I was almost kicked out of this estate sale!

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all right so are you recording us 13 15 days I would do 150 that's the lowest I would go no I'm a Hassler by Nature all right what's going on YouTube it is the veteran flipper here so it is uh what is it Thursday morning it is a rainy day so the flea market's beat today so the plan is to head up this uh estate Cale that is slam packed with mid-century modern Collectibles a lot of stuff y' pieces um some really cool dinner wear uh all types of ventage toys ventage clothing so I'm super excited I hope the prices are good if the prices are good then we should be able to get some amazing finds stay tuned number 25 on the list yeah I'm just going to throw it out there I identify as number 16 on the list that's how I identify so if you number 16 if you say n i that's my number [Laughter] in the world the kitchen that's super cool okay that really sucks that piece is broken asking on that 120 get Joe he's in the street way too high on that y piece D see yeah I'm going try to see what they want on that so I might need your um bodyguard so I can go get the bird back this right here who's doing the prices on this stuff is there a spot I can set some stuff uh you know what as soon as she wraps up right here this chair is going to become empty and you can put your stuff there okay okay if anything can I put at the end of the table right here for now yeah sure okay I'm going to get this piece right here I think I'm going to try to get this too we'll see how much they want on it little for a it how much they want excuse me someone said that there was the rest of this set out here uh somebody's got it on hold small dishes are back there yeah someone said the small how much are you guys asking on this small stuff um just put it in over there and we'll give you a price in one second we're just working with a lot of people these are um all the perfume she wants and then this is the stuff that Patty totaled for her I had thank you everybody good water Wonder oh boy I'm going to come back I wonder if they're asking 100 on the whole Bose set cuz there's only one price tag on the ACT I'm going to grab it excuse me I hope for your sake hopefully cuz I don't want to carry this up there and have to car it back down what you should do is take a picture of it and come back I got so many things around the house that I just don't know what they're asking on with the Cabbage P that's on I'm not not um just to make sure it's a hun for the bow set right I live in b um for the set was it yeah or just the one piece not bad not that one thank you what says right there 100 on the top okay goes with this removed because the the little one in the what you call it like the glass in room was 100 the small you know the one single piece B system that was 100 that shouldn't have been 100 all right what's what are you guys asking on this I mean I would do two on that one for the system two yeah I mean you're always more than welcome to make an offer I'm not going to go as low as 100 can you do 125 I would do 150 do uh 130 15 14 days I would do 15 15 that's the lowest I would go on the syst and then that's what the speakers and the stands right yeah okay put on this chair all right 15 yeah that's why I I got some other stuff little can you cut me a deal on some of the yadro pieces huh some of the Yad pieces what about them can you cut me a deal on those I'm still waiting on price let's add everything up and see all right sounds good where can I set this giant thing out of the way under the coffee table here can I use this chair behind me go for it okay awesome God oh get some good finds down there not a whole lot all right I you no I'm a Hassler by Nature am but I mean holy like what she said someone move the price tag it does not look like someone moved the price tag I don't know what she was talking about but there's I don't see another Bose down here I don't even actually want the speaker stands I just move the price tag okay squeeze these out of the way you know if you guys have any VHS tapes here I don't actually um the entertainment center upstairs I know had CDs oh you know what check the one when you're done putting those down go in this room right okay there we go perfect I kind of want this piece but that is a little high ex there are still people outside waiting to get in the door and I can tell you there was like 70 people on the list yeah hm so oh here's the vs tapes there asking on [Music] that 75 for the set got a couple Sony walkman's there it's really dark in this room we got a light turned on in [Music] here that's broken grab that one it's not corroded is there a light switch in here or what I guess that doesn't work Vortex should move this stuff over here use use this B Welcome Way doing all right yeah good are are you the one doing pricing up here I am yes okay I was going to see like how much about for like the boots and these small things keep shopping so yeah yeah for sure let me know when you're Hees a man is that even open ah that is cool we get that for cheap boy let's see fredie Remington oh that's not worth $100 they are wealth that's not even real maybe he Dr oldies you said there's a Beatles Boer oh really yeah I didn't you got that hat you're so funny think of anything it'd be funny for a show everything that's small like video games and stuff like that everybody wants like market price that's why I don't sell video games if they get worried they're going to have to otherwise I otherwise I would makes sense yeah wonder where the phone is for this kind of want this right here they let me get it for a decent price has she been giving you prices up here or you don't everything down there up here yeah she gives you prices then you go down with a posted note okay bu VHS player there did tell myself I was going to stay away from TVs they got to be worth at least like 200 can you give me a a a price point on all this stuff here yes I can that way I can maybe start getting some stuff downstairs the rest of my pile okay so 10 15 do you have a dollar on the hat I can't not for goofy I got to do 10o I think I'm going to pass in goofy okay so you have 25 there oh you just I thought you said 10 and five 15 and 10 Oh I thought you you said 10 and five no 15 and 10 for the the bag is 15 the uh sweatshirts 10 and do you want a price on this or is there a price on this I didn't see a price anywhere oh careful once that breaks I'm y not on that or does it have stay on your stool or can I just buy this uh what does the stool look like without it I'll come to you in a minute oh sure okay can I bring it down there press okay and then what about this stuff here I don't know I think I'll probably pass on those any price No I gave you a good price on that I'm going to put it back okay it was downstairs you got it um yeah I think I'll probably pass on those okay I'll see what uh the prices is down there what about these here okay these are way old these are great I'll just do 10 on these on the boots yep okay oh in my hand yeah oh so this would be down this is so super cool I'll bring these down I'll get you prices and then I'll find you okay so can I bring this down there and get prices down there you sure can you sure can all right you me to take that for you I should be can I use this tote yes you can of course thank you for coming thank you you're welcome at home safe in this weather yeah it's pretty rainy right now excuse me how much for the alra piece with the broken head the Y make an offer on it all right so are you recording us all right boy that b subwoofer to the car all right that's the electronics we got the collect inside the car all right so I was asked to stop recording at the estate cell um later like later on I ended up making actually a few more deals actually off camera I ended up buying another yadra piece and then I bought this other um mid-century modern piece um she did seem like she came off cool she said she was fine with um what I recorded at first so but um I ended up finding some really good pieces and then towards the end somebody ended up breaking one of the yadra pieces that I made a deal on so I ended up getting a um a refund on that piece so yeah it's really really confusing at the end but I ended up paying 310 is 50 so 260 for everything and then I made another deal after I was already starting to bring stuff to the car so all out and I paid 40 for that piece so all out $300 spent and I'll show you what I got all right I am all over the place it is now Friday the next day after the state sale so I I pretty much like soon as I got home I listed a few items and then I I had a few personal things that to take care of and then I had to get ready for a whatnot auction which um definitely did not do the best my first two auctions went way better I'm actually going to be making a video about that specifically about the whatnot auctions and then I want to do a whole separate video on like a full review about whatnot so stay tuned for those but here's what we picked up at the estate sale yesterday so I did have to put away my GoPro so you guys weren't able to see me actually negotiate the deal on all this stuff here but I did end up getting um this stuff for a little bit cheaper well mainly because we agreed on we end up settling at 377 that was before the bargaining happened and then we bargained back and forth from what was it 290 to 310 or 320 to 300 and then we settled on 310 and then as I started Ed loading the stuff in the car the thumb on this yajo piece right here broke so that was very unfortunate and I was like Hey somebody like when I came back somebody leaned a piece of glass a glass item against it and I think that's how it uh thumb snapped off and I was like come on man there's got to be a little bit more control at this estate Cale so she ended up giving me a $50 refund on it cuz I was like this piece right here is just it's not worth paying 100 for so I ended up having 50 into that since talking about this piece right here um other than that and a few minor blemishes it's overall in pretty decent Condition it's a pretty beautiful piece um this piece right here should go for I'm hoping to get like 150 on it but the reason why I kind of wanted to come down in case this is going to make it a little bit harder to sell so I'm more motivated to take a lower offer maybe around 100 to 120 and then I'm not going to take it out of the box but we got that rare uh Yad piece up there that one's a really cool piece the only problem was his head's broken off but it was a clean break and I did advertise that let me adjust that real quick but I did advertise that as that um and then I didn't even notice until I got to the car that is handling is missing this right here is like a fine example when you're doing Collectibles you got to take your time to look it over thoroughly but there's so many people in that estate cell I don't even know if I said it yet in this video but I ended up holy crap we waited outside for like a probably about an hour just to get in there so it's pretty insane so I was really trying to rush through yeah so due to the fact that he did have his head broken then I guess his hands broken as well that's why I made an offer I think that yeah that was also off camera so you guys didn't get to actually see me negotiate that but um I ended up paying I ended up offering $50 and they took it I was extremely shocked but the head is broken I think the head can be repaired but the hands completely missing so that's very unfortunate but even in that condition as it that piece should go for some decent money so this one this piece right here recently sold for $975 plus shipping so I feel like even in the condition that it's in if I mark it at a quarter of a price like about 250 I feel like that's a fair starting point and then like I said because of the the damages and the issues with it I'm will I'm motivated to calm way down that's why I like to make those offers where I make them that why I have room to calm down so I can move stuff out I'm not trying to run a storage unit business here okay before we get to the monkey piece right there so real quick on the bows so I have $100 into the whole bow system I actually didn't even Factor the stands right there into my cost of goods I didn't even care for the stands you can't really ship those you can't sell those on eBay like nobody's going to pay for the shipping Maybe someone has before but most likely someone's not going to pay for the shipping cost on those so those are pretty much like a local Facebook Marketplace sale or Craigslist the I got about $70 into the subwoofer that should go for about $ 150 bucks the uh the console right there the Bose console should go for about 60 I got about 15 into that and then I have about 15 into the Bose speakers what I I guess I actually left at the house and those are going for about $30 these these right here these gortex boots I overpaid for these I paid 10 for them and I should have not have bought those I didn't even you know realize that they were even missing the sols and yeah this was not a good purchase right here so hopefully I can at least get my money back 15 20 bucks we'll see BHS tape brand new seal they got about a dollar into that after we got done to negotiating about a dollar and I think this one's actually going for like 20 25 bucks so I'll probably thrill this in into the media cell on whatnot soon all right so these right here these walkman's these are just a few items that I just bought from the from the house but these Sony walkman's most of you guys know but keep an eye out for these some of these models can go for crazy money um this one right here tested this one this one partal repair I think I got $5 or $9 into one I forgot how I broke down the cost of goods but I think think this one I think I had like $9 into this one parts of repair is about 20 25 bucks got about $5 into this one this one it all the functions on it work but the um belts need to be cleaned on this one so yeah but yeah definitely keep a lookout for Sony walkman's these are aome to pick up especially if you can get them for cheap enough they are even worth it in parts of repair condition cuz they go for decent money so if you can get them for a dollar or two then awesome all right this printer right here I got $25 into the printer that should go for about $130 to $150 and then last but not least in this bin right here I got this cool vintage kitten radio so in part of repair I found a a one4 that sold for $25 $25 on worth point this thing's really old but the problem was I just got done literally Scavenging through my house to find a 9volt battery could not find one anywhere I was looking in my listing bin um my listing bin that I have all my tools and stuff that I use to list items and test items and stuff like that and I could not find one so I ended up stopping at the store so we'll get that 9vt in there we'll see if this works right now all right let's put a fresh battery in there and just pick those up at the store see here that'd be cool if this actually did work we're going to find out together here let's just stick that like that for now let's see ah look at that I think we're picking something up getting some static just might not be the best signal here I normally test this stuff at the house could try that back at the house but at least we're getting something but most likely that's probably going to go for parts of repair so $10 and 25 hold on hold on hold on check this out it's actually working you hear that look at that look at that I think we'll get $40 $50 on that 4050 turn that off that thing is too precious just need a little clean up genuine leather made in Hong Kong cool piece look at that 50 60 bucks all right so that was all the stuff that we agreed to pay 310 minus the 50 bucks for um this yaj piece right here so we were all in 260 on that as I got done loading all this stuff in the car obviously off camera I ended up going back and making an offer on this you guys actually should have saw this in the video this was listed for $90 they were asking and I went in there I told the woman I wish I could have got that in video but I told the woman I was like hey this sells on there's there this sells on eBay for $75 I'm like the best I'll offer you on it it's 40 and she took the offer so um hopefully I can get at least 75 for this maybe 8090 people are asking 100 150 I know that's asking but we'll start around like 80 bucks and then worst cons serve I'll accept 70 and I'll make a few dollars on it all right so now I got to get all this stuff put away hopefully we can get all this stuff sold and shipped out soon all right so if you got anything from the video please consider smash that like button real quick I'm going to be uh uploading every Wednesday and Sunday from here on out is the is the new schedule is to get a um probably a so the Y my yard sale video or whatever happens with that if the weather's bad then thrifting video will come out on Wednesday and then the flea market video um and if the weather's bad like I said it'll be something else that will come out on Sunday so stay tuned for that and then also real quick um I want to start posting a new video on Facebook but I'm still working that platform I don't know how the whole Facebook business page works so I'm still working out that but look me up on Facebook the veteran flipper and like I said if you got anything from the video please consider subscribing and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: The Veteran Flipper
Views: 1,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: estate sale, collectibles, yard sale, lladro, the veteran flipper
Id: wW5l7HREdHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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