Swallow A Mouthful of My Thick Grog 🤢

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general sam is like my favorite youtuber

now hes an all time mvp

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/piebob131 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yes i have watched this great content!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TH3-Void 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
so after the fanfare of the last kimchi video I decided I'd be a good sport and make another one you know I know absolutely nothing about the complicated world of kimchi and I figured hey I'll let my cool subscribers pick what to do next they probably have a great idea so I picked this guy's comment his name is Lucia mate he said hey make an alcohol farm buy wheat and water make alcohol sell for profit you can do it in a small Shack he says work your way up he says sounds easy plus I live next door to the holy nation which is a bunch of in Seoul Christian boys that do nothing but cry and pray for some [ __ ] and rain for their crops I thought it would be hilarious to become like a moonshiner and then destroy the hyper-religious acqua night culture from the inside out with my delicious grog boy was I wrong let me start this out with a huge [ __ ] you to louche mate you acted like this [ __ ] was gonna be easy peasy and let me tell you something I spent over eight hours working on this distillery eight hours constant bandit rates giant insect things fat dinosaurs eating my crops I ended up having a steal from people because all the broken limbs and the crop destruction I got caught stealing a couple times I cried at my desk more than once I went swimming through acid I had to mooch off the in cells of okra and for pelts just to feed my kids and at the end of the day you know how many bottles of moonshine I produced none this is kimchi this is one of the Ocwen cities these this place is full of religious zealots I don't like women but you know what if there's one thing that will corrupt a nice Christian community its alcohol I've moved out of the tiny little shack I've made my own little settlement you're looking face-to-face that trade routes gonna be short and sweet baby we're gonna be alcohol salesmen a few moments later I'm out of money I should have read the art of the deal by our Lord and Savior Donald Trump because I'm sure he said something about it takes money to make money holy nation a soul moving towards my out what no no I said get inside you were gonna have the ass-whoopin of a lifetime if you can't get this [ __ ] oh my god what do you want but I was gonna feed you some delicious steaks but you have nothing on your job list and yet you insist on going back out here walking with your little baboon ass they're not even attacking they're just doing like they're out there just doing like a little mango rally because I'm a stud I'm ballsy I don't take no [ __ ] from anyone I don't have to find a hideout place like you oh come on in honey it's okay yeah daddy Zep is here to make that leg feel all better that leg really is crippled didn't it Jesus Christ Lou the way that things bent oh wait I can somebody get some of my pants oh yeah got some pants and I ate the steak immediately god damn it I now have 160 dollars [Music] and he ate the [ __ ] steak again are you not gonna let the other lady eat she's dying look at her she's just dead she's laying dead over here dying of starvation and every time I go over here to send this guy in a rescue mission to get her some food he just eats it out of the merchants hands oh you're out of luck lady you're just gonna be laying here with your broken leg oh I received a ration pack ah I got the ration pack I'm gonna go drop off the food for my main [ __ ] gecko who's just laying here on the floor what don't you feel better okay I thought food is what you wanted is that not what you wanted I tried selling that [ __ ] bandage back to the guy I stole it from oh my god they got me no no no no no no no no okay I done goofed I thought I said I had an 89% chance at getting away with it that guy really knows what his bandage looks like damn son [ __ ] raise the alarm what kind of alarm do they have Oh No oh okay I'll go back to my cage I'll get them next time you know zip you're gonna come out here and talk to the the bandits no no well I'm getting attacked they're coming and eating on my fruit oh you son of a [ __ ] they clean that [ __ ] out for [ __ ] two seconds all I'm trying to do this entire time I haven't even been able to make the distillery to make grog have enabled brownie wheat stuff to make grog because I've just been trying to get some [ __ ] food and every time I get it about halfway grown these lumbering fat idiots come by and eat it all whenever I can afford to get this [ __ ] built that's when it's gonna be boner town I thought he was a slave Jaglom has been released from prison come home my little darling come home oh that graceful stride like a greyhound get get on home buddy see I thought she was sprayed up I thought she was straight-up enslaved I didn't think it was a prison sentence I've been playing for like 4 to 5 IRL hours in this this [ __ ] just got released in here everybody in my camps starving dude I can't getting goddamned food this is the hardest game I've ever played you're just say it is Oh No huh what's up bro not sneaking around at all dude oh he's got his sword out are you about to finish me up oh okay you know what guys I was just sneaking there is no need to do this I am NOT I refused I refuse to have another person in prison for [ __ ] half of my eye our ell day it's not gonna happen that's my main man that zip that zap he's the one that did the excellent rescue mission last video I refuse oh no that's where I draw the line that is where I draw the line right there is real art I'm not waiting on you to go by so I can break into the food bank and you know what's awesome is I got this wheat this wheat straw stuff which is what I need to make the grog distillery boys boys I'm coming home daddy brought food daddy's got food yeah wheat straw farming baby whoo get in there make that stuff get them hands moving learn how to make that alcohol baby I want to see them moonshine in hands look like he's whacking off two [ __ ] and that beautiful distillery in it okay so I need water I need wheat straw that's it those are the only two that's the two ingredients well that's a lot of food oh my god that's a lot of food hey what's up dog not stealing [ __ ] what are you up to I haven't touched anything god I love not stealing did you see all those food cubes my peeps would be happy forever look how hungry everybody Armon just look this guy just passed out that's how hungry he is that and I'm working on like a goddamn slave over here at this rock he's been breaking bricks he's been breaking bricks for four days straight without breaking bricks wetting it is there like a chance to steal stealing chance look 63% oh my god that's worth doing I got immediately caught the first one look I got like a choke point now yes because they keep like every time I get attacked I can't damn that's good looking what the hell not a bad-looking meme alright it is now four o'clock in the p.m. and I still do not have a wheat farm I have some wheat and I'm just gonna mix it with water in this machine in the grog machine and I'm gonna see how much I get because I really do need money right now like that's really what's holding me back it needs electricity what the [ __ ] is electricity I looked nothing up on this game I didn't I didn't look up anything and then and then everybody was telling me to make more Oh Sam you gotta make more kimchi and then they were like the people were giving me advice knows I hey you know what I'm gonna put myself in the hands and my subscribers they're nice people they're [ __ ] great guys and then you [ __ ] me over like this I didn't know there's electricity in this game everybody's living in a dirt hut the hell they doing with electricity Zep is dead nah no no no no I can't now no no I can't be not my boy SEP IRA fuse don't know it's not gonna happen there's my entire just so just when you think you got a leg up and you're like Oh things are going my way they send in a roaming thing of bandits someone that's just gonna hold you down and then stopping I'm just got breaking in this guy storage shed I mean he's like two houses over what was he gonna cure me in here holy goddamn where the hell'd that guy come from I'm out dude can't a full-on sprint down the staircase come on pick the [ __ ] lock dude the guy's like knocked out I'm like picking a lock next to a guy sleeping in his bed which by the way he's not sleeping his eyes are dead as open he walked in the very moment his night terrors kicked in yeah I can't move he just gets all watched looks like the rise and fall of Bitcoin he like went up down up and then just plummeted straight down died here in a puddle like it's a blood trail of him crawling we finally got a windmill built which means our distillery works the only issue is that it takes 20 wheat straw and one water to make one grog and I had 12 wheat straw this this is kimchi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: General Sam
Views: 854,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, gameplay, funny, grog, general sam, satire, clips, comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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