The UNWRITTEN LAWS of Minecraft!

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hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome back to other minecraft video and this one I have got a bit of a message for you guys as you know minecraft is a game that doesn't really have a tutorial level and it doesn't exactly have an instruction manual you just look straight into the game and get started but that doesn't mean that there aren't a handful of rules and a handful of tips that can go with playing this game and I've been playing this game for a very long time indeed and I've picked up a large number of unwritten rules and laws for all minecraft players and I thought would be fun to share them with you guys so let's start things off for the fairly obvious one I'm sure you've all heard this said before but don't dig straight down I mean it can work and occasionally you can get to where you want to be really quite efficiently without running into any issues but it's more than likely that you're going to end up in some form of lava lake or in a ravine or basically dying in some way or another I've had she got fairly lucky on this one but it can go south pretty quickly alternatively if you want to clear mine you could build your stairs like this but don't just just one simple reason in that you smash your face on every single block as you travel down not only does this look really stupid but also it's a lot slower now minecraft forests are absolutely beautiful but sometimes obviously you need to get yourself tons of wood so you're gonna have to punch how the trees don't leave them like this there is nothing more painful to look at than the sight of a floating tree entire forests of them if you're going to do it's just you know pop up like this use the wood that you've literally just farmed and pillar up a couple blocks you can reach that final one much much better I think we can all agree that this is a rather complicated looking redstone contraption but what on earth is going on here I mean firstly we cannot tell what any of these circuits do in the slightest there's no way of telling what direction they head in or where they connect up to but most importantly can you imagine if Enderman came along and had a field day on this thing I mean even if one Enderman comes along and steals one dirt block for example this dirt block right here suddenly the entire system is broken don't don't build your redstone on dirt I'm gonna take things really nice and easy here one block wide bridge made our netherrack in the nether above a lava lake with gas surrounding me I mean that just sounds like a recipe for disaster doesn't it I'm not necessarily saying that you should never do this because in certain circumstances you have to but just be careful I mean that does not look safe does it another thing to be super wary of in the nether regions is gravel gravel can occasionally generate on the sides of things like this and if you caused it an update yeah it will drop and you will plummet into the fiery depths below I'm gonna make an example of this redstone contraption once again because there is clearly a piece of redstone missing there there should be there and my acting could be improved but it's definitely not a good idea to put water next to redstone in your inventory if you're working on redstone contraptions now some people when they see a lovely village like this one come in and just start killing off all of the villages and to that I say what on earth are you thinking I mean these guys for a start could be very useful in the future but also they often packed to the brim with really useful trades for example these guys with the white coats on they actually deal in enchanted books on thorns 2 for 14 emeralds and a book this guy's worth keeping gonna keep them up in this little box right here if you live in a wooden house don't hold a flint and steel I mean it's just oh my word that's a recipe for desert that spreads so fast if you're surrounded by TNT I also wouldn't suggest holding my flint and steel that would burn yeah [Music] that's pretty catastrophic in fact I would say that holding a flint and steel in general is probably a pretty bad idea unless of course you want to start forest fires in which case it is hilariously good fun if you have yourself a house or a wonderful base like this one right here make sure that it doesn't drop below light level 7 now this can be found on the light and then if you go across you can find the block light and right now we are on light level one so we're going to need to grab ourselves some torches and do some lighting up because anything below light level seven can in fact spawn mobs which is this generally a pretty bad thing to have on the inside of your house now generally speaking when your pillar ring up to do something you don't tend to use the prettiest blocks in the world so once you've finished pulling up and you've done whatever you needed to do don't just jump off the edge and leave the pillar freestanding because I just look at this thing it's horrible if you pillar up make sure you pin it back down again now to some of you out there this may seem like an absolutely brilliant idea you've done loads and loads of mining or perhaps you've got a shop on a server that is doing incredibly well and you have yourself a ton of diamonds so you've decided to build your entire house out of diamond blocks don't don't be that guy I mean look at it it's stupid this is your mates house I think we can all agree that it is a little bit on the small side but you know who can blame him property prices these days are getting a little bit bonkers he's used some nice resources and everything like that and he has plans to expand now in the future but the issue is is that you needed some stone and some dirt the other day so you created this don't take out massive areas of land without first checking out the surrounding area which actually brings me on to my next point quite nicely which is don't build to grow stir people there is nothing more frustrating than getting set up on a nice multiplayer server getting your starter house built up and then the next day you log in and there's someone who's built a massive house seemingly over the top of yours it's ridiculous just give people their personal space hey would you look at that I found myself a monster spawner look the zombies we can turn this into some form of XP grind it's gonna be fantastic except it's not because the person who was here last decided to break it don't be that person someone could find a use for that zombie pigman are perfectly fine by me I mean they don't bother you unless you punch them but one thing that I will warn you about is end the purling towards them if you manage to hit one of these guys they will become aggravated thankfully I'm in creative mode so I'm not going absolutely blasted right now but if you were in survival you'd be in many many pieces another thing that you should probably be wary of is swinging your pickaxe near them it only takes one miss swing and then suddenly this happens and they are brutal that was three punches I even stand a chance I didn't even have a sword on me right now everything that was completely normal but if I set the time to say 20,000 which is completely dark it is pitch pitch black I mean this village and she looks like something out of a horror film and if you're wondering what's changed it's my brightness setting if I set the brightness to bright which is what everyone's used to playing on suddenly you can actually see off into the distance don't use Moody now this one is probably common sense for a lot of you but I have seen it happen quite a few times in the past and that is you've got yourself an animal pen you need to sell some food you just start killing off all of the animals left right and center and eventually you're left with just a couple of them left now most people would leave just the two left so that you can breed them and get more animals in the pen but some people don't and they kill off everything I mean you have to start from scratch oh I travel around the bend if your favorite pickaxe has this much durability left take out out of your hotbar because the chances are you're going to completely forget about its lack of durability try your best to use it and then suddenly there goes your efficiency 5 on breaking 3 silk touch mending a 14-3 fire blasting aspect to whatever pickaxe I'm I've got a little bit over the top there let me know down the comments section don't fish in general it's it's terrible I mean why would you spend your time doing this I've never been so bored don't someone a with or without being I would say at least a billion maybe a couple million at the least blocks away from anything because these things they just are they completely ravaged everything in their path I mean what are you meant to do about that how am I meant to fight that guy he's literally traveled off and destroyed the pig unless you really are rolling in diamonds there is absolutely no point in wasting your diamonds on a diamond hoe it may look cool and you may be one of the most glamorous guys around but just it's not worth it and we're on the topic of things you shouldn't craft gold tools go tools are terrible they run out before you even started using them I mean seriously just don't bother with them don't build your houses like this okay the number of times I log into a minecraft server and I just see blocks blocks of andesite blocks of stone brick blocks of oak wood blocks of cobblestone blocks of dirt I mean that is sort of understandable because that's clearly a starter house but if you using blocks like this then you probably could have done something prettier with just take a look on youtube check out on Google just do anything but build a giant queue and for the last unspoken ruler of today's Minecraft video now this one is arguably the most important and that is don't download my redstone builds and then put them in your Minecraft world safe folder and then record a YouTube video pretending that you have built my redstone builds without changing any of the blocks I mean I have seen videos where they have used exact the same colors of wool which seems a little bit of a coincidence doesn't it I know where you live I hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 6,256,111
Rating: 4.62289 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: Pinuymrh5b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2017
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