Low Prices at This Rich Community Yard Sale! (Part 2)

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I Lally don't know if they're worth you know they could be worth 100 bucks each I don't know quick recap of part one sounds good to me okay does the sign work all right yeah I just won that I D oh you found the remote for it that is awesome jeez old man look how big these houses are good morning hey how's it going fantastic soon as I seen all this girl stuff I was like I already know this is the yto man I need to be at a girl stuff all right what do you got on the dresses up there we got how how old you talking uh my daughter is 10 months old but I'm always like four thinking yeah man take a look tell me what you like well how much you thinking like individual dresses um I could do a dress for five bucks my daughter only buys from the best gotcha 9 to 12 months yeah it's literally perfect like a good deal who are these made by you know I bought them in Egypt I don't know if they were made in Egypt or made in China but I bought them in Egypt and I thought they were pretty cool that's funny there's a lot of these that are Carl leer field Paris here where'd you get the military back from um you know what I was in the military but that's not from from that oh I noticed you hat what what branch were you in I was Army I was infantry okay yeah I served my first uh sign was with the 101st nice yeah they tried to get me to go to Ford drum um what' you say that I declined you weren't trying to freeze ready to get out by then so I signed a deck statement and I was like you know what I'm not doing it how long did you do N9 years nine years nice I just did uh I just got out last year and I did like a month shy of 11 years oh wow thanks to you service thank you for for years as well where you at um what's that where were you stationed um first stuty station Fort Lewis Washington second was vilk Germany have a good third was Fort Drum New York and then fourth was here at Fort Dicks New Jersey all right sweet yep all right so what do you got on these bags here well now you get the veteran special so that's good the veteran special you ain't got to do all that make me an offer on it I like cheap each bag for you okay so 10 a bag yep all right so 10 each on those 20 thr that in for you all right I appreciate it all right so 25 on the addess 25 26 with the princess 25 how's that 25 sounds good I appreciate it absolutely dude so you're 11 Bravo I am okay I was gotcha Airborne aerosol Pathfinder yeah I was Air Assault okay I didn't do Airborne thank God my back and knees are already killing me all right well I appreciate the awesome deals yeah man all right thanks again and good luck with the rest of yourself stuffed animal for her too oh no you ain't got to do all that you already threw in take stuff anal seriously we got so many that's all good oh see which one she likes you think she likes um how about that one that's always a fade go for it man all right thank you have a good one oh I don't know about that Disney thing I end up selling that the dress got that for Isabella this bag right here there's one listed I think I'm POS for like 100 so hopefully I get 40 to 5050 and this red one right here um it's probably only 25 30 bucks so nothing crazy here oh is that a squish mow it is a squish meow maybe it's worth something I got to take a quick peek at this Shard so you she is what's that right there the table with we a it's a nice set what's the the it's like a paw treadmill this yeah a doggy treadmill it's kind of like a dog treadmill so you hook them up and then based on how they move it's it's called a slap Mill huh yeah that's super cool brand new yeah I know I can't fit that in my car go get go get up in the car this one might be able to fit in my car how much do you want on this for which the crate or the no for the combo does it work yeah how much you think you can do on that uh make me off do you know if both sides work yes DVD and VCR mhm but you don't have any tapes no no tapes no they're down our house far ah do 10 bucks on it yeah I'll do 10 okay bother you and there is ways to give you know not to have them around your house you kind of make sure the one thing oh you found the remote for it that is is awesome um battery compartment doesn't look corroded so that's always a good sign some snakes snakes snakes what about the crocodiles in Florida it depends that's all very you know control okay well that's awesome you found the remote appreciate you taking a minute to look for that problem all right got anything else you guys are pulling out no I think that's about it okay maybe thank thank you throw this in the car and I'll take a peek again okay right how much you got on these pieces here Gabby it's yours dud actually originally mine but four for both four for the earrings and this okay okay thank you very much and have a good day you now what about this right here what is this a bra oh it's an anklet can you throw it in for an extra box call it a five bucks sure is this Dr okay all right thank when I'm coming good luck with the rest of your guys' sale thank you have a great day got some cool stuff for Sabrina there she likes stuff like that all right so I went and um looked up that DVD VCR combo when the guy was going to look for the remote and that thing with the remote it's probably going to go for like $140 $150 so that was a super awesome score if it works and if it doesn't work it probably still be 56 50 to 60 bucks in parts of Repair actually just kidding huge yard sale I forgot I passed this one on when I first came this way good morning morning how yall doing good pretty good I actually drove by you guys like almost an hour ago and I was like oh I was like I'm too early oh no never that thing's got some weight to it everyday tools what are you doing does the sign work all right yeah I just won that I won it Monday on a golf oh really I have no use for it yeah well congratulations on your win thanks that is that thing's got some weight to it there's a chain for it too 20 bucks yeah brand new turns so it it turns it's like a moving sign no it turns on Blue you got everything's brand new I have the boxing side too okay all right we might be able to work a deal on [Applause] [Music] that oh to go to the yeah oh boy Chicago Bulls bring bring I'm not bringing you nothing bring in your pass on that the Hat though yall know I hate selling clothing how much you got on these golf clubs here uh I think I had there's a sticker there make me an off on it I think what's the sticker there um make me an offer okay 20 and a five 25 yeah um we do 20 on all of them that's fine all right got any more golf clubs hiding not hiding I got Golf Club the got all right this is the box that's the Box yeah so has this been displayed in the house no okay okay brand new in the box I literally just took it out I won it Monday you said you said you got it Monday I won it Monday okay oh boy all right let's do uh heck let's do 20 on it 2040 what was that what I put on there $2 on the hat yeah all right so 42 yep I don't have change buddy I'm sorry o I don't have any change either give me 40 call it 40 40 I appreciate it you're kind of in the middle of nowhere I feel like all right thank you B oh I almost literally [Laughter] gave sticky fingers cuz of the sweat all right well I appreciate it all right man you have a good one you too thanks for the good deals no I'll be fine I'll call back for the sign make sure you guys move the chairs as the sun shifts that was a super awesome score on that blue moon sign that thing I think is going to go for at least 120 bucks at least so I am heading 15 minutes to this multif family cell and hopefully we get some more cool stuff all right I just saw a yard sell sign and I just slammed my brakes I made sure no one was behind me so don't be in the comments still trying to get to this yard sale but I drove like 2 miles down the road to get to this yard sale so hopefully it's worth it all how you doing [Music] good oh boy oh nice pad for my knees to sit on all right so I don't think we were going to make a deal on these tools I looked at them for a minute and then I carried on how much you got on the slippers here $3 three bucks size are what size are these are these nines eight eight should be eight eights or nines me and the girls wear eights and nines let me see it should say it somewhere on there I don't see it [Music] anywhere yeah the shoes are either eight or n they're $3 a piece okay size eight I'm assuming size eight these are probably size eight then yeah yeah yeah size eight and eight okay more all right three bucks on these as well just got like a little bit of stains there but little standed up that's kind of cool look at that every time I see stuff like this it makes me want to get it for Isabella's room four buck that is a steel four bucks I think I'm going to have to get that look at those faces over there three bucks on that does the lamp work yeah well if you say it works I'll take your word here I can plug it in but in the front over here by the front door there's an out all right I'm going to go take a look at this yeah I'm going to go take a look at these vases real quick I think those are kind of like peeling faes look like they're peeling all right nice yeah I'll get that thank you for testing it real quick all right so we got three each on the shoe so six four for the picture so 10 and 13 yes okay can you break a 20 sure that lamp's got to be worth something definitely tell it's late 80s 90s that's a cool lamp for sure all right thank you DK you you too good luck with the rest of you guys' sale all right I got something right here for Isabella and got something for Sabrina nothing for Z yet for three bucks I not going to say know to that but I am tired yeah it's out midnight I haven't even eaten dinner yet if you enjoyed today's content please consider smashing the like button I have more videos like this across my channel and then I also just started a members only if you would like to support me and the channel I'd appreciate it just hit the little join button but for now that's going to do it for this video I'll see you guys in the next one the veteran flipper out peace h
Channel: The Veteran Flipper
Views: 2,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yard sale, garage sale, collectibles, ebay, whatnot, community sale, the veteran flipper
Id: zjRPm8hobrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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