I Re-Hired Minecraft's Deadliest Assassin...

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a typical Minecraft base is safe secure full of trespassers hi Barnsley but what if you built a base so deadly that only you knew how to survive it well today I'm gonna be building Minecraft's deadliest face to do just that and hosting a housewarming party that my friends will never forget here's the issue the party's in 24 hours so I had to work fast oh I gotta go there was just one small problem this is gonna take so much freaking TNT dude but I have the perfect idea on how to get all the TNT that I would need so that floating Omen in the sky is a creeper Farm which is dropping those explosive Leaf people right onto my TNT house but this creeper Farm although deadly to creepers isn't very deadly to players which is why I made this the central detonation trigger now this trigger is rigged to a collection chest for all the gunpowder so if the players don't empty it out before it gets too full a comparator activates the Piston which blows up the entire base and anyone Nearing which I will not be but the spawn rates were terrible especially at night so to make the creeper Farm even deadlier I needed to make sure that the players well slept and that is where my latest invention comes in death by daylight it sounds deadly and kind of corny and it definitely is because every morning a daylight sensor will turn on which activates this line of repeaters and shoots a fireball right into the base the only way to stop it is if the players crawl out of bed and shoot this target before the signal reaches this block which I now have to do every morning while I build this place maybe I should have saved this for like hour 20. but on hour 7 I realized that it was only fair to let players craft tools and weapons in order to survive so I took the liberty of building them an iron farm out of TNT I hope they remember to turn fire spread off but just as my kind-hearted nature was creeping in I had some Curious visitors uh why is the entire server at my base right now well I told the players if any of them can survive the housewarming party then they get to blow up the base and me and by getting a sneak peek at the base they could figure out how to survive it but they wouldn't cheat I mean I've never done anything that would cause them to seek revenge by any means necessary oh yeah oh these cheating little trespassers but if they thought that they could outsmart my base then I needed to remind them who they were dealing with so I invited an exceptionally deadly surprise guest to the housewarming party that the players would never see coming but for now I decided to make them a mine shaft which will feed them to the deadliest mob in Minecraft the murder hen now this is a design I've used to kill these players before and the way it works is these chickens are activating pressure plates and pistons scrambling the floor of blocks in the middle which the players will have to water bucket clutch onto in order to get into the mines the catch is if the players try to land on any block except for the one full block [Music] you can't get it unless you're lucky then this up the death count quite nicely I don't think that should make me this happy then on hour 11 I set out on the biggest project of all so I was just thinking what do all great deadly castles have in common emote but moats are typically meant to kill people trying to come in so how do I use it to kill people that are already inside well I came up with a simple solution goats see goats have this nasty little habit of knocking entities off cliffs if they happen to stand still for too long so not only does this mean that a simple misstep could lead to my demise but even if I sit my inventory for a split second too long I go for a nice hot lava bath but as deadly as the goat moat was it had an unfortunately safe side effect oh no I just realized that now no Hostile Mobs can actually get into the base this this was a huge mistake I need a way for the mobs outside of the base to have a shot at still blowing it up and that actually gives me an idea [Music] voila the crystal missile fence built not to keep mobs out but to give them an explosive opportunity to ruin someone's day but now I needed a killer way for the players to get into the base something like a murder Bridge see using a bridge of powdered snow with a hidden maze below it makes for a great game of watching your friends die endlessly on any server but this is an incredibly impractical practical implementation perfect for any danger base and with the addition of TNT blocks below it this acts as a killer backup plan in case any of my victims I mean friends try to escape their inevitable Doom but with our entrance finished we could finally start expanding our starter base so just like that the base is about four times bigger which is also four times the chances for something to go horribly horribly wrong and start adding some excessively deadly everyday bass elements like a storage room with a randomly timed pitfall trap controlled by a murder hen or an enchanting table that gives the players five seconds of use before it explodes I even gave them a crop Farm okay Jimbo so here's the deal I put some observers randomly beneath this farm so if you trample the wrong crops into dirt you'll be solely responsible for the deaths of everyone that's the spirit then on hour 20 I came up with another deadly obstacle get it because it's another portal okay never mind so this nether portal is also the only way out of the base besides the murder Bridge of course all they have to do is use an ender pearl to teleport themselves into another portal hidden behind this lava but not only do they have to throw it perfectly I've also added these randomly extending Pistons to block their shot and yes they are also controlled by murder hence and with only a couple hours until the party I added some finishing touches to the base listen just because it's deadly doesn't mean it can't look good alright and invited a very special surprise guest to make this officially the deadliest base in Minecraft oh it's so good to see you I'm on echocraft I'll show you the base oh actually hold on we need to sleep first because it's very dangerous if we don't sleep and we go over there uh one second one second sleepy time thank you so much wow I've ever had wow great oh my God oh God I hit that that was a great shot I don't like being the receiving end okay okay so this is the base right here this uh this looks uh okay what was that clown clown I can't get out of the house see I kind of added some skulk sensors around the base just to mess with the players but they're totally harmless except for one follow the cards and get out of the house so how close was I just to setting off all of this TNT so close look me in the eyes next time yeah you warned me okay you got that okay good it's the deadliest base in Minecraft okay I need uh I need a chest plate it is really deadly in here isn't it well honestly I can't believe this place hasn't blown up but after 24 hours of surviving building this base I'm a little nervous but it's finally time to put it to the ultimate test welcome to Minecraft's deadliest starter base where I have designed every element here to potentially kill any and all of its inhabitants your goal is simple survive an entire day here without blowing up the base I will let you blow it up and me along with it that being said your first task is going to be getting into the base which will only require you to cross this completely harmless snow Bridge good luck this was the moment of truth I had everything to lose and all it would take is a single player to survive a single day or maybe this is gonna be way easier than I thought oh god [Music] oh my god um the donut what's going on here you got well despite winning the challenge in a lofty 53 seconds I decided to give my friends a little tour of the base all right DC I have a very important task for you okay okay now getting into the base was only half the struggle because to get back out you're gonna have to use the nether portal hidden behind this lava what I'd like you to do is enter Pearl in and see if you can survive oh I have three hearts good luck I don't like this one [Music] it feels like a Willy Wonka movie Sully you have one very important task and that is to make sure that no goats knock anybody off the sides and into this moat because if anybody stands still for too long they end up getting pushed right in the mud just like important I I was fun with my fidget spinner what happened Matthew please come with me we need to get everybody some gear and I unfortunately put some gear in those chests right over there in the storage area so go ahead and just walk on over and grab some if you wouldn't mind but remember to yeah take your time you don't want to set off those creatures yourself [Music] and terrifying oh no what oh no oh what's my job if you come through here wenzo I got a very important job for you since Maya couldn't get the gear out of the chest I'm gonna need you to do a water bucket clutch all the way to the bottom of this mine shaft to get some supplies for your fellow survivors you've picked the worst player to do this come on Wednesday we've trained first there you go one so we are so good at that clutch now well technically the only way out of the minds is death so it's still deadly but I still had one more surprise guest to make this base officially the deadliest base in Minecraft it's the deadliest Assassins but as I watched my friends desperately running for their lives or hiding in fear please help me I realize that I never really cared if this was the deadliest base in Minecraft or not I just wanted to have fun with my friends great great job everybody and all the blood is on Ramsay's hands too so like I'm I'm I get away scot-free because life's not about the challenges you complete everybody let's get over here let's get a screening with clown as our first guest but the friends you meet along the way all right here we go three two one but killing them with an unexpected explosion is kind of My love language [Music] radiation [Music] clown you did great that was fantastic great work my friend thank you thank you thank you of course of course okay now you know where to find me call upon me again when the need arises okay I'm here oh both on the duty list I forgot very vengeful
Channel: Branzy
Views: 1,417,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KclyurQvNDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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