Found This In The Trash and I am NOT SHOCKED...

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all right so tons of taco stack t-shirts and hats going out I'm almost sold out of the hats at least I think the all-black ones and I don't know what I'll be able to restock them because I know the place they came from they're really overworked and understaffed right now if everything going on so you guys want to pick up a taco sack hat or t-shirt first link down below I will be taking out I thought I had more stuff in here taking out these chairs right now I'm just putting them right here so whenever I get time later today I might actually get rid of in terms of put them away kind of noodley this morning 5:30 in the morning right now still a little cold that's why I warm up here but we're going to do some trash picking just last week was really really good trash pick in the morning back into the same town as well as if we find of metal I guess we can go to a scrap yard I don't really want to take this but it's a lot of real estate real estate so let's see what happens to and hey let's make it a good one let's find some treasure let's do it ah well if it isn't my absolute favorite thing in the world I grow there are four ways on these people always had a yard sale linking back I don't know if that antique mall or antique store everything was really priced like antique prices said girl these might be stainless sometimes our stainless sometimes their iron as most people would go don't say it don't say it don't say it that's not going anywhere all right made into town main streets kind of it picked over but finding these local side streets got some paint cans right so this bird it's plastic it's nothing well it's cracked I think it's a puzzle or so poster well that's a shame no no to see like if it was concrete it's more likely a cell just getting rid of it sucks if it doesn't sell plastic though it's just it's really tough seller plus was cracked but even if it wasn't correct smells like wet rain in the spring seen this out here Cardinal I thought this was something completely different but I guess we'll rescue it small little toaster hey doesn't move that does not move little toaster oven make yourself some sandwiches made by a living solutions hopefully it won't just be scrap metal this morning but you never know when we're out of your trash but you never know what you'll find another grill [Music] yeah that's good that's not though they wear alrights an old toolbox normal bad news that's what this was interesting okay so here's what I found that always get noodley brain right now I found that cabinet last week file cabinet peddle bouncing around back there kind of loud by dad's way probably wrap it up here for trash picking right now so I have one more street to go I guess these people on the left must have moved out because they know I'm a trash out and that was Ross finding lawn mowers after the lawn mowers after lawn mowers this will be Edward with the day after run to the post office drop off all those packages we have a door what's behind the door garbage it's a very large walnut tree see if there's anything on either side I found an awesome stool there that I sold that Lambertville that looks like a lounge chair frame but it's mostly wood alright all right oh that's done now we're on to the scrapyard yeah I drop off all this metal I got to move those chairs those chairs franking soaking wet right now not too bad it's actually just drizzling but a pride just need me wipe down all right at the lovely scrapyard as always back up a little farther don't like to back up to four obviously it to take the stuff out so I'll be back up too far yeah him no space to take it take this stuff out but also because some people I just dumped screws or nails and they do push the stuff up but they don't hit off a magnet every 30 minutes and even see a truck there [Music] take some of this stuff up don't wanna be running over that oh he got here he got some washing machines hot water heaters whatever it out that looks like a saw was it like I think those are for free on got a lawn mower right there rotor bunch of rotors those actually go over here where that excavator is I do have a bunch of random things some rusty horseshoes that even might be Illuminati iron all right time to unload all the stuff and make our $8 or it's gonna be alright time to get our payment for whatever it is I always say like nine or ten bucks not to be much iron price is really far down right now [Music] a whopping 10 bucks so good that gas prices are down because a lot of people do ask me like this is my full-time job it's like pickup scrap metal it's not $10 probably covers the gas I feel like we we have some other cool items and yesterday's video like those ice skates for example you just never know what you're gonna find which is always fun keeps me busy and obviously things get recycled I do remember to our time I was here I think it was the day that I brought all the stuff just for like a scrap metal video a guy over there was like hey are you let make sure it's good to recycle because I think he had a little bit of iron or steel and they don't they might pay you if you're bringing over there but they went on the big scale so maybe they don't I don't know I don't know anyway so the guy was really concerned that it wasn't getting recycled you guys I know don't worry I'll get recycle never know I wonder what the day I guess someone have to uh have to move those chairs and we made it back here the chairs they did get a little a little wet but they're not soaked I'm gonna haul these up for storage three weeks two three weeks I have to lay that another two would be nice to have a little elevator kind of thing or forklift yeah there's a chairs and this is all the other stuff they got from they clean out pride and go a little bit higher but some of these boards down here are spongy I don't like really stepping on them I think it's this one no it's that one now it's pretty spongy and only reason I kept this table appears because if I want to do like another unboxing in the future I don't want to keep moving this table from the warehouse to this building so that's why that's there but hopefully flea market season will open up and I can get rid of stuff sell it someone else can use it because otherwise it's just collecting collecting dust up here yeah I think that's why I kind of wrap it up here for today's video a little bit shorter of a video I do plan on game to the warehouse and and plant up some license plates in the future I didn't want to work on the International wall right now I think I have like two or three for the domestic u.s. wall to put up but for an international wall I have quite a few so I was going to try to work on that clean off that shelf a little bit so I can stand up there and see how that goes but I won't bore you guys too much with that we have quite a bit of treasure here grab the chairs the other day picked up some scrap metal made whopping $10 and iron both definitely grab some other things the other day we'll just you know it always makes up for its up hopefully you guys enjoyed it maybe you guys enjoyed this video go ahead smack like button subscribe down below for more treasure hunts I'll catch up you guys next time for annex adventure and until next time have a great day keep living a dream whose [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 34,255
Rating: 4.9325047 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Garbage Day, Found in trash, scrap metal, scrapping, junking, junk metal, salvage, recycle, recycling, taco stacks, ebay, scrap metal price, scrapper, junker, recycle metal, make money scrapping, dumpster diver, dumpster dive, dumpster diving, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, resell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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