I Killed My Friends With a Goat

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so everybody knows that mojang added goats to minecraft 1.17 but did you know these bearded little beauties are also bloodthirsty killers of course you did so today i'm gonna put these big horned little murderers to work see if they can launch my friends off a cliff to their deaths let's get to work the first thing we're gonna need to do is get some goats now we could go search in mountain biomes for god knows how long until we find some or we can just buy them from the shopping district i believe that mr days just wants calcite for his goods including screaming goats what in the blocky world is that its ramming cooldown is only 5 to 15 seconds oh these guys are way better they have a way higher chance of head-butting enemies i mean entities so i guess i just put the payment in here and wait for like two business days or what sweet jeb in heaven okay mr bezos i appreciate the prompt service but seriously he was pretty fast to pick up my payment but let's see how fast he is at delivery are you kidding me how did he get these here so fast oh yeah well now we have our goats we just have to figure out how to get them to knock these poor suckers i mean server members off a cliff so i've been doing some thinking off-camera and i've come to a terrible realization the folks on echocraft are unfortunately smart so this guy is going to need a disguise no no like he needs to be hidden that means that i need to give this guy a line of sight to the player but keep the player from seeing him and i may just have an idea my immediate thought is to try to hide the go underground and have it pop up whenever the player gets close enough to the edge of a cliff so let's see how high a slime block on a piston will launch this guy oh nice that's actually like four or five blocks so now i just need to hook up something to push him out of the chute something like that yes perfect now we just need to figure out the trigger for the track and guess what i've got another idea that might just work a lectern and it does work check this out so whenever someone turns a page in the book it will update an observer that triggers the system allow me to demonstrate so the player's gonna walk up to the lectern and they're gonna be on page one but when they go to page two it's gonna release the goat and then after a second bam the goat comes in and knocks them clean off the cliff it works like a charm so that should work out pretty alright but i really need to figure out where this thing is gonna go on the server so seeing how goats do spawn in mountains i think that would be a pretty fitting place for our trap now we just need to find the right spot that lets us hide some of our redstone and has a cliff high enough to cause some chaos i mean death i mean friendship somewhere like this it's got plenty of place for us to hide redstone it's got a really high cliff and a flat spot on top oh yeah yeah yeah this is gonna be perfect well i think it's time let's build the trap [Applause] okay guys check this out so this thing works perfectly i access the book i change the page and then boom there it is well okay listen it's a sheep for now all right it's testing all right we'll get to the goat but there is one problem and that is sound i'm a little bit worried that the players are gonna hear the goat screaming down below and the pistons activating and did i mention these guys are smart if they get even the slightest whiff of suspicion they'll hightail it right back to their bases and save their lives and ruin my fun so we need to cover up some of the sound with more sound and this little contraption right here is basically just using pistons to swap the color of the beacon so the players will definitely hear pistons moving but hopefully they'll just assume that it's that thing right there but the goat is gonna be a little bit more difficult the only way i can really cover up the sound of a goat is well with another goat but we can't just have a goat roaming around here or the players are gonna be super cautious so to ease their minds i've made this little distraction go and put them in a cage and also added a couple signs to assure the players that the goat is no longer a threat so between the distraction go and the beacon there's no way that the players are going to hear it coming all we have left to do is figure out why someone would want to read a lectern in the middle of nowhere and i've actually got kind of a fun idea but it is a little extra oh am i kidding everything i do around here is a little extra i'm gonna make a completely fake scavenger hunt and of course in the end the player dies instead of getting a reward sounds fair right anyways here's what i'm thinking since i've sort of become the axolotl guy around here we play this off like a story a story where the player is trying to help me find a quote missing blue axolotl and along the way setting themselves up to fall for our track to start we need to make sure that the scavenger hunt really grabs the people's attention and entices them to play and since i am the residential wealth lord on the server i know exactly what those peasants want now we just have to convince them to go where we want with a compelling story welcome to branzy's scavenger hunt follow the clues to reach the end if you win you earn diamonds how many depends on if you're brave or not five diamonds no armor or elytra zero diamonds or armor win which hopefully will sway them to get rid of those pesky feather falling boots and their elytra to save them from their fault but if the player still chooses to wear armor they get a super lame storyline and essentially what's gonna happen is the players will come over here and search around this red mushroom but just on the other side there's this little cave with a chest that's full of blue axolotls and a lectern which you can pause to read if you want but it basically just tells the player that they've already gotten to the end but they're welcome to try again the hard way or in other words go back and try again so that i can kill you but if the user chooses to not wear armor they get an entirely different storyline and this is where the fun really starts because once they accept their mission they inch closer to our trap but we can't go straight to the meat and potatoes we have to earn their trust first and what better place to do that than civ's giant ship it's hard to really even get a full frame of how big this thing is it's gigantic civ is an insane person and i got to help him with part of it but all that is besides the point the scavenger hunt is actually right over here in the sheep thing where the player will find another lectern but the whole point is to have them turn down their friendly creatures volume to help offset the goats just in case plus adding a little game like find the note block adds some atmosphere to make this scavenger hunt look legit which i have placed right over here underneath this lecture this book will essentially lead them straight to their downfall off our goat cliff so hopefully they've been practicing their boat clutches so now our little adventurer hopefully has no armor there are friendly creatures volumes turned down and a boat to get them right where we want them so hopefully when the adventurer gets to this cliff the first place that they'll go is right to this lectern here but really the only point of this lectern is to get the player closer to the ledge by looking for another book and they search search search search search oh no oh that was way too easy there's this branzy guy doesn't know how to hide anything on the server and this is where the magic happens because this book is multiple pages of pure nonsense i mean if that riveting piece of literature doesn't give the goat long enough to perform its jeb given ability then i i'm not sure i guess we just have to keep trying i don't know but there's still two possibilities here the goat either knocks them off or not so i've added a couple additional pages which basically tells the player that if they outsmarted my trap they get 5 diamonds but if they died i'll give them their choice of the 5 diamonds or a blue axolotl so now the player gets a reward and i get to kill them it's a win-win right no either way i think we're ready let's see if we can actually launch someone off this cliff with a go okay wreck just messaged me and said that he wants to give it a shot and i'm a little bit nervous because you know wreck is sort of one of my besties but also i may have told him that i wanted to try to kill people with goats at one point so he might be onto us okay this is important this is where he decides if he's gonna go for armor or no armor he took it off oh he took it off good luck adventurer i hope you find the ship that's actually like right over there and it looks like he found it okay i think he turned down his volumes oh yeah he totally hears it he can totally hear it where is it wreck okay so he's in there right now and he found the second clue so now all he's got to do is get to the freaking launchpad beautiful so he's found the first lectern perfect oh boy oh he's making me so nervous just read the freaking book it's right there rick it's oh no there's a block missing right there he totally found it oh no oh no wreck oh no i assume you were trying to hit me off with a goat that's what you said in the book yeah that's actually so epic can i can i at least see the goat pop up yes all right no no no no no no no back in show him back in oh no well no it's a wreck trap now [Music] so the first attempt didn't really go to plan because i forgot to place one stinking block and wreck found it i will get you wreck one day but don't worry i fixed the flaw and now it's on to our next victim alright so lucid just messaged me and said that he wants to give it a go and there he is he's made it all the way to the mountain with no armor and no idea what's about to happen oh boy my heart is thumping so hard right now come on lucid make my dreams come true bye you went for it hold on he's in the book [Music] there it is we got him yes oh yes you beautiful go i love you so much oh hold on let's get his stuff oh my goodness my man here hold on let me turn hey calm down hey you calm down all right listen now i don't know if i should be like insulted or remain confused or retain the desire to hit you one more good time to make you feel better if i explain what happened here i have a mechanism that launched that goat from a slime piston below and you just happened to be standing still long enough for him to ram you off the edge and so it wasn't you that killed me no no no the goat did all the dirty work i'm not even gonna lie i'm not even mad anymore that's clever well now that we know that it works we should probably tear it down so nobody else gets hurt right nah come on go to get him whoa that's two in a row baby all right number three yes yes number three four in a row baby there he [Music] comes on zl number five here we go oh he totally saw the goat wait no he didn't whoo nobody escapes the goat well almost well i'd say that was a successful mission except for rhett i will get you one day but not today in the meantime you should go and check out my friend siv's latest video where he built this epic ship he's awesome you're amazing and as always tune in for the next one
Channel: Branzy
Views: 1,493,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft goat, minecraft goats, goats hitting player, echo craft, echocraft, branzy, rekrap, rekrap2
Id: upAL_ojKwYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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