FOUND THIS IN THE TRASH - Garbage Picking Ep. 432

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all right everyone welcome back another day out here great day beautiful day beautiful weather just mowed the lawn uh grass clippings everywhere but yeah it's another fun day very excited to go out there trash picking hopefully it's gonna be a beautiful night and plenty of treasures i forgot i just went to the scrap yard um so i got to take out some things out the back but made sure to bring water this time because last time i didn't have water and uh it's kind of rough but uh yeah let's make it a fun day trash picking anything we can find out there in the trash people throwing out that's cool interesting we'll grab it so let's make it a fun day and let's do it he's having some camera issues there this town and the wind i just don't get it those are the legs to a uh desk i think the top of that desk is over there it's almost like a rolling cart anything of interest over here i don't know how well that shows up that uh stump tree thing they actually carved the uh this one's got carpets too carved four cardinals oh it's kind of cool this kind of fight they're actually looking at too they're making sure you guys try not to get hit by any cars kind of cool grabbing this because what's going on that's where i found the rest of the whole uh window frame last week i feel like it was just meant to be it's quite the uh interesting array of metal i'm wearing sunglasses right now because my allergies are so bad and i honestly thought that was all wood and it's not i thought this was all wood wow seems kind of heavy [Music] looks like this looks like this box has been out here for a while [Music] [Music] i thought this was cast iron it's not probably weighs like two pounds from the road it looked like it was probably a cast iron uh the uh the door to a wood burning stove that's what my impression was on this is probably neat at some time looks like a little display rack maybe it's kind of cool car i'm seeing a lot of garbage out not a lot of bulk bulk items out was just a small trash can next to it's a really nice house it's a small trash can next to uh two larger trash cans so i'm seeing a lot of like i don't know if it's a lot of furniture it must be the day where everyone's throwing away their couch couch and mattresses i can't tell you how many of those i've seen today this might have been the area where the guy helped me load the uh it was yes because i walked down that pathway and there were chairs over here last week you guys then check out that video make sure check check out my trash picking playlist i will post it at the end of this video you can just click on the screen essentially if you're on a television you probably can just use the remote but i have a whole trash picking playlist if you guys and girls are new to the channel uh that was last week's trash picking video of this town but i'm still confident that was the oregon house not human organs but oregon as an instrument they don't have anything out this week we'll find some more treasure i can almost guarantee it it will be out here holy smokes the trifecta see if this is what i think it is and that's a screen like a wood screen it is what it is trying to be hit by this car did i go again with the one glove all right so i don't get this whole trend with these things but apparently they do a little bit better than those shutters do oh expert thing looks expensive island e y linen got me because i can always use more china it's more like a mystery box oh we got a nice little brass tray thing oh that's that's really cool i see some already called i think it's pretty cool i mean this stuff is all like what i expect from these areas like these the nicer newer houses generally don't have like authentic primitive but they have like the high-end stuff you get at like department stores or wherever be a pure one not being judgmental it's just what i've noticed from picking over to many years as you'll often find old farmhouse stuff around here and old farms just like you'll find nice pure one stuff in these houses it's now begun raining somehow got me i think one of these houses over here on the left had a uh well that's where i found that really awesome chandelier with the wall sconces i think it was this house this person has something is that grill did we do it well would you look at that what a beautiful sight my trash picking day in may see if there's a hamburgers oh wow it's a fancy one it's got a lot on it i haven't seen that before it's a freaking awesome invention there i think that was like a rigged job they had it on after i just rigged that together they put a bolt in there maybe that i don't know if that's standard i might have to pay extra for that and also grab that vacuum cleaner my vacuum cleaner was really clean um and once again like these new houses especially house that's up for sale because that was for sale that thing could easily just work and they're just throwing it away because they're moving or they're downsizing you know it's just the name of the game get yourself a grill how you doing all right what the heck i see out here that's cool rags it was all like rags i only took the actual piece of clothing um i don't know what that was any small jersey maybe basketball jersey so many couches and chairs so many beautiful sounds of nature trees are starting to fill in walnut trees are starting to oh buddy is that an ash tree that one has no leaves on it back not this one the one in the back oh ups not coming here uh i don't know because all the ash trees around here i actually have one over here i have one on the other side of these trees uh ash trees are dying not good not good can you see no you can't see because that thing's there um so yeah i mean it's just not good but you know what was good trash picking although we didn't fill up the van too much uh got some neat things here don't know if this will sell this is one of those things that back in the day these things were like a hundred hundred and fifty dollars at walmart or wherever they were sold and people love them and i don't know what the resell it looks like it's missing a train i don't know what the resale value is on them nowadays especially if you're missing one of the uh the train stations i found this so this was the only yeah see these are all kind of like raggedy the other ones that were in there were literally just cut in half this one's a beaut all right this is an old one makes me kind of want to like go back and like get the other ones look how old this rawlings tag is holy moly i've never seen a wrongs tag look like this with the size like that this has to be 70s wow that is insane pen or jewel i don't know if this is the high school that is cool but yeah the other ones that were in there maybe it's a soccer jersey wow that's cool um the other things that were in there were literally just like cut out little pieces and like squares of fabric and they're all torn in it wasn't like actually like jersey so i grabbed that one which looks like just decor the heck is this that costs five dollars oh it's a candle stand colonial candle that was five bucks make sure nothing's in that [Music] they are a matching set find china japan and something that looks like it's in japanese that i can't read these are nice i really like the pen original soccer jersey which is probably like the 70s or 80s the only reason i think it's softball is because rawlings does baseball and softball i don't know if they ever did soccer jerseys but this is just so different and 36 36 is tiny i think i wore a size 40 when i was like middle school so i mean that's small even though i know like styles are so different from like the 70s and 80s you ever find a t-shirt from like the 80s that size large it fits like a small medium it's crazy it is absolutely crazy because i never even see anything larger than like an xl from the 80s i don't know i i just don't know times have changed um but yeah another fun day all around hopefully you guys enjoyed yeah another fun treasure hunt it's always a blast to get out there do some trash picking and find some cool treasures if you guys enjoyed the video hit the like button check out my trash picking playlist if you haven't already there's over 400 episodes or the past four years so lots of cool things we uh to be had and lots of cool things have already been found so if you guys enjoy that stuff check out the playlist subscribe down below if you haven't already and i'll catch you guys next time for next adventure until next time have a great day keep living a dream [Music] peace you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 19,936
Rating: 4.93331 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Garbage Day, Found in trash, found in garbage, scrapping, scrap metal, garbage man, garbage collection, found money, found gold, gold mining, river diving, aquachugger, texan picker, scrap pallet man, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, recycle metal, recycling, garbage picking rich neighborhood, trash picking rich neighborhood, trash man, junker, scrap copper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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