Did someone steal something out of my cart at the Goodwill bins!!?

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I'm shopping at the Goodwill Outlet bins today let's go treasure hunting have a feeling it's going to be a good day because first cart I picked Works always a good sign see Afghan right off the bat oh it's like a Shaw are these good to pick up or not I usually just pick up aans not Shaws but y'all let me know what is this cute little box over here uh I think it held some kind of music instrument or something I'm not sure but goes like this actually that' be great for Christmas oh it has something on the back a how cute is that okay how could somebody donate this this is coming home with me we're going to save this what is this stuff over here are y'all ser serous right now telling y'all good shopping cart good shopping trip these are hand embroidered and they're oval there's three of them I'm not sure let me look it looks like maybe nursery rhymes or something this one's broken that's unfortunate oh my gosh y'all what is this box right here this thing is heavy and amazing that in my cart these in my cart I just paid $10 for this piece right here this will be perfect to put all my thrifted finds on because the shelving UNS I currently have they have holes right here and this is solid so this would be perfect it's really tall just brought out some new bins and I found these two little toys look at this elephant how cute I think a string attached right here and you pull it so adorable love the colors in that and then also this little fire truck love love love this stuff also picked up a lampshade cuz I did put a lamp in Ren's room she absolutely loves it but it doesn't have a lampshade so this is white it's perfect I'm thinking it'd be really great to add some IOD stamps or maybe even some transfers to this so that'll be on a future DIY maybe a room makeover cuz I really need to finish a room also just spotted this a game I really like this color combination it's kind of unexpected but it definitely works so throw that in my cart as well y'all my carts already almost full and I've just started looking here's a whole bunch of trophies that somebody donated they're plastic but the shape is right I wonder if I should get one to do a DIY on and try to make it look like a old old vintage trophy I don't know yall think should at least get one of them for this [Music] one I like the ones that kind of look like a ear it's a bunch of them has been great digging so far at the bins today I found another aan this one's the perfect size it's small so you can just hang it on a hook throw on a chair whatever I also picked out one of the trophies and I'll see if I can do something with it and I also found an Elsa doll no this is an Anna doll for ran but I'm on to look out for an Elsa doll as well so now I am ready to look through this section this is my favorite section to look through but I try to look at this last because these bins they change out pretty often and these they only change out a couple times week so when I come I like to dig through all of this so I can get through it before they start changing the bends out and then I come here so now let's look through my favorite section this this heavy looks old there's no markings on this also this it's heavy as well but I don't know what the deal is with the top but it's very very Jagged so I'm going to leave that here found two pictures I don't know about them though I love the size of the frames and I also love the frame but I don't know if the subject matter is something people would be interested in I don't know I'll think about these two prints right here look at the frames though love the frames see what else is in here what's this oh it's a very purple print I just found these two plates sitting out and they are very pretty I think somebody painted this on here and it is unfortunate that it's so faded cuz that would be absolutely beautiful there is oh this is how it originally came this is the birds of America so that's how it originally came with the painting on here it's just unfortunately very very faded so I think I'm going to leave these this thing is it's an interesting look I feel like this is some kitchen object most likely I see a piece of glass over here oh it has lots of chips in it I like the base though all right I think they are done bringing out new bins for the day that's cool cuz I am very happy with what I found today I don't think I showed y'all this but I found found this little lone Brass Shoe how cute is that so I hope y'all enjoyed shopping with me today I will put a total on the screen of what I spent on all these items and please leave a comment below and let me know what was your favorite item that I found at the Goodwill Outlet Ben today
Channel: Julie Thrifts
Views: 19,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qWNbAcgAUvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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