Goodwill trip had some good stuff!! I actually went back again that night!!

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[Applause] [Music] all right so I just came in I did stop at this rack and I did grab a pair of baits boots These are actually nice they're leather actually they're not um they're just they're nice and then I I did grab a pair of bionics I I don't think I'm going to be able to take those though cuz the leather is peeling off of those so I'm going to put those back and I hate doing that cuz those are really cute um I'm kind of all over the place today I don't know if I'm going to start in the shoes I guess I guess I just will kind of wander today maybe I'll start over here in the wallets I think that might be a a good place to start let's start over here in the wallets and see if we see anything good over here oops and there you go the first thing that I knocked out of the the bins already well you everyone knew that wasn't going to take very long this is kind of cute I don't know what this is though what is this I think it's a non brand but it is very cute got some little [Music] um socks and stuff I have look at this before and it's it's not a brand I know sometimes stuff gets pushed under here though so I do have to pick stuff up and look so it actually has gotten um it had gotten warm but it it's actually getting cooler again today so I felt like it was it was warm yesterday unseasonably warm yesterday so I'm glad that it's going back a little cooler oh that's kind of [Music] cute all right oh okay I saw something let me see what is that oops okay is this a Doney let me see it is it is a little Doney a little suede one I got see what it looks like on the inside not oh there is some pen marks in there how's the bottom it's not too bad how's the leather look so everything looks like it's working on this it might just be a um a wipe a wipe out I don't know um I don't know it's a little dirtier than I would like but I can can clean this a little uh a stiff bristle brush will clean the suede up usually pretty good so if I can get if I can get the suede I mean it doesn't look like there's any rips or tears so I might just put that in the basket that might go with me they didn't mark it up so I I think usually if you know I will take those with me sometimes they don't they won't get clean they won't clean up well though and then honestly if if they don't look good when I'm done with them then I will donate them right back look at this beauty oh my goodness look at that oh that's a pretty one I don't know if it's a any maker or anything but it looks to be the leather looks just has like a little bit of a distressed look to it but Barbara Wallace who made this somebody must have put their name in it Avalar Avalar never heard of it the whole purse is leather on the inside it's actually not that bad honestly I am taking this I am so intrigued by this um yeah look at that it's it's a very large bag too and I will condition it with leather oil and get it all cleaned up it's probably not going to be a big you know a high-end seller but um it's so unique looking I think that's what caught my attention is the uniqueness so for $7.99 that will go with us too all right so I was over here the other day oh this is one of those pet carrier that is really cute my dogs are too heavy I probably should look into these because I know a lot of people like these pet carriers uh this would break my arm if I tried to carry my oh look how cute that is I'm going to look this up though cuz if it's only $7.9 99 my my little boys would would break my arm trying to put them in that but it's very cute I can imagine that one of them oh look at this guess what was hiding back here wow that's an older one they don't have the cross body strap oh that's dirty on the you know what it's not horrible it's not horrible I could definitely I think I could get that clean up and vacuumed out it's definitely real let's see what did they priced it wow okay I think I will tell you guys this is $15 I think for $15 if everything is working on it even without the cross body strap I may take this I do have a coupon for today so if I get a big enough load I'll use my coupon if not I'll save it for another day um I actually you know what though I think I actually this is one of those instances where I told you that I do keep extra sometimes I buy pieces even if they're not in great shape just for the extra detachable straps um for the extra charms things like that I do that and this could be I might already have a strap for that so this that's that's my reasoning when when I was telling you that I did that is that um I might already have a piece for that oh this is kind of cute look how cute that is it's definitely not leather it does have the little insert piece there little the little accessory pouch inside of it um you know not not a not a high-end piece and and that one I'm going to put that back well they so so basically they did they did put some good stuff in the back here and and they didn't mark it up it was probably because it's a little bit Worm but if I can get the inside of it clean um I still think it's a it's pretty good what is this one back here okay I've seen that one before well like I said oh see look at all of these um all of these um brightens I think are still back here I so love this purse each time I pick it up I I love it but I just don't think it's worth paying paying up for and then you know having to get it cleaned up and oh yeah this is it the zippers were pretty um tarnished off not tarnished in the fact that I could clean them but tarnished in the fact that the Chrome plate or whatever the Silver Plate had come off of them so but I did fish out a couple of nice things I didn't oh that's a that's a look at that [Music] ooh the straps are really bad on that that's an old one too I like it but I don't think the straps are going to be good enough on that yeah I think that one's going to have to go back I'm concerned that the straps are wearing away on it well we did find we did find a couple of of good pieces um so far and it I guess it's going to be a a cleaning day for short girl picker over there um we'll we'll see how things look we'll we'll see how they look I have a couple of purses already and and and I it's a I have a couple purses that are kind of sitting in a death pile that need to be clean so obviously I've been reluctant to take care of that so I'm going to have to get off my butt today and and uh clean some purses I'm going to just have to do it it's kind of it's kind of like laundry in my house it's like you see that pile and you think oh we could wait another day so that's that's my that's my logic so I I I need to get to it I'm looking again yeah I am looking at the Bel the belts you know like I said I do stop at the belts just in case you never know what you're going to see over here I have bought some absolutely beautiful belts over here before so I do I do all I do try to stop not not every time sometimes I forget and I pass it but I do always manage to drop something so that I did do as usual Okay so we've got some stuff in here I am still going to check over those pieces again for you know additional damage or anything like that so it's not it's not for sure that they're going to go with me um it really depends how much the price points are I will actually look them up to see if in fact they are worth cleaning up and if they're worth cleaning up then obviously I will I will do that okay well I did stop and look at the the jackets that she was um I kind of glanced as I was walking over here at the jackets that she was putting out this morning cuz they were sitting on the rack but I I didn't actually get anything now see these are LL Bean boots but you can already see the heel on that is gone so I'm going have to leave that behind [Music] I probably will we'll um only get a few things this morning I do have other stops to make after [Music] this what are those oh those are really nice looking now see are these you know I don't buy a lot of spies but what are these okay these are definitely women's then they say women's so I I didn't have to get guess these are women's those those are really kind of cute they look to be in really good oh they marked them up though they do look to be in really good condition but for that price I don't think I will take those I don't think that they'll sell well enough um these bionics are really cute too though they look to be in well they did they did a patent leather on the inside and I'm worried that that patent leather is going to scrape away so I I probably will have to leave those too little pink ones are really cute those are Steve or Madden girls I think those are Steve mad I do see quite a few pairs of Steve Ms I do see um on on more than one occasion I will see lots of new pairs of Steve maddens I have a feeling that they maybe they donate them um you know maybe there's a store here in town and they they will donate them because I I do see a lot of them but I'm I'm very uh particular in the ones I buy o I do like the the little tal bits the tbit slippers are nice with the little snowflakes on it but that's just me maybe because I like the little snowflakes on them yeah it's probably just me so we'll look at those what about these These are matis those are interesting the front ends are pretty worn though but um that's kind of an interesting look the the gray Patchwork suede on [Music] those I can see there's some soy down there if I pronounce that correctly I believe it's saky [Music] um I really um I didn't I didn't take much over here so I guess we'll go around and look at the [Music] men's [Music] let see what else we can [Music] find what are these These are Nikes oh these are air harachi I am I am familiar with the air harachi um the suede is coming off the the front on those so I I am going to have to put those back some of the air haachi can be pretty good now see these Brooks down here let's take a look at these Brooks nope see there it's ripped right in the back I told you about the Brooks you always have to look for the rips in on the inside because they have a tendency to rip and I'm kind of wondering when Brooks is going to start taking care of that because at this point it happens with so many of their shoes they must be aware that their shoes rip on the inside here's a pair of fresh Foams I if you've ever um you know if you're looking for a nice pair of shoes fresh Foams are great shoes these are so comfortable there's so much support on the inside of these shoes um I have a pair um I bought them here I cleaned them and I've been wearing them ever since my feet love those shoes so just to let you know fresh Foams are good um those are a generic pair I picked it up and it was so light I didn't I didn't quite expect it to be that light what are these what are these oh those are Levis okay I was going to say I knew what that symbol was on the side of that shoe but I still had to pick it up to look now what are [Music] these these are as6 I believe I'm not even sure these are as6 I think these might be a a generic of or a copy of them something something didn't feel right when I picked those up what about these what are these the stwn no I'm not liking that sometime the materials just don't look that great all right so we we kind of wandered through here and we didn't get all that much I think I think cuz I have room in my cart we're going to head towards the back I think that's a good idea look at all the pretty dresses and stuff here I never really stop and look at this type of stuff but they really do put out they get some beautiful stuff in this shop I mean there's there's I mean look at all these evening gowns you you could easily and I know it would be hard to you'd have to try all that stuff on but they always have such a good selection of it you know look at this pink bag that's really cute too that looks like it's brand new I used to buy some of the Victoria Secret ones but I always try to buy the the heavier Duty [Music] things so I think we'll head back [Music] here I have yet yet to find a pair of Lulu I'm always thinking it's going to be the day that I find a pair of Lulu but I have not found it and I see other resellers and they walk in and they get like five or six pieces and I'm like I have never ever found a piece in the wild I just haven't found it so but I knew what those were I knew as soon as I saw those that I love those those are those are going home with me these will probably stay with me these are Ralph Lauren sweats they're just a nice gray pair but I like their sweats because honestly you can pair their stuff with a T-shirt and you can go out in it and you don't look like you're in your pajamas so I am I am taking those those will those will stay and you know of course as I say that I'm thinking well now I got to go and clean the drawers out again every time I buy stuff for myself I think oh now I got to clean something to to make room room for it that's that's my goal I do love my my my comfort my comfort pieces these um these shoes I'm wearing right now are really um are really comfortable too these are spares I I liked them so much I bought them in in two colors so I own these in pink and I own them in Gray okay so let see what we have here oh they've got some nice looking stuff over here they got some holiday stuff and some cups um oh here's another oh that's pretty I like the puzzle kind of looks like a watercolor some bottle brushes got an elephant dish you always have to check the bottoms here cuz they they do get a lot of new stuff in here they really do they really do so I always have to check the bottoms there's really nobody not too many people in here right now so I kind of get to have my run of the the building which is nice okay so I didn't see oh oh let me see how much is it cuz I love the colors the colors are wonderful how much is [Music] it I might take it for that I think it was per it was actually professionally framed but um I do like the colors in that I might do that I'll have to see the frame does not go with that print so I I I would take it it would come out of the frame that frame doesn't match that that needle point at all so oh and we got some Simpsons mugs when is this guy made 2020 okay so that's probably not one I'm going to want if it was an early one I probably would take that got an anchor looks like some clear Pyrex dishes what is this gingerbread man mini waffle maker oh that is cute yeah I can't do that to myself waffles I'd be making waffles one at a time could you imagine one at a time one at a time that's the D B but like I want five I'd be standing at that W waffle maker all afternoon I know things that we do okay so we're checking this H Sarah PL and Tall collection okay that must be yeah there's a couple of those boxes down there the the retail on those when when they were made was only you you bought them for $7 when they were made so I don't think I'm going to I don't think I'm going to walk away with any of those but we will come down here let's see if um I haven't stopped at the toys in a well let's see if we if we don't find oh look okay I've had this before yep I have and I don't know what this is Miami Universe no I think I can leave that one but I think I think that one will go what is this one telepaths okay I have never had this one so I will put this in and we will check I like like selling G please thanks I like selling games I think they're they're easy to list easy to ship you know I I'm just I'm I'm a game person I'm a book person so for me those are those are things I enjoy selling just because I like to see them go the brain teaser this looks like it's new unboxed too on the dot my husband would love this I have a feeling this would be something he'd have fun with this looks way too intricate for my eyeballs H I think I will put that back okay so I am paying attention somebody said to me last time you you you know that was a sonic yeah I knew it was I knew it was a Sonic I I do know and I know this is a Super Mario depending on when see this was made in 2021 so this is probably not going to be be one that um I'm going to want but I do know to look for the older Mario and for the older Sonic and for the older Kirby and and for the older Pokémon so I I will I do look for those I promise I won't I won't walk by and not look at them and look at some more games up here well that was good I did I did grab a couple of brand new games that was kind of nice what's this right here this looks new what is this Sesame Street oh oh it's cricket and it's brand new you know what I think I will put that in I don't know if the Sesame Street is any good but obviously this is brand new and it's sealed package so I will I will grab that I can see there is what is that up here okay so that one is not new well that was kind of a fun find I guess I will go hit the racks and and see if there's anything on the racks um that I need to have oh look at the Christmas Mickey he's cute I wonder if he isn't older too he seems very oh that looks like an old tag so distributed by W okay this is distributed by Walmart when was this made oh the Fabrics the Fabrics oh this was made by Jimmy okay this might actually be an old one I don't remember when how long ago Jimmy made Mickey and this tag looks older so I will I will look that one up we do I always check the bags and stuff like that and anything that's put in a box over here cuz you can open up a box and never know what you're going to find here's another here's another um there's some somebody must have had some musical snow globes cuz they're in there window trim application here's a little flask stainless steel let's see what else is under there see this is what I'm saying you got to look under stuff in this place okay that doesn't look like anything that I need to get I do know this teapot is probably older um yeah it's an induct it's an induction teapot but I it's it doesn't look like it's quality enough to take so I'm going to leave that there but I'm going to come over to this one and there's oh they got some more nutcrackers here this is more of the homegood stuff oh you know what we have ornaments and stuff in here so I guess what we'll do is we will transfer everything that's on this shelf down here so we can grab because you know you never know what the ornaments what you're going to get because like I said it's after Christmas and people are dropping this stuff off so H that one that one little box that's a set of something collector Siri the Night Before Christmas there some decorative wallpaper I no none of these ornaments are are going I go home with today nope I don't think so okay so we did we looked through that cart so I guess we'll just come over [Music] here make sure I didn't miss anything the first time we were here well we'll come down this aisle we'll see if there's anything that we have to have and then I'll probably have to I'll probably have to jump off and and um check for damage on things what is that I'm not sure what that is exactly but he's missing an arm so he'll he'll he'll have to stay [Applause] okay um doesn't it's an old ashtray it does not feel heavy enough to be um be something want to take I do I do look at old glass I do look at old Ceramics um I really do oh that's got that's battery operated okay this is kind of like a wood resin feel still have all the ornaments on the end here they haven't been moving too well so I know they have been um really really cramming these up now see this is a Cracker Barrel this is a snowman cl cl another word for clo is Bell jar so that is a a bell jar snow globe um he's cute but I don't think I want anything that big now who is this okay here's another hairy slackin you guys know I do buy the hairy slackin I don't know if this is a if this is um it's a smaller one but you know what I am going to put this in the cart just in case and I will I will do a a look up on that little guy cuz Harry SL Harry slacken is is either depending on it being B Bath and Beyond or QVC he he does both but his stuff is highly collectible so I I do grab his stuff whenever I see it I feel like I'm gonna jump off right over here and see if um see what I'm going to keep and see what I'm going to leave behind cuz my basket's getting pretty full I can see there's some fall scrap over here but I don't think there's anything else up there that I would want I really have to start listing i' I've got a a pretty good pile going right now and I and I'm very very committed to not having a pile so I I really need to get that taken care of cuz I I I do not want a pile I just don't all right well I'm going to finish finish up here and I'm going to go through and and check my cart for damage figure out what I'm going to take and what I'm going to leave and I will come back in a little while and uh show you guys what I got see you soon hi everyone I want to give you a quick recap of what I bought today at the Goodwill it was a quick trip but I did get some uh interesting things this morning I did get a pair of really nice these are actually um like a leather baits boots um I don't think there these are even a suede these are actually probably one of the nicer pairs that I've had um I do believe they're probably new um they just need to be laced back up tried on but never outside um I grabbed those I did get the Cricut Sesame Street it is brand new in box um so that will get listed and I also got a a telepaths I've never heard of the game telepaths so I got that a puzzle I did get an aggravation I only walked out with the little Doney and Burke because this one is so easy to clean and it didn't need much work the other one it didn't have the cross body and I felt like it was a lot of work I did get this beautiful uh handbag I just I just love the way this looks um I will clean this up and it will just be so pretty um I did get a fry um duffel bag uh just you know their their duffles and backpacks I believe are $7.99 so I grabbed that I also got this uh brand new pet carrier um I did grab one of those I got a little needle point um so you know all in all a lot of this stuff is brand new which means I don't have to do a lot of work which is is is good um so my total spent today was $88 I spent $88 at the Goodwill um this morning so all in all I'm happy with what I got there is a link um that pops up you can uh go to the eBay store if you're interested in something that you see if you have questions please reach out to me if you'd like to make a comment um I do love to hear from you uh as usual if you haven't subscribed that would be absolutely fabulous it would it would be absolutely incredible if you would and I will see you soon [Music] bye [Music] n
Channel: Short Girl Picker
Views: 4,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bi2Pn1Tb0-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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