MILE LONG YARD SALE / Happy 4th Of July

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hey everyone Dana here happy 4th of July here we are celebrating our independence and what I'm going to do I'm going to go see if I can buy some other people's junk yeah it's yard sale day it's only a yard sale day on a Thursday when it's the 4th of July in heger toown Maryland cuz we're talking about the mileone yard sale they end up doing a yard sale that runs from our route 11 Pennsylvania Avenue all the way over to what is that Marsh Pike eh Marsh Pike but that whole stretch ends up being lined with yard sales and then all the little outskirt places do yard sales so yard sales yard Sals there's lots of yard Sals today it's going to be sunny today and I'm in Black yes it's true instead of letting my hair all down you know the party in the back I ended up doing piggy tail what do you call a mullet with pigtail tails is it a piglet piglet I don't know if I want to get in the thick of it this early in the morning I don't know maybe I'm going to hit up some of the outskirts yard sale yard sale I don't know hopefully we can find some Needful Things I learned over time to never walk alone at night to never Park in dark areas to always check to see whether anyone was hiding in the back seat of my car before getting in and to keep an eye on my rear view mirror to make sure no one was following me it's great to grow up feeling like you're being hunted all right so I managed to kind of sneak in around the backside of the insanity that is the mile long yard sale and I think what I'm going to do is just a little bit of filming but I'm going to kind of do a look and move on look and move on and get through this as quickly as possible today and then I think we will revisit we're going to come back out uh later on maybe not later on today maybe tomorrow or Saturday and I'll take you guys with me to see some things we'll do kind of a live in the moment haul and see what we find hopefully some good stuff I have my fingers crossed I feel like there's going to be a lot of potential out here at these yard sales but there's just so many people once you get into the thick it's too much into the thick of it into the thick of it o that's kind of pretty opalescent Edge on that $3 these dolls fascinating I don't need any more dolls I got to keep reminding myself that nobody likes dolls as much as I do it's [Music] interesting wow those are pretty cool little I don't know what that is interesting set lot of birdies there's a weirdo frog got a hose coming out of you I don't know what you do some uh cucumbers question mark made in Japan he's happy and sad happy and sad which one's sad about having salt in them it's pretty little pink candle stick holder there's lots of those little uh little Sony dogs what's that guy's name I know that guy's name or RCA H the clock back there is kind of neat that's a chalkware kitty clock wonder if that works they have $15 on that it's really heavy hi there hi I don't know what you are is that a ink well and pen holder yeah more dolls just say [Music] know some salt and peppers this is a pretty good set everything here is a little [Music] pricey I like that though $4 that's not too bad these are cool little red wear oh yeah they want $10 for that set and this weird little ashtray what are you a witch aren't you funny little witch with glasses no stop calling my name stop it no no dolls this is pretty I like that calt blue color H smeared as you receive hate mail and death threats it's virtually impossible to communicate to a man How Deeply these experiences affect a woman's sense of self and every other aspect of her life but let me try put yourself in our high heels into the thick of it into the thick of it into the thick of [Music] it 48 hours later it's Saturday Saturday after 4th of July that means the last day for many of the yard sales in the mile long yard sale vicinity which which means it's safe to head that direction because there's not 75,000 people there right now and people are ready to let stuff go so I'm going to head out here and see what there is to see cross Needful Things better there were a couple yard sales next to each other there so I ended up finding a Cobalt Blue Bottle this is gorgeous got that small one but there's also this big one so yeah that one's pretty large I just love that blue oh God I love the cold blue I have a couple blue bottles um I'm going to take bottles to Strange Days they do well for me there I'm thinking ahead for that now this I have a couple spheres at home I think my mom has them right now she's got them in a uh display on our dining room table but I thought this would be so good good for one of those spheres I'm going to put a sphere in that M that's so pretty right I love [Music] that there you go that [Music] [Music] oh my gosh it's already getting hot I'm going to try to haul as a go let me reach I found one yard sale off the beaten path on my way into the craziness where I found this jewelry casket amazing so cool love that I am a sucker for these and this one looks to be in really nice shape yeah man oh $2 $2 $2 yeah I found at this one it is a a derby hat yeah $3 that's kind of cool what does it say White Plains New York quality Supreme I don't think that's going to fit my head nah it's a little guy this is just for lookies but these are kind of nice for like a display it's tiny little thing it's a 6 and 3/4 size but I love this how cool is that okay okay I can't [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know how long I'm be able to keep this up today cuz I'm meling oh so this was kind of cool I think this person was a vendor at a at a vending Mall a vending vendor this person definitely had an antique booth somewhere because they have an SK tag on there but this stand has this sphere I don't know what that is I'm not real good with rocks and stones and crystals and things of that sort so I got to figure that one out an aot i know either way these things sell for lots of money and that stands pretty awesome I'm kind of loving it that was a good find right yeah [Music] all righty thank you [Music] oh my gosh I just love little old men I can't help it I I didn't really want anything at this dude's yard sale but I couldn't help myself cuz he was so cute but this book is kind of amazing right Shakespeare he told me that if I bought this I would automatically become smarter just knowledge and smartness Brilliance via osmosis from it being in my space so I don't know do I look smarter [Music] W my goodness okay I got to be done here soon because I got to pee so bad but I can't stop cuz I keep finding good stuff so look at this trinket dish how cute is that it's got green glass mirror that's really pretty salt and pepper shakers with the butterflies cute I got this table back there because I couldn't resist I don't need a table but it's pretty and it was cheap and this is my favorite thing look you put cigarettes in there and when you're ready for a cigarette you just he grabs your cigarette for you fun I think he's in pretty good shape he has a hole right here where some feathers were at one point in time but how fun is that yeah and I'm so excited so there's four pieces to the set I'm not going to dig them all out in the car but I'm going to show you when I get back home I'm going to give you a sneak peek on one of them look at how freaking gorgeous that is I'm so so happy with this find like this is my find of the day and I think I'm good and I can go home now this is made in Japan they were oh my god there are two of these a powder and a tray in this gorgeous purpley color oh my God okay so this was amazing I'm on a high note I'm going to go I'm going to be done I just got a message from my friend Kim asking me to meet her for Mexican for lunch get myself a margarita oh it's so hot I just can't even think about how amazing a margarita is going to be on my palette so all in all good day stay tuned at the end for some stills of my haul from the whole mile long situation good deal good deal thanks for watching bye he [Music]
Channel: Needful Things Curiosities
Views: 365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: okRV1iu0S_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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