I first started playing minecraft the creative mode inventory is a very nice thing isn't it I mean we've got a bunch of tamps for different types of items we can search for a specific item if we want to we even have saved toolbars which is definitely one of the best features added to Minecraft lately hasn't always been the case it used to just be one tab all the items in it and you use shoes to have to scroll through to find what you need it now I have to say this is embarrassing for me to admit but when the new this new system was introduced I actually complained I don't know if I complain publicly definitely complain privately about it because the issue was was that I'd gotten so used to the original system that I knew exactly how far to scroll to find the items that I needed I was so quick and there was a lot of readjustment to do oh gosh I haven't seen this for a little while right yeah and let's get that on he says it is incompatible but let's just give it a whirl regardless the painterly pack now this was one of the first the first texture packs that I ever saw oh wow yeah no that takes me back that takes me back now I was never really a fan of this I was never really a fan especially not the invisible horses I mean look at those of course I'm joking but yeah I mean you used to watch use to watch Minecraft videos and this is what they used to look like everyone would rock the painterly pack and everyone would be using custom versions it was a customizable resource pack and this is where everyone's minecraft worlds used to look like and you know what it's not that bad I you know what I actually in my head it was a lot worse than this it's not horrendous it's just is so not my style anyway I think I think that's going to wrap things up for today let me know down in the comments section what original minecraft re things you guys remember and also let me know down the comments section what awful texture packs you used to do when you first started playing minecraft because I bet there were some atrocious ones but anyway I hope you enjoyed if you did leave also that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'll see you later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 8,160,754
Rating: 4.8983812 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: TCF4ae-EdTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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