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how is it going YouTube welcome back to another taco stacks video of garbage picking if you're stopping for the first time what we do is go out there we go garbage picking if you haven't seen my other videos make sure to check them out at the wrist video we go out we pick garbage we tried to find good treasures that people leave out fall cleanup spring cleanup and they usually put out good things furniture antiques sometimes whatever it might be something that might be cool we pick it up and throw in the band so join me now let's go garbage bacon have a nice drop leaf tea cart I guess I'd be called cheese night gonna have to pass on that it's tough to sell furniture if it's if it's missing stuff and that's missing a whole wheel I know those aren't easy to come by it's kind of fresh next I do like them but oh well take that I guess we got there decent so I'm not gonna scrap this rack and obviously these DVDs not going to scrap those long - yeah one dollar to our three so you got five dollars if I sold it to the other guy and most likely I'll probably sell six or 70s by myself so probably seven dollars worth of DVDs here not a bad haul that just cool is cool yep she's clipped this thing it's sweet sunray heat-ray huh anyone knows what kind of lamp that is let me know thanks pretty cool got nice hose over there I see some sort of treasures see a picture frame that's one thing some Mickey Mouse Pez salt pepper shaker I don't know I don't really want to take the page they look kind dirty and usually PES aren't really sought-after unless they're in the package so kind of looked like just yard sale stuff I don't even know why I picked this stuff this is even stainless I bet it's just just iron that thing's nice take off the price tag on the bottom got lazy susan that's cracked don't know about these so candle thanks nice some ps2 controller it's like an erector set some books and Barbie's Christmas tree it's crock-pot miss and the rest dressing right bad dressers broken so it went past that I see some lamps over there so I'm not taking through all that once you're scratched I'm not I take all that scrap button hockey stick that's broken these might be a little gnome this is old don't think those are brass but I'll find out in about three seconds except they are brass that's a lot of money and brass yelled at me for not having a magnet magnet handy that's not for assets why turn this top pieces brass and the bomb pieces brass might be cast rest what about this so realistically in a scrap value that's probably I'd say around five or six or seven bucks nice little shelf work think of a I'll probably keep it but Brian I'm just gonna be scrapped Oh weird things too [Music] Oh that thing is heavy it's just light iron no unfortunately it's magazines aren't bad but what am I really going to do with them I mean I can't sell them I'm not really going to read them all right it's pretty clean it's definitely good Moosehead Lucetta means I might grab that I got pulled my van back the reason I know that's probably good piece is cuz the back is like solid rock this isn't hos see how heavy it is being them donuts really helping I'll text my friend see if it's a good piece he's a furniture guy but the pricey is at the market soon yeah I don't my heart is beating so fast right now that think they're so heavy but don't know if that's called Moosehead main wood company whatever it's called it or loose that name guess that's an arm war oh it's all broken on the top it's a nice piece Barton that's way too heavy for me glad the pass on that deuce alright so it looks like it looks like two people just put out more garbage that was just at so we're gonna go back and pick up some more I know there was a rug out there I didn't really look at so let's go take a look what's that mantle Oh metal scrap metal yeah if you have any I didn't know if this was an old rug kind of it is do you know if it's stained or anything or I'll just take it I'll just run through a car wash usually I do frogs yeah that's good yeah I didn't what I mean if it was like any good to know are you moving in it's like a big toy I'll probably see you guys around Thanks yep here we got some Oh got some nice dressers maybe their name it here oh it's coming out too watch these guys so that's a set they really beat up on the legs you got the mirror on the back that one's pretty good this one's Altman and company in New York it's what drew involved decisions decisions all right so I got that piece well I got the two big the two nice boots up the - Altman company pieces I got and the guy came out he's like hey you want a hand I was like I guess we struggled so bad for a thing but we got it in right there are a really nice pieces nice dressers older he's a pickup at estate sales so you know it's definitely you know a nice piece water net it's hearing them fit any more stuff in there I couldn't get the last dress or butter be alright got all sorts of goodies these are right our space candles skateboard shop [Music] it's not Pyrex but it's a nice mixing bowl set so a lot of you guys probably saw that I just picked up this box I'm doing this footage the next day but I wanted to include it in the vlog to show you guys what was in this box because it's actually a it's a very nice fine in here you might have briefly caught a glimpse of this piece we have - this one's all cracked at the bottom but it's still nice decorative porcelain style with the rim on the edge usually I scrapped these because these are usually 10 that's why I didn't really show much in the video I didn't look over to footage I don't know if you can catch this but it was at the bottom and most of the times they are light iron a very thin light this is very heavy it's cast iron it's old I flipped it over and we have a Griswold number 10 Griswold Erie Pennsylvania 948 looks to be the number on it very good shape not cracked there doesn't look to be any sort of chips on it and it's still very clean so in that regards definitely a huge fine with that one I think it's like about $30 or $45 piece great fine I know I talk about Griswold a lot on this channel I want to briefly talk about that and show you that I picked that up because I felt like it had to be noted that it was definitely a nice trash treasure piece alrighty folks so we are finished for garbage picking for today a huge haul absolutely here's just what you know you can't really see this but uh that's that there's a lot of guard there's a lot of scrapping they're not rich well was garbage there's a bunch of furniture pieces of furniture I thought I talked to my buddy and asked them you know hey should I pick this stuff up I'm not a furniture guy I know a lot of people you know asked about hey you know this furniture sell my neighbor asked me a couple days ago you say hey I have this nice table I've side tables this that I told my my two cents on what what sells or what doesn't sell in terms of furniture but you know in regards to different kinds regards two different kinds and what people really want and what people want them for I mean I'm clueless so in that regards I pick up things I think might be worth selling and hopefully you guys enjoyed the video stop in for your first time please hit the subscribe button so you don't miss a future garbage picking videos and as always have a great day keep living the dream peace [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 359,774
Rating: 4.8645463 out of 5
Keywords: Garbage picking, Trash Picking, Garbage Finds, Dumpster Diving, Trash Hauls, Antiques, Rugs, Persian rugs, furniture, antique furniture, curb surfing, scrap metal, scrapper, glassware, griswold, cast iron, move out, clean out, house clean out, estate clean out, clean out service, recycling, recycle, metal recycling, salvage, dumpster diver, dumpster dive, garbage picker, pickers, forclosure, asmr
Id: neI1-caGOXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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