Finding FREE Treasure Left In The Trash - Trash Picking Ep. 302

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do all righty salsa she doesn't move she doesn't move much when it's hot out she uh she kind of just glues herself to the floor and doesn't do anything is she poking up now she doesn't see usually on a typical day she'll be popping up there on the front step uh right there by the window guaranteed she's probably still just laying down it's too hot for her but it's not too hot for trash picking but hopefully the finds will be hot uh we are back at it again with another trash picking episode got the brand new taco stack merchandise now available first link in description below limited to about 75 or 80 t-shirts so once they're sold out they are sold out if you guys want to pick up a t-shirt first link down below and uh yeah we'll go out there it's trash picking day let's try making our fun ones try find some treasure and make it a good day let's do it all right grab this print i know a couple people did comment about people doing crafting with that uh not just yet am i gonna start grabbing crafting things because my uh you know what you guys probably heard enough but we're grabbing this guy because this thing's pretty sweet i'm not a big like hunting guy or a deer guy but if you have a cabin you might think this is pretty cool so yeah if you're ever curious like why i don't pick up anything or i don't pick at this now with over 300 episodes quite often do we find the same thing so all sorts of good things out there never know what we're going to find and hopefully today will be no different aha we found the fan that other stuff that was in the trash can i think they're throwing away that trash can [Music] that was all taped off so i don't that guy did not respond all righty so we grabbed a did somebody grab that no they're still there the spools are still there um i grabbed the print over there i grabbed the fan at the other spot the person was throwing away their trash cans and they had everything taped off inside so i didn't want to like rip the tape you know it won't be that guy ripping everything up because i think they're trying to get a point across but it is trash day we are cruising right along i have very good hopes for today because it's so hot i feel like a lot of people are gonna be throwing away a lot of stuff i don't know why maybe air conditioners maybe fans all right i have no idea what's going on i don't know why that car is parked in the middle of the road i don't know what's going on over there clueless someone in there oh my goodness it's blocked off the road's blocked off geez louise i can see it over there the roads blocked off on homeway turn around this bad boy but we'll find a way like rocks probably can use in my driveway i don't even know what this is officially this might be worth something i don't know what's going on here i don't know it says they work i don't know lights really work but grab some of these i'm not taking that gas can i've had my issues with those leaking people returning them i'm going to take this other thing also was this definitely use that this is something i definitely need man i'll take this one strip of peel veneer almost missed this so someone asked me why i don't break off the blades right here and just like leave them in the trash you don't want to ever look like you're putting trash in someone's trash i had one person really yell at me because i i broke something off and i just left it there but it was something like a fan i can't maybe it was a chair i had like a piece of wood on it and they came out started just screaming at me like take whatever you throw my trash out take it work for you don't throw your own trash might it was like bad so that's why i say like you have to be committed whenever you pick up something you just gotta take it because if you go back and put it down it's like it can look weird to some people it's one of those muggy hot days when you have like the ac i know it's just random uh it's like when you have the ac blasting and like you step out in the warm weather and just feels disgusting that's what it's like hey look another fan i can always count on the fan but yeah when i st i had the ac blasting on three and i stepped out and it just like hit you man remember the the golden days of my first van that didn't have air conditioning those were good days if that van was more reliable i would have loved to keep that vehicle it was the definition of a bruiser this might contradict what i just said nope hopefully they just don't reek looks like some corningware at the bottom it's really fun to listen to it's also in a couple years are you ecstatic to see me i don't know why i'm going to lay down like a good dog there's a doll house there but i already have one i haven't sold it i'm going to probably bring in a flea market next time i go maybe two times hey dog staying with seasonal items if this thing doesn't work you've probably noticed it within the past couple weeks that'll be your screen drawer trying to think if i see a lot of glass doors during the fall winter what that dog is only like two houses away i literally went like two houses down and found this one thing that sold sir doesn't do i guess she does it a lot right now because it's so hot she doesn't really just like lay down in front of you know if you're out she doesn't really lay down on the grass or on the deck how you doing gotta be the heaviest fan i've ever lived in my life this thing literally probably weighs 50 pounds 60 pounds i'm trying to like look at it see why it's so heavy stupid thank you i think we're stupid very rare occasion i park on the opposite side but this road's pretty pretty wide these metal what are these things i think they're metal feel like metal i feel like the uh what's it called it's not coming to me [Music] hammock is that the right one hammock it's the pieces for the hammocks like the hammock stand i still can't believe how heavy that fan is because usually they only weigh like 15 pounds 20 pounds i think it's stupid heavy and it's probably not the copper yeah okay is it is it available right now or do you have it right now okay okay yeah is that the piece that you're talking about somewhere on the side okay i'll pull up over there yep that's not scrap these two pieces all this or what what's great all this stuff all right okay see what this is what is this iron [Music] i wonder if that long piece is going to fit i got a hacksaw looks like it might fit by like an inch okay let me see if i can close the door hey you can pull wherever there's no rhyme or reason back in the 70s that wasn't happening i'm cutting it i kind of wish i spent more time i saved it because i painted it over right all right well i greatly appreciate it yeah yeah i drive by every week so if it's out it's out i'll grab it if not yeah still got some other stuff yeah yeah you can't burn here can you i heard no okay but uh some people have fire fishing yeah so i'm kind of sad with some of the work that you did yep yep future projects yeah all right well thanks again yep i made it back it is looking fairly dark up there so it's probably going to storm here in a matter of five minutes 10 minutes i would say wow did we find a lot of metal or what i mean i was kind of shocked when i find this much metal but i don't know what's that about i don't know uh gotta probably take out some of this stuff so when i go to scratch i'll probably go to scrapyard tomorrow morning i don't know if i'll video it um i think the next video might just be a uh flea market video but like something like this i might be able to sell for three bucks in scrap value it's probably like seven cents so it's like why is why scrap that but when i go to scrapyard i'll take out uh stuff like the fan the piece of aluminum maybe that christmas tree stand this safety salt uh i'm gonna take out the stuff that obviously doesn't get scrapped in the iron pile while i'm there rather than unloading everything and just you know reloading it back up so that's usually the plan and i know uh i know it seems to be working so yeah fun day all around we got all sorts of stuff safety salt uh that really really nice uh print of the deer that was a really nice print it's up there it's on a nice frame actually it fell over but it didn't get busted i can see it from here a bunch of fans a bike the world's largest fan or heaviest fan which i want to say there's probably some sort of a weight in here that adds the weight to it because um my thought process is this is one ones that hang down from your ceiling it has to be heavy at the base that way not the rain's coming it has to be heavy at the base because when the blades spin if it's light it'll just flop all around so that's probably why it's so heavy uh but yeah all around a fun day hopefully you guys enjoyed yet another treasure hunt always a blast to go out there treasure hunting if you guys enjoyed this video smack the like button for me i'll greatly appreciate if you guys want to see more you haven't already as always subscribe down below it's always an option i'll catch up you guys tomorrow for tomorrow's adventure until tomorrow well have a great day keep living the dream [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 36,869
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Found for free, Free Stuff, Trash Find, Found Money, Found gold, street scrapping, scrapping, scrap metal, scrap metal recycling, garbage truck, bulk pick up, garbage pick up, taco stacks trash, paper and moose, mr scrappity, john the picker, trash picking rich neighborhood, garbage picking rich neighborhod, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, dumpster diving finds, speedy diver
Id: jV-oCOc64Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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