Elkorn Flea Market June 30/2024

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unle make please Hi how are you you good thank you morning hi 60 180 180 on the yeah that's the real deal yeah certainly feels like it yeah yeah that's World War I Y they need some work but still collectible gun you know you can't find the parts yeah that's true but you know for Collectibles you know put in in a frame it's a piece of History you know yeah yeah that's a CO yeah thanks watch TV we're like wrapped up in these blankets great art Hi how are you good how are you good $20 20 yeah that's all that's from the 60s okay 20 Buck hi you doing fine thanks oh you taking me thank you can I see what you have here yes sir just give me one second watch this ones too mhm how much you have your cameras uh some of them are priced on the back this one is 70 what is this one I can do 40 on that one this one is 100 I can do 80 on that one this guy uh 40 it's working you need the charger though [Music] yeah how much are your toys uh $3 a piece okay yeah sorry you with the backpack is picture I know you're right right sir you need any help I'm good right now okay you're welcome dir on the camera yeah yeah sure thank you like your GoPro there than you have YouTube or something um yeah I'm trying I'm starting you know yeah how many subscribers you got um not a lot like 70 or something yeah but I start like a year you know I I I don't do many videos you know but I'm going to try to do more smart yeah people love those videos yeah thank you very much it called Trail Hunter okay on YouTube I'll you up all right thank you sir are any of these new or no yeah okay yeah 25 a piece yeah yeah Evolution um Sky Guardian what else is down that's oh okay I no yeah 40 a piece I'm asking 40 yeah that's pretty much what they go for an internet 40 50 bucks you know yeah already have a good one yeah you too thank you you got 25 on the changer five on this yes you take 25 for both uh yeah I can do that all right yep let me help you my tip for you five perfect thank you oh yeah that's the thing I remember yeah why we going to see it over there I saw someone I have more Pokémons over here if you want to see it hello yep oh you got some do you want a bag yeah I have 13 can you do 20 for 13 yeah I can do 2 yeah yeah yeah first let me pay it okay can I have a b so it doesn't get lost you're trying to get the set of these or something you got a whole bunch of those yeah I I bought the whole box you bought the whole box yeah I got the Kobe Brian already but I sold it already that's a good one right yeah I'm going to step behind you yeah you bet thank you yeah you're welcome hello much for the straight knif 20 20 a piece okay how much five five yes $5 a game okay y s yeah thank you sir you don't wear it back put it in my bag all right thanks how uh seven a piece yeah they're all in great condition inside no scratches for how much is the the Vader poster out for front uh 40 bucks cool from 1977 I was looking at cool man thank you look at this one oh yeah I saw that yeah it's pretty cool they're from uh 1978 yep I have two of them here this's uncolored that's how much are these 44 the two of them oh okay cool yep sweet thank you I appreciate I I'll think about that for that's awesome yeah you can put in a frame you know that looks nice great Hi how are you good how much do you want 50 you take 45 I do yeah where are you from I'm from Chile okay you know that an accent well it's it didn't sound like that something different to me I don't know why yeah I've been here for 25 years but you know yeah well nice St you here H said good to have you thank you beautiful day huh it it was a real cold this morning but you know well probably when you were setting up I bet it was right yeah yeah well I sleep here tonight that's nice oh did you really yeah it's getting better you know so good it's getting nice out right at least it wasn't yesterday yeah was really really hot yeah yeah thank you thank you very much enjoy it yep sir yeah plastic con coaster over how much are uh let me see uh 25 for the whole bath I don't need a whole B want to buy a piece or not um yeah you can grab some you know like 50 Cent a piece if you want all right yep one oh wow to oh really I walked around and want good morning that's from from the 70s it is I thought it was a aamon but it's not a s you see the detail in this part in here is cve look yeah I S one too have hey do 20 for the Box 20 yeah I'll take the box I mean for 20 for [Music] the you have a bag yes sir it let me get it hi hi how much are the puppets uh 30 for the whole bux 30 for the whole box yes how much would they few out uh five bus a piece right thank you sir have a good day than you sir thanks I think they're all beanes you know M yeah would you do 10 for three yeah sure gra these three I'll go put this back real quick yep do you want a bag or do you have a bag I have a bag okay how much is this dog too um that one is $10 I think yeah that's my wife so I can do any better than that one I don't know want I get in trouble I understand thank you would you mind asking her if she'd do a I only have 10 bucks left for the day yeah yeah would you do eight no 10 10 it's a cool piece man see yeah yeah I only got 10 left for the day yeah I'm Hing in Han right now so yeah okay sorry man I tried to help you no it's not mine so I understand yeah they're hard to find you know yeah yeah I remember my grandfather told me he had one with the Daisy on it I never knew what he was talking about and then as I came up here I just saw him I just like saw really oh should you should get it then for 10 bucks you know could you do n so I at least have a dollar left for the talk to her try to convince her could you do n so I at least dollar yes sir how can I help you what do you want those radio tubes over there uh $2 a piece okay you can make me an offer for the whole box if you want what's what's you thinking for the whole box uh give me 60 for the whole bags they're more than 100 over there yeah sure you got it enjoy it thank you you too morning morning who's that good morning how are you guys I'm asking 180 okay yeah it's working flips and it and it light up you know okay so does it turn yep yep it's it turned slow but it turns you know okay yeah it's from the 1950s yeah yeah I can do one 60 that's my my best price for it sir how much is this you know real is that a real one it's a real one yeah you can take it you know you can see it right away heavy too though and the gumball machine you have a blue one what do you get 180 in each one 18 I have three of them Yep they're from the 502 I know that okay thank you and they have the key all of them press it one of your chairs while my husband's looking yeah sure yeah thank you one more question you're Target down there it's 25 the Dick Tracy one yeah yeah 25 you have any other targets like that uh just that one yeah I saw that one I have that one yeah that's the only one that I have I saw the other two so told you all
Channel: Antique Trail hunter
Views: 3,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pnuo40Bqftk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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