These Yard Sale Finds Did Not Disappoint! Crazy Find at The End!

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are full it's like a store we're you got like six of these frame Disney pictures in there if I buy them all can you cut me a deal uh um what if I buy the whole box of plush over there what's the best you can do on it are you YouTuber yeah that fit there morning how you doing awesome how are you money for the pet food pantry everything you see on all the tables or a dollar each or seven for five okay and and all in the middle and in the garages take an additional 50% off gares are full it's like a store we're here for the pet food pantry awesome y sounds good do you guys have any uh VHS tapes yes tons all along these boxes you're going to see if you go in here box over there yeah go straight through and walk around you're going to see boxes on the ground there's tons of VHS and they're also in part of the dollar or s for five okay thank you yeah I'll dou Che got a chip there grab that how's it going man good how are you we're just going to grab all those didn't see anything worthwhile time to move on put stuff on the table you need more hands um eventually I'll find a spot to set everything down thank you you're welcome maybe in this cool basket here is the basket also a dollar yep okay I guess I'll grab the basket that's super cool especially for a buck throw that in there all right awesome like this is a prison gu get a prison dress nice diaper bag for sure we'll shoot our shot with it oh look at that a backpack a buck we'll take that throw it in my back oo jeez old man oh man I'm just going to make offer on the whole box they on a table they said a dollar each something dollar each but I don't know about anything else this definitely looks vintage are you're with the sale oh where can I set all this stuff uh now right there I put this on top of that okay this is for hold oh yeah in the backpack too the diaper bag you want to jump into no I'm not for sale just the Christmas huge clar just this one the other how youing good how are you doing you get some good picks so far yeah not crazy do you want me to put that stuff on the table I'll bring it over there I got a pile going over there okay you going to give me the flour what's that were you going to give me the flour I think I was going to give it to somebody else am I crushed those are sick the ts are so sick yeah I saw yeah I think so mean saw my kid likes too I'm going to go check out the garage real quick and come back out here I'll do what are they they were in the middle right it was in the middle yeah so these work your way around Oh's here too actually you stay here not going to probably make any money on anything in here 84 plus 60 without charger all right so full transparency I ended up uh looking a lot of this stuff up I've been here for a little bit now I actually thought about getting that lamp but they want 70 on it and that's about what it sells for it's a cool lamp though yeah some of the some of the items are a little high and some of them are pretty fair yeah that's not bad half up that are those 40 yeah yeah that's not bad 20 see if I don't know they the COA with them kind want to shoot my shot on all of them maybe one two three four five six I of want them all oh you do you know you do yeah I do let me go ask her she can do a bundle on them all excuse me you got like six of these frame Disney pictures in there if I buy them all can you cut me a deal uh I'm going to grab these two things as well Jo Corner brother it's not Disney oh I don't know what I just said disy I'm too excited right yeah no apparently one two help out with the liph three and six I'm interested in these six pictures here okay so what does it come out to do the 50% off and was 6times 20 all let's see if they all are that's 60 oh I didn't even see that that's 55 o yeah I based them on 70% off what they last sold for oh I did not even notice those other prices yeah so that's what I did it buy 70% off what they last sold oh would have to see I would have to look up these three and then these ones right here are all 40 each so they're $20 each yeah so I'll do 15 on each one if you want 15 and then these ones right here uh this would be 30 so I could do 20 okay and this one is 55 so that would be uh I can do I'll do 20 on this as well and I'll do 30 on this one okay all right so what are we at okay so let's do it do 15 each on those ones 45 you said 20 20 so so 85 85 and then 30 30 mhm so so 115 115 okay sounds good I appreciate it you're welcome I understand there's got to be yeah I I got the two items on the uh the table over there as well hopefully my stuff isn't getting in the way sometimes you have to take a loss on one item to get a better deal on the rest of the items all right I'm about done in this section over here I'm going head on over to this section funny one that old bows 80 bucks 40 yeah they we pass on that check out the Frog right there I know Sabrina you know I know you recognize that so it be 50% off whatever you say right that that's everything everything here there are a couple of pieces up here those are not included but everything here is $75 in fact you know what what is it one piece two pieces I don't care you can have them all for 75 yeah I want them okay now you have a box you're welcome to pack it up [Music] there see that no key but think a pain to but can I do to help all right I'm going to take one more look outside Superman look at that for Zion L monster trucks you guys have a point of contact yeah if you take a I mean I hate the fact that it was from cigarettes but it's an a have a good one um what if I buy the whole box of plush over there what's the best you can do on it uh it depends depends on which ones are in okay because you know what happened was all of these have been priced and then little kids came by the other day oh and just kind of and they pulled them all out okay so I know what their values are you know what I mean um but I can tell which box are you in that one right there this one I don't think you're looking for that got a number in mine 32 bucks it's all yours 32 bucks yep you can't beat that that's almost a dollar a piece for every single item with about read it work um I think $32 sounds like a fair offer to me you got it you can have a little outfit too all right sounds like a plan can we throw in the monster truck yeah it's fine okay all right I think I'm about ready to check out okay oh my God is this theirs too all right I'll add them all up your friend's coming no you said 32 I'm not going to Short Change you $27 you're all done no I'm all this is all me oh 21 yeah I got a lot of stuff 2 he keeps shopping we're going to keep him here four five six 7 um just make this 10 bucks all together and then the box under there I didn't see that it's a bunch of um Christmas stuff you know where you are 221 oh oh boy I just saw that 21 that I can't believe I'm going back to this estate out right now I don't think this has ever happened $15 total 2 236 236 okay and that was C in the Statue over there and then you got the you got the clock right the turquoise clock okay what did we say 236 236 decided not to do 23 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 one two all right we'll call it 240 you sure yeah youall caught me a pretty good deal I think all right thank you very much thank you I'm just okay you guys had an awesome s don't worry still got do y'all have any VHS tapes okay all right I'll check out come out let's go take a quick peek look at that right there there's actually another piece to decid to get you should together holy that thing's got some weight to it yeah does it work yeah I mean you'd have to zero it out you I mean like a normal scale but yeah no it works those are just spring scales you I mean like that's the kind of stuff they just have a chust m over so often what what's the other piece that goes with it the chain it's the basket like it's like a round basket okay is it is it large no it fits right on it's pretty much the same size as this okay like a little bit smaller and it goes on the hook got a okay fancy what's the best you think you can do on it well I was going to do uh 55 but what do you think where do you want to come back at when you 55 yeah that comes with the basket yeah of course I me it's just a metal range the basket looks like it's in good condition I'll do 40 yeah you beta Maxes too or what I'll take a look at them I sold I sold the whole collection of the7 in betamax really yeah the whole thing it was like 14 I don't really do too many beta Max I personally collect VHS myself this more betas this is VHS say VHS in the box but obviously that's beta tell right now from opening it I know I'm just saying you should reable the box I these are VHS well this one's a beta are those vhs's too yep these are vhs's yeah this one's probably beta so many people come in they've been mixing them around on gotcha people just mess with it yeah how much are you asking on the beta Maxes uh well depends what do you want like a whole box or you just want a few um I normally just cherry pick one or two all right yeah I wouldn't kill you I probably do like three or five or something depending on how many you get how much are The Land Before Time Land Before Time three bucks all okay another strike on the deal and here's a beta Max machine if you need one so do you think you can do 40 on the scale yeah let me just get the other okay got that is organized gotcha was that how much can you do on the stereo crossover uh does it work yeah it works you want I probably have extra cables if you want the cable for I got a bunch of these cables so many I me the power at Le yeah I got a bunch I got a bunch too I probably should get rid of them though since we're moving what's the best you think you can do on it Oh missing wonder if that knob is in there I'm a TJ so like I used it okay how much you think you do on this piece what I say 15 already 15 oh did you say 15 yeah I'm kind of deaf I have like tontis so yeah remember I'm a DJ so I can't hear too well yeah I got I got tontis from being a Mor but like if I'm in a room with other sounds going on forget it like I don't know if you're in the ca's over here I can't do it I can't even hear yeah what's this right here pig day calendar oh yeah it was a calendar do you mean what is it how much do you want it's like a buck all right hello how are you you all right be more coming out how much do you think you can do on the7 five bucks five bucks yeah of course if you I mean you a big pile I'll probably take stuff off as I add it up you know I don't normally pay more than a couple for those but oh yeah yeah I get VHS super cheap yeah know I think so this only said a dollar you mean this we said 40 right so 40 15 65 65 70 man 70 that math was so bad I swear I think the total should have only came to $64 yeah I appreciate it all right thank you I appreciate it I gave you this all right yall have a good one that I think I kind of overpaid on the VHS because I was like 40 + 15 and then the VHS I would have another 15 into those plus the little calendar so really I got about $5 into two of the VHS one I have $4 into in the calendar I got a buck into to so definitely don't normally pay that much for VHS 007 was pretty cool uh brand new sealed though 7 brand new sealed that was a pretty cool little find there how youall doing good going free 399 all right are you YouTuber yeah yeah the veteran Flipper on YouTube if you want to check it out what is it the veteran Flipper the veteran flipper okay check yard sale stuff all the time like I like to see people that's why when I noticed your camera fireman actually president of the fire company from here zigy he was here earlier they had we had the took yeah yeah clock actually works that's cool yeah unfortunately we just can't find the top of it but it does work hit me that's why I am not going to say no to that for a dollar thank my dad was a train guy who worked on the train all his life so we had a lot of train stuff okay got you I don't know oh you're buying the train train clock thank you oh of course for a dollar I couldn't say no to that yes I do the veteran flipper Yep this is a dollar box this is a $5 and this is a$3 I'd appreciate it if you could subscribe that'd be cool I like to watch oh really you have to teach me to do that oh absolutely yeah okay it's so cool going to yard SI is just awesome it's just of course even if you're just collecting it's just cool to see what people have you do five on it you see I'm going take a look at these Kiss My Bass that's cool I'm going to get that for a dollar too oh thank oh good just said I wish some no that's like I love fishing stuff all right there's seven thank you so much you you all have a great day too and make sure you guys subscribe yes absolutely I'm going to check you out definitely [Music] chanting Windows there's a cool piece there come on I got another one missing its wings on the back of that one Franklin mat got a tiny chip on his ear right there that for cheap oh that vase is cool too yeah it's got nice colors all right feel for it what do you say see it's all for Mission at our so we don't put prices on anything you tell us what you feel for um all three probably do a buck a buck and two $5 $5 yeah it's good okay all right so five on the three pieces yeah that actually rid of the head home right now okay now is he buying something yeah right yeah these three right here how much is he spending okay so I just gave you 40 yep 45 okay all right thank you thank you y'all have a great day thank you we're trying all right we'll throw up these three pieces up on what not look at that Morano glass there beautiful he I was actually on my way home trying to head home right now call it a day but I keep seeing yard cells and I'm like man I cannot help but at least stop and take a peek check that thing out that's that thing is sick fat bear you got a factor in tolls when you're yard selling that's A110 red there all right so bear with me I literally just randomly came across this uh State Cale um and my gopro's out of footage so I'll record a little bit can you give me a price on some of these pieces here oh yeah just just show me the on I have ask her cuz she I'm kind of interested in this one right here look like there's a price of 75 on the back okay there kind of like this one I don't know let's does that one say how much I don't know it looks like it says 50 oh okay that's my bad handwriting she can come down a little bit on that I'll come get them might be able to do that one I like this blue and white too what is it called I should ask what is it I think these are made by b& and what about the small one right here okay here this is what we going to do I don't know definitely interested in this one right here and this one the pictures f 25 and 20 yeah I mean I would too depending on what your boss says all right so 50 on the big one on the right and then I told her that I had so 30 on that one and then 50 on the little one okay I'll give you 50 for that one and 30 for that one right now or ended up only making a deal on these two pieces right here okay byebye give me the 14 and you can have it 14 for this all right I appreciate it thank you you have an amazing day all right so I ended up picking up that one right there for $14 here I'll show you guys these three pieces back at the storage unit all right so this is going to seem crazy but I think I made a huge mistake this signal there was extremely bad at that estate sale and I was not able to look stuff up I don't feel comfortable buying a lot of pieces that you think are going to be worth about a 100 bucks 50 bucks and you find out they're worth 25 and it does not matter about the size it doesn't matter if they're little small ones like that can go for hundreds and then big ones can go for 15 20 bucks on eBay but I think that there was a piece back there I should have picked up and I think I'm going to go run and grab it right now I can't believe I'm going back to this estate out right now I don't think this has ever happened literally can't believe I'm going back right now I really hope if I miss that piece someone else gets that I'm going to be so freaking mad at myself hopefully hi again oh she just sent me a message she said what' she say she talk about she wanted $45 for that ah she didn't need 45 for that I think there's one more piece if it's still there I kind of want to take a look at it this piece right here how much she got on it she's got 75 on it let's let me see where my phone is at I feel like I always Overlook cracks and chips so you always want to like really double check it look at that how much how much did you say she can do on it I say what 50 50 yeah no I'll definitely get it for 50 okay tell her I said thank you I'm just going to get this one right here okay said 50 on that piece one two four five thank you and I'm here tomorrow all right thank you to five I probably won't get here tomorrow is normally my day off but okay we'll see okay we'll see you hey you got to take that damn rest yeah for sure all right you have a great day I will look it's I'm going on 3:00 and I had business I'm happy all right you take care I can't believe I went back but I got the piece now we're heading to the storage unit so I kind of make made a mistake on this one like I said I had issues looking some of this stuff up at that estate sale this one I don't think I should have got this one but I paid 50 for this one I think this one right here um has sold for about 50 but has sold also not too long ago for about 120 130 so I'll throw this one up and probably just sit on this one for a little bit these other three pieces weren't bad though I should say these two pieces weren't bad buys and then that one is the one that I drove back for uh to the state sell for but this one right here believe I paid 30 for this one right here this is made by b& here number uh 1642 so some of these pieces can go for really crazy money hundreds of dollars if not thousands um this one right here I paid 34 and this one should go for about 60 maybe 70 um and then this one right here this is the one I paid $14 for this because it was missing both of uh both the Sheep's ears here I wouldn't have paid more than 14 anyways I was perfectly fine with leaving and not coming back for this at all this one did sell for about $120 to $250 but because it's missing both those I don't know how much I'm going to get for it maybe like 50 bucks um so that's why I was only willing to pay for 14 on that all right and after I was done with all that I went back and I realized cuz I wasn't able to comp this one out because of the bad signal um they had 75 on it they agreed to sell it for 50 and this one right here recently sold between five and $600 so that was the reason why I want back for that all right so keep an eye out for that brand also yadro y'all know I love yadro and Royal Copenhagen again sometimes people think just cuz the figures are small necessarily means that um they're not worth as much but no they're that's not the case I've sold a figure this big Royal Copenhagen for like 200 250 bucks before so don't you know have that mindset sometimes you just got to look up the pieces if you can get a dirt cheap a dollar $2 each or something crazy like that then obviously buy them all like on the spot but you know whenever they're priced individually and they got $100 price tags you got to look stuff up I mean if you don't want to look them up that's fine I probably spend a total of two hours there and I'll probably make I mean I imagine at least like $5 $600 profit plus listing and all that I think that was well worth my time uh the woman that was at that estate sale she she was super nice but like I said you got to look stuff up it's 300 p.m. I haven't even eaten yet but it is what it is you know you got to hustle sometimes if you got anything from the video please consider smashing the like button please consider subscribing and I got to get going the veteran flipper out [Music]
Channel: The Veteran Flipper
Views: 11,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yard sale, estate sale, collectibles, b&g, lladro, plush, garage sale, reseller, reselling, the Veteran flipper
Id: 4CkILtSQA28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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