RimWorld Clone Army Season 1

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you know as a small child who absolutely adored Star Wars and especially Star Wars the Clone Wars I often found myself wondering what would it be like to be a clone like Captain Rex or somebody like that or even better what would it be like to be the commander of a clone army well today my friends we are going to live out my childhood fantasies and figure out exactly what that would be like so fasten your seat belts and hold on to your teeth boys and girls because daddy rat's going to take you for a ride and I want to mention real quick that this video is going to be a bit different than our other videos where I will create an army and just basically see how strong they are no no no in this video we are actually going to be surviving with this Army before we begin though I want to go over some stuff with you so we have 56 clones in total every single clone including the commander have a set number of 10 for every single skill and they all share the same traits the only augmentation they have is a joy wire because if I had to do this without them having Joy wires I very well might need a joy wire myself afterwards now not every single clone is the same the majority are a standard unit but we do have a set of heavy units as well as a small group of snipers along with the commander being of course the only Commander as you can see these standard clone units have a very standard rifle armor as well as a virro sword in comparison the heavy clone units have a much more powerful rifle and much more durable armor last but not least are our sniper units that have slightly better arm than the standard clone troopers but have a much more powerful rifle that is much further in range now with all the boring yappity yappity [ __ ] out of the way let's get started so we can start killing some people you know when I think of Clone Troopers I don't exactly think of them building little wooden compounds out in the forest or little small wooden cabins but unfortunately trees are the most abundant resource out here we're going to begin by putting down some compact dirt pathing as well that way I don't have a stroke trying to find all of our people and our items we also didn't spawn in with any food at all so we're going to begin harvesting berries but also we're going to be killing some alpaca and stuff because there's plenty of wildlife we also need to focus on getting some power up and going around here I'm not going to build any turrets or anything like that but it would be nice to see and light bulbs are only willing to help you out with your problems if you feed them a little bit of electricity but unfortunately before we had the chance to build a generator everyone got a little bit sweepy yeah and they all went to bed hey I I got to say though honestly the show me your hands mod actually makes it look so cute when they're sleeping I think it's supposed to look like they're holding cover but just out here it just looks like they're holding their little hands up like a little panda bear but that's enough talk about panda bears we have a colony to build I hate pandas don't you ever bring up pandas to me again anyhow though moving on we ended up building a fairly large freezer to keep all of our Wild game in oh he failed to construct it h M that's okay there's always Second Chances in life little buddy by this point the compound was coming along very nicely and it gave me a moment to just sit and think of the best way to handle things so I thought I'm going to give us at least 3 days to prepare and on the third day I am going to launch our first large raid assuming that starvation doesn't begin to take us out by them because we have a lot of mouths to feed as of right now we still have plenty of wild game but that would not always be the case and even though we have a large stockpile of meat and whatnot right now we have so many people to feed we dwindle that Supply very quickly and I got to say I absolutely love doing little videos in colonies like this where we just have a shmorgishborg of ponds an army of clones is amazing to have for building and whatnot because with an army like this no matter how large a task is it doesn't take them very long to get it completed now listen having 56 pawns is an army and I don't want to hear any if ANS or butts about it oh yeah rat I you call this an Army my computer could easily run 10,000 pawns okay all right look I'm going to level with you here I know that this isn't really an army okay I'm poor and I'm not as cool as you I don't have a really nice computer but I would like one and that's why you should support me on my new patreon the link for it is in the Channel Bio Now by this point we have slaughtered countless of Nature's Beautiful Creatures to fill up our little tum tums and we have plenty of leather left behind so I had the bright idea that we would use all that leather to build some sandbags for a very protection when we have our big raid speak of the devil it is now day three and our clones have done the best they could to prepare themselves for what was in store I decided to go with the highest point raid we could from the Federation which is a faction from the rimsenal pack now if I said that I was expecting to lose this first raid I would be lying because we have an absolute [ __ ] ton of units so I knew we were going to win I was just more or less curious to see how many units would die during battle and to my surprise we done extremely well we didn't lose a single Pawn during this raid now some of them did end up getting injured but I if I'm not mistaken I actually think that was from Friendly Fire which was absolutely great so great in fact that I thought instead of doing it every 3 days we' try and do it every single day because we are apparently a mighty force to be reckoned with now you're probably thinking to yourself well really the only concern then is starvation right wrong because apparently those massive Federation robot things have synthetic meat within them meaning not only do we kick the [ __ ] out of them during raids but we're not going to starve to death because we can eat them we also began working on our storage facilities because with an ass-kicking machine like this Clone Army we are bound to have endless supplies of resources and items the very next day I decided to kick things up a notch with two of the same size raids from the Federation I thought maybe the first time was a fluke we'll see how we do against two of them unfortunately for the massive juicy meaty robots though this would end the same as the previous day we had a huge pile of these meaty robots flopping on the ground like fish struggling to cling to life but all we saw was another purple steak you know what though what good is having all this beautiful tasty and amazing purple steak if we can't all sit down like a family of the exact same person who just happens to be multiplied and enjoy it together with conversation and love ah now that's more like it a good oldfashioned home homecooked dinner with the family now not only did those large robotic creatures give us plenty of food to eat they also gave us a white metallic material called fum which is extremely durable so we decided we would begin building our city walls with it now it doesn't matter too much of course because these walls are not meant to protect us they're just to deter the enemy and make them go around the front but speaking of the enemy this time around I decided to try the Empire the vanilla Empire and I done three of the largest raids possible to see how we would do but oh boy Commander Napoleon was more than ready however my computer's CPU was not ready so the following footage of the battle is sped up to immense levels to try and compensate for that after easily dispatching of the three largest Imperial raids that we could concoct I wasn't really sure where to go from here so I kind of settled on some massive mechanoid raids to just drop right in on top of these soldiers to see how they would fare it has become quite a trend through about these videos that at some point when I have an army I have to fight a massive Army of mechanoids it's almost like I have a grudge against them because I do the mechanoids put up a very good fight though but in the end they couldn't even hold a candle to good old clone clone is his name CL look at that he has a name his name is kid well that's stupid in the meantime though we began putting out the immense fires caused by the massive raids from the Empire and the mechanoids I assume I'm not sure we killed so many many creatures and mechanoids and people and it was all a good bit of fun but it has made my memory foggy and it has made me a tad bit weary so I must go soak my feet or take a nap or something that people say is relaxing you know I recently created a video where I commanded a clone army and we built this neat little base that you're looking at right now at the end of that video I asked you guys if you think you would like a part two to this and you guys said yes so here we go naturally We Begin where we left off in the last video with fields of mechanoid and human corpses so naturally of course we're going to have to deal with that the oldfashioned W by turning them into crispy little bacon bits that we can throw on top of our salads it's just a shame that we don't have any ranch dressing for them ah oh well we'll just make do with some of this synthetic meat maybe we can turn it into ketchup or something as for the mechanoid carcasses we'll let them rust outside in the rain until we're ready to shred them during this video we're going to be conquering other factions in our area and unless you're a great big dummy you probably already know that Wars are expensive so we're going to need plenty of Steel hence the mechanoid carcasses now we're going to need somewhere to keep all these resources so we began digging out a large Warehouse in one of the small hills next to the base you know in these videos we're always talking about killing things but what about the important stuff like playing horseshoes with your buddies oh never mind they're leaving guess I'll just play by myself again all right enough of that let's get back to business we began building some Machining tables because I had the bright idea to add The Unofficial ve Shields add-on mod and I was going to try to make some of these plasma for shield things but apparently I don't know how to read Because those Shields can only be created at a fabrication bench not a machining table so we ended up going with some riot shields instead however before we had all of our Shields completed I decided to take everyone out on a raid everyone stuffed as much synthetic meat and rice as they could into their little clone armor pockets and then we all began to head out to go and kill everyone it took a little while to get there on foot but eventually we did arrive and we found a bunch of hairy furry manb baby creature things wielding rifles they were all ripe for the killing and so we began our March against them all of our soldiers had the biggest Smiles on their faces you'll just have to trust me on that one unfortunately the battle itself was not very eventful we easily decimated their entire base and all of their forces so instead of returning home I said ah what the hell we're already out here we might as well kill everyone else we went to two separate bases and the attack on both of those factions went about as well as you thought it would we rarely ever actually took anything from the enemy factions like steel or any other resources unless we just thought we might need it the only thing we were really after was some competition and there obviously wasn't any here later on we ended up returning home where we would then build a high-tech research bench this way we could truly speed up our quest for knowledge we also finally began producing some of those riot shields that I had mentioned earlier they were far from perfect of course but they were the best we could do right now until we get a fabrication bench so we doubled down production on them and then we tripled down on production and also began shredding up those mechanoids for steel we also continued our work on defending the base now I wasn't too worried about anyone destroying the base we could always rebuild it but these walls would hopefully have them all funnel in in one place making it easier for us to kill them uh ratte that sounds an awful lot like a killbox oh yeah it sure does don't but it's not hey uh why don't you do me a favor at one point as we were all trying to enjoy some family time together with our clones we ended up having a raid from the Federation but unfortunately for them their plump meaty Little Robot bodies couldn't stand up to our blasters which is a shame cuz I was really wanting to test out these shields oh well there's always tomorrow believe it or not they all got a bit tired of playing horseshoes with each other so we decided to spice things up a little bit and build some chess tables for them but you're not here for chess are you you're here to to see me kill everyone well lucky for you our Shields are finished and it's time for us to go and raid some other people but first a little midnight snack can't murder people on an empty stomach now can we ah off we go to commit more atrocities I'm so proud of our little clone babies they grow up so fast we arrived at the enemy base that was apparently populated by pig people but these little piggies didn't build their houses out of stone so we immediately drenched them in Blaster juice stuff they died on to the next one off we go to find more bases to ravage unfortunately though even this Imperial base that we raided POS no challenge to us would there be no one to give us the challenge the fight that we so desperately desire we went Base to Base faction to faction looking for a real Challenger yet every single time we would easily dispatch of our enemies even the Federation at one of their bases POS zero threat to us at this point I was more concerned that our solders ERS might die to the common cold even so though our quest for knowledge had recently yielded some interesting results we had learned how to take our battles to the skies with ship building Technologies but even better than that we had learned about something incredible nuclear bombs now these bombs were very expensive but they could do as much damage as all of our soldiers in one go of course though we would need to test them to ensure that they were right for the job naturally there was no one more fit for this Mission than Commander Napoleon himself just after arriving on the outskirts of the enemy territory Commander Napoleon began setting up his artillery Cannon he then began loading up the nuclear warhead and priming the cannon to be fired and just like that we unleashed absolute chaos Upon This Town dear God what have we done what have I created I'm just kidding I knew that was going to happen I tricked you didn't I oh you thought I felt some kind of pity or empathy never after realizing just how crispy these nuclear bombs could make all of our enemies we began to head back home but this really got me thinking so far we haven't met a force that could actually challenge us so I intended on creating one I created an absolutely massive mechanoid raid now when I created this raid I wholeheartedly intended for this to be the end I intended for these mechanoids to just absolutely slaughterous however the results of this battle may very well shock you as they did me we would of course begin by using our nuclear Arsenal against them however I didn't have enough resources so I was only able to make small nuclear bombs though these nuclear bombs were very useful unfortunately we weren't exactly accurate so unfortunately we were only able to kill off the few that were trailing behind the main group but that was quite all right because what the nuclear bombs could not do our brothers in arms could shield and blaster in hand we were more than ready for this fight as the mechanoids made their way around our walls we began ripping into their unit and this is the part of the battle that really surprised me though they got a few good shots in at our soldiers with them all bunched up we absolutely decimated the mechanoids to try and even the odds I dropped in two large raids of mechanoids on top of our troops and this reminds me of a very valid question by our good friend Gavin H I believe I pronounced your name right who actually asks why do you always Bunch up your troops a very good question a very valid question my answer to Gavin's question is to give the enemy some hope of [Music] winning even with the odds completely stacked against us raid after raid we continued winning after completely decimating an entire Armada of mechanoids as well as the Federation and their meaty robots I wasn't sure that anything could kill us every single faction on this planet now cowers at our feet defeated by our all Almighty Army of clones truly we have created the mightiest Army huh what's this A Siege oh they have no idea oh to think these pitiful waster Pirates think they stand any chance against us wait a minute what's oh [ __ ] yes unfortunately it would appear these Pirates came prepared they have brought their own nuclear bombs we were too busy fighting off the last of the Federation and the mechanoids to even realize what was [Music] happening we unfortunately didn't get to really see any effects from the bombs we mostly just got the really cool noises that they made but we didn't get a lot of flames and stuff like that however regardless of what they looked like they did finally managed to stop our Clone Army I mean in the end I suppose it is Justified we killed hundreds of thousands of people besides none of us ever really make it out in the end do we ah it is so sad to see our Creations destroyed all lying dead what was it all for what do we do all this for if they're all just going to die in the end it just doesn't seem fair you know we work so hard on our Clone Army we done all the research we done all the construction we done all of the murders and the killings it's just it's just not fair I think we've waited around long enough though we've waited day after day month after month as the season change I just sit here hoping that they'll get back up but they never do I just wish that there was someone who could do something about [Music] this [Music] dear God Napoleon he lives once more good to see you again Commander you're looking a little green around the gills pardon my French and also your armor is a bit damaged maybe we could get you something oh there we go that's much better the commander is back in Action baby and might I just say that he looks absolutely stunning fabulous new armor a new weapon the same old rotting body but you know you can't have everything and we even have our old army back there's only one reason that anyone would bring this Clone Army back from the dead to destroy pillage and Conquer and that's exactly what we intend to do however our home has been destroyed in the previous battle we're going to need a new one it also appears that while we've been gone there's some new factions on this planet one of the more interesting factions apparently controls a void Tech laboratory I don't know what that is but I think it'd make the perfect place for a base of operations so we sent our troops out on foot and after a few days they finally arrived at this laboratory the laboratory was absolutely massive and that was perfect it was exactly what we needed oh what's this I'm sure that's nothing to be concerned about there didn't appear to be many people so we weren't too concerned on taking the base the only real challenge we thought were their defenses little did we know what Horrors wait within we marched on towards the base though and immediately began raining down Hellfire upon their defenses destroying most of them some of their m began trying to attack us and though they were extremely quick we did manage to defeat them as well now let's crack this laboratory open and see what's inside oh my God what the all right all right let's calm down we're going to cleanse this laboratory of the disgusting growth filth whatever these creatures are if we want this base we're going to have to earn [Music] it by this point we had cleared out the majority of these infected the void scientist I suppose you could call them and any defenses they had within we began going room to room to ensure that everything was clear and to see what our new base held and then just like that we had a brand new home now don't get me wrong it was actually very difficult clearing out void and all of the infected but we did managed to do it and we managed to do it without one casualty and now that we finally conquered this base we can have some delicious meals oh yeah that's good you know void may be evil but boy oh boy do they have some comfortable beds I mean sure we're probably laying in some bed where someone's organs were harvested or maybe they had some kind of experiments done on them but Beggars can't be choosers and we were grateful for our new home but the place would need plenty of repairs from the battle so of course we began working around the clock to try and repair all the damage that was done it's also worth mentioning that when we inherited this base we also inherited all the resources within so we would immediately begin building some artillery cannons and then immediately begin working on some nuclear bombs to try and defend ourselves from void when they come back and believe you me they will come back for this base just as well we're going to be cracking down on research projects to ensure that we stay ahead of the game when it comes to technology uh but we just could not get over how nice this place was it had it all nice beds we had nice artwork dragon statues I mean we even have red wine what more could we want well I'm glad you asked because something that we may want is to build some defenses because without defenses void is going to come back and absolutely stop us so that's exactly what we began working on we also began deconstructing some of their things like their drop pods so that we could replace them with our very nice ships not only were they more efficient but good God just look at them that's beautiful things were honestly going very well for us we had a highly defendable large base and it was perfect we had all the resources we could want except a few and most importantly we had our clone Brothers but speaking of our high-powered clone Brothers there were also some high-powered soldiers nearby a trade Caravan from none other than the UNC had arrived they were looking to trade goods and whatnot but we were more interested in their Spartan soldiers not only did these Spartans have some wonderful powerful armor but they also had Bionic B body parts and a joy wire already installed they were practically made to join our army however they didn't exactly feel the same way because when we tried to arrest them to recruit them everybody fought back so unfortunately we had to slaughter them but hey on the bright side we now have two Spartan friends well we will after we brainwash them and if you're wondering whether or not I added the UNC faction solely so that I could have Spartans in our army yes yes I did but I mean I practically had to Spartans are so badass and look it looks just like the meme look you can thank me for adding Spartans in the comment section down below but for right now we need to work on some anti-air defenses anti-air defenses are going to be quite useful for when we're getting raided by people like the UNC the Federation Etc however when it comes to void that's not exactly going to work because they normally have a void flare that's going to shut down all of our Electronics regardless though we ended up researching these smaller ones and we ended up building quite a few of them around our very large base to try and Encompass the entire area later on we would build a medium-sized one in the center as well after that was completed we decided to go on a bit of a bombing run because the best defense of course is a good offense we decided that we would drop two large nuclear bombs on a nearby void laboratory now this is not only to try and kill the inhabitants of said laboratory this is also to test the strength so that we know how strong our own base is but then again if we also wipe out another large void laby from the face of the planet that's not a problem the two pilots took off and went on their bombing run unfortunately though the bombs basically did zero damage to the base I'm not sure if there's just so many walls or the fact that the walls are made out of plast steel but it did basically nothing the two pilots then jumped back into their Jets and took off very quickly before being caught by void later on after returning home we ended up having a massive raid from the UNC however you may notice in this raid there isn't exactly standard UNC soldiers along with their Spartans ODSTs and Marines there were several soldiers Dawning T45 power armor and wielding Min guns there were also several of their soldiers wearing gray Knights power armor and carrying massive incinerators just as well as their interesting inclusion of different armors and soldiers from other factions they also had some Alpha mechs along with with him as well who were quite powerful and we asked ourselves what were we going to do well naturally we began bombing the absolute [ __ ] out of them and that seemed to do the trick for the most part we couldn't just leave their remaining forces out there to suffer though that would be inhumane so instead of course we went out and blasted them with our very painful burning lasers and you know I think think that they were pretty grateful that we did ah you're welcome little buddy anyhow though all of those nuclear bombs were beginning to give our soldiers a little bit of radiation poisoning but that was okay because we all started feeling a little bit better when we realized that the two Spartans had finally joined us we unfortunately didn't have any of our wonderful Blasters for them but we gave them some of the weapons that their friends have when they die now look I know the Spartans aren't going to be able to single-handedly take down void or anything but they're nice addition to the team and I'm a huge Halo fan so it kind of tickled my fancy that they joined us but speak of the devil we now have a raid from void they immediately began dropping in right on top of us and they also knocked out our electricity meaning that our anti-air guns done nothing all at once they burst forth from their pods and we immediately began firing upon them but after a few moments of fighting we had actually managed to defeat them and I have to be honest I expected much more from the big bad void faction huh what's this oh [ __ ] some things never change war is one of those things War requires courage and discipline most importantly it requires sacrifice make no mistake my friends we are now at War and sacrifices are going to be required for our survival our last remaining nuclear bomb seemed to destroy the majority of the infected forces but also killed our Spartan dawn after his heroic sacrifice Napoleon then led the Army to take out the remaining infected forces there were still quite a few of them left but luckily for us the largest the fastest and the strongest seemed to have been killed by the nuclear bomb which was mighty convenient because I didn't feel like having to fist some of those massive black Titans or the hell dog creature things so we began moving all throughout our base killing the remaining Rumblers I believe they're called that had made it inside after that was all said and done believe it or not we had plenty of fires that had spun up from the nuclear blast just as well from other electronics that had been destroyed so we had to start beating off the fire beating out the fires luckily our other sparton Taylor was not dead though she was very badly injured we scooped her up and put her in a bed that way we could finally begin patching her up to ensure that she doesn't die as one might imagine the massive infected raid and the giant nuclear bomb that went off in the front of our base caused a teeny tiny bit of damage so our army of coldblooded killing clones had to turn into a little bit of a army of Architects not only that but many of them also had to become a bit of an army of custodians because we had a massive mess to clean up with all these rotting infected corpses lucky for us though you couldn't smell the stench through our helmets ah new car smell thankfully after some time as well the flare that was caused by the void raid ended but it would still take a while before the toxic Fallout would go away that wasn't too big of an issue for us because we had a beautiful base still on the inside and besides the worst part of it was just a little bit of shitty green Air we started mining out some resources from some nearby Hills because we were running a little bit low on normal steel we have been and still are using a lot of Steel for our defenses now I know what you're saying why not use plast steel you have so much of it well that plast steel is a secret tool that we're going to use later I don't want to ruin any surprises you may notice though the new barriers that we're building are quite a bit better than the barricades they actually have a cover effectiveness of 65% and our barricades are going to keep us safe safe enough that we can sit around and watch television you know speaking of Television I always wondered what was on these TVs here in Rim world that's so strange what what are you guys watching thank you to Surf shark VPN for sponsoring today's video oh wow now these seem like some quality products and services look I'm going to be real with you I use surf shark VPN to protect my data being out here in the rim of the universe there are several Galactic factions who are always trying to steal my grand ideas I mean God forbid they winded up in the hands of void look their amazing VPN keeps me secure while I'm on some sketchy outer planet Wi-Fi it's kind of like a secure Stargate between devices and the internet truly amazing it also allows you to change your location so while you're browsing say Netflix you can access different shows and movies not available in your home country which I must admit is pretty dang amazing enter promo code rat Knight for an extra 3 months free the link is in the description down below once again thank you to Surf shark for sponsoring today's video now back to the chaos you know by this point I realized that void had left a lot of implants and chemicals behind in this laboratory and I started thinking what would it be like if we used those on one of our soldiers better yet what if we use these on Commander Napoleon and instead of just giving him a few we just kind of mixed them all up and just kind of shoved them right on him now I'm not normally one to start using all these chemicals and whatnot especially made by void but desperate times call for desperate measures so we began installing some of the more interesting looking implants as well as giving him these serums and now I know what you're thinking rat Knight that could be dangerous what if he dies well now that is a valid question and a very good question is as well so we're going to shove him in this thing called a rebirth tank that way in case he does die he'll be rebirthed I mean I assume that's what the rebirth chamber is for maybe that's how void Never Dies or when they do die they come back to life besides what's the worst that could [Music] happen oh [ __ ] it's Napoleon he's well he's looking a little bit different all right look I I get it he's ugly now okay I mean just look oh God but look he's still the same good old Commander that we know and love as a matter of fact thanks to all the serums implants and the rebirth chamber giving him this new infected body he's actually much stronger faster and just better but Jesus Christ we need to find a bag or something to put over his head quick you know instead of a paper bag though I think we should give him a proper set of armor that really goes with his new appearance and that is why I have installed the mod for the purge trooper armor which is very dark and red and looks really badass I truly think it's the perfect set of attire for such a beautiful strapping young lad and now with his new massive manipulation stat it didn't take very long for him to make the entire set of armor we also ended up giving him another Blaster and I made it so that he could dual wield both of them because I thought it was cool it also makes sense that he could dual wield them now since he's a big chunker with his new found body and armor we are ready to take on void but there was one small little thing a big chungus like this needs a big chungus ship to ride around in as well so we built a massive ship known as an albatross with a much higher crew capacity we decided to launch our Fleet of ships in search of uranium and now we know one faction that's always got uranium and that is void we arrived nearby just on the outskirts of a void Fortress now this is not a laboratory and the reason that that is key is I had no idea apparently the fortresses don't have uranium and I wouldn't find out that little tiny bit of information after we slaughtered every single person within but that was okay because because we would have a hell of a time killing every single void scientist and Soldier but make no mistake that this battle would be extremely difficult as we approached the front of the building they all came crashing out at us of course we immediately began returning fire at them but we had less soldiers this time around and unfortunately void would end up getting the better of a few of our men unfortunately after it was all said and done with this battle we had lost three of our brothers two normal kid clones and one kid heavy I wish I could say that their sacrifice was worth it but it really wasn't we didn't even find a drop of uranium we went around to different sides of the base and began blasting holes through their walls to see what was within and then we immediately just went through the front entrance because that was much easier now by this point we've already killed all of the Void soldiers and whatnot so we just went around cleansing the base from any infected and like I mentioned when it was all said and done We Were neg3 Soldiers our brothers and still no damn uranium so I don't know how we're going to build any bombs but then an idea came to me we have so much silver why are we bothering attacking for Uranium when we could just buy it from Outlander factions so that's exactly what we began doing they didn't have much per base so we had to go to several different bases all around this section of the planet luckily the albatross had plenty of room for Uranium as well as plenty of fuel and by the time that we got home we had a little bit more uranium than we had before and we still had a lot of silver left over as well now we can finally get back to building some nuclear weapons sometime later though we had a raid from our old friends the Federation oh still as weak as ever I see hey wait a minute what's what's that holy [ __ ] the Federation are making their very own clones model after Napoleon and his soldiers I suppose all the times that we kicked their ass they must have somehow swiped a little bit of DNA off of us to make these soldiers after Napoleon little strange that they're all female but hey maybe the genetics got messed up or something regardless though this was a fight that we were eager for finally someone other than void who can actually provide a challenge in battle or so I initially thought immediately after firing at them they all began dropping like flies I suppose they must have got the DNA confused with some pansy ass soldier who die so easily oh you poor poor stupid little creatures you're not even as good as a copy of the copy's copy it was best we put them all out of their misery at this point we loaded up a fusion bomb to go and bomb a void laboratory however it must be said that I did cheat just a tiny bit so to create a fusion Warhead you actually need an anti-rain Warhead and unfortunately you can't craft those or purchase those so I changed it a little bit that way instead of one anti-rain Warhead we can actually use 1,000 plas steel and look I know it's technically cheating but I could have just as easily added a mod that made anti-rain Warheads craftable or purchasable hm maybe that was was a better idea oh well anyhow though we loaded up the bomb and made our way to the void laboratory where we would then drop it as it stands currently Fusion bombs are the strongest bombs that we have but we are also dropping a few large nuclear warheads just as well for a little added damage the bombs went off and created such Devastation I believe they may have also hit some explosives that void had within their buildings as well we absolutely wrecked this base I mean it is a complete [ __ ] show now but even so after all that we still had many void soldiers who were still alive thankfully though we were able to dispatch of them fairly easily with their base left in Ruins with their soldiers and their scientists all dead there was but one thing left for us to do and that was go home and though this was a monumentous victory for us this was just the start that was one fusion bomb and a lot of large nuclear warheads on one void base we still had a lot of work left to do [Music] hello and welcome everyone back to our Clone Army first things first today we're going to be researching some ships from the Star Wars Universe per everyone's request we're really just shooting for the laat ships because these were kind of like the troop transport ships from the Clone Wars and that's basically exactly what we need to be able to drop our entire Army off at the doorstep of void before slaughtering them so of course we wasted no time and immediately began working on researching this technology in the meantime however we're going to use our current ships on a raid against the UNC not really for any particular reason other than to establish dominance and maybe take a few resources whatever they have they do have quite a few outposts nearby to us so destroying these outposts will actually prevent them from frequently raiding us it didn't take us very long to arrive in our ships just on the outskirts of their base and as we flew over we could see their troops all gathered in Mass whatever type of union or absorption that the UNC had with the Brotherhood of Steel and the space marinees and whatnot was extremely apparent you could see the Stark Clash of color and the differences in their armors and just basically how they looked it was so beautiful seeing that they were all living in harmony real shame we have to kill them oh well maybe we'll take some of them as prisoners and recruit them probably not though we moved in on the base as Swift as eagle talons and just as sharp or something and anyway we began shooting all of them destroying their turrets and you know how it goes they put up a fairly Fierce fight but after we had killed so many of them they decided to cut their losses tuck tail and try to run it was at this time we began exploring the wreckage from the base looking for resources we found a good bit of advanced components and plas steel as well as Weaponry the plas steel was nice the advanced components were we really needed uranium but that was okay after collecting all of these resources and loading them up into our Albatross as well as the other ships we headed back home and of course after returning we used some of the resources that we had collected to begin working on more Fusion and nuclear warheads to fight void because naturally throughout this series that is basically our main goal now by this point the base was coming along quite nicely we were living in harmony void hadn't attacked us in quite a while none of the infected had showed up at ourdoor step needing eradicated until it ended up happening a fair-sized group of void drop pods had popped in just outside of our base walls except for one or two little stragglers who made it inside those who made it inside were immed immediately met with hails of blaster fire that killed them and for whatever reason those who were outside decided to steal what they could and run away I know I thought that that was a bit anticlimactic myself but fear not my friends that this was simply the Calm before the storm we immediately had two follow-up raids that crashed right into the main section of our base thankfully given what had just happened with the previous raid the Clones were all on heighten alert so as the void Associates and whatnot burst forth from their transport pods we immediately began firing at them killing them quite quickly ha that was incredibly easy I said to myself in my head however I forgot the little detail that some of them tend to come back to life so as we were taking their bodies out to the body pile they sprung back to life and began attacking our clones this wasn't too big of a deal except for the fact that we have a lot of friendly fire happening and unfortunately we ended up killing one of our very own clones oh poor kid not kid because he was a child but kid because that was his nebor you already know this poor poor bastard this kind of made me think that the three clones that died in last episode didn't get a proper burial either so I thought maybe we should make a memorial statue and we should bury this clone in the center of our base and you already know that Napoleon is cooking up some Wicked plans to go on a bombing run at a void base to make them pay for this sure we accidentally killed him but it was because they attacked us we brought the albatross to a nearby void laboratory But Not only would we use the albatross we would also call in backup from back home this would allow us to hit the laboratory from two separate angles with fusion and nuclear warheads and so that's exactly what we [Music] did that bombing run looked really badass I know and it was really cool and actually very effective at taking down the void base however we were starting to run very very low on resources as these bombs were very costly so we began deconstructing the massive ship at our base for resources just as well I thought the massive landing pad that it was sitting in would be perfect for a massive landing pad for our new upand cominging ships that we're still researching and now speaking of these new upand cominging ships we're going to need some new resources to actually be able to build them so we decided to go out and do a bit of trading with some of the Outlander groups we would end up purchasing some Kim fuel from them as well as some cloth because the laat ships require quite a bit of cloth now the Kim fuel is just because I was too lazy to raid anyone for Kim fuel for our ships or create any after returning home we ended up having 971 cloth and 828 Kim fuel now that seems like a lot but it's really not so we're going to actually create a massive growing zone where we're going to grow plenty of cotton that way we can have a lot of cloth for these ships I'm not going to lie to you though I'm not very patient so in future episodes we may end up just doing more trading and raiding for plenty of cloth but we'll see how it goes even with a massive field like this I don't know if we're going to have enough cloth right off the bat after a harvest though because just one of these ships requires 1,650 cloth which is a [ __ ] ton of cloth I'm thinking our best solution to that is probably going to be orbital trade ships maybe like a bulk Goods one until then though I have also added the mod for Emi shielding basically what this is It's a solar flare shield and my hope is that this will work against void solar flares will it I have no idea we'll have to test it so we immediately began working on researching that as well while we were researching the solar flare Shield I also began working on some defenses around the base we actually began working on some automated turrets now you're probably asking yourself rat night why would you need automated turrets when you have a literal Clone Army well you see when we go out on these raids we normally leave one or two clones behind to continue researching and things like that meaning that they're very vulnerable to a strike thus why we need to build some turrets and whatnot to kind of help protect them and after some time we've finally finished the Emi shielding and we decided to go ahead and start working on one to see if it will work against void is it uh is it is it uh working I don't know it kind of looks like it's working I guess I'll keep you posted on that when we get another raid from void now we have to address the concern of our dwindling resources given our bomb production as well as our upcoming projects with ships and whatnot our plas still reserves are extremely low compared to what they were and this time around we're not going to be doing any trading to find some that's right we are actually going to begin raiding voids specifically for resources and also because we hate them it of course didn't take us very long to arrive just on the outskirts once again of their very large and beautiful laboratory blah blah blah where's the plast steel damn it you know I actually did notice something very strange happening now sometimes I'll defog these bases just simply because if I don't my computer almost shits out a lung because it can't handle what's happening but this time around as the bombers kept arriving it kept defogging and almost despawning some of the walls and whatnot so this base looks a little odd but that makes it one hell of a lot easier for us to start dropping bombs on them because the less plasti walls they have the less protection they have we dropped one fusion bomb and a few large nuclear warheads right in the center of the base and this managed to kill quite a few of the Void Associates the few stragglers that did remain of course came at us and tried to attack us and they were obviously obliterated by our clones so after murdering all the void Associates and completely destroying the base you can see it looked there's a little card that says it we of course began to move in Destroy whatever turrets they had left and start sifting through the rubble to find some of that sweet sweet plas steel and of course we had to eradicate the last remaining Abominations that void had created this stomach monster lady thing this planet is only big enough for one disgusting ugly abomination and his name is Napoleon baby luckily they did have plenty of plas steel here it wasn't as much as I had anticipated I don't know if that was caused by the loading bug or if we destroyed it with all our bombs but we still had some we gathered up all our troops though and began to make our way back home with all of our new found resources not only did we have plenty of plas steel and whatnot once again finally but we had some red wine once again our clones are a little bit of an alcoholic but you know what they done a damn good job out there so I'm going going to let them indulge in their addiction a little nothing like cracking open a cold brusi with the boys who also happen to be clones of you but they have my respect that was a damn fine job out there today boys a damn fine job that's me the guy in the chains I guess you're probably wondering how I got here huh well my friends I'd be more than happy to tell you that little tale but you're going to have to wait just a moment because the torturer is back ah this guy he's quite the little scoundrel if you'll excuse me for just one second oh that that does not tickle okay all right let's let's tell the [Music] story [Music] it was a standard operation just like any other my Army and I were tasked with taking down the UNC of this planet as well as the Heretics nothing that we hadn't done a thousand times before and we had multitudes of soldiers among our ranks the majority of our forces were comprised of some minor Elites called hinge heads with the corresponding armor and weaponry they were essentially cannon fodder next up we have had our major class nickname squidface with the corresponding weapons and armor as well next up we had an interesting class our hinge head snipers now they were kind of normal except they had beam rifles and you may also notice that they have a cloaking device and last but not least we have our meaty boy s Healey this is a minor class that specializes in needlers now with all that boring yakity Yak [ __ ] out of the way let's kill something we spotted the heretic base not far from where we landed and of course we quickly made our way there so that we could cleanse this planet of their filthy blasphemy their base was extremely large but that was quite all right it just meant that there were more of them to slaughter and that of course is immediately what we began doing they began running at us with their human-made armor and weapons disgusting and we brought down the might of the prophets upon their filthy Hing heads those scaly four jawed bastards never seen it coming after a while of torturing them and pillaging their lands we had finally destroyed their base but this my friends was nothing but a small appetizer for the full entree of the UNC awaits and if we plan on earning our spot in the great journey we are going to have to murder them all we immediately began clearing out the rest of the heretic base to ensure that there were none of them hiding after ensuring that there were no more Blasphemous bastards among us we all began having a little snooze out in the grass and just daydreaming of our Lords the forerunners ah ever so relaxing since we didn't have any permanent base or anything on this planet just yet we decided to make a temporary one here for the night we began moving furniture around and whatnot to ensure that we were quite comfortable while we were staying here but the very next day we would begin making plans on our first assault on the first UNC base it should be quite easy as the UNC has yet to be aware of our presence on the planet so we set our sights out on this first base and made our way there and though this base was quite large just as we had suspected their defenses were lacking with that as well even though they had several ODSTs and Marines they were lacking many Spartans with defenses like these how could we not attack it was like taking methane from an unoy just so easy that you just you just can't help yourself their soldiers were caught completely off guard by our assault which was perfect just as we had planned we slaughtered them all on the battlefield and eventually we had defeated them and so we were off to the next UNC base to demolish it and murder everyone there of course just after arriving at this base we did notice some heightened defenses it is possible of course that they had heard what had happened to the last base and were trying to prepare for our arrival but we had something up Our Sleeve for these filthy animals we were going to Glass this base once the glassing began the humans and their structures were turning into dust on the ground after giving them a taste of our Holy Fire we moved in with our army to finish off any remaining soldiers then the pathetic cowards began to [Music] flee some time later after eradicating several more UNC bases that was just basically some more of the same we move in and slaughter them we decided that it was time for us to set up our own permanent Outpost lucky for us we had been collecting quite a few resources from the Heretics and the UNC bases that we were destroying just basically what was left over like beds and stone blocks steel plas Steel Etc and this ensured that we were able to create some very nice housing as well as a very nice base overall to stay in during this time I mean just look how nice and cozy our s hey are after saying their prayers to our Forerunner Gods they're all just lying in their bed dreaming of the great journey now the base was looking a little bit drab so I thought hey maybe we throw a little bit of Covenant purple in there so we started building some barricades as well as plasma turrets for defenses not only did these look a lot better but they would also keep us somewhat safe naturally of course we also built a place to prepare meals as well as dine with our comrades we also created a nice small area for our storage and after some time we finally had a wonderful little Outpost sure it looks kind of like dog [ __ ] but it was extremely functional and hey I mean it has some pretty cool blue lights but blue lights were not cool enough to save us from what was coming it would appear that our gods have reawakened and they were not happy it may be possible that they were extremely angry about the UNC and heretic presence on this planet and they had planned on bringing their wrath down on those who were supposed to stop it or maybe it's possible that our entire religion is a death cult and the great journey is just one big sham nah that can't be it either way though these forerunners were packing heat and they were coming to try and kill us so naturally the only thing that we would be able to do is defend ourselves I'm sure the prophets will understand I mean they seem like very caring and sweet overlords anyhow though our army prepared for this massive battle against the forerunners it was going to be quite difficult especially with them having more advanced armor and weaponry but we would defend ourselves or die trying as the massive Forerunner Army approached we immediately began opening fire on them and actually managed to have some success with killing several of their soldiers obviously ly though it helped quite a bit that the first wave of their massive raid was such a small party we would not be so lucky in the future I'm sure their installation monitors as well as their soldiers were extremely resilient though so we would have to continue pushing forward we even managed to request a glassing from a nearby ship who had no idea that they were basically glassing their gods and it was during this time as well the UNC dropped in from above to join the fight we would now have to fight a war on both fronts against the forerunners as well as the UNC we were not equipped for such a large battle we began throwing down our bubble Shields to try and protect our soldiers it was at this point I the commander wart had fallen but my men continued to fight on by this point in the battle many of our men had been lost as well as many of the forerunners even the demon was here and he was causing immeasurable chaos upon the battlefield we attempted to flee we attempted to make a strategic Retreat I mean away from him to no we weren't running away but unfortunately this would prove to be futile he shot his weapons so fast that it was almost as if there was a little blue eag girl in his head telling him where to aim and what to do unfortunately his might knew no bounds though there was no way for us to escape and or fight him off he murdered and maned so many of our soldiers it was a true catastrophe it was disgusting to even look at he snuck up behind our last remaining hinge head and blew his brains out all over the ground what a Savage animal unfortunately though we had been defeated there was nothing more we could do our soldiers lie on the ground in pools of their own blood our false gods burning a rescue team did arrive and luckily I had [Music] survived however being the only surviving member and also being the commander the entire thing was blamed on me and now if you'll excuse me I think the Executioner wants to have a word [Music] yep that's me again I just can't seem to stay out of trouble can I I'm quite the little troublemaker and today I'm making my grand Escape somehow and some way after the shootout with the guards I managed to make my way to a drop pod I wasn't very sure what planet this was or if I was even going to land on it and survive but it was much better than facing the Covenant you could maybe maybe say that I've burned my bridges with them after they labeled me a heretic tortured me and tried to execute me I wasn't going to stick around but mark my words I will have my Vengeance Jesus this place is a dump Ah that's okay though I guess anything's better than my previous situation our Landing location is fairly mountainous so it should be fairly easy to defend it one of the first things we're going to be doing is constructing some of these old ancient structures that way we can build ourselves a defendable small home not only a defendable home but also a warm home because if you did not notice it is a permanent winter on this planet and we are butt ass naked the only thing we managed to swipe when we left in our drop pod was a plasma rifle and a jackal Shield not exactly ideal attire but that was okay we would build a campfire to keep us warm for the time being ah yes that should keep our sang Healey ho nice and warm you get it because you know because the planet that s hey are It's s he a son of a [ __ ] unfortunately we didn't have any fresh unoy teets to suckle on on this planet so we would have to kill some snow hairs for breakfast as we were making ourselves a nice bunny rabbit sandwich we kind of figured that maybe it'd be nice to have some clothes so we didn't freeze our sing hey balls off Jesus Christ I really can't think of any saying Healy jokes can I anyhow though we began hunting down some Caribou for their leather and their meat after killing about four of the animals we managed to strein together their flesh to make some clothing and if I do say so myself I think Commander X Commander wart wart looks pretty damn Dapper things were honestly going quite well for us on this new planet we had all the bunny rabbit sandwiches that we could want we had a nice little warm cabin but unfortunately it would appear that our drop pod had been detected by the local Forerunner faction it would appear that they had sent a 4Runner Huntress to investigate this signal the commander was a tiny bit concerned seeing how the huntress was a little bit more equipped than him but wart wart is not one to back down from a fight besides tainted or not that gear would be perfect for us and I mean how hard could it be all we had to do was peel it off of her cold dead carcass well it may surprise you to know it was actually quite difficult it took a very long time but we did manage to kill the Forerunner Huntress and we had her armor intact without it becoming tainted now you may be saying to yourself why did you kill the Forerunner though rat Knight because look at w W sweet new drip oh oh yeah [Music] sexy no I'm just kidding I I don't know why I I guess I I didn't think about it or something or because I didn't want to recruit one of our false gods regardless though we decided to travel to a local heretic faction base to do a bit of trading with them as well as introduce ourselves lucky enough for us they were so interested in purch purchasing the Forerunner helmet that we had they actually sold us two ex Covenant slaves now this was no Army by far but it was a decent start however after some time had passed it would appear that the Covenant had caught wind of our upcoming Uprising though we were the same species these Elites saw us as the enemy and we saw them as walking weapons and armor for the taking thankfully though we were able to take one of the elites down causing the other one to flee we tried to chase her down as well but she was a bit too fast and she got away we would be able to strip the larger Elite of his weapons and armor though which was perfect we didn't want to dress like the Covenant but it was good protection and in the meantime we were going to try to convince this big fella to be our friend and that his entire religion and way of thinking is completely wrong but also that we're very nice and kind and sweet we continue fine-tuning our relationship as well as trading with the local heretic faction they were basically our only and closest friends seeing how the humans hated us still but to be fair we also very much despise them as well ah who needs them anyway the damn 4 foot meat bags they're worthless except for the chief of course now that's a real man now some time later our heretic Pals had mentioned a covenant Outpost nearby our base this must be where all the raids are coming from so we decided to Embark out to try and attack The Outpost wart wart thought that this may be the perfect opportunity to enact his revenge upon the Covenant however the Outpost was much more heavily guarded than we had anticipated we expected all of their soldiers to be minor Elite but there were 12 soldiers total most of them being minor but they actually had an ultra as well as a major not only that but they were also quite heavily armed we began to second guess ourselves maybe we shouldn't try to attack this Outpost with just four of us maybe we should wait wait a minute it's that orange torturer son of a [ __ ] from the ship oh you better bet your ass we're going to attack attack this Outpost Commander wart wart LED his small Squad of St Healey against the Covenant Outpost the battle plan for attacking The Outpost was hopefully to be able to split up their soldiers into groups that way the four of us could attack them one at a time essentially picking them off one by one However unfortunately quite the opposite happened instead of splitting their troops up into smaller groups they managed to divide us into two separate groups unfortunately Commander wart wart and dag were the only two left standing but even they would not be able to hold out for much longer we were running out of plasma and we were also running out of time as bad as I hate to admit it the Covenant had us pinned in a corner those damn dirty diabolical hinge jawed bastards but we would not give up we would continue fighting until our very last breath and for them to take that very last breath they would have to rip it from us and though we did continue fighting off the Covenant bravely standing side by side throughout the battle eventually dap fail oh sorry apparently her name was dag either way she was very important to us regardless though now the battle solely rested on the shoulders of Commander wart wart and thank God he eventually won I'm completely joking of course no we definitely died we were extremely outmatched I have no idea what we were thinking we should have retreated but I guess Commander wart wart seen the orange torturer guy and he got a little head over heels oh well at least we managed to take as many of them as we could to hell with us [Music] [Music] yep you guessed it that's me again you know we really need to stop meeting like this don't we look I know what you're thinking I'm pretty banged up this time around but it's going to be fine the nice purple doctors said they're going to take good care of me and they seem trustworthy and oh boy did they fix me up they gave me brand new armor as well as bionics made from their own technology a brand new sword I was once broken but they made me new they made me into a killing machine the big purple man in the suit from space made a deal with me he would save my life and give me the tools that I needed to destroy the Covenant on this planet and in exchange I would help him take care of a little pest problem he was having accepting that deal was a no-brainer and after landing on the planet I immediately made my way to a nearby Covenant Fortress it was time for me to wreak havoc on this death cult and enact my revenge once and for all this Fortress was actually one of the main Covenant bases on this planet and thus it was heavily guarded of course all of the soldiers of course had very heavy Shields as well as weapons but they wouldn't even come close to being able to stop me not with my new armor as well as my new body just as well as my new and improved needlers upgraded by void Tech they've been able to make quite a few improvements to the Covenant technology within the blink of an eye my Rampage began I immediately began raining down Hellfire of needles upon every single Elite I found and though many of them tried to flee and hide none of them were safe for there would be no great journey for these fools only my wrath the remaining soldiers mustered up the courage to try and Surround Me and attack me all at once it wasn't a bad plan on their part but it didn't work and after hours of fighting I was trying to step over their limp and lifeless bodies to fire at their comrades and after it was all said and done this base had finally been destroyed now of course there were still quite a few to go but we would need to begin healing ourselves and at looks like all of those energy sword attacks did manage to take down our armor so we'll need to get some new armor lucky for us though with the infinite voids resources it shouldn't take much for us to be able to repair it or maybe we could take some from the corpses of these Fallen cultist fools luckily we didn't have to strip any corpses for armor as void sent us some new and just as well they also sent us some very new and Powerful blasters the plasma that comes from these blasters is much hotter and much more powerful just as well they are much more rapid in their fire rate and I think that they are absolutely perfect wart wart here will be able to do plenty of damage to the Covenant fools with these however before we continue fighting the Covenant it's time that we paid Humanity a little visit luckily void was already at war with the UNC as well so it was the perfect storm this too was also one of Humanity's largest fortresses on the planet it is also possible that the demon were hiding here as well as we approached the Fortress the humans immediately began firing their mortars at us but unfortunately for them they were extremely inaccurate and thus they could not stop what was to come wart wart was ready for anything that the humans could throw at him including the demon he was very confident in his new abilities we approached the outskirts of the Fortress and a firefight immediately began between us the ODSTs and the Marines they even had a few Spartans among them as well how cute that's so sweet wward easily tanked any Firepower that they threw at him bullets Rockets anything this battle was a bloody massacre Humanity was leagues behind the Covenant and even they stood no chance this was more of a warmup for the armies of the Covenant but there was still no sign of the demon and then all at once there he was we had spotted him we immediately blew the doors off the structure and engaged in a firefight with him things would be different this time Chief your army was destroyed and now it's just you and me the master chief was much more resilient than Ward Ward had thought even even given his legendary reputation among the Covenant forces this is not what we were expecting even with the Newfound strength and power from our void Tech equipment and body the chief was still a strenuous match but in the end we did somehow manage to best him we hadn't killed him though or even severely injured him we had only managed to damage his suit causing it to lock at this time Ward wart was considering killing the chief but he began to think he was just a soldier doing his duty and besides are they even enemies at this Point anymore but before he could make a decision some void Tech Associates approach captured the master chief as they said that they had plans for him they said that the remaining Covenant armies were gathering together not too far from this location so they were going to provide us with a new weapon to use against them it was a covenant fuel Rod cannon that had been heavily upgraded and Modified by void technology and with this the Covenant stood no chance against us we continued our journey North where we would then encounter the full might of the remaining Covenant forces of this planet it would appear as a last ditch effort to try and stop us they were going to throw every single person that they had at us they had so many soldiers of so many different classes wielding different weapons and equipped with different armors but nonetheless this would not matter for the infinite endless void has swallowed the great journey whole and the Covenant will not be far behind as their pathetic worthless armies approached we immediately began raining down fire on them with our new fuel Rod Cannon they seemed quite shocked by just how destructive this was and just how powerful we were after a while of killing several of their units one large group of them attempted to flee another group approached and they called in the big guns with their number of units rapidly depleting they called in a Corvette for a glassing unfortunately for them though even this last pathetic pitiful attempt to try and kill us would not work even something as powerful as a Corvette's glassing beam could not stop wart wart for he was now the bane of the Covenant and after the glassing beam had ended he continued his Rampage with his burnt armor and body at one point he was even dual wielding his energy sword as well as one of the Fallen Elite's Energy Swords which I thought was pretty bad ass there was nowhere they could run there was nowh they could hide wart wart was coming what few remaining Covenant soldiers that had not died in this incredible battle tried to flee unfortunately of course we couldn't allow that to happen happened so we whipped out the fuel Rod Cannon and went to work wart wart finally achieved the Revenge that he had so longed for when fighting the Covenant previously all thanks to void we were forever indebted to them and what they had given us of course the Covenant has not been defeated in the universe simply on this planet there were plenty of other planets that needed cleansing and oh boy was wart wart more than ready to cleanse every single planet in the universe of the Covenant scum however he is a man of his word of of course and since our void overlords gave us this amazing body this armor and this awesome energy sword as well as our revenge we owe it to them it was time that we took care of their little pest problem for them [Music] how's it hanging folks we are back playing as the Bane avoids existence yes I am once again talking about Napoleon and his Clone Army after last episode The Lads needed nay they deserved a little bit of comfort so we allowed them some time to relax between all the void destroying to have some steak dinners as well as share a few brusis together ah relaxation all right that's enough of that get your ass back to work one of the first things we're focusing on once again today is our defenses so we're building some more turrets as well as sandbags and barricades to go around them however with that being said I'm going to let you in on a little secret you see those security fences yeah those well I didn't know it at the time but apparently you can't shoot over those so uh we ended up figuring that out later on Whoopsie Daisy on the Bri side though we ended up having a trade ship passing by the Planet who just so happened to be a bol Goods Trader and you know what that means yes that is correct cloth thank God we don't have to wait on our cotton plants to grow we can just buy it and buy it we did every last bit of it we also ended up buying what little bit of plas de that they had as well every little bit counts especially since it's so critical to our fusion bomb production which is basically the only viable weapon we have to take down void constantly thankfully now as well that we have enough cloth we'll be able to deconstruct our old ships and use those resources as as well as the cloth to build our new laat troop transport ships which admittedly is going to take a very long time to build all three of them because they take aish Borg of resources but eventually after a while we did manage to get our very first one done and I got to say it's actually beautiful I really like the textures on it and I can't wait to drop some bombs out of it and kill all of those filthy dirty void bastards huh well speak of the devil it would appear that the Federation has either been absorbed by void or signed some kind of agreement with them I suppose it was inevitable that our enemies would come together after all the ass spankings that we've delivered to them both they had some very oddl looking creatures among them humanoid in nature that our Spartan Taylor actually described as s hey regardless of whatever these creatures were wherever the hell they came from we were about to turn them all into dust and Rubble dust and Rubble that didn't make any whatever you know what I mean we're going to kill all these Federation void bastards just like we always do baby the first group to come and fall to the might of our Clone Army was the void Associates as they were the fastest in the entire group Next Up came the rest of the Federation soldiers along with the S hey who appeared to be leading the charge they were much different than your average Federation soldiers they were much more resilient to our blasters but nonetheless they fell all the same as their Federation comrades we have yet to meet a foe who could stand up to our might and I highly doubt we're going to meet one today foreshadowing Napoleon and his men stood firm against our enemy until they were no more but that was about the time that three large void raids were dropping in right on top of us the one group literally landed right on top of us and then the other two groups seemed to land in our base thankfully the majority of our troops were already pretty close together on the battlefield so it was fairly easy to dispatch of the Void soldiers as well as their monstrosities the other groups of void soldiers that had landed within our base couldn't find any of our clones to try and kill so I suppose they decide to steal anything they could and run away but you know we couldn't just allow that to happen so we had to engage in a firefight with them unfortunately though at the end of this Napoleon was fairly injured it would appear though that his injuries were caused due to his armor breaking during combat most likely from all the Plasma Blast from the S Healey speaking of which we also decided that we would take one of them prisoner to try and interrogate them or possibly enslave them to clean our boots you know just whichever came first I do have some good news though it would appear that our solar flare Shield does work against void so any solar flares that they can actually cause is basically useless when we have the shield operating which also means that our turrets and other defenses are actually going to be useful against them now speaking of which it was about this time when I was actually playing that I realized you can't shoot over the high security fencing so we began deconstructing all of that around our turrets thankfully we didn't really need them during that raid anyhow as we had our full Army here but if we did we would have been screwed it's also worth mentioning that I forgot void Associates come back to life after they die on occasion so we were also dealing with that at this time as well as the stinky shitty green Air after some time Napoleon was finally healed up from his wounds good enough that he could walk around so he immediately goes out to the battlefield and starts helping our clones clean up but without his armor the man is basically naked for God's sake so we decided that we would make him a new set and just as well we would also give him some remaining serums that we haven't already turns out that there were actually quite a few that we had here at the base that we hadn't already gave him so these should help him become a true monstrosity of a killing machine and of course as is tradition with Napoleon we would let him make his very own armor and as you can imagine he normally sticks with about one or two colors yeah although I suppose if anyone could pull off the intimidating menacing black and red look it would be Napoleon now with that being said I also decided that we should probably upgrade some of our clones we should give them some of these serums as well as some better armor we have so many resources as well as the serums and void Tech limbs that we should start experimenting a little bit and that is why today my friends I introduce to you a new clone class in our army the elite clone Soldier now of course as mentioned this is simply a new class there's not too much of a difference between them and the normal soldiers except for the fact that the elite soldiers are basically roided up killing machines listen look nobody's perfect I mean who has hasn't taken a few performance answers in their days maybe to make their muscles bigger or their fur softer in the meantime though we did manage to recruit that hinge head son of a [ __ ] that was trying to kill us a few days ago apparently in his culture it's an honor to wear his armor so we made him strip down to his skibbies that way we could make sure he wasn't hiding anything in his funny bits and after all this time all this time of killing void and the Federation and you know checking out the saying he's funny bits and whatnot a bit more than we should we finally ended end up completing all three of our laat troop transport ships and God does it feel good to finally have these ships back I cannot wait to take them out on some raiding missions and I can't make up my mind who we should raid first the filthy UNC or those damn dirty Federation bastards and their new Hing head Pals or maybe we'll pay a little visit to void for orchestrating the entire thing uh-oh looks like we're going to have to put that on the back burner for just a moment as we have a man hunting pack of beautiful women h don't mind if I do I'm joking of course they're probably married anyway although this was a spectacular battle lit up with bombs being dropped on top of void as we normally do it was still a good chance to see how our Elite clone soldiers done in battle and might I just say that they actually excelled on the battlefield against these Abominations or whatever they are oh would you look at that these beasts Left Behind quite the snail Trail H what is this the Federation needing their ass kicked once again already very well we'd be more than happy to oblig I suppose let's see what they have here peacemakers peace Bringers void soldiers nothing too special huh something about this guy seems [Music] familiar void Tech online [Music] And So It Begins a battle of Epic Proportions Commander wart wart and his new Federation void task force began assaulting our base what few turrets we actually had operational stood absolutely no chance against the raiding party wart wart and his soldiers moved like lightning Napoleon and our Clone Army would stand their ground though no matter how dangerous they seemed we would not back down besides they could be the competition that we have longed for for so long but only time would tell if this battle was even worth our time our men stood firm shoulder toosh shoulder on the battlefield Brothers in Arms the battle raged on for hours wart wart was still barely touched and he had many men left H at once he and his s hey made an offensive push through our front line during the process many of our brothers were Gravely wounded and we had to make a strategic Retreat we found footing in a new position and began firing at his army once again however Napoleon was determined to hunt down wart wart on his own we found wart wart attempting to flank our soldiers from the side so Napoleon came up and started blasting him we also began attempting to move our soldiers in closer after finding him so that we could give him all the Firepower we had luckily our Elite clone soldiers came to Napoleon's rescue as he was attacked by several sangal Napoleon managed to Corner wart wart the two of them began to engage in a sword fight wart wart proved to be a worthy adversary but luckily our clone soldiers had surrounded him as well and began firing on him all at once his armor broke and he dropped to the ground and we had finally defeated Commander wart the battle had finally ended and we were victorious but we paid a heavy toll not only did several of our clone Brothers die during the battle but also many of them were actually kidnapped by the void Federation task force as well this was truly a dark day but fret not my friends we would make them pay every last one of them but before we could enact any revenge on void we had a lot of work to do we had many of our brothers to rescue and we have plenty of healing to do as well we also have a lot of corpses to clean up from just outside of our base and plenty of members who were Gravely injured who still needed a good sword to the old throat not that we really mind and obliging them with that these stupid pieces of dog [ __ ] anyhow though wart wart even just the short amount of time after the battle appeared to be fully healed from his wounds this given with his astounding resilience and combat skills we assume that he must have plenty of modifications made by void but before we check out wart warts modifications we have plenty of healing to do as mentioned before many of our brothers are bleeding out in their rooms and just as well we also need to begin cleaning up our Battlefield around the base to ensure that enemies are not able to pick up weapons and we also need to remove these corpses before they begin stinking and rotting and getting all of our clones sick but speaking of corpses we would also need to bury our remaining brothers from the battlefield as well the battle may be over but not all returned home rest in peace my little loves but now with all that done we can finally examine wart warts Exquisite body I mean his modifications let's see zombie like control machine like reflex and combat skills aha there it is avoid Tech AI controlling him no doubt ah yes that'll do the trick now we need to get that little bugger out of his head it's kind of like Cortana from the HALO Series except um purple and also evil anyhow though let's dig that little booger right out of his head that should fix him right up ah now that is much better now it's going to take quite some time though for the AI effects to really wear off so we're going to try to convince him that we're not horrible monsters well at least that void is a much more horrible monster than we are I mean we did try to take over the world in episode 2 but we won't talk about that at this point we basically just focused on rebuilding after the battle some of our defenses as well as our homes were severely damaged so we're working on those of course though we are union workers technically so we had mandatory chest breaks every 30 to 45 minutes and boy I'll tell you it really keeps the Mind sharp well that uh that kind of sounded a little aggressive uh moving on on though so I decided to build a new type of turret and we had one Persona core and it required one Persona core so I thought well this must be great it didn't exactly look great it's a giant Naval Cannon I guess we'll see how it does it's worth mentioning as well since void has taken over the Federation task force and we're getting more raids from this task force we're also getting plenty of our delicious meat Bots and honestly it's pretty crazy because we have so much of it that we don't have near enough space and I'm going to have to expand our freezer but that's okay we don't mind now that we finally cleared off our Brethren as well as the good corpses that we can eat from the battlefield for the most part is time that we deal with the other corpses and of course the best way to deal with corpses in Rim world is with some good oldfashioned naal burning burning fire baby so that's exactly what we did we lit the entire massive corpse pile on fire and then we kicked back and watched it burn shame we don't have any marshmallows or any uh any weenies am I right no but this is serious the smoldering corpses of our enemies filled the night sky with light just as well with a disgusting putrid stench we have no idea what they feed these disgusting void Associates but whatever it is it sure makes them smell when we burn them maybe it's possible they [ __ ] themselves during battle when they saw Napoleon and his army speaking of which after plenty of time to heal as well as clean up the base and make sure that we are still well defended it was finally time for us to enact Our Revenge one of the capital cities of the Void Federation task force wasn't too far from our base which turned out to be perfect that way we wouldn't have to waste much fuel before we bomb the ever loving [ __ ] out of them I won't lie though I wasn't anticipating such a large city because the powerful faction bases mod was actually turned up fairly high so unfortunately we only brought three nuclear bombs still enough to do a whole heck of a lot of damage to the base but there was still plenty of their soldiers left it was quite all right though given the circumstances I suppose we could be inclined to get out of our ship and start kicking some ass on the ground to which naturally of course you know that we definitely did turns out without good old Commander wart wart leading them the Federation task force was nothing but a former shell of itself surprisingly in my opinion I would say that they were even weaker than they were before the void takeover SL absorption and that's pretty damn weak with our retribution firmly distributed against the Federation task force we decide to relax ourselves a little bit with some nice meals and some good company from our clone Brethren but be fooled not my friends for the Federation task force was not a milestone on the way to Victory no they were nothing more than an inconvenience they've done nothing but slow The Inevitable Defeat of void on this planet but now their Commander good old wart wart he is of interest to us he very well may be a key part in taking down void but of course only time shall [Music] [Music] tell how's it hanging folks welcome back to Daddy rat's Little Love Project the Clone Army at the moment our clones are going about their day-to-day lives in our massive and beautiful base but I'll tell you what we are missing something resources we are missing a lot of resources in today's episode I hope to turn our base into a very well-defended Fortress of sort so we're going to need plenty of resources to go about doing that and when we're low on steel and plast steel we always turn to our good friends void so that's what we're going to be doing today we're immediately going to begin a raid normally we don't start off a video of this hot and heavy if you will by immediately going and attacking other bases but what the hell so we crammed as many of our troops into our three transport ships as possible and immediately began flying towards a nearby void base now this void base however would not be like any that we had saw previously this base was inside of a mountain and was honestly a fortress in its own right it also almost gave my computer a stroke attempting to load all this in especially when one of our ships landed directly on top of their turrets we didn't mind that too much though as it was just less that we would have to destroy with our weapons Napoleon would gather all of our clone troopers to the front of the building where we would attempt to blow a hole directly into the side of the massive structure however some void soldiers came out got their asses stomped and then we resumed our plans we decided that we would actually test out some new new technology during this battle as well we decided to use a rocket launcher from the rim colonies evolved mod which looked really good it wasn't as powerful as we thought it would end up being but there was no one better to wield it than our Spartan Taylor she did manage to use it to blow a small hole into one of the rooms of the base but it was a very tiny room and there was no way we were cramming all of our soldiers in there so we began shooting holes into their walls to look for a better opening we eventually made an opening into their hallways as well as their dining room which was was perfect and also because this base was basically laid out the same as our very own we knew exactly where to go however oddly enough we met very little resistance in this Mega base we had fought the soldiers that came out at us in the very beginning but there weren't many more there were many mutants in hibernation but that was about it now I say that but of course the mutants are extremely powerful and strong in their own right but through the power of fire and a little bit of radical Blaster fire we managed to cleanse this base of them naturally with all the mutant and void forces defeated there was but one thing left for us to do here that's right the one thing we actually came for the resources and let me tell you they had plenty of them just what we were looking for plenty of uranium plenty of plas steel even a little bit of fuel for our ships it's almost like we told void we need gas money they said no and then we pointed a gun at them or you know something like that anyway though after we loaded up all the nice resources we ended end up leaving and then returning home we were quite pleased with the Bounty of plast steel and whatnot that we had acquired through means of raing void and with no casualties as well thankfully we immediately had our army begin hauling it all into our warehouse where then Napoleon would actually begin production on more nuclear warheads and look I know I'm kind of beating a dead horse by saying this but our nuclear Arsenal is still our most effective weapon against void for now that is but with our raids against void finish for the time being I decided that it's truly time for us to turn this base into a fortress we had a massive stockpile of fum the really durable material that the Federation uses so we decided that we would actually use this as an outer coating for our base along the sides of the plas steel walls we already have we're essentially turning the base into a massive Turtle a huge hardened shell that we can run back into and hide if need be or fight the enemy within our Courtyard I know what you're thinking rat I why do you even care you're raiding void you are the aggressor here you're able to take them on but think about this in the last few episodes the void raids have gotten more frequent they've also gotten much more powerful with multiple raids at once which also means that we get multiple solar flares as well as fallouts now these defenses currently are far from ideal with us having to use many simple turrets just because of limited resources at some point throughout this episode we're going to have to go on another raid but at least for the time being these these turrets are going to help us out quite a bit and the base is truly becoming something of a fortress with them we attempted to build one or two at least of these turret pillbox type designs around each side of the base that way we can ensure that we are defended from all sides as well however as I'm sure we all know void always comes in from drop pods from above so we also began working on a lot of anti-air defenses as well and don't forget that last episode or the episode before we actually built a solar flare Shield which will prevent voy from taking our defenses offline but finally after all this time we would finally be able to achieve our greatest defense yet Napoleon had a pretty productive conversation with wart wart and the two commanders decided that wart wart would join our Clone Army now you might think calling wart wart our greatest defense yet is a bit of an overstatement but let me remind you that it took Napoleon and the full force of our army to take him down all on his own Ward wart is a a true Powerhouse and he may just be the key to winning this war but he's not going to do us much good if he's bleeding out on the ground after getting shot a few times so we're going to have to make him some brand new armor Napoleon worked on a brand new design for wart warts armor something with a color scheme that would fit our clones but would also take wart wward back to his Commander days in the Covenant forces basically what I'm getting at is it's some white looking space armor just you know like he had before and what the Clones were basically however it is much more durable than the armor that our clones are currently wearing of course we would allow wart wart to equip his Old Glory the good old red plasma rifles and we have finally arrived at our destination people since I love you and your opinions ever so much in the comments section I have given you what you've asked for a clone army and wart wart team up whoa whoa whoa whoa no this isn't an episode we're not even at the 7 Minute Mark yet you can't end it here we need to see what these sons of [ __ ] can do pump the brakes a little bit and let's get back to the video but uh hey while I got you here you should really support me on patreon because our patrons make this video as well as all videos on this channel possible and they have a little bit extra of my love all right that's all I'm going to say get let's get back to the video for a demonstration of the power of Napoleon and wart wart combined on their own as well as a few of our nuclear bombs I decided to let the two of them yes just the two of them not our army at all the two of them go on a raid against void with nuclear bombs to me this was a very risky move since Napoleon and wart Ward are two most powerful characters so the bombs were there as a bit of a fail safe if void starts to get the better of us however I do really like to blow [ __ ] up and so we decided to bomb them first anyhow and you know it's a beautiful light show and it's going to really weaken their forces so we could just walk in and take what we want besides who cares void doesn't fight fair when they raid us they use solar flares and toxic Fallout so what if we use a few Fusion bombs we cracked open their base like it was a piece of hard candy that our Nana gave us on Christmas Eve wow that's a really irrational thought anyhow we went right in and start killing everything in sight now I will be honest with you the mutants gave us a little bit of a run for our money we didn't really get too injured but I was getting scared that if enough of them piled on us at once we may end up getting killed or injured but thankfully that never happened I was pretty prompt with my response and moving wart Ward and Napoleon out of the way because all the mutants could really do is Chase us and at the end of the day we stood at top their corpse as amound of bodies as best buddies new friends the two commanders of the Clone Army but naturally this little buddy's trip had to come to an end and we had to get those sweet succulent resources that we came here for in the first place and of course we did find them and we began packing them into our ship and it took a very long time of course but once we had finally got everything packed by the next morning we began heading back home where we would unload these resources for our army to carry into the warehouse naturally of course you already know that a good portion of these resources are going to be put into our nuclear Arsenal but once again we are turning this place into a fortress so we are also going to be using it for many many more turrets and we have finally achieved a massive Fortress a well defended turtle that we can all live within and while I say all of us can live within it I do mean all of us including wart wart he has truly proven himself in battle today the two new commanders of the Clone Army are righteous and powerful and wart wart has been [Music] [Music] redeemed hello everyone how is it hanging and welcome back to our ninth episode of the Clone Army series as per usual today's episode is going to be chalk full of excitement glory and most importantly violence yeah we're going to kill a lot of people you know how it goes but first before any murder sprees can occur we have a lot of weapons in our warehouse now of course we obtain these by killing plenty of void Federation soldiers etc etc but we do need to clear these out and also make a little bit of silver for more resources so we've decided to try and sell all of them unfortunately though we don't have any orbital Traders at the moment we're going to have to try and load them all up into our ships and fly them out to The Outlanders who of course will purchase them now I'm not going to lie to you it took an absolutely awful amount of time to get all these weapons loaded up because we just had so damn many of them but we did finally get that done and immediately flew off to some nearby settlements to sell them and if I'm not mistaken I believe we ended up flying to two or three settlements something around there it was quite a few just mostly because they didn't have enough silver to purchase all of them and also we were looking for uranium and plast steel which we ended up buying as much as they had we also bought some steel to keep us from having to mine it or Raid any mining operations or anything like that we also bought fuel and some other things as well and yes I know I've said it a thousand times obviously the reason we need more and more and more resources is to help fuel our production of nuclear weapons as well as just using them for defenses around the base like turrets look what can I say it's a NeverEnding cycle okay one of the more notable things that we actually ended up buying was a Persona core now this is going to be used for our large Naval cannon turret thing we had built one previously so I decided that I buy one and build another and yes as you might imagine it does require a Persona core as well as aor Borg of the other resources that luckily we ended up purchasing we can only hope that it comes in handy when void tries to spank our little clone asses again speaking of which tensions appeared to be high between our clone soldiers we had a few mental breaks here and there and some of them were beginning social fights unfortunately but that's not really relevant to the story I just kind of thought it might be interesting despite a few scuffles between our soldiers things were honestly going really well we were doing amazing and I didn't think anything was really going to go wrong uh yes almost as if on Q we have six of the largest possible void rage dropping in right on top of US ah we love it Napoleon and wart wart called all of our soldiers out into the center of our base to engage the void forces as they open their pods thankfully our anti-air guns had taken down some of the pods after they had fallen and we began firing upon the enemies that were left now you will notice that there is still power going on for our defenses which is wonderful but unfortunately at some point during this battle something happened and we ended up losing power and our defenses fell lucky for us though before that could end up happening we did take out the majority of the void's mutants as well as their soldiers and whatnot as well now speaking of their soldiers many of their undying soldiers continued coming back to life after we would stomp them out now of course this is an issue that we've been familiar with before this happens all the time but with how many raids we're getting at one time now this is actually becoming quite the big issue and we don't really have a good way of disposing with these bodies all at once uh our flamethrowers may burn them but that will take a very long time so we came up with the solution the same solution we always use when it comes to void nuclear bombs turns out the best way to dispose of the corpses is with a big nuclear bomb right in the middle of the body pile void soldiers can't come back to life if there's nothing left now with our little resurrecting bod's issue over with we kind of need to tackle the problem of why the hell our power ended up going going out even though our solar flare Shield is still operational my guess was down to two things most likely the power conduit that it was connected to ended up getting destroyed and then it went out and then there was no way to get it back online due to the solar flare and also I was thinking maybe because there's several raids maybe we need several magnetic Shields to prevent the flare so I ended up building a bunch more but issues like this of course are expected when you dealing with such a catastrophic Force like void now our defense is even being online can't really do too much more we always depend on our army as our sole source of Defense now don't get me wrong the turrets are great in their own right they're just not near as powerful as our soldiers now we have been losing quite a few in Prior episodes and I kind of blame myself for that of course for multiple reasons but one of the biggest reasons to me is we definitely need to make some upgrades in our armor and weapons so I decided that we would begin doing so with our heavy clone class mostly because it's going to take much less time than the majority of our forces and also because they're just in a desperate need for an upgrade their numbers have dwindled significantly in the last few episodes and so that we don't have to download any newer mods I love newer mods but I like to play around with some of the ones we currently have I decided to go with the purge trooper armor for them now of course if you watch previous episodes you're probably familiar with it as it is the armor that Napoleon had before his current attire Now The Purge trooper armor is slightly different than Napoleon's Commander armor but it is still extremely resilient very flexible and also extremely badass and intimidating I can only imagine the fear in void's eyes as these heavy class elite soldiers creep up on them in the dead of night but you know I thought that we were missing something here maybe we were missing a little touch from Good Old wart wart so we decided that we would equip these Soldiers with some plasma grenades that is right a little bit of Covenant technology along with our clone armor and weaponry besides these Gren gr ades would be perfect for a heavy class all they've been packing around so far are rifles and their virro swords of course though before we carry these grenades in battle we'll need to test them out on a Target aha an innocent sleeping animal perfect our first volley of grenades onto the giant Powerful Beast ended up crippling it and it couldn't move anymore our second volley however would teleport the Beast oh oh no that's not teleporting no we vaporized it then for whatever reason I decided to make them throw their grenades at at this little small hill I don't know what I was expecting here but it really didn't do much damage I I guess it's a good demonstration though now that our heavy class was actually all geared up and ready we would leave them behind to defend the base and we would take our Elite Class as well as Napoleon and wart wart to raid a local void Fortress now we didn't have many soldiers along with us but we did take all three ships and the reason for that is because the less soldiers and the more ships the more room we have for resources to carry home now as each of our ships ended up arriving at the base we had another of those really strange loading glitches I don't know if it has something to do with the fog at the base or what but as our ships began to land it despawned some of the walls and whatnot at the void Fortress I I don't know it was a little bit upsetting though because obviously void doesn't stand any chance against us but I like to give them some false hope our soldiers ended up regrouping with wward and Napoleon after landing though and we immediately all began bearing down upon the void Fortress destroying their turrets as well as their soldiers that came out to try and stop us but you know what you've seen this a thousand times if you watch the previous episode so instead of watching this I'm going to show you a meme that I made isn't it funny ah would you look at that just in the nick of time the base has been destroyed technically it was already destroyed with the loading glitch but that's quite all right we have all of these new resources I got to say everyone was pretty darn tickled we had some more void Soldier blood on our hands dead mutants that have been been cleansed from the planet and all the steel and all that that we could ever hope for once again we of course returned home unloaded all of the beautiful resources from our ships and began carrying all of it in but you know I began thinking to myself we just upgraded the heavy class yet we didn't decide to use them on that raid for some reason and we should really test them out this episode but unfortunately before we even had the chance to prepare for another raid we had a rebirth chamber and it was falling from the sky next to our base it would appear that void is becoming desperate not only are they trying to raid us more frequently with their own soldiers and whatnot but they're also shooting these massive rebirth Chambers near our base with black Titans inside of course though we easily defeated the black Titan oh void is that all you have for me oh well apparently not we ended up having eight of these massive rebirth Chambers fall from the sky near our base all containing these black Titans some burst forth from their Chambers trying to attack us preemptively and others stayed inside and we attacked them first as soon as the pods busted we decided to shoot them down of course and though of course this was a very dangerous and tedious task we did manage to kill all of the black Titans that had fallen near a base with this massive void retaliation over with though it was finally time for us to retaliate against them once again this time around we would send our heavy class led by Commander Ward wward the base was nothing too special more of the same of course except this Fortress appeared to have many more living void soldiers within living void soldiers oh will fix that little problem with several nuclear bombs dropped upon their filthy little heads the base was pretty well emptied out of course though we would still have the opportunity to test out our new heavy classes armor and weaponry the first to fill the wrath of our holy handang grenades were the void turrets just outside the entrance of the their base and then we would move on to the turrets within truly what we're trying to get to is the nou Center known as the mutants once we have finally moved in and found all the mutants we cleans them with Blaster power as well as our holy hand grenades of course and then once we were finished with them we went on to find their resources in a previous episode I said that the fortresses do not have any resources they do it's just a very small amount I think in that episode I had accidentally destroyed them with nuclear bombs after returning home WT wart celebrated a successful Mission with an Ice Cold Blood Stained bruski and just as well so did our heavy Clash Troopers with some nice red wine you know we've really become a powerhouse on this planet truly the PowerHouse of the planet as all the other factions are so much weaker and smaller and just as well void is dwindling as it stands on the entire planet after all these episodes of fighting them trying to exterminate them they only have four bases left we are so extremely incredibly close to our goal of eradicating void but that goal is still going to require a good bit more time as well as a [ __ ] ton of manpower hello folks how's it hanging it's your rad daddy here returning to you with episode 10 of our Clone Army series during this episode we are still going to be continuing our glorious campaign against void however there is something that everyone has continued to bring to my attention and I feel that we should address it cloning yes that is right you guys have been telling me for God knows how long and today we are finally going to be using a mod to actually clone more soldiers the mod that we will be using for this is clones 1.4 I know there's some other good mods I could use but I don't know this is the first I saw and I went with it after researching the technology we ended up building 11 growth fats for our little clone babies to grow in yeah which was perfect because all of our clones were male and so they don't really have any lady parts to grow any babies in and you get it ah a big metal and glass uterus just like ma used to have wait a minute what never mind no time to explain we have DNA to harvest from our kid heavy class now originally I was thinking that these new clones would be part of the kid heavy class and I guess they still could be but I was thinking of giving that class to wart wart as his own personal Squad so let me know what you guys think about that in the comments section as for now though let us admire this little tadp old thing swimming around bro you're telling me that this little piece of chewed bubble gum is going to be a clone Soldier ah whatever as long as we can shove a blaster in its hand but you know what's better than one piece of chew bubble gum with a blaster 11 pieces of chebe bubble gum with blasters a here you go little F you little bit of rice make you big and strong yeah all right knock it off this shit's getting weird and also it's going to take them a long time to grow so we have some other stuff to do first and foremost you've heard me preach about it for the last two or three episodes defenses we are going to be working on defenses given the theme of this series I have added the rimsenal security pack mod because I felt that the defenses included in that mod would be perfect here so we immediately began researching into some of those Technologies one of the first type of turrets that we would research are The Shard Century turrets which are much better than the vanilla or vanilla is turrets we would then begin Research into yoten Siege in placement now Research into these Technologies are going to give us access to a massive manned Cannon which is great but we're more more interested in what's called The Barrage turrets which is basically a big missile turret as far as I understand and you know how much we love using explosives against void we would immediately begin working on a row of The Shard Century turrets on the western side of our base however slap dab right in the middle of building this row of turrets we ended up getting a raid from the UNC nothing to be alarmed of I'm sure oh that's a big raid it would appear that the UNC has mustered an enormous Force against the finally try and take their Revenge after all the spankings we've delivered to them they brought ODSTs they brought Spartans they brought Space Marines they brought mechanoids they brought everyone and we're still going to bust their chops baby they would immediately begin attacking our defenses and I think this is a really good example of just how weak the previous defenses that I had set up were even against the UNC and their smish Borg of enemy types the turrets were basically useless they barely made a scratch so you can imagine just how weak they'll be against void lucky for us though our turrets are not even our secondary line of defenses they are the bottom line of defenses and our army is as powerful as ever we chased the unfc Army around to the front of our base where we would then engage with them there and begin killing more and more and more of their troops until they eventually fled ah those poor dumb foolish ugly UNC cowards when will they learn their lesson well nothing to do now except go around and finish all of their little weak soldiers off and maybe car car a few of their bodies to the pile to be burned H what's this A Space Marine eh yoink we're going to take that big fell home with us insave him and make him our friend now you may be asking why I'm enslaving him unfortunately he has unwavering loyalty but Ah that's all right lucky for us his consent is not required for our friendship we're bad people anyhow though with that threat neutralized it was time for us to get back to working on our defenses and we need them now more than ever I think that raid truly proves that truly more than anything we would work on an abundance of The Shard turrets as the cost to make them was quite a bit less than the actual bombardment turrets although both of them are very useful it of course would be a very long tedious and drawn out process though to try and replace all of the turrets that we had previously built with the new type that we've researched luckily though we did not have a shortage of Manpower but after a while of working on our beautiful and wonderful defenses we have finally enslaved Crimson the Space Marine and he is our friend now against his will a win is a win baby I'll take what I can get as for Crimson I think that I will actually add him on to wart wart Squad along with the kid heavy class he'll make a wonderful deadly addition and wart wart can keep him in line at one point we had a trade ship in orbit around the planet I don't remember exactly what kind of Trader they were but I do remember they were willing to buy all of our Crucible cores from our meat bot Supply which was perfect we also ended up buying some resources off of them it wasn't really needed say but what the hell we have plenty of silver and honestly things were going really well for us things were really looking up we had a very defended base a beautiful amazing base on the inside where all our clones love to live and I'm trying to fill this clip with plenty of talking because maybe I accidentally filmed this for like an hour while I went and had lunch and came back and you know the clip was extremely long and I I had to speed it up to over 100 times speed or so and and uh thank God it's finally over with the Monumental cleanup and defenses finally finished it was time for us to give the UNC a little bit of payback though we flew out to one of their nearby strongholds with the idea that we were going to bomb the [ __ ] out of them and then piss on the ashes however after arriving it would appear that someone else has already burned down the stronghold and took a massive dump on the ashes but who could be responsible for this I'm just kidding obviously we all know that it's void those devilish bastards we could see them all squirming around like worms in the stronghold from our ship above these disgusting squirmy wormy little freaks make me sick among the filthy void worms was one large and strongl looking worm as well no doubt some type of void made Abomination Soldier I'm sure oh well it hardly matters though anyhow they will be cleansed by our nuclear fire soon enough we put in the call back home and requested a carpet bombing of the area somehow though the mighty Abomination void Soldier managed to survive our nuclear blast without a scratch oddly enough the soldier would then leave the area but wart wart was no fool he knew this was not a retreat this massive Abomination was simply testing our metal simply trying to get a taste of our real power Ward Ward and his Squad would head back home though in the ship and then report back to Napoleon about what had happened in the meantime though while we're making more nuclear bombs and preparing for more battles I want to take a moment to thank our friend adam- mz8 HB who actually recommended the retexture mod for the silver flare Shields thank you ever so much Adam these look wonderful the texture on this is just amazing and now while we're still on the topic of the silver flare Shields I also want to thank our good friend user- hm1 F3 L y5n I hope that's not on your birth certificate who also recom s that we begin generating more power because the solar flare Shields actually use up a lot more when they're active compared to when their idle so we immediately began having our clones Research into some Advanced power technology such as advanced solar panels it took a little bit longer than expected but eventually we did finally manage to get that researched after which of course we would prioritize building at least three of those to start us off in the future of course I would like to begin building more though up until this point our only form of power power has been the void te power cells which are wonderful and whatnot but their power output is only 1,000 Watts which is a lot but compared to the event solar generator 3,400 Watts it's not as much of course for a little while we were mostly focused on trying to make sure that we're feeding our massive Army and taking care of them however at one point I realized that we have so many defenses all around the outside of our base but for the majority of our raids with void they always drop inside the base so we began building some kinetic turrets on the inside of our hallways to try and better protect our army after that was completed we would begin another small campaign against some of the Void fortresses nearby well I say nearby but by that I mean on the other side of the continent ah yes yet another massive void Fortress for us to murder all the inhabitants of truly our favorite pastime is it not anded would you look at that the big purple eggplant Abominations here as well well guess what Mr Abomination we're going to bomb the absolute [ __ ] out of you we're done taking it easy on void we're going to drop every single nuclear bomb we can on them we loaded up the fusion and nuclear warheads and began flying down there you know what time it is it's time for another bombing run let's do [Music] this dear God even after all that after the smoke cleared and the majority of their soldiers were dead that big bastard was still alive somehow not only had he survived all of those fusion and nuclear warheads that were dropped on the base but he had done so and made it out with only a scratch oh he is truly an impressive specimen is he not finally after all this time a worthy opponent such a shame though because we're on a very tight schedule here we love to stick around and kill you but we have more of your friends and allies to kill talo our purple Big Friend until we meet again and believe you you me we will meet you again but unfortunately for the time being we have yet another void base to destroy this time around we're all out of nuclear bombs we're going to use pure elbow grease and a little bit of molten hot plasma of course Napoleon wart wart and all of our Squad began approaching the base from the front and as we did the void soldiers began coming out to engage with us in battle God I love these battles so much I wish I could just kind of pause and take it all in you know I just want to take a second and say that this has probably been one of my most favorite series that we've done on this channel and honestly I couldn't have done it without all you guys all of these evil void bastards and also innocent people from other factions that we've slaughtered throughout this series they wouldn't have died without your help so I just want to say thank you again I love you guys ever so much now let us continue the enormous onslaught of void soldiers continued pouring out from the front of the B face lucky for us though reinforcements would arrive just in time our two ships landed and outpoured our army to help us in this battle unfortunately though we did end up losing two of our Elite kid class soldiers their deaths would not go in vain though we all gathered around the base and began blowing hose directly in the front door so that we could March in storm the castle and take everything we wanted however while our army was doing that I realized our two dead soldiers were no longer dead and I was actually very confed used well it turns out that the naron d4b serum that we gave them is actually the same serum that void has that resurrects them apparently so technically we lost two of our soldiers during this battle but technically we didn't lose [ __ ] and you know what that is a win in my book just as well we had all kinds of food in the void base and we were running a little bit low back home so this was perfect for us we would also end up finding some fuel here as well which was perfect except void destroyed one of our ships so that kind of sucked ass but at least we have fuel when we get another one of course now though there was nothing to do but load up all the resources that we could take back home and then well head back home this did take a little bit of time because we had to drop the troops off at the base come back get the remaining troops and then head all the way back home once again but we did finally manage to get that finished but once again as we always do we managed to come out Victorious against void wward and Napoleon would celebrate yet another Victorious campaign against him by sipping on some red wine together in the cafeteria truly an outstanding friendship those two are forming but my friends we are coming to the end of the video and I would just like to mention once again that our campaigns against void are really paying off at this time there are only two remaining void bases left on this entire planet I really don't know how many we started out with on the planet when we added void but I know it was a lot more than two so we've done a lot of [Music] work [Music] hello hello hello my beautiful friends and welcome back to another clone army video where we are still currently just stating and trying to grow our chewed up bubblegum babies into clone soldiers which might I just say takes a very long time now I do want to bring something up you guys have been mentioning in the comment section about how once these clones are born they're actually going to be basically useless and not have any skills so today's episode is basically going to be me taking into consideration all of your concerns and wonderful feedback and trying to rectify my own mistakes or future mistakes that could have happened which of course as I mentioned I am extremely grateful for your suggestions and feedback and I really appreciate that it means a lot to me and it helps us out a lot now with that being said to get us started today we're actually going to do a bit of trading with our Outlander Compadre's now of course this is not your usual trading with The Outlanders no no no no we are looking for some very specific items if you will lucky enough for us after arriving at The Outlander base we actually found the item that we were looking for we needed two Tech prints for enhanced growth vat learning these Tech prints of course are from the enhanced growth vat learning mod where we actually need two Tech prints to unlock the research ability for them we ended up purchasing both of them which as mentioned was exactly what we needed and then we began our journey all the way back home to base it took us a little while to get back home but once we had finally landed we ended up having our Spartan Taylor as well as one of our kid clone soldiers take the tech prints and apply them to our research benches as you can probably tell I'm kind of inexperienced with the growth vat so I was afraid that if we didn't do this right away that the Clones would come out as adults or something and we couldn't put them back in there so of course I was absolutely booking it to try and get the enhanced growth vat learning to unlock growth Vats and yada yada y I think you understand luckily of course the researching of the technology was probably the fastest and easiest part because we have so many research benches and so many people in our army who can actually research and finally after a little bit of time had passed we have finally unlocked the technology for enhanced learning and we wasted no time immediately applying this to all of our growth fats for our clone baby bubblegum things Jesus Christ I don't even know how to talk however regardless of my inability to speak a little while later we would also end up researching the combat enhanced learning as well so not only are they going to be great at learning I guess but they're going to be combat ready as babies look I told you I'm inexperienced at this I was wholeheartedly waiting for one of them to just pop out with a rifle in its hand somehow that grew in the tank with it I don't know however that would not be the case and I learned just how this works once one of the little babies just fell right out on top of its head a poor little thing wait a minute that's not a thing that's a lady a lady baby baby Lady it's a it's a female baby yes this first small little clone baby thing is our very first female clone into the army which was quite revolutionary in historical 4-Hour Clone Army now we wasted no time working on a wonderful nursery for all the children to be and I'm not going to lie to you I was so excited that we had all of these clone babies being born I kind of forgot that you can actually put them back in the growth vat and keep them growing so I kept them out for a while it's all right though we needed some bonding time together I did however decide to go into our Storyteller settings and update the baby growth settings so instead of times 400 speed is actually times 600 looking back on it now I'm not really sure if that made much of a difference in the grand scheme of things but I don't know I tried and the baby fever shook off a little bit from me so I decided that we would get our asses back to work on some really important stuff like replacing the laat troop transport ship that we lost in the last episode you know you guys have been so nice because I have haven't seen anyone call me out in the comment section for this just yet but the laat ships are actually gunships not troop transport I guess they could be both but I don't know i' I've been Mis labeling it things were going so well for us though we were actually becoming one big happy Clone Army family with all of our new little babies and I couldn't think of anything to make me any more happier until our Outlander friends sent us a combat supplier trade Caravan now you may be like I don't give a [ __ ] right I why why is that important well let me show you this trade Caravan not only had some normal weapons that were used to but they also had a cross guard lightsaber however with that being said they were not willing to sell it as it was one of their people's personal weapons I suppose so we had to negotiate kind of all right look we killed them all we blasted them into hell and then we came over there and we took that beautiful lightsaber they may have been our one and only Ally on this damn Planet but it was well worth it for the red lightsaber just as well we would also take a prophet's Bane energy sword which is the highest tier energy sword that is available for wart warart so he and Napoleon are straight pimping baby they are some badass mofos and they look good but speaking of looking good I've been meaning to do this for a while but we do have a nice modded helmet that I think would be absolutely perfect for wart warts armor as well as his very own protection and in my personal opinion I think it looks damn fine now some time later we ended up having something interesting happen we had an ancient white dragon wander in I've had dragons added to the mod list since the very beginning of this series but we've never actually had this event happen the ancient wide Dragon was 1,468 years old but we didn't give a [ __ ] we were going to make it our [ __ ] I mean um our pet Napoleon himself would go out and attempt to train the white dragon but unfortunately it did not succeed the first time that was quite all right though we had plenty of other chances now we have to deal with something very important we are going to Nuke the [ __ ] out of one of the remaining void bases don't forget we still have two void bases left on the entire planet and we are extremely eager to make that number two into a number zero as soon as possible this base would be no different than any other we'll bomb the [ __ ] out of it all the same and kill the inhabitants as fast as we can because cleansing this universe of the filth that is void is our duty our mission and we will succeed after using up our few remaining nuclear bombs we all gathered outside the base preparing for an attack unsurprisingly void decided to try and attack us first which of course did not work out in their favor however our ship was damaged pretty badly so we had our Spartan Taylor stay behind and repair it as we went on to attack the base by this point of course the majority of the Void soldiers Associates and whatnot were all dead the only remaining defenses they actually had were their mutants and their turrets it was nothing we hadn't dealt with a thousand times of course Napoleon and wart War both though would get their hands dirty with their new weapons endlessly hacking and slashing into the mutant's flesh until they fell to our might and fall they did just as void and all of the their creations and their empire will before the Clone Army some time later of course we had regrouped with the remainder of our Squad and began to head back home we returned home with all the goods and resources that we had looted from the void base and really at this point we just kind of sat still and waited I let the colony progress on its own and I just kind of waited around to see how fast the children would grow with the new speed set at 600 but to be honest with you I am extremely impatient and I didn't feel like waiting any longer especially since the game moves extremely slowly most clips that you're seeing are sped up so with all that being said I decided to toss the babies back into their Vats and we would end up building a growth accelerator for each of the baby's Vats these are of course from the growth accelerator mod it's also worth mentioning that during this time as I just sat and let the colony go on its own and whatnot it looks like Napoleon was able to tame that ancient white dragon which was amazing because these dragons are some very powerful and very durable Beast they would be perfect for raids and also defending ourselves to truly demonstrate the power and just how wonderful this ancient white dragon would be to us and how valuable it would be as well I decided to show you guys a little bit of its skills as you can see the dragon is very good at flying to short distances on the map it wouldn't replace our ships by far but it was pretty good however something the dragon could do that our laat ships could not is actually attack the dragon had two different types of attacks it had the dragon spit and the fire breath the spit was more of an explosion while the fire breath is more comparable to the ID's fire breath just much more powerful of course the ancient white dragon though is going to be a perfect addition to our army now in the meantime we would also put in several work orders for mining around our base there are some small hills that we decided that we would strip mine to enable us to be able to see through them and around them of course this may seem a little bit bizarre of course but the reasoning behind it is so that we can always ensure we're able to see enemies that are behind the hills or coming around the hills and you know you you get the point but after we finished up mining around some of those small hills we decided it was finally time that we build ourselves a battery room on the base up until this point we haven't really had a need for batteries or a battery room for that matter but here recently I've noticed we're getting closer and closer to the capacity of our power output so naturally we decided to build a room chalk full of batteries that that way we could store any Excess power that we have during the day as a lot of our power is coming from solar panels and store it for night it honestly took us a pretty long amount of time to finish up this battery room and of course it cost a smage borg of resources but in the end it was well worth it trust me when I say that this stored power will go a very long way especially when it comes to defending our base one of my biggest hopes for this of course is that the stored power will be able to keep our solar flare Shields going when void comes back to attack us just as well of course helping keep our turrets online when that silver flare comes and when void comes to try and take us down and you know just as well as I do that they will almost definitely be coming very very soon you know I'm actually very shocked because throughout this entire episode we have yet to have one raid from void I mean what gives that's very unlike them they only have one base left and I I just oh no oh [Music] no [Music] he a [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] sh after defeating the void Abomination Napoleon returned home on his loyal white dragon he was unsure if he was going in the correct direction until we saw the green tint in the air from the toxic Fallout and there was no mistaking the sound of gunfire nearby no we were on our way home we could only hope that our Clone Army was having the same success that we were unfortunately though it would appear that in our absence void was absolutely decimating our defenses destroying turret after turret we had never anticipated that our defenses would have to take on such large numbers of void soldiers all at once we always assumed that we would be attacking them in the last moments of this war not the other way around it would appear that we were sadly mistaken though in this as we approached the front of the base we saw large numbers of void soldiers fighting with our clones our Dragon flew in from the side and as did we Napoleon and his ancient white dragon had once again join the fight by this point though all hell was breaking loose Sun void soldiers were even using our barrage turrets as cover from our clone soldiers obviously this didn't do them any good as we would destroy the turrets as well our men were under extremely heavy fire and attempted to make a strategic Retreat back towards Napoleon while having to leave several of their brothers lying on the ground in the end though with the help of our returned Commander we ended up defeating the void Onslaught make no mistake though this battle was anything but easy many of our men were severely injured and unfortunately many of them as well had perished during the battle but their sacrifices mean that we will ultimately win this war and we will cleanse this planet of void we had a massive cleanup to do though around the base there were bodies littered literally everywhere there were so many dead void soldiers it was honestly hard to Fathom truly so gruesome your eyes see it but your head can't make any sense of it all such a massive loss of life was truly devastating but better it be the horrible disgusting void members than one of our clones or God forbid one of our chewed up bubble gum baby soldiers who it would appear came very close to a demise of their own during the battle thankfully though unlike void we protect our own here many of our soldiers damn good soldiers gave their lives to protect those children as well as the values and our mission that we hold so dear and in the end we ended up having to dig seven new Graves for seven of our fallen Brethren but now with our horrific members buried we we could finally begin the cleanup effort we were going to go around this massive base of ours and begin repairs that were needed just as well of course we're going to begin cleaning up the mess that was made as well as tending to our wounded and of course this was no easy task as there was a lot to do and when I say a lot I mean a lot there were so many bodies to clean up and whatnot but eventually we would do it it would take several days but that didn't matter to us of course because we had plenty of time on our hands and we also had revenge on our minds firmly set on the mission of destroying void some time later the Green in the air had finally cleared up and the [ __ ] was out of our lungs we could breathe once more so we went around began repairing our defenses and whatnot there was no way for us to rebuild every single turret today as we didn't have enough time for that at least not if we had planned on achieving our one true Mission today of attacking the last void base and absolutely eradicating it however as you might have noticed we're a bit low on Manpower now after losing several of our clone soldiers so it was time for me to sit and wait for these babies to grow in to children children that can hold rifles and that can fight but they're not going to be much use to us if we don't actually start training them and preparing them for the battle to come now look I know what you're thinking and I agree I wasn't very sure that these little chewed up bubblegum children were going to be much used to us either but we would have to try and there was no one better for the job than our Spartan Taylor who up until this point has honestly been pretty underutilized so we built a training facility and created the children a bunch of weapons and Taylor got to work showing them how to fight just really helping them work on their combat skills in general like shooting and obviously things like that however most important of all Taylor helped them learn how to work as a team now of course we've always thought of our clone soldiers as brothers but these clones here just they feel so much closer and more of siblings to me more more of a close-knit family of course though I did watch them all grow up in oversized test tubes so after training together for a long period of time they were finally finished all grown up our vat grown clone soldiers were ready led by Kid Omega the Omega clone Squad to make things more interesting I also allowed them to customize their armor to give themselves a more individual look but now with the growing and training of our Omega clone Squad finished we can finally begin working on a new ship once again and of course we continue losing ships over and over but hopefully we don't lose this one this time truthfully though it's really not a big deal we can always make another and besides I would trade one ship to destroy the last singular remaining void fortress on the entire planet yes you heard me correctly the last remaining void Fortress I must say that this episode is make or break this will be the last episode of our Clone Army series well at least for season 1 if you guys really like it be sure to let me know in the comment section maybe we'll do a season two because of course there are are many many many more planets throughout this universe that must be cleansed of the disease that is void Now by this point we had actually made wart wart and Napoleon their very own singular star fighter ships while our troops the new omega clone Squad included paced around the Cantina just eager to rip and tear and absolutely annihilate void and so we would give them that exact opportunity we all launched in our brand new ships and began heading off towards the last remaining Fortress this was make or break Do or Die thanks to the Loading glitch that occasionally happens we could see just how many void soldiers were at this Fortress as well as their mutants we began landing and immediately began firing upon their turrets and other defenses unfortunately though our ships were not able to land very close together so our other troops would have to begin moving towards the other squads and link up together we would of course attempt to bring all of the squads to the front of the base so that we could infiltrate there and take out any remaining defenses which of course was a lot easier than it sounds because each Squad was getting absolutely hammered by bullets as they were fighting their way towards the front of this void Fortress but as you already know it would take a lot more than bullets to put out the fire in our bellies after destroying their defenses we all gathered in front of the base Napoleon Taylor Ward wart Crimson kid Omega and the remaining Troopers this is what we came here for this is what we've been fighting so hard to achieve this is why the cosmic space rat brought Napoleon and the other troops back to life this was our mission and we would be damned if anyone would get in our way we've come so close nothing is going to stop us now this is it my friends this is the end of void on this planet we couldn't have done it without each other we couldn't have done it without the friends we've made along the way but most importantly we couldn't have done it without you but now it's time we finish this fight once and for all many of the Void members would attempt to hide in their bunks but there was nowhere that they could hide from our plasma grenades and then our wrath we easily mowed down the void Associates hiding within like hot butter on a summer day with a spoon or something we also killed some black Titans you know we killed everything with the void Abomination no more they had nothing left up their sleeve that could stop us we quickly infiltrated their base and went room to room destroying turrets destroying void Associates destroying mutants anything that we could get our hands on every single last square inch of this Fortress would be cleansed by our holy Blaster fire completely sterilized by The Supercharged plasma coming from wart warts rifles it was an absolute bloodbath after killing off all the associates we then began working to kill all the mutants that they had created this being the last remaining void Fortress they had an absolutely ungodly amount of mutants created that mattered very little to us though we've gotten this far we weren't about to let these disgust in Abominations stop us it didn't matter how many of them we had to butcher we were going to win after killing off the majority of the Abominations we found one hiding on the East wing of the base we had something very special in store for breaching these walls look you and I both know that I couldn't come to the last remaining void Fortress and not detonate at least one nuclear bomb we gave Taylor the great honor of being the one who actually gets to detonate it unfortunately though this would end up in her getting slightly caught in the tail end of the nuclear blast yeah she was standing just a teeny tiny bit too close but she was fine well as fine as you could be after getting hit by a nuclear bomb blast which was pretty damn fine in her case we then began to infiltrate the Eastern wing of this massive Fortress and killed the last remaining mutant and with the death of that last remaining void creation so went their legacy on this planet as well as their massive Chokehold the void Has Fallen and the Clones are here we are the new Galactic superpower Rising our home planet is just the start let every single void base in the entire galaxy and the entire universe look as this one does a heaping hunk of rubble let void be nothing more than a Forgotten Nightmare after finishing off the last remaining void Fortress we began the long journey back home we had finally arrived everyone on each ship was celebrating we had finally a done it we had finally defeating the Twisted horrid dark Empire we were successful but of course with void gone that does mean that this planet is going to need some new overlords and who better to fill the void pardon my pun than our clone regime but with this last remaining episode coming to a close I just want to thank you guys so much this would have never been possible without you and I love you all very very much but of course my friends fear not for this is not goodbye it is simply until I see you again [Applause] [Music] in [Music] [Music] all make way to of please do not [Music] leave [Music] [Music] [Music] that by far did not go to plan but at least it looks like we've made it out in one piece we can only hope that our Squad members are having the same luck that we are tonight speaking of we're going to need to quickly find some shelter God only knows what works on this planet when the Sun goes down there appears to be a cave in the distance it wasn't exactly ideal but it was better than sleeping out in the rain exposed there was a pale blue light at the end of the cave looks to be fluorescent fungus next to some poor sapu doesn't appear to have been near as lucky as we were at the moment though we have more important things to deal with this cave seems secure enough it'd be nice to take the helmet off her just a moment get some fresh air that is so much better for now I need to try to get some shuty eye once the storm passes in the morning I'll try to regroup with the others well that wasn't exactly the best sleep of my life looks like the storm is fully passed though I should be able to use my transponder now to track my squad members let's see extremely damaged but it still appears to be functioning properly looks like I'll need to head north Northwest to find the corporal's Pod Ox old boy I hope you've got your walking shoes on I have a feeling this is going to take a very long [Music] time H let's see it shouldn't be too much ah I believe that may maybe it there in the distance I just hope that the Corporal is all right the Pod still appears to be closed but damaged H let's see I guess maybe I could [Music] you thankfully Sergeant Cole and Corporal Grim had made it out of their pods without a scratch as well and had already regrouped with one another and of course as you saw they discovered me not a moment too soon I might add before my hinge head friend came back for seconds I could have taken him though you know probably now that the three of us have finally reunited after landing on the planet though we're going to need to set up a temporary base of operations we're going to need to work to set up power as well as a comms console unfortunately the mobile commoms console in Sergeant Cole's pod was destroyed upon impact with the planet and as you can see there's plenty of great spots in this desolate Barren polluted Wasteland so I suppose with that being said there's really nothing left for us to do but get to work on a base now of course we want our top secret mission on this planet to be as discreet as possible so we're going to build our base within this small Mountain the idea of course being that it's just going to look like a normal Mountain on the outside not a hollow Mountain where three ODSTs are staying the only issue with that being of course it's going to be extremely difficult to mine through this rock with the limited tools that we've been provided by the UNSC but we'll make it work we always do for our first night at the base private Ox would actually sleep just outside the doorway in case something went bump in the night thankfully though nothing ever did the very next day though of course for basically the entire day we would continue the exhausting and backbreaking work of digging throughout this hill now of course as we mentioned we are trying to keep a bit of a low profile however Sergeant Cole decided to tear down some of these Stone runes that way we would have blocks to actually build a door a stone door is more secure of course but it would also blend in much better with the rock of the mountain thus of course making it much harder to detect the fact that there is indeed a base here but this would also give us peace of mind we would also try to stick with the idea of using the stone we had available under the hill but that does mean that we're going to need to create a stone cutting bench which does require wood after cutting down several trees we would end up building said bench so that we could begin processing all the marble chunks that we had dug out under the mountain and begin turning them into marble blocks making us and our base somewhat self-sufficient for the most part obviously of course this was nothing but a drop in a very very large bucket of all the work that we had to do but it was a bit of a start at least now we wouldn't have to lie on the floor at night and we had some semi decent places to lay our weary heads the very next day we began to realize that keeping a low profile probably means that we shouldn't have a stinky sang Healy carcass rotting in front of the base but of course with that being said any Disturbed ground where we would try to bury him in a grave there would also be some suspicions raised so we decided to take the rotting sing Healey carcass to some nearby runes where there was already a sarcophagus from long ago ah hidden in Plain Sight later on in the evening as sergeant Cole was cutting up more marble chunks into marble blocks private ox and Corporal Grim came down to discuss them going out and hunting as they were running very low on packaged survival meals and they were needing some protein in their diet the sergeant of course granted this request but requested that they keep a very low profile as to not be found out we of course didn't want to compromise the mission in any way shape or form and then the two of them began to venture out into the Wilderness looking for big game [Music] Grim appeared to tag the elk but the massive animal survived the shot and took off running into this cave and unfortunately our only option is going to be to go into the cave after it as we couldn't risk firing another shot from the sniper rifle and exposing ourselves compromising the mission the the cave was littered with blood and animal carcasses it was very possible that there was a predator in here finally after much walking though we stumbled upon the corpse of the elk that we had shot but it appeared that it was dead from several gash marks to the side and then we saw it a massive disgusting deformed creature it began chasing us all throughout the cave after landing several shots on the monster it began to run back into the cave where it came from thankfully our injuries were non-life-threatening but it did get many hits in on us however thankfully the worst injury of All To Us was possibly to our egos and maybe to our psyche from seeing such a disgusting creature it mostly just caught us off guard is all but Grimm would begin healing herself as Ox stood guard and once that was finally completed hours later they finally returned home having to walk through the dark smoggy polluted land landscape knowing that a beast like that was on the loose in the area wasn't very reassuring but thankfully we had finally returned and we were greeted by the sergeant who is wondering where we were and why we hadn't returned with any meat of course we frantically quickly explain the situation to him and unfortunately he was not shocked the Intel that we had received about the planet ahead of time talked about monstrous creatures and many unknown threats to the UNC thankfully though while we were out hunting the sergeant had acquired the resources that we needed to build a generator finally we would have electricity and with a power generator as well as electricity that also means we can finally build some lights which of course would be much more convenient because up until this point we've been using the build-in night vision sensors in our helmets not only had the sergeant acquired the resources to build a power generator but he had also cut up so much marble block that we could finally build a table and some chairs it wasn't exactly crucial to the mission but it could be crucial to our sanity however something that was was actually indeed crucial to the mission was a comm's console so we wasted no time getting to work on one with this comm's console we would finally once again be able to speak with our commanding officers that are over this Mission which we desperately needed to do because of how sensitive this mission was we had very limited Intel so with the comm's console built and finally powered up it was time for us to find out what we're doing here or who we're killing [Music] power on welcome private [Music] Oxford well it would appear that we now know our mission our three ODSTs are being tasked with taking out a prominent sangal leader of the Covenant Remnant forces on this planet and it's all beginning to make sense why this planet is so shitty and hostile it's the only place that these Remnant forces could hide this planet is apparently some sort of testing ground for void Abominations which also explains the massive monster we fought in the cave apparently the creatures they release on this planet are so dangerous that there are no longer any labs on the surface but of course that does not mean that the entire planet is absent of void for forces the only people currently inhabiting this planet Are Us Covenant Remnant forces Pirates Rebel scum and other pieces of trash this mission is much more dangerous than we had initially thought and we're most likely going to be here for quite a while we're going to need to try to keep our mind sharp to do so of course we're going to need to improvise with the resources we have available so we used the stone blocks from a nearby Rune to build a chest table now this may seem a bit silly seeing how we're going to battle against aliens Rebels Pirates and possibly even void but of course war is all about staying two steps ahead of your enemy just the same as chess speaking of which it would appear in this foggy evening we have a Rebel Scout arriving nearby they should not be able to detect us here so it's most likely that they saw our pods days ago as we fell now of course normally this wouldn't be an issue we would just stay within our base and wait for the Scout to see nothing and then leave unfortunately though they just so happened to enter the area as we were all three already outside so that means that we couldn't go back inside without the Scout catching us thus we're going to have to take care of them and of course by take care of them I mean we're all three going to start blasting the absolute [ __ ] out of her until she's dead tomato tomato she hidden the corner and began returning fire against us but then we began to hear so oh God oh God void has arrived they must have detected our electricity or something with advanced technology how could they know we're here one of the Void soldiers burst forth from the Pod and very quickly ran we'd never seen someone so fast in our lives dear God what have we gotten ourselves into this is not a mission for ODSTs void they're Spartan Killers we can't handle this no no damn it we are ODSTs we are Humanity we are the only light that stands between a world like this of darkness and everyone else we would have to do something so as the void Soldier was looking for us we began to creep around to the side of the hill we were going to try to rush them all three of us well we got their attention H where did [Music] he somehow we won I think regardless we were alive and that was much more than we expected from the encounter to think three ODSTs took down a void Soldier no one would believe us we had managed to escaped from the void Soldier pretty well escaped all but Ox who took one hell of a beating during the battle even a punch or two from those void bionics can be deadly I cannot stress how very very lucky we were but more importantly we were compromised our position here was compromised we would need to move as soon as possible but we wouldn't be able to move until Ox was at least somewhat patched up as I mentioned those void bionics can be deadly and from the gash and ox's forehead we would need to stop the external bleeding and Ensure that he doesn't have any internal bleeding before we move to which we did it took basically all night and day but eventually he was patched up he still couldn't walk so we would have to carry him luckily our night vision sensors and our helmets were not damaged during the battle ensuring that we would be able to move throughout the dark of night of course not only would we need to be able to move at night we would also need to be able to move effectively and most important silently we walked for hours but eventually we found a small section in a hillside where we could camp for the night and I know what you're thinking Building A Fire may seem very foolish and I agree but with how polluted the planet is it doesn't get much sunlight during the daytime meaning that it gets very cold at night so it would be quite crucial looks like we have nothing to fear just some Covenant forces fighting some of these Abominations we would kill our campfire though to ensure that we don't end up being the ones having to fight either of them we've seen enough action for one day we just want to kill our Target and get off this damn hellish planet we would begin walking for several days during which time thankfully Ox healed up enough that he could walk again on his own and hopefully if the occasion calls for it he'll be able to fight again on his own finally we had arrived we would need to hurry and find a vantage point for the Target would be arriving at any moment it would appear that the Covenant for forces are using some type of old Federation base as their base of operations the walls of the base are made of forum meaning they're basically impenetrable we'll need to ensure that we kill the target before he makes it [Music] inside there he is this is our chance we can't miss oh [ __ ] we managed to hit our Target but now we've been compromised looks like we'll have to fight our way out of this one wait a minute do you do you see that what is that good God a corporal's been hit she's she's dead we need to retreat we need to move now we have to we have to move we have to get out of here I'm sorry Corporal we began running as fast as we could as far as we could in between the hills to try and get away from the elites and then we stumbled upon it a massive spherical object that had fallen from the sky this is the massive object that shook the ground that caused the Corporal to miss her shot it was absolutely massive and there was a huge crack down the middle of it but not only that we could hear noises within there was something in there something [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] two days after the devastating loss of Sergeant Cole private Ox is on his way home I wish I could tell you the home that I was referring to was the planet that he was born on or the planet that he lived on but unfortunately the home that I am referring to is the old base where he and his two colleagues stayed without the sergeant or the Corporal private Ox was all on his own and the horrific creatures upon this planet were more than dangerous it would be impossible for him to survive without help yes he would surely perish without reinforcements the only option he had now was to try and make it back to the old base and send out a distress signal to the UNC unfortunately though as many things on this planet that was much easier said than done as Ox made the extremely long journey all the way back to the old base on foot through the Thundering rain he could see the old lights on just outside the base it would appear that it is now inhabited and of course the inhabited EV of the old base are almost definitely not friendly looks like the United Rebellion has set up shop here still yet though it would be in our best interest to try and avoid a conflict with them it is possible we may be able to sneak by them besides any conflict with them could end up in gunfire and any gunfire could draw unwanted attention from other Rebels or even worse from void or their creatures after entering the base luckily it would appear the comm's console is still online looks like we should be able to send out a distress signal as well all right there we go that should do the trick [Music] now well unfortunately that didn't go according to plan and we did make a little bit of noise but hopefully no one heard us [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] oh well that wasn't exactly the rescue that private Ox was looking for but I guess at least he's alive and it does seem that he'll remain that way knowing Napoleon and the Clone Army if they wanted private Ox dead he would already be dead although it does seem that they have a lot of questions about his involvement on that planet as well as with void sometime later the UNC finally received the same distress call that Napoleon responded to just at a much later time with much fewer numbers however leading the squad of Marines into danger was Corporal Haley Haley was actually the sister of none other than Sergeant Cole but she came to rescue Sergeant Cole and private Ox not knowing that Ox had left and her brother had died hello there I would just like to thank all of you for making this miniseries possible unfortunately this is going to be the last episode of of the ODST miniseries um I didn't really plan on this going past three or four episodes um I didn't really expect too many people to uh see it I guess some people seem to be pretty interested thankfully but it was more of just a fun little passion project that was going to tie in with our Clone Army season 2 which is coming up soon I don't think I have an exact time or anything planned for it just really when I can get around to it um you know we got a couple of series quite a few Series going at this time and uh we're trying to get quite a few more going and that sort of thing and um it's just kind of timec consuming and stuff like that uh but we're definitely going to have the ODSTs cross paths with the colone colone Army I can't talk um and we're going to be facing off against void as well as some other foes the UNC is coming back everybody's coming back we're all going to have a big fun time it's it's going to be wonderful but I love you guys ever so much I just wanted to thank you so much for watching I literally could not make this POS possible without you guys and I wouldn't do it without you guys um without all of your wonderful feedback your wonderful comments and just the fact that you guys love these series and many series so thank you guys you're wonderful I love you so much and I hope to see you in the next one goodbye guys
Channel: Rat Knight
Views: 221,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld modded, modded rimworld, rimworld biotech, rimworld 1.4, rimworld but, rimworld killing machine, rimworld challenges, rimworld modded challenge, rimworld biotech gameplay, rimworld 1.4 gameplay, rimworld 1.4 biotech, rimworld biotech 1.4, rimworld cyborg, rimworld army, rimworld with an army, rimworld but i have an army, rimworld starwars, rimworld clones, rimworld starwars gameplay, starwars, starwars rimworld, rimworld starwars mod, void, VOID
Id: w04OMlu7k30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 20sec (10160 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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