I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit for $10 ... What did we find inside?

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all right welcome back everyone welcome back to the channel another beautiful day out here cleaning out a storage locker so I bought storage locker here for 10 bucks bought it yesterday's auction if you guys haven't checked out that video make sure to check that out and it should be a fun one going clout that's not going to show you guys exactly what's inside so if you guys have ever been curious about what a real storage locker or a storage auction locker it looks like here it is hopefully we find some treasure for 10 bucks on the--and go wrong i got paper a moose over here if you guys haven't checked that our channel paper and moose i'll put a link to her channel in the description below so check out her channel as well she's gonna be doing a video also so let's get into it so we find let's do it alright so this is a locker I apologize if you guys hear any humming in the background that is the air conditioner two central air is really hot here in Pennsylvania this past couple days and while they have central air and inside here so that's it's called climate control okay you actually pay a little bit more money for that so here's the locker I bought we're gonna go through it and hopefully find some treasure so I paid 10 bucks her locker let's get into it alright so this is my lock and I talked a little bit about how the auction process works yeah it's something looks like a sock that's pulling out at the bottom but the auction process works is that if you don't make payments on your locker after Colt months it gets auctioned off they take off their lock because they add an external lock that's why you have to and then the auction off and they put your own Locker on or your own lock on the locker and then once you pay you come back and take the lock off so here we go ten bucks what's you II found all right so it should be lots of fun when I try to load up the cart so it looks like we have a large piece of glass right here possibly for like a glass top we got a walker I sit down kind of walk around got some Tonka trucks I see another one down there and I guess we'll start unpacking hold on to I know a lot of you like the tripod thing but I think you guys being put down on a tripod in a corner it's gonna be hard to see a couple things here so start off on the top got a nice decent Tonka truck here so these are a good piece pride just they're just on the cart now the autofocusing it's pretty bad we have this wheelchair up here so I want to try to get to the top pieces I put you guys down probably donate this hospital down the road seems like these well no the brakes are good so someone down there can probably use this rather than scrapping it or tossing it out I know there are a lot of people do these clean outs and they just end up tossing a lot so maybe figure out a way to fold that guy up I see there's duct tape on it also I don't know the peels I feel like they always have duct tape on that or anything it doesn't fold it might not right now now that takes off the handle laughter I'll get it those that have to play soccer net Hey let's put on the cart just lay it down we're gonna probably take two or three trips shlocker isn't too big so this is a five by five in case people are interested right here at this facility a five by five I believe is fifty five dollars to rent per month pointing on top we have a little soccer net here that's kind of clever thing I might flea market that it's uh it's also not a piece a you'd really scrap I think if you you know three to five years old that'd be kind of cool to a bunch of wiring so this wire looks like it might go to a like a radio surround sound possibly that's a mystery package that's alright big bulk of exercise I don't know where they got a picture of me on there but it's not really expecting that in there it was actually expecting some sort of random thing we got a grill here take this piece off this looks like I'm possibly a mat or a punching bag okay hey can you can you demonstrate and see if this thing works oh I don't think it's broken its give it give it give it a kick alright moving on this box says glass oh wow there you go so that's what to Tonka's I think we see another one back there ninety nine eighty nine be an oldie so this might be all video games in here there's a very good possibility that's like currently all right oh no all right so yeah there's a grill I don't know it's not very exciting but there's a grill not so it's dig through this box with throwing a glove here but I do see some games so do you have oh they're all stuck together how would I do that cars Oh a bunch of ps3 games that they stuck together oh there's a glass oh yeah I want these they're like cookie jar kind right this is like a candy store jar Oh decorative bottle oh I think we got more decorative x' at the bottom as well nerds are cool here put this on now lamp this is all Jose are going out other cars cards letters and looks like possibly a decanter that's what that is yeah has that vibe so these are just right decoratives lots of lots of tech reduce all right what styrofoam $10 come on that can't be true 12 by 12 on the green block there styrofoam maybe I play on maybe I'm completely wrong with that you guys want to let me know if styrofoam is really this expensive go ahead I can't imagine the same being $10 maybe it's all three I don't know I don't I just feel like styrofoam is like a dollar at the dollar store but I can be completely wrong I'm someone out there there's lots of crafting will let me know thank you see ya oh surround that surround sound a speaker wire I guess it was pride goes with this this looks like a subwoofer that's what it is Philips subwoofer check out whatever this box is down here about this Easter stuff yeah Easter stuff piece of card nope wallet there you go you got some wallets do you think they're full was another one this yeah there was another one I thought I just saw one dad you see what it's like a tan one there you go [Applause] got a card in there [Music] now all right nothing there's not some box that go through at home that looks like [Applause] [Music] she's been finding coins everywhere around this storage facility it's like literally there would be a coin leg right over there would be one right outside the garage or in a parking lot found everything did you keep it oh yeah you gotta take that out it goes with the collection got a mysterious garbage bag right here or maybe one of those workouts for a tent but they lining for the tech possibilities or anything do whatever you want to do it could be the Corvette color but there's no point that'd be nice all right let's throw a Tweety Bird on there did you want Tweety Bird add your collection nice add that to your collection now No wash them up throw them in the washing machine those might say it's a brand new with tags but it looks like it was probably used they just kept the tag on it what you thought about that buying tools and leaving a tags on could have returned it when they were done [Music] bunch of tiki torches and flash summers over almost over so these probably couldn't sell by 10 instant canopy feels like it's all in there alright last so anything behind this glass told me now nothing back there oh that would be terrible to break let's get one back here see a hangar says try it close yep exactly what is clothes and purses and possibly scarves it's cold that's gonna rip more housewares this looks like a controller that's not the controller this looks like a Wii controller back here it's a weed control I think then yeah we in this locker unless it was in that box of all the other games just extension cords and stuff and there's there anything in the ice bucket an ice box no it's empty completely empty all right well that's gonna wrap it up here all fun and dandy you got a box up there it's from the other side you ever run out inventory just go up there and grab it I guess but that's gonna be a wrap got everything on this big piece of glass probably just taken to recycling a place also there's a couple of glass shops in the town next to me so maybe I don't know if they can use it or recycle in that way rather than just throwing the recycling bin we've got some nice tools as well I mean that shovel loans worth five or ten bucks it's uh it was a fun one it definitely was I'll go grab my tripod you guys enjoyed the video make sure to hit that like button paper moose what you think there's lots of fun so yeah that is her first storage locker to clean out hopefully you guys enjoyed it like always if you guys enjoyed it make sure smack a like well if you want see more treasure on just like this make sure hit that subscribe button will be coming out with a couple more storage locker videos for the rest of summer as well as probably in the fall I know I do have another storage locker that I'm going to be cleaning out either today or not today tomorrow or the following day so stay tuned for that video and I'll catch you guys next time as always have a great day keep living a dream lose [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 78,233
Rating: 4.8883533 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Unit, Storage Auction, Storage Locker Auction, Storage Unit Auction, Bought Storage Locker, Bought Storage Unit, abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, inside storage locker, inside storage unit, buy storage locker, storage wars, storage wars episode, episode, full episode, storage wars fake, buying storage locker, what the hales, uhaul, buy and sell, storage unit finds, storage unit finds guns, storage unit best finds
Id: jkr6JlTzkRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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