RimWorld Beginner's Guide 2023, Plus Tips and Tricks New Players NEED to Know About

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this is a beginner's guide for rimworld and if you've never played this game before you're probably gonna need a beginner's guide now I played this game for a lot of time and I'm going to walk you through everything you need to know in order to get started a lot of advice and tips and things that you should know about as a new player coming into this if you've never played this game before also this game is amazing if you haven't played it you should go buy it though real quick just really quick options you can go through uh General options Here auto save intervals have it run in the background or not so pause the game when minimized uh development mode is something you wouldn't deal with as a beginner change resolution stuff like that gameplay the only thing in here is make sure this this one make sure it is higher than zero or set like honestly fives like it can't go to zero but set it to five you'll never actually do it as a new player but having the potential is something you don't want to miss out on you have multiple colonies but that's something you'll learn way later in the game if you keep playing this game long enough uh other than that nothing's really too crazy in here this stuff right here just ignore it it's mainly for people who don't play the game through Steam all right so that's with all that stuff real fast want to get through that uh so we got new Colony load games that's really all you're going to be using unless you want to do mods mods are a huge part of this game but as a new player don't worry about it my biggest recommendation as a new player to rim world don't buy the DLCs don't buy anything just buy the base game and play because the DLCs are kind of more for veteran players because they just make the game even more complicated and this game's already very complicated as a baseline so uh let's go into as a just vanilla rim World experience and let me explain so you'd hit New Colony to start and you're presented with some options so I mean if you have module mod more options but anyway uh so you'll go into these different options there's crash landed which is the most generic way to play it's you well in obviously with three columnists that you control uh and you start with all this stuff uh and then you'll your technology level is kind of you know medium uh lost tribe is five people but you start with almost no technology you research technology slower and uh you're basically just like tribal people who were already on this Rim world and you didn't crashly out of some space-faring people or anything you're just primitive tribals who don't know anything you started the stuff and try to work your way up it doesn't stop you from getting anywhere though and you've research slower but you could get all the way to getting into space and beating the game and stuff as tribe uh it's definitely doable uh the rich Explorer this one's very fun for people who like to feel attached to a main character uh this is one that I often pick it's either this one or the one below it where because the thing that happens is you start with one player so this is the easy mode of starting as one player so you'll start one player and you have a bunch of attack you start a bunch of supplies and stuff and it's just really good if you want to be attached to the character naked brutality is super hard mode you start with one character and you uh don't have anything you just you crash landed and they have this little premise of you went for surgery under anesthesia woke up on some crash landed Planet by yourself with nothing naked alone uh so that's like the one for hardcore players that they do hardcore players usually pick lost Driver naked brutality if you're a new player crashland or Rich Explorer is also good but lost tribe could be good for a new player just because you start with no technology and you slowly get there which could help you to work your way up to understanding how everything works so it just depends and if you want to get really crazy you can go to the scenario editor hit edit mode and then you can change all sorts of variables and stuff change what you start with change whatever uh so that's like an option but realistically if you're a new player I would recommend crash landed because starting with one player is extremely dangerous because you could if you like you if you don't know what you're doing you could get sick or you could get injured and then you don't know how to heal yourself fast enough or know what to do and then you just die with three people you at least if one or two people die to nonsense you'll keep going though ideally as a new player you're gonna pick this or lost try but crashland is going to be your easiest one probably so go hit next once you're ready and now this is the storytellers that are in here by default and obviously with mods and stuff you can get different ones so there's some things you need to know so Cassandra classic is the very just standard way of playing the game events happen at a set Pace it's very very Clockwork like you just know oh my God I'm overdue for an event I'm probably gonna get rated soon because it's just been too long you just know it's coming because it follows like a pattern uh I don't know how to say this person's name but foe fobe foever whatever foibi the chillax is basically easy mode it makes it so there are not very many events when there are events there are usually passive things like 40 llamas showed up or something and just eat things or something you know like things don't really nothing too dangerous that tends to happen uh this one's actually extremely boring to play as but if it's your very first playthrough this would absolutely be the best one to do the first time I ever played Rim world I played with this one and it makes it so nothing bad happens that often so that way you have plenty of opportunity to just understand the game and slowly work your way through things uh the last one is super hardcore players only usually uh and also if you're really bored of the game helps to mix things up it's Randy random and basically events actually just happen randomly there is no Rhyme or Reason you could have 10 raids back to back to back to back even though the mathematical odds of that happening are probably in the trillions or something but it does follow a math formula as to how events happen but effectively things can happen randomly I've seen before of people getting four raids getting rated four times over the course of like three days uh or if I've had people get like you know random animals show up like 10 times in a row type of stuff like it crazy stuff can happen uh so this one will make the game the most interesting but as a new player it is uh guaranteed you're going to die guaranteed you're going to die unless you're playing on Peaceful maybe but even then It's just tough uh because just the randomness of what can happen so if you're a new player again I would go with this one uh on your first playthrough and then on your second playthrough I would move up to Cassandra classic and then play with this one a few playthroughs until you're really good at the game and then go to this one once you're bored and you know experienced and just trying to get more out of your money for buying this game all right so let's start with the chillax one now there's there's different difficulties and if you're a new player just go with peaceful just learn how to play the game this game has very complicated systems that take a little while to learn and it's better just to learn them and have fun and then come back once you know and then try the harder thing uh you can also do a custom one which lets you change all these variables which you know if you know if you play the game a lot you know what all these things mean or at least most of these things as a new player you're not really going to know any of this stuff so uh it's just better just go with peaceful if you want to they can go through and try to infer what they mean uh but you would just turn like if you wanted to be easy you turn threat scale off make sure you can't get food poisoning make sure animals don't fight back ever you can't get infections you can't get diseases like you can go through stuff like that no no random events of extreme weather uh predators don't hunt animal don't hunt humans when they get hungry like you go through if you want but just change it to Peaceful then there's uh you have to choose one of these is reload anytime or commitment mode so the way this is is you can save and load your game whenever you want you can make multiple save slots and that way you could like if something bad happens or you're you know you spiral out of control you can just load back a few saves and back like a week or two prior before things went wrong and then keep playing commitment mode is you can only save the game when quitting the game so something bad happens it's it happened and that's the end of it now you can choose commitment mode by just closing your game like alt f4 or something like that uh but that just like if you're gonna do that you might as well just play reload anytime mode it might as well like commitment mode is more of you know like even though you can't alt f4 uh it's more of you know you really are trying to make yourself commit to this you know you really like for me when I play nowadays I only play commitment mode because uh if I save scum the game's way too easy so like I want that extra layer of Challenge and also I want the extra layer of personability and getting attached to the game all right so that's the gist of the AI Storyteller part and why you would or wouldn't pick things so as a new player just go with this and then uh creating a world so these seeds have you ever played Minecraft they're seeds and you can look up seeds but they really don't matter a whole lot there can be some cool stuff but it's it's not really a big deal uh you can put whatever you want and it will you know translate it to whatever code the game is using to you know simulate this uh and then there's Globe coverage and this one really doesn't matter you think oh I just want 100 right like why not I have a 40 90 or something it doesn't matter it's even if you had a 49 is not gonna affect it um because it's a simple game but realistically at 30 the world's already so massive you'll never explore the world even if with Dev mode on picking 5 percent you'll probably never explore the whole world the world is absolutely massive like I've theorized before I want to make some time in my free time when I have time uh doing a playthrough of like you know Knights who can't use technology and trying to eliminate all other like colonies on the planet even on 30 doing that would literally take me probably like 2 000 hours that's how big this game is and I'll show you in a second but you can adjust these parameters rainfall on low or high temperature is lower than normal or higher than normal uh population uh so that's like how many colonies and stuff there are there's a ton of other like colonies of tribes and things or there's very few and then the other factions this is default by default there are two high-tech civilizations one that likes you and one that tends to not like you and then there's a tribe that by default has nothing wrong with doesn't really care about you and it's usually nice and easy to trade with and then one that tends to not like you now you can make the ones that don't like you you can actually send them things and make them like you eventually but they're high maintenance you'll have to keep doing that forever to keep them happy and then there's a Savage tribe which is just tribal State they have Spears and things all these guys are Spears and and bows and stuff there's a Savage tribe that will hate you no matter what and no matter you can't give gifts to them they don't care they'll always raid you and always hate you pirate gang is effectively these high-tech sieves but same thing they'll always hate you no matter what they'll come in with guns and rocket launchers and mortars and things and then there's mechanoid hives there's these machines that come down and every now and then and try to kill you especially later on in the game once your wealth is higher which we'll talk about in a moment and uh they're they're probably the hardest thing to deal within the game they're they're definitely extreme it's for new players especially extremely difficult to deal with and then there's the insect Gene line so you know insects will come in uh specifically when you're digging into mountains and stuff like that uh so one thing that you can do if you really want to make it easy is you could turn off all of the ones that are uh hostile so this one I think is the Hostile yeah barbarity in them so close that one and you could get rid of that one you get rid of that that that and that and then uh that will make the game literally like nothing bad will ever happen there would be literally no raids or anything I think I I think that's how that works I know there'll be less and whatever and you have to deal with that stuff as much but I think it makes none and if you reset factions you bring them all back and you can also add uh more of them if you want to increase you know chances of these ones being spawned in and colonies and all this different stuff okay so uh once you've decided all that rainfall is mainly for um honestly I don't remember why rainfall was good or bad it's been so long so these things don't really matter I'll just leave all these things basic and then once you randomize it to you generate and at this point you're not committed yet it's going to generate the map so you can do this as many times you want though it'll generate a world and you can see now at 30 the world is absolutely enormous so in this game you can migrate so if I was all the way down here I can pack up my bags and I can leave and if I were to leave and I were to try to walk all the way from there all the way up to the ice sheet uh I'm you know I don't know exactly offhand how long that would take but based on my experience of the game if you're running it at 300 you can run the game at multiple speed levels so if you're like three times speed he would still probably take like many hours it take like an hour of your people assuming that they had infinite food and could just go it'd probably take like an hour 300 speed for them to get there like at least like 20 30 minutes which in time in game time would probably be like three four five years or something like something just stupid long so uh the world's massive so that's why you don't need 100 World unless you have some crazy diabolical plan in mind as a veteran player or something uh so now you need to know about biomes and what's going on so yes you can start on the ice sheet if you start here at naked brutality you die no matter what there's like no food there's nothing you can do uh there are ways to survive back in the days be addicted to doing hard challenge in this game and yes I used to do one where I'd start naked brutality on one on the sea ice one square away from the ice sheet and then quickly migrate over before I freeze to death mine up some steel make a little base in a fire survive and live and I did that before and I actually went on and played the game and had colonists and eventually you know Escape potted out and what I ever you can do stuff like that it's pretty cool but anyway obviously colder is North North Calder South is going to be hot around 30 percent uh if you do 100 coverage you'll eventually have a South Pole too I think um so you can look at some stats when you're looking at this so this is um down the bottom left extreme desert this is normal desert and then we have this stuff over here which is arid shrubland which is like the you know it goes from extreme desert to Desert to arid shrub land and then you get temperate forest and all these green ones there's also jungle uh rainforest do not do rainforest if you are a new player unless you turn diseases off because in the rain forest even as an experienced player it's unbelievably difficult to survive because of constant malaria and stuff like that it's horrible uh and then there's yeah so there's a tropical rainforest there's a tropical swamp which is even worse in the rainforest I think for diseases and then there's temperate forest boreal forest and then I feel like I'm missing something here um temperate no there's temperate forest yeah that's it boreal forest and then there is Tundra and then after Tundra is aishi and sea ice and that is uh oh and there's cold box that must be newer that didn't exist when I played like you know a year or two ago or however long ago maybe it was maybe more than that probably was more than that okay so once you click one of these you can get some more stats you'll see let's pick uh temperate Force for example I would recommend a southern temperate forest on a 30 map if you're a new player so let's say like right here somewhere on a road but you see the bottom left there's more stuff it tells you it's the road it's mostly flat not very difficult to move and it tells you the average temperature range now what you can do is you can plan it doesn't really give you much information and there's terrain which does give a lot of information so this will give you a lot more information it tells you what stone types are there which is really only applicable if you know what you're doing eventually marble and granite are the most fun ones to have as an advanced player but it doesn't really matter too much as a new player uh that tells you the elevation doesn't really matter the average temperature which does matter because it shows you the range of temperature so 55 to 91 if you're you know using Celsius uh then it's going to be to show Celsius or if there's a mod you can get that will show Celsius and Fahrenheit side by side if you need it but anyway uh so if anybody sells 55 Fahrenheit is what like like 8 Celsius or 13 Celsius or something like that uh so what this is saying is it will never get below freezing outside of events there's events like cold snap events but normal day-to-day life it will never go below freezing uh and in the summer it'll never go above 91 outside of a random event that makes it super hot so what this means is growing periods year round you can grow corn and potatoes and strawberries and whatever all year round which are gonna make it the easiest to survive uh it also has rainfall which you can change that by going back and then uh changing that scale around rainfall uh forgeability there's bears you can forage so this place has berries where uh desert does not but this what this is mainly talking about is uh when you're in a caravan and traveling across here or people can forage berries and keep themselves fed without using your food on different bonds have different forage ability which makes it so you can't get as much while doing that uh animals can graze here yes and engraves right now yes you can different times a year to see if it's different and then advertise frequency so desert actually has like the lowest disease frequency at the cost of being hot and hard to survive and then swamps have a very high frequency and then uh rainforests have uh there is it is this a temperate swamp and then oh tremper swap a top tropical so temperate swamp has higher disease frequency tropical swamp has even higher or rainforce is even higher and then tropical swap is like disease heaven and it's like the hardest thing ever to play on so uh just pick a tropical a temperate forest is always the best place to start as a new player and pick one that has never goes below freezing and never gets hot like this and then once you do that you are all ready to go but like if you want to re-roll the seed if you don't like the world that you see you can go back and you can randomize the seed and then generate it again keep in mind if you have 100 World size it's going to be even harder it's going to take forever to generate it depending on your PC uh so now it's a totally different world and now we would find similar one so I would just go down to like here or something and another good thing as a new player is to start in one of these mountainous ones honestly their mountainous are on a road and then the other thing to consider before starting is what other polynes are nearby so here's one of the ones that hates us tribal hates us the hateful ones it doesn't matter if you're near them as long as you're not too close uh the main thing is that you want to be near if you're a new player to be near ones that you can actually trade so a good one would be let's say right here this one's neutral and this one's neutral and then this is a temperate forest so if I started right here or over here somewhere near this road uh and one of these ones that's uh you can grow stuff year round I the road you move faster during a caravan so you can easily move to one of these you can like send one of your people with some resources over to one of these colonies and trade with them there is trading with other colonies in this game that is a mechanic so I would recommend picking a temperate forest near at least one neutral other faction just so you can experience trading if you get to play long enough just so it's fun it makes the game more fun so let's just start here so then once you hit next you'll get two character creation I know this game just it just keeps going guys it keeps going we're almost done this last step here with with this then we'll talk about the in-game so uh with this particular um game mode that I picked with the three columnist you can go through each one and you have all these people who are left behind now the Left Behind people you do not start with them the only reason to do this is because they may show up randomly in your playthrough uh it may just randomly have this person and have something about them happen with an event uh you're able to save them or something uh but generally the only ones you really care about are the ones that you can actually play as depending on what you picked so we picked one with three people so we'll go through each one and then uh you'll just keep you can randomize them by default I mean there's mods that will let you randomize and more so pick what you want but by default all you do is randomize and every time there's gonna be they're gonna be male or female they're gonna have a random age and then they're gonna have a random look to them that stays forever the clothes can change but the pawn look doesn't really change so a random childhood and adulthood backstory which affects their skills and then they have random traits that affect uh their gameplay and then there's certain things they will be incapable of now some people are not incapable of anything um but some people aren't capable of a lot of things so keep in mind with that and then with all these skills these are different skills in game shooting as we're shooting guns melee is using melee weapons to fight people construction is building things mining is what you would expect it's mining resources from like rock walls and stuff and uh mining like steel and plastial and different things uh cooking is straightforward that's cooking and then plants is growing crops animals is tending to animals and taming animals uh crafting is making you know weapons and tools and different things at work benches uh armor and stuff artistic is making art which is effective for keeping people's moves up by increasing Beauty scores of rooms or also just making money in the game by making art and selling it to other tribes medical is a critical skill because when people get injured you want to have someone with high medical skill because then not only will they patch them up I think they patch up faster maybe not well the main thing is they patch them up better and it's mainly effective for fighting infections because uh the higher 10 quality you get on infection the less likely it is to kill you is the tldr how infections work uh social is for recruiting prisoners and tending the prisoners basically and also for trading with other factions you get better deals if the person who's training with them as high social skill and intellectual is purely for doing research and I guess drug synthesis too which is you can make drugs in this game but usually as a new player it's not something you'll deal with too much uh the biggest thing one of the biggest things to know is it's incapable of there's too incapable of traits that suck really bad firefighting is a horrible one to be incapable of because fires are extremely deadly in this game if you don't know what you're doing so you want as many people as possible to be be capable of firefighting not incapable uh not being capable of art is totally fine um and the other one to be worried about is being incapable of violence which means they literally cannot defend themselves they will not fight if they're under attack they're incapable of violent uh so they will not pick up a gun they will not pick up a weapon if you're under a raid and they're the only one alive they will do nothing um so there are a bunch of traits and different ones are good and bad superimmune is one of the best in the game it's like top five probably you're less likely to die to infection makes you extremely like you know less likely to die um fast Walker is good you literally move faster there's other ones like kind which is good makes other people happier and have better social relations inside the tribe with the other tribe mates and Miss Sanders is a rough one that you have to keep in mind because they don't like men so they're less likely to befriend the male colonists and then they'll get in Social fights getting factions beat each other up and stuff at bad times I've had people getting a social fight in the middle of a raid when we're trying to fight people uh bad things can happen uh greedy's bad for example tea taller can be good or bad uh underground or has uh pros and cons to it when you stay inside all day then uh they're happy if you have to go out then they're not happy uh or actually I don't know if it actually works that second way I come to think of it no it doesn't stay that way actually never mind no it's only a good one I think you just stay inside it's not a problem people they stay inside forever they eventually get unhappy that they've been caved up forever uh and chemical interest and stuff is bad makes them more likely drugs uh Night Owl has pros and cons it's always good at least one night owl who can deal with things at night and not get a mood debuff from it uh Brawlers It Go makes make something better at melee combat but worse at shooting it's good to a brawler too sometimes uh cycling hypersenses bad there's random events that will affect your mood and it'll be you know make it worse uh and then there's other ones that just don't have a huge deal to do with anything uh great memories insanely good because once you get over 10 skill you slowly decay in that skill if you don't keep using it so use it or you lose it type of thing uh and another thing I forgot about here is health conditions and these will develop over time if you get injured in things so this person has an injury to their leg which causes pain all the time which will cause a negative mood effect on them at all times that's a very bad thing to have in advanced playthroughs you will literally at times cut someone's leg off and replace it with a peg leg just to get rid of a painful scar that is literally a thing that you will do in an advanced playthrough so those things do matter but as a new player it's not too bad uh tough is one of the most OP ones in the entire game uh this guy is extremely insane and steadfast so he won't mental breakdowns as easily he's tough so he takes half as much damage uh and this guy has good crafting stuff like this is a guy I would absolutely want alright so enough with the re-rolling talk about traits uh so what you can do is you can name each one to make it more personable so I could name this like for example only I would like to do whenever I play is I'll pick one person and I'll the middle name right there is what it displays the mass so that's really the name that matters for your day-to-day play what you'll see I usually name the first one after me and then Pretend This Is Me and then the other ones are like you know Side characters in the story oftentimes the way I play is if the main character dies then I quit but that's completely arbitrary you don't have to quit uh you could literally have Donny become the only person get 10 new people then Donnie dies none of the original colonists are alive and you're still going you can totally do that but you know you could name Timmy and emails a girl we're gonna name it Jimmy uh and then you can also give him their full name so I I don't know Sarah Smith though you know you name whatever um anyway once you're all ready to go if you are actually ready you hit start if not you go back and change other things and change the seed and stuff like that but at this point we spent enough time explaining how everything works to you because all this stuff's important that's why I spent so long as picking like what you do before you go in completely dictates how much fun you have in the game so that's why it's so important to know what's going on before you actually start but as a new player if you picked all the options I went through in this it's time to start so what happens is you start the game it loads it up and then based on the scenario it starts you whichever way so for these people um let's see you land on the world uh lay around you you have to learn how to make plans to survive so stranded colonists we come down these pods and we're stranded and now what you can do is you can pause the game over here so uh I think I just gonna do a space I can't remember what it is now so what we're gonna do real fast is hit Escape hit options and go to controls go to modify and these are the keybinds and uh I already fixed it off recording but there's one for pausing the game if it's not set click it and set it to space you speak Space by default I don't know why it was off but uh space is a good one for pause so now you can press space and pause or unpause the game or you can just click down here and change the speed uh you can also use the number Keys one to play two double and three is triple speed there's also a four time speed if you're in Dev mode so knowing the speed is important you don't want to play at one time speed forever it'll get super boring also I just slaughtered Kyle on accident uh I did something off recording I was going to talk about but I uh already just did it on accident because I was playing with settings uh so this was Kyle uh he was a Yorkshire Terrier and he was the pet of I think it was Jimmy or was it Timmy it was Timmy uh this was Timmy's pet dog and so I marked it for Slaughter I was able to click it and there was a button down here for Slaughter and I clicked it and uh then somebody came over and they slaughtered the dog which now I could Butcher and make food or something but since Kyle was uh Timmy's pet dog that makes Timmy unhappy so that's why we're gonna we're gonna go to pawns and how they work so ponds have Mood Food sleep Recreation Beauty Comfort Outdoors all this stuff so if your pawns get too unhappy they can have mental breakdowns which is the basically the uh not the backbone but like the Croc the crutch of every civilization is people only mental breakdowns is what will end your game often times not always but often that can end the games so what we have over here is food uh you have to keep people pawns fed or they will eventually starve to death and die over time and if their food goes the bar goes below these two little notches here it'll make them have a negative uh modifier to their mood from being starving so like one hears I'm very hungry another one is like I'm extremely hungry and I think even going all the way down might be the starving one and then they're super unhappy because they're starving to death uh and then there's sleep well they have to sleep and if you ignore it they'll lunch start passing out if it goes below the first Notch it gives them a negative mood and if it goes with the second Notch it gives them a very bad negative mood if they are exhausted and then there's Recreation which is they need to do fun stuff every now and then or else eventually they'll get unhappy and it'll give them a negative mood buff debuff uh and then there's Beauty which is just where they're at right the SEC second and if there's something really beautiful this bar will start rising and if it stays above a certain point they'll get a positive mood saying they're in a beautiful environment uh but if it stays in a negative place for too long it'll be the opposite they'll say my environment is hideous and that'll give them a negative mood uh Comfort same thing uh go too low negative mood goes very high give them a positive mood because they're so comfortable physically uh Outdoors uh so this is how much they need to be outside undergrounders don't have this basically but if you lock them in a cave for too long it'll start going down and they'll get a negative mood debuff on each one of these notches and to fix it just have them go outside for a little while so that all of this is while food is to stay alive sleep is you have to deal with but everything else is basically that and everything else is to control your mood and mood if it's above this first Notch they cannot have a breakdown they're not they're not gonna have a mental breakdown no matter what now when this little marker goes below one of those the bar will start dropping and if the bar drops below the first one then they can have a minor breakdown which minor breakdowns are not too bad they'll go and pout in their room for a day or something or they'll do something just minor I think one of the minor ones was digging up a corpse and putting it somewhere which sounds awful but it's actually not that bad to deal with uh it might have been a major one actually but we'll see uh well I don't know if we'll see but when I play again in the future I'll remember be able to remember but anyway uh the next one's major this is much more dangerous a major break would be like I'm gonna go beat somebody up uh I'm gonna go I don't know I can't remember what all the major ones are uh but they're pretty bad and then extreme brake threshold if it goes below that there's a chance any every second of the day there's just a chance that they'll have a major breakdown now an extreme breakdown is a catatonic state for example they'll literally become non-responsive like they're injured and can't respond and they'll just be like a sleeping person and then they'll be like that for like I don't know three to ten days or something or longer and you just have to feed them and take care of them until they snap out of it that's a really bad one another bad one that can happen with extreme is they'll go on a murdering spree and try to kill somebody Kibbles will be like I've decided I'm gonna kill Timmy and you have to try to have Jimmy try to stop Timmy or stop Kibbles or else Timmy will get killed by Kibbles and then everyone will be unhappy into the disaster so things like that can happen so mood is the crutch of the entire game keep keeping track of mood is extremely important if you want to stay alive if you don't take care of your pawns and that move goes too low all the time people will start doing crazy stuff and your your whole civilization will collapse which is why it's important to keep mood up and do different things like having food all the time stuff like that it's just part of the resource management and keeping things under control so this is the backbone even if you do nothing else just be aware of this because it's going to keep you alive or dead Okay so that's how pawns work that's the base of what's going on now how do we control people how do we do things what do we do now we have all this stuff around us but we can't pick it up there's these axes on it and stuff uh if I grab this person I right click it nothing happens so what we need to do is we need to go to this architect Tab and we need to go to this Zone tab I don't know how people feel like without a guide this stuff's such a like awful thing trying to figure out okay so you go to Zone and you can put down a stockpile and a dumping stockpile so the first thing you're going to want is a stockpile so take click the stockpile click and hold and drag your mouse in order to pick a stockpile so let's just make a giant stockpile right there just let go and select it now you can click and you can select the stockpile and then you click storage over here to see what things you can put in it now by default everything's good it has everything you'd want to do your people can put stuff in it now so in order to put stuff on it uh your your pawns will automatically do it based on their work stuff and we'll explain that in a second but if you want to manually do it you can click upon and right click and then uh put the stuff away but depending on what it is there's other options too but if it has this x on it you cannot do that so in order to get rid of the X you'll have to click something and then click down here on allow this will allow your pawns to deal with this stuff some stuff is marked forbidden by default and that's when when you see the X you'll have to actually click and then undo it in order to allow it now you can select multiple things at once sometimes click allow you can double click the steel for example and it'll select all steel that's on the screen and then you can allow uh you can select all medicine on the screen allow or you can just hotkey it with f which makes it really easy to F so you go click and hit f f f f f f and f and now everything is allowed my pawns are allowed to interact with the stuff now for hauling stuff to stockpiles they will do that automatically but if I want to do it manually I can click someone and then I can right click now that is not forbidden I can right click it and I can prioritize hauling now if I play the game you'll see that Kibbles rushes over to it picks up a full stack and puts it on the stockpile so that's how to manually force it uh also to manually Force putting stuff on like there's this bolt action rifle I can right click and force a character to equip a weapon and I can do the same thing for clothing these Flack pants I can force Kibbles to put on the flak pants and I could force Jimmy to put on this Mega sloth wool jacket for example so you can force clothing and weapons and armor like this flak vest by just clicking and right clicking uh pause may also equip clothing and armor on their own based on different factors like the work orders and stuff uh but that is the basics everything's under control now my pawns are putting stuff away if I let this play out they'll start putting stuff away but the reason they're putting stuff away is because of the next thing we need to talk about this game game the work tab so the work tab now this may look a little complicated but it is but it's not that bad so there's easy mode and there's hard mode uh Advanced players will play it on hard mode because you it makes it way easier and better to manage everything but if you don't know what you're doing you can just leave it on this thing with an X and just it basically now it's will they do something or will they not do something so if I make it so nobody will haul and click these and get rid of the check marks now nobody is allowed to haul anything now if I turn the speed up they'll do anything butt hauling they're not going to do hauling because it's not marked now if I turn hauling back on they'll all start hauling things so that is basically how you're going to do things uh there's doctor like they cannot tend to someone unless it's checked they uh have bed rest which is when they're sick they'll prioritize sleeping till they're well they'll prioritize you know sitting down in the hospital bed waiting to get treatment uh fire fighting is something you should always have on it's important now what you really want to do with this is we talked about pawns before you want to know who does what and why and then control their work based on that so let's take a look at Jimmy Jimmy you can go to his bio and you can see what Jimmy is good at and what Jimmy is bad at and what Jimmy has a passion for though this double fire means that he will learn this thing faster than someone else and if there's a single fire he'll learn it faster but not insanely fast but still faster so you want to keep that in mind so Jimmy is good at construction Mining and research so he's also good at plants but he has a passion for these things I I definitely want Jimmy to do construction mining intellectual because he'll get better at it faster and become a master at it super fast so if I just force him to do all the construction for example then he'll get like leveled up extremely fast and that'll be super helpful so let's go to work and let's go to construct it's already set good by default because of their traits so it's fine Jimmy's the only one who's going to construct anything and that's what I want now for work for now at least let's go to mining Jimmy's the only one who can do mining so he's it's already set so we're good we got plants on five so Jimmy definitely wants to be someone who does plant cutting and growing uh so he'll take care of plants growing crops and stuff that's is good and then crafting is a four uh and that's an important one so I might want to check the other pawns first so let's take a look at Kibbles it will says crafting 10. so I don't want anyone to touch crafting other than Kibbles because he has the highest crafting and he has a passion for it so we're gonna go to the work Tab and we're going to go to crafting our technology but crafting tailoring and smithing they're already set the game kind of already knew so we're good on that but if anyone else was checked I would uncheck them kibble's the only one also you'll go through this intellectual so research uh Jimmy can do it uh Timmy has it set Timmy's good too we'll have him do intellectual a little research Kibbles sucks intellectual so we do not want cables wasting any time doing research because Kibbles as dumb as dirt and doesn't know how to do anything though don't have him do research so make sure that's unchecked which should be by default if he's really bad at it but you'll go through these things and you'll determine who should do what based on what skills they have now if you want to get more complicated what you can do is hit this one and get to the complicated one now what this does is let you determine an order of operations on this stuff so what if you're gonna do this one what I recommend is turn firefighter as a number one priority it's always if there's a fire go put it out don't do something else first don't put a fire out that's always the most important so then after that we'll look at patient patient would probably be also tied for number one if you're sick then you want to go and wait for treatment in case you're dying and then after that everything else can be after or you could even set patient to two and then the other stuff I usually send them to one and one like don't go put out a fire if you're on the verge of death just go waiting for the doctor to help you you know that type of thing uh and then you'd look at say Timmy's the doctor so let's see if he's good at it he's okay medical four throw Timmy since she's a doctor uh we want him to be on tied with these other things for doctor because if someone's sick we want him to jump on that right away before they die uh you may even want for the doctor to have doctor first and then fire fighting stuff second it just depends and then you'll look through all these things so Kibbles was the crafter so Kibbles is gonna have after firefighting and being a patient the next most important things for you to do are crafting you can click or right click to make it go up or down by the way I don't know I didn't say that but that's that's how that works and then you go through all these things and decide who does what so Kibbles uh has as cooking at seven so maybe at first I actually want Kibbles to deal with cooking and then turn these ones up or a lot of times what you may do is you might just turn everything off and then just decide what you want to do and come change it every so often so I could just turn all this off and then just set cables to cooking and then have like if there's no cooking to be done do some hauling and if not do some research don't do anything else and then once you get to a point in your game where these other things are available and you want them doing these things maybe I'd come back I have a different cook I'm like all right no more cooking for you now you're gonna be smithing tailoring and crafting and if there's none of that now you're gonna do hauling and whatever or do that if there's none of that then go uh do growing and do plant cutting and then if none of that do hauling and just don't do research you can control things like that based on the numbers priorities and it's extremely important to do this long term eventually learn how to use the system because it makes your Colony run much more efficiently super important to do all that stuff okay so that's the work tab I know that was a lot but between the work Tab and the needs and the bio that is like the basis of the game we've got a ton of it figured out now uh so then that leaves us with a few other things that we need to go through all right so how do we make a base how do we do things so we go back to that we we select the pawn we don't intercept the pawn actually no we don't select the monster architect go to the architect Tab and then here there's tons of stuff there's orders so I can say uh chop wood and I could just drag and chop these trees down I can click a tree and cancel that order or hit C to cancel down there um and also I can see these trees and see this one's ready to harvest so this is a good one chop it this one's almost like fully grown sure chop it uh this one's not grown very much I'm gonna ignore it same for that one you want to go for the ones that are more grown because you'll get more lumber for the same amount of time if you chop down trees that are babies they may not even drop Lumber they're only 23 grounds a little sapling still I'm gonna go this one chop this one and go this one and say chop it it's pretty grown and uh then my pawns if they're set to plant cut at some point they'll go and they'll deal with it now just for the sake of the demo I'm going to turn them off the complex stuff leave them on the simple stuff but uh so at some point a pawn who has plant cut enabled we'll go and cut these down now which will get us Lumber or wood or whatever and they'll bring it back to the stockpile at some point or somebody will and then we can use that to make things we can also use steel to build things and stuff but we're gonna go back to the architect tab now there's other orders for things too there's a harvesting hunting Slaughter taming all this stuff but for now let's just build a structure so what we're going to do is we're going to build a wall and we have all the steel and normally you would not want to build out a steel but just for this demo I'm going to build out a steel when you click it you can change what material you use I could make a wall out of silver which would be beautiful but extremely expensive on Silver uh I could use wood which is what I may want to do although it's flammable which is not good Steel's also flammable surprising which doesn't make any sense uh ideally eventually you'll build your buildings out of stone but we don't really have stone right now although I didn't even notice this we actually crash landed with some already cut wood as well so I could select this and allow it now that I've allowed it even though it's not on the stockpile it is available for use but the pawns will have to go walk over there to go grab it so that's good so we can make it out of wood we're going to click this wall click wood and then we're going to build a base somewhere so let's say right here we're gonna build a base so we're gonna click and hold hold drag down like say three spaces then that's going to use 15 Wood and a pawn who has construction will go and deal with it whenever they're available or you can manually force them to do it by clicking them and right clicking I could click on Jimmy right click and say prioritize building they'll immediately go grab the wooden work on it right away depending on certain factors they may just build one at a time and you do some crazy finangling whatever but um they'll work on it uh another thing while I'm on this topic is you can do multiple orders of things so I could uh for example picking up the steel I can prioritize or I can hold left shift and then do another one and another one and another one and another one and another one and another one and then they'll do all these things in a row before stopping they'll ignore their own needs they'll manually do all this stuff and then get back to whatever they were doing uh you can also cancel an order like that by just simply drafting them and undrafting drafting is how you get ready for combat which we'll talk about in a moment but back to the building so we're gonna go to structure wooden wall and now we're going to build more wooden wall over here let's say three and then we're gonna leave a gap because we need a door or else we can't get in there so then we're gonna build a few more and then we're going to build up like this with five in order to close Us in now you don't need to block these Corners if you don't want to it actually will be fine although I think fire can spread between those corners but we have wooden walls anyway so it doesn't matter uh anyway so this is sealed in now so now it will do once they build it at least you're going to click the door and build a wooden door and click there and put the wooden door on that now whenever I think Jimmy was the person whenever he gets around to it Jimmy will build it or I can just tell Jimmy to prioritize it and Jimmy will prioritize it that's how we get stuff building if a building's enclosed they'll automatically put a roof on it if you don't want them to put a roof on it then you can put a um no remove roof area then they won't put a roof in this area or a build roof area to force a roof I could put a roof somewhere where there is no room so I could say put a roof here and they'll build a roof there roofs don't even use materials but plants won't grow underneath the roofs so keep that in mind so you can do crazy stuff where I could have a hole in the roof I could put a or actually I could uh ignore roof air get rid of it I could put a hole in the roof it wouldn't let a lot of temperature out but then I could grow a flower in that uh in that area if I wanted to so uh but generally you're gonna ignore those don't even deal with that because if it's a building your Pawn will automatically think it's a roof area and they'll fill it in as an new player that's all you need to worry about alright so really quick let's talk about growing zones this is gonna be the backbone of staying alive so growing zones is where you grow stuff and the soil determines how fast it grows so at the bottom left of your screen you'll see this stuff over here when you Mouse over something it tells you what it is this is shallow water this is mud this is a rich soil this is normal soil and this is Stony soil and then this is like granite and stuff that you can't grow stuff on so Stony soil things grow slow you don't want to do Stony soil unless you have to normal soil is fine and rich soil is ideal so you can actually look around for patches of rich soil like here's one for example but you have to decide is it too far away from my base do I not want them to have to walk that far those are choices you'll have to make but for now though I'm just going to build a small little growing zone right here now if the growing zone is overlapping with trees they'll cut down the trees before planting things uh any of that grass that's there and stuff they'll also deal with before planting things I'm going to set a five by five growing zone right here and then I'm going to click the growing zone and I can allow sewing on or off by default it's on which means they'll plant things or you turn it off and then they'll stop planting things and that's really important when you have your ponds planting things when they shouldn't be planting things like in the middle of winter or something and allowing cutting will let them Harvest and stuff and and cut different plants in the zone but by default you'll just leave them on and then you click here to pick what plant you want to grow now the way this works if you played Harvest Moon It's kind of like that Vibe uh rice plants grow super fast but provide the least amount of food per square whenever they do get harvested if you need food right away rice will be done growing in like three or four days or something like that I can't remember if you just don't have many days potato plants are the in-between and they also grow the best in Stony soil I think unless they change that and then corn plants take forever like 15 to 20 days or something but they give an insane amount of yield when they're actually finally done they're the most efficient but they're also the longest and you have to really wait for them uh so it's nice to have multiple growing zones with multiple things to keep things going uh strawberries are ready to eat on the on the fly but can also be cooked but they require higher plant growing skill your root you can find around the map but you can also grow here in order to make herbal medicine when you harvest it it gives you herbal medicine uh dandelions daily and Roses are purely for beauty they will be used to increase the beauty score of an area to keep keep people's moods higher and then cotton plant is to get cotton in order to grow to make clothes so it's nice in the beginning to plant just a little bit of cotton so that you can make some clothes when things go bad and and be able to you know fix up bad clothes uh hot plants is for making alcohol later on cycloids for making Cycles whatever some tea thing that's good for mood but could be addictive vocally is basically marijuana and tinctoria is brand new from the last time I played and I don't actually know what it is the dye I guess anyway so for now we're just gonna swap it to Rice because we want food right away and whoever set to Growing will deal with this whenever the they you know can reasonably deal with it alright so then we have another thing so uh combat so in order to deal with combat you can click on a pawn and click draft once they're drafted this will work like a real-time strategy game where I can move them around manually have full control of them with normal just right clicking and uh you want to check the weapons so Kibbles has that ball to action uh and then Jimmy and Timmy don't have anything I go to gear to see what they have uh for example Jimmy has a thin thread t-shirt a mega sloth wool jacket and synth thread pants and is currently holding a package survival meal but has no weapon so let's take a look at the bio uh Jimmy can't even do combat so Jimmy's useless I'm not even gonna control Jimmy Jim and go work on construction Timmy has terrible shooting skill but is good at melee um and I'm going to regardless of that I'm still gonna make Jimmy or Timmy pick up a revolver because uh I don't want anyone to get injured right now I'm not really looking to get injured I'm just looking to demo now here's a bear it would not be smart to fight a bear unless uh my people had better shooting they're gonna miss too much and uh the barrel probably reach them and then kill them though I don't know that I want to fight the bear but I could show you on something else also there's some wood I'm gonna allow that even though that was over there um and then also there's random plants your root I'm going to harvest this heal root so when someone has a chance they'll go Harvest this and get us some herbal medicine like I talked about just to show you how that works uh but yeah let's look at this squirrel squirrel is gonna be a little better so let's turn the speed up my pawns will walk over here and now I can right click well actually can't right click and attack a squirrel if it's like a hostile thing you can just right click it but otherwise you're gonna have to click attack and then click it but when it's like Raiders you'll just be able to click them right click on my mean and it should just attack them but anyway we're gonna shoot at the squirrel until we hit it and once we hit it it may die immediately it died immediately or it may get injured so we can actually look at the health and see what happened so what happened was its neck got shot off so I guess it lost its head uh so it says the body parts entirely missing the neck is missing uh kibble's bald action rifle bullet pierce the squirrel skull head and neck to Pieces so we destroyed the squirrel's head all right cool we have a squirrel now so we're gonna click and allow and that'll allow us to haul it and that is where we're going to want to make a dumping stockpile specifically for bodies and stick corpses so we're gonna put it over here and what we're gonna do is click it click storage and then don't allow rotten things only allow fresh things this will keep us from putting rotten animals on it and stuff and then go down here turn off chunks this is for corpses and then put corpses here now in this case for me I'm making this as a butchering spot so I don't want human corpses either I just want animals I don't want mechanoids just animals this is purely for butchering the so now what I can do is undraft and tell Timmy to haul that or Timmy will haul that on his own at some point so uh now we have a squirrel now if we want to butcher the squirrel we go to production and we would need to build a butchering table now we don't have a lot of resources so we're gonna make it out of wood and I don't know that we have enough right now but we can do this and we can press q and e or we can click over here to rotate it now I'm just going to put it right here it's just whatever uh whenever it gets built we'll have a butchering table and I can show you how to butcher things so that is Basics if you need food and you don't have any crops ready you can go and Hunt animals or if you want you can look at these berry bushes that are ready to harvest and you can click Harvest or press h and set them for Harvest and then I could tell Kibbles to go Harvest all these berry bushes to get some emergency food real fast turn that speed up and you'll see there are some berries 24 berries and then I can tell cables to go and prioritize hauling that now we have some more food on top of what we started with so that's how to get that but ideally we don't want to eat raw food even berries berries you're not very likely to get sick from berries but you still can and you don't want to get sick because that makes your person unhappy for a day make some vomit and stuff it's just hard to deal with but you ideally want to cook stuff which we'll get to in a second also cooking our food it spoils eventually now berries last two weeks which is a long time but if you look at the squirrel uh it rots in 2.4 days now cooking with it will refresh that and uh make it so it lasts a little bit longer again and you can do that to kind of conserve food uh by manipulating the game but the main thing is meat and stuff rots super fast and it also deteriorates from being outdoors and from not being under a roof so all this stuff uh the knife is deteriorating it's unroofed and it's outdoors steel doesn't deteriorate but the medicine does uh and the package survival meals do so ideally what we're going to want to do now is make another stockpile Zone and put it in the actual house and now what we're gonna do is pause the game so our people don't start moving things around we're gonna go to this stockpile and we're going to unmark things that can rot so we don't want to put food we don't want manufactured items we don't want well we do want raw resources but yeah we probably don't want what well we don't want wood wood rots steel stuff doesn't so we're gonna go through here we don't want weapons outside we don't want clothes outside uh building is fine like whatever stuff like that's fine and then um we don't really want corpses either in there now we're gonna go to this other stockpile and we're just going to uh we're gonna clear all get rid of everything and then get over to those ones as well and then we're going to this new stockpile we're gonna Mark all those things we want we want the food we want the manufactured we want wood to go into here we want items and weapons and uh that that's that's all that's good enough all right so now our pawns will eventually move items from this stockpile to the other one or it could manually tell them to do it now because uh it's uh whatever it's I shouldn't as if it's not even on a stockpile anymore also I forgot something over here uh we want to allow fresh stuff I had that unchecked and that makes it so they can't move it so there we go now I could haul it and there it goes to me he goes to put it inside I can also expand these stocks piles so they get you know it's too much stuff and you want to make it bigger I can expand it in order to make it you know bigger like that so that's how that works so now um I don't know if we have enough materials we should probably cut down some more trees but I want to set it up so that when we have enough material uh we have that wooden butcher table but let's make a yield stove we don't have electricity yeah and that's something you won't get till later in the game but fuel stove uses steel but let's uh put a fuel stove right here and that way they'll use some steel to make a fueled stove and then from there we'll be able to start cooking things so that's like the progression for the year of what you do and then um what you can also do so this butchering table it won't work by default what you got to do is hit bills add Bill and butcher creature now you can set this to do it one time and just change it every time you sell in the butcher or you just say do forever uh or you can go to details and pick what you want to um Butcher and uh or you can do until we have uh something I don't know if that works correctly for this one I would say do forever and now I can pick whoever's at the cooking so nobody's at the cooking we're gonna set Kibbles to cooking and then we're gonna right click and prioritize or Kibbles will do it on his own whenever it's time and so kibble's is gonna butcher the squirrel and now the squirrel left some light leather and some meat Kibbles is bringing the meat to the stockpile and there we go uh also this needs refueling it looks like Timmy's on his way to refuel the stove and the stove is ready to go so now the stove we're gonna hit bills out of Bill and make a simple meal the backbone of staying alive we're gonna say they do this until we have uh say 15 maybe 20 meals because we don't make too many meals because we don't have any Refrigeration right now Delta's rot so you only want to make as many as you need so we're gonna make up to 20 meals and just do it whenever so whenever Kibbles has a chance he'll now go over there and he'll start cooking out the fueled stove and making us more food from the berries or if we had rice from the rice or from this other animal we just murdered then uh you know whatever make food from wherever whatever so that's food we're alive we're growing stuff we have stockpiles we are ready to go things are moving along so now we have a few more things real quick to touch on that are important for Staying Alive Furniture so Furniture is important we need a bed or else people get really unhappy so we're gonna put uh wooden beds so we're gonna kind of just cram them in here however because we don't really a lot of space we're just gonna put down three beds because we have three colonists that way they don't have to sleep on the floor and that is very important to keep them happy uh otherwise they'll get mood debuffs also we would ideally want a dining room and you know all this other stuff to make them happy of recreation room and all that stuff would affect their needs uh so they'll build that whenever and then also we want record creation and start off just make a horseshoe pin just somewhere where those little three icons or four icons are not obscured with anything and that will let people do that when they're bored you can also make a chest table depending on your research level or poker or Billiards or whatever and that leaves me it leads me to one other thing if you don't have these it's because you haven't researched anything let's talk about research research tab so this is where you re this is what you're going to research you pick what you want to research next because of what we started with the one we picked we already had a bunch of stuff so say the next thing I would want to know would be say smithing or maybe I want uh uh I think smithing would probably be the smartest thing or a battery would also be good uh let's say battery look at click research that's now our research task now in order to research go to production and you make a simple research bench which apparently can only be made out of steel nowadays unless just got nobody would available things got only wood available I thought I could make it out of wood well either way um you're gonna make simple research benches and then whenever the people want to they'll go and research if they have it set in their work orders and then they'll you know research and slowly make progress towards your next research that's research in a nutshell that's one of the prickly touch on that there's Wildlife shows all the animals that are on the map you can zoom out and look around all the different animals uh you can click it on here wildlife and click that to see where they're at uh you can also have a sign tab to change different medicines and things and change what the drug policies are and stuff it's kind of more advanced I wouldn't worry too much about that in the beginning uh and then there's animal tabs which are all the tamed animals which we don't have any uh there's quests that'll come up from other civilizations and things we don't have any of those right now we gotta go save someone or something you can click World whenever you want to look at the world map and uh see what else going on or Zoom back in or just click world again to get out there's these tabs so there's the graphs and the graphs will show your wealth and show any messages and statistics and things and then this is factions see how you're doing with other factions uh hostile or you know how hostile they are how much they like you and then there's over here back to the menu uh so the one thing you need to know uh there's a few more things we need to touch on before the end of this uh wealth uh the higher your wealth goes the bigger the raids get also the longer you go without having a colonist die the bigger the raids get so if the raids get out of hand like they'll keep getting out of hand until a colonist dies so if you want to manipulate them you can purposely sacrifice a colonist in Array just have them die on purpose and it'll reset like some counter that makes the raids easier but basically keep an eye on your wealth don't get wealthy for no reason or else the raise was getting possibly hard so wealth management is a thing people will give away their wealth to other factions in order to build alliances but also to um control wealth that's like a big thing in this game is wealth control so that's important it's going good to know about that and then also something else I'm trying to remember what it was okay something else that you need to know about this will confuse the hell out of you is click it click health and uh you can tell what they can use so can they only use herbal medicine they can only use self-care they can doctor but not either use medicine or don't ever kill this person if they get sick they die if a person can't heal themselves like your doctor won't heal himself it's because self-tend is disabled by default so uh click that and it'll let them heal themselves so the doctor should always have that one checked so they can you know treat themselves which is really important and you also see how everything's going here and stuff the reset operations to add a bill to harvest the longer or hard or something and kill someone or euthanize them by cut anesthesia installing legs and things and later on you can like get like bionic legs and things and install them in people and medical beds and stuff like that so that's also really important to know about oh yes I remember what the last thing was I'm gonna close out on this last one the schedule you're wondering why ponds are randomly slacking and stuff it's the schedule and this is where you manually determine their sleep and work schedules though normally what well Advanced players have their own different techniques for everything but say for example I just want them to work all day no Recreation which is a bad idea then I would just set it like this realistically though what you want to do is have designated Recreation time somewhere so oftentimes it's best before bed so even if they oversleep it doesn't matter and then you'll just set Recreation for like three hours or four hours at the end just to make sure that they keep their recreational you know thing up so you can do this control things uh one thing I'll do at the beginning of a game is I'll just set them like at the naked whatever brutality one I'll just let the person to work all day and then I'll come back later on and then I'll readjust it once they can or however or I'll manually make them do things you can manually control things like this but it's not something you generally want to do you generally want to get it set up in a pretty good balanced homeostasis type of thing and then just let it go you can also control where they're allowed to go right now they can go anywhere they want but I could tell who was that pacifist it was uh was it Jimmy Jimmy like I say Jimmy you know what you're never allowed to lead the home area now Jimmy will not be able to leave this designated area in Blue on the screen uh but you can make areas you can go to zones and you can expand aloud areas you can make new ones so I could make one and call it uh name it animals and if I had animals I could say all right change animals animals are only allowed over here and then I could go to animals just like I could with the people and then pick what areas they're allowed to go into we've got to control movement and stuff where people go uh it's good for raids have one that can't leave the base if there's a raid going on things like that uh you can also do that to remove areas so home area is what they clean so I don't want people going and cleaning out here I don't people cleaning any of this I don't want to clean any of this I just want them to clean the house so the home area is constant battle because when you go to build something if I build something then uh the home area will get expanded uh to that area which I'm actually going to show you real fast with Timmy so Timmy I gotta put him back in unrestricted and then Timmy's gonna go and make whatever make this wood wall uh okay not Timmy Jimmy Jimmy all right Jimmy's gonna make this wall and you'll see after I built that wall now the home area gets expanded nearby that thing I'd have to go and you know remove it so there's a lot of micro you have to do in this game there's mods to change things and stuff I have to click animals click hunt it'll make it if someone has a gun and they have um hunting enabled then they'll go and they'll hunt the animal at their earliest Leisure and uh there's also Stone you can make stone cutting tables Stone Cutters table and then uh if I were to build that I could put a bill for cutting the stone cutting slate into chunks and then making that into blocks and then I could go and I could build uh structures out of slate instead if I had it available stuff like that though uh that is also good to know uh last thing here world I could set up a caravan in order to do stuff so I click on my own settlement and click form Caravan and I tell them where I want to go so I want to go trade I'd click that or right click it hit accept and then I would pick who wants to go let's say I take everyone and then I take with us I want to take components and leather and dog leather to go trade and then I want to also bring um travel supplies so I'll bring you know some of this food or something like that and then I'll you know send them on their way or whatever and uh I don't want to automatically here we go I can manually bring a bunch of stuff or bring whatever I want and then I would send them on their way and then they would go on the map and then on the map and click and control them however I want in order to change their path and stuff but that's how you leave that's how you go places uh so just make sure you keep the rack up make sure you sleep make it through your bedroom take care of food and all this if you watch this video this long this video is probably like an hour if you watch this point now you know how to play Rim world you absolutely not a player immoral now I covered like everything guys of the basics now there's so much more there's making electricity there's nutrient Pace there's Hoppers there's art benches crematorium for corpses tailoring smelters you'll unlock things with research there's microelectronics there's uh making you know pulse charge Munitions bionic Replacements then the starflight Basics and getting off the planet in order to see the credits roll and to beat the game marine armor recon armor I mean there's all sorts of crazy stuff there's even rocket swarm launcher which is new that didn't exist last time I played so a multi-analyzer ground penetrating scanners there's all sorts of stuff guys and that's also why I said the basic game because the game's already very complicated if you're brand new you don't want to start with one of the expansions start with the base game learn the base game then when you start to get bored that's when you want to jump on one of the expansions in order to keep your you know self interested in the game okay guys I'm gonna wrap it up here I hope this video helped you out hopefully now you have a better idea how to play Rim world uh also before you go uh if you want to support me or help me out uh check out the descriptions video below the first paragraph I have a link to a game that I'm working on called Art Gallery simulator and if you go and check that out and wishlist that that would help me out a ton guys but this is my uh 2023 beginner's guide for Rim World hopefully helped you out now if you're actually a newer player to rim World hopefully now you have a much better idea of what to do to learn the game how to learn the game what game modes to pick for a new player what to do and just how to enjoy yourself playing rimworld in 2023
Channel: Kibbles Gaming
Views: 54,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld guide, rimworld 2023, rimworld tips, rimworld beginner, rimworld beginners guide, rimworld beginners guide 2023, rimworld beginners guide 2022, rimworld tips and tricks 2023, rimworld tips and tricks, rimworld new player guide, rimworld new player guide 2023, rimworld starting guide, rimworld starting guide 2023, rimworld 1.4, rimworld how to play 2023, rimworld how to play, rimworld quick start guide, rimworld quick start guide 2023, rimworld tutorial, best
Id: nM1BjwhKlSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 33sec (3873 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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