This yard sale kept getting better!

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[Music] well I'm glad I stopped by you guys cuz you guys have some really cool stuff I can tell you that oh you know it's a good y so when you back into the driveway you sure you don't got anything else hiding in the garage that you're getting rid of well if you want to take a quick Gander okay oh you're not okay $40 for the Box well that yard sale ended up turning out to be way better than I thought it was going to be all right I'm on my way to a community yard Cale and um I literally just saw a huge yard sale on the side of the road so I really want to go to the community yard sale first only because you know it proven to be good last year so hopefully that's true this year and then I'm going to backtrack and go to that yard sale on the way home just drove by another yard sale on the side of the road I got a feeling today is going to be the day anything on that side only a dollar that for the remotes yeah I'll get the two remotes off of you is your change all right thank you you have a good day ma'am you too morning morning how are you good how are you okay have any VHS tapes by any chance what's that VHS oh jeez I do I didn't put them out cuz I thought nobody would have want them you have a bunch I see you got a couple right there yeah somebody said they're becoming popular again is that true I think for I think there's just some people that collect them um I don't know if they're necessarily I would say they were necessarily popular no no much are how much are you charging on the VHS uh a dollar a dollar each yeah can I see that one yep I'll get those too you still got more back there I'm looking see what's in here all right all right I'll get these three and the Panasonic okay I appreciate you taking the time to look through those I didn't think anybody wanted them anymore you know okay hold on thank you y all right thank youcome you have a great day used to come here and then you sto them all there are all the lighthouses Linux are all the lighthouses Linux uh I got the boxes down there yeah all Linux yeah okay all Linux [Music] all right I think I'm going to get these two pieces right here at Boardwalk light at Boardwalk Beach see if we can find the box of that one got the COA here yeah that's one that's a big one a big box yeah this one see and then there's this one which is summer at Willow Pond got it you got it I gotow P here okay sweet was like 10 of each 10 each set them over here not as much foot traffic just going to go take a peek over there how much are the handbags I don't know I don't know the wife supposed to put a price on I don't know we're just trying to get rid of it so what you let know you got $2 on these ones here probably $2 I don't maybe I don't know $2 each okay all right so I owe you 20 for those and two for the bags oh it's 22 okay thank you oh wait no $2 each so it' be 24 I don't know where my math came from that's thank you that's one don't wanted to do visit all the LI houses around the United States yeah across across Canada and all that stuff down the west coast and you ever seen the one in barn again yeah I've never been to they got one that's got a casino built around it down Atlantic City right you guys take care all right good a l have a good day you too oh boy all right all right how much for the vinyls um a dollar each stack I don't need them a dollar each stack each stack what do you got three stacks there probably okay I'll just get them all okay yeah I don't like really siing through records if they're cheap I'll just buy them all and take them home yeah and then I'll sort through them at home there's just too many yard sales to get to that I can't be siing through everything here do you want me to put those back in here so B treat before Wilton Wilton w i l t o n how much are you asking on them 10 each yep all right I'm going to add those to my pop so it looks like these are going for some decent money yeah right I looked on Amazon or something new ones and they were like 250 yeah 250300 it's crazy you do you do a little bit of woodworking or what no I sell stuff on online w wow that is old I'm guessing probably late 1800s what it says about um this thing right here says 19 1900s okay on this little paper you said this belonged to your mother yeah oh probably her grandmother's we got a tab here let me see if that opens see the rich people had the big ones and then the medium people had that and then the poor people had the smaller riding boxes but you would have I'm not going to lie honestly like I would probably want this one anyways just because I can carry it around easier than that thing but I guess if you're rich enough you probably had someone you know you paid someone to carry that for you probably what's the best you can do on the large one 30 30 all right I'll do 30 on that one okay if anything I'll go add that to my pile so I don't forget cuz I have a bad memory let's see I'm just going to take a peek over there how much are you asking for all the furniture here fall off somewhere think it was a dollar dollar yeah toys that's how old it is I'm not going to say no to a dollar Beanie Babies you got $5 on this one yeah it's a little stained up know what it do doll for the bag I should have bought that orange bow on the left what condition is the Yamaha Keyboard in it's plays perfect plays perfectly yep it was bought in Germany and converted for us what's the best you guys think you can do on that probably 70 70 yeah pretty firm on that one yeah well you've cut me a deal on all that stuff so I'll do 70 on you get it all together yeah we'll get a final price me see what else you got over there I'll take one more quick look picnic set oh she's those are old prent USA back in the the good old days banberry mint banberry mint are most of the bird ornaments in decent condition yeah they're all only one I had to fix and that's the one I think this guy here okay but everything else you know my girlfriend gave them to me every year and I hated them okay I know let me see that JY Shore piece let me check that out real quick it's brand new I'll take a gamble on it for five not going to say no to that oh damn my knees all right I think I'm about ready to check out with everything here oh wow this one's gone oh yeah all right so we got 1020 actually 10 I'll get them both to you for want another one of those I mean you don't got to do that he bud I think I think you cut me I think those you already agreed that that's a good enough deal 1020 all right so now we're at 95 call with the record 98 you said 30 on that yep so 128 and then another two bucks race right there so 130 135 and plus the Christmas set would be what5 can we do 150 yep take five bucks off five bucks off all right like I said I was touchy deal on that one cuz I don't want to drag them back to the garage or back down s yeah if anything I think we did agree to take $5 off the keyboard anyway so that works all right one two three 4 5 5 one 2 3 got a 10 well I'm glad I stopped by you guys cuz you guys have some really cool stuff I can tell you that thank you you know if you want to even back in the driveway right to here yeah that'd be awesome you know it's a good yardo when you back into the driveway you're not the first one sure you won't be in the last yeah that keyboard right there that's super awesome I never got that far I had had one that was left in this house when I bought it I appreciate you working some deals with me hey no problem I got to get going yes sir you sure you don't got anything else hidden in the garage that you're getting rid of well if you want to take a quick Gander let me just take a quick peep ah just this stuff right here not that not the skateboard the skateboard yeah that's holy that was the only stuff I didn't get out there old Mash how much are the skateboard 10 bucks 10 bucks that sound all right seems fair to me it's an oldie but a goody see you got a couple bats there too Buck each Buck each Buck each see I think I'll get these two in the skateboard all right can you do 10 yep on it eight on the skateboard I'll do 10 on it okay I will do 10 on it not a problem that's less bit of stuff I got to got one lug back in and then maybe even lug back upstairs gotcha all right well I appreciate you showing me your your stuff no problem I'm glad I came over and took a peek in the garage all right thank you sir you have a good one well that yard cell ended up turning out to be way better than I thought it was going to be um honestly I did not expect to find that much stuff there and it just like the more and more I kept picking I just kept finding like profitable items like you want me to make you the offer in eBay or outside of eBay holy this is [Music] biging the how much for the lamp five bucks it does work it does work okay well you said you don't have what I don't have bags for okay no no worries yeah if I would have known I was going to be walking around I would have brought my wagon today thank you oh you're welcome how much do you want for it $30 $30 for everything got a little juice in it can you do 25 and everything thing yeah okay yeah I got exact change thank you thank you you have a good one it's cold everybody how much are you asking on the signs um a few both of them for five sure I just tired I had a big game room and then you got any more signs like these ones I I have a lot at home I just didn't bring anything oh really yeah cuz we had a big man cave and then we changed it into a mother-in-law Suite okay when do you guys plan on running that cuz I might be interested in the the beer signs um going to try next weekend what's in this right here it's just a empty it was Davidson P stick cup put with my Harley yeah I just saw it there I missed out on 25 to 30 bucks by not buying this and I ended up putting it back on the table you missing a hand Vicky a hand how much for the clock um I know I've been looking at it all day I said it's still working um $3 I was oh I didn't even see those yeah when we first did our game all the um yeah after my ex-husband was Joe so how much you want on these um I just give me a make me an offer a dollar each sure okay as long as I want appreciates them I used to smoke and that was my favorite cigarettes but it's been almost a year since I quit this hanging around the world made what is that missing the tie how much for the the sweater um huh you can have it you appreciate it you can have it everything hard I'm not going to take it off you I'll give you uh like two bucks on it fine okay is this all your stuff yeah okay what about the Jack Daniels here oh that's her Mi hel oh right behind me I can have it for a dollar is a Scarface picture for sale yeah this one yeah it lights up it goes the bullets oh yeah yeah he wants to know might be interested in that one next week as well how much for the manual all right we'll call it a dollar you're trying I'm not going to take anything from you that's the whole point of running a yard Sals get at least a couple bucks no yeah that's true you for some people we got a lot of stuff yeah how would you bring those you got some more over yeah how much on these signs here these these mirrors make me an offer heel man thank you will you do uh $5 a piece sure 5 10 15 yeah weing so 5 10 15 doesn't matter and then we'll say another five in the bag so 20 okay all right those there set that there so 20 there all right I'm going to take a peek over here again good boy falling apart I almost didn't buy this Harley-Davidson piece and this is actually worth a lot of money how much do you want for this one do you know if you have the other motorcycles I have these no it's a whole I think uh we're missing four of them on or five six I have more there used to be three on per shelf I I have more but you're going to have to try to put them together oh okay in the bag yeah all how much how much do you want for this 10 10 bucks yeah yeah some of the motorcycles are they're very fragile okay you should be able to put most of the pieces back on no worst consider I think the board itself is kind of yeah that's nice yeah said 10 bucks well if anything yeah I still got to pay for all that I'll put that in that botle over there and just take one more Peak you had to drop it in there might have to wrap Barbie said uh five each on those so 15 another five on this bag so 20 five there on these signs 25 am I adding uh that stuff with this stuff right here sure okay so we got 20 in the Box another five here 25 three and two so that equals 30 and what else am I missing uh the Harley thing yeah the Harley thing that was uh said another 10 so 40 okay oh you're not okay $40 for the Box okay now how you going to carry it I'll figure it out I appreciate it thanks again for the box thank you thank you you you as well we'll go over what I picked up later but if you like any of the Harley-Davidson stuff that stuff will be getting auctioned off on whatnot starting off at $1 how much you asking on the Nintendo switch a 65 65 just reset it uh comes with the game and that's why it's like that she just reset it what's what's the best you can do on it um with that the case the game I can do 80 80 oh can you do 60 on it I can do 65 65 yeah I'll do 65 for it that was my fault no it's all it's all good I'll do 65 thank you guys for the last table it's all reset it has Animal Crossing I don't know if you even want the Animal Crossing with it and with the case and everything yeah you got a five yes thank you all right the last purchase at this yard sale was the Nintendo light now I'm going to show you guys everything that I picked up at the yard Sals today trust me you're going to want to stick around to the end interested in the Miller High Life sign yeah uh I think the best I could probably do is like 370 ship just cuz I was thinking you were in Philly for some reason okay like you want me to make you the offer in eBay or outside of eBay well we could just do it directly through PayPal all right so real quick before I show you guys what I picked up at the yard sales today um I just locked in a deal for this Miller High Life sign from yesterday's flea market pickup for $370 free ship it should shouldn't cost more than $20 to get to where it's going so overall I'm very happy with that sale so 90 into 370 free ship all right real quick I got to get going soon so I'm just going to hurry up and like kind of go through this stuff like really quickly I got this Nas Bard here $8 honestly look pretty cool so took a risk on it just look this up this is going for maybe 50 50 60 bucks I found a sold comp on worth point for about $90 this thing's pretty beat up that's so I don't expect to get maybe maybe between like 40 and 60 for that pretty cool all right we got some signs here um I did find a so comp on this one for I believe about 35 bucks this one this Coors Light sign right here from 2004 I can't find any anything on that one at all like literally nothing but I'm almost positive I've seen that sign before all right and I got five into both of those and then this right here $5 into the lamp I mean this is a very common desk lamp right here paid five for that and that should go for 30 40 bucks no problem okay we got uh what are these couple Linux pieces here so Linux uh Willow Pond right here I paid 10 for that I think that one was going for 30 40 bucks that Linux light house right there um couldn't find the best sold comps on this one right here but I think that one was going for like 150 200 bucks not saying I'm going to get that I'd be more than willing to move it out for like 70 80 bucks but I think I did pretty good with that purchase we got some Barbie house stuff right here from that yard sale that was a pretty decent pickup right there um just for furniture alone I could probably sell maybe this furniture for at least 25 30 bucks I imagine I didn't actually look any of that up got a bag of toys here for a dollar same thing didn't look any of that up I might actually auction this off on whatnot and then um we got a gym Shore piece right there paid five for that um I think I found a sold comp on that for maybe 30 40 bucks 4050 bucks so that right there I'll probably auction that one off also on whatnot we'll put that aside for whatnot we got two handbags down there paid $2 a piece and I imagine and those are going to go for about 30 35 bucks Yamaha Keyboard made in Germany converted to US paid 70 for that and that's going for about probably around 175 to 200 bucks and then we got a bunch of Records haven't gone through those yet but I feel like that was a safe buy I don't even remember what I paid I think it was a dollar a bundle or $2 a bundle and then right here we got this antique writing box overall this thing I just I was not going to leave that there I was doing some research and some of these can go for hundreds and hundreds of dollar sometimes even a th000 plus so I took a gamble on that for 30 bucks all right we'll see what happens with that and then we got a Danberry mint bird ornament set paid 20 for this and I should be able to get about $60 for that set right there got to pull these out of the car but I got this wh in uh these two Wilton vices right here pay $10 each I imagine in used condition those should go for no problem around $125 each all right one of the first yard Sals I picked up a few VHS tapes I picked up these three right here cuz they were all sealed this Rober Nero one right here pretty interested in keeping that one myself I got this Panasonic player right here paid a buck looks pretty good that should go for about 25 bucks right there all right at that last yard sale y'all saw me pick up some DeWalt stuff so so the DeWalt stuff honestly I'm not going to lie there's a lot of DeWalt stuff the sell through rate so bad it's not even worth picking up so that's why I felt like I had to bargain I'm not saying like all you know there's not DeWalt stuff look at that there's a puma sock in there check that out um I'm not saying that all dewalt's bad I just seen a little bit of corrosion a little bit of excessive wear I'm not saying it was you know it seemed like it was a good deal even if it was for personal use um or a personal buy but I think for the most part I'm going to try to flip some of this stuff and try to you know make a little bit of profit on it but I don't expect anything crazy in here I just you know the wall is not really it's not something I'm jumping at to pay 30 bucks you know even for a bag but I mean if you bought this new yeah this would be worth you know retail for probably 150 200 bucks for the set but we're not talking about new now are we all right and last but not least we got the harley-davison stuff start with the one right on top so this Harley-Davidson one right here I've seen this piece before I didn't think that this was going to be worth more than like 20 bucks to be honest with you but I guess this is like pretty rare um obvious see I'm missing motorcycles it's got you know some broken ones right there this set right here complete Sals for like a ridiculous amount like 3 to 500 I wish I would have known that whenever I was there feel like kind of bad about that but um you know like I said selling it as is this will be in the whatnot auction all right and last but not least we got a bunch of more Harley Davidson Mir signs right here paid $5 each on these and um over all they're in pretty nice condition I tried to do a little bit of research some of these are probably I imagine fairly rare I imagine some of these signs probably go for $100 plus these all will be auctioned off on my whatnot so and I also got this harley-davison sweater right here believe it's maybe a small or a medium the tag is missing all right we got this Dale Jor uh clock over there working condition that'll be auctioned off so this is just a taste of some of the stuff that I'm going to be doing on my first whatnot auction stay tuned for that I'm planning on doing a whatnot auction Thursday 5:30 p.m. um Eastern Standard Time so stay tuned for that every single thing here to include all these rare pieces right here will all be on whatnot I'll be auctioning them off starting at $1 so you definitely don't want to miss it I'm going to have other Collectibles part of the part of the auction as well some Disney pieces some Linux pieces maybe a couple uh yadro pieces so definitely stay tuned for that I have a little bit of U something for everybody so you definitely don't want to miss that show so check me out look me up on uh whatnot and add me the veteran flipper I'll try to put a link down in the description I'm still you know I'm new to the whole whatnot thing but I'm extremely excited to get on the platform honestly I've I've bought on whatnot plenty of times and I just love the environment I love the community so I'm trying to bring I would love to bring you guys on over to whatnot and give you guys a piece of these amazing finds right here and I mean the the the playing Field's even it will started everything at a dollar so everyone has a chance to to fight to get one of these cool pieces right here if you got anything from the video please consider smashing the like button please consider subscribing and I'll see you in the next one or I'll see you on whatnot peace
Channel: The Veteran Flipper
Views: 8,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yard Sale, garage sale, community sale, ebay, reselling, reseller, the veteran flipper, rare collectibles, Harley-Davidson
Id: eb3hZxNPtBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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