I Built a Chicken Powered Murder Machine (again...)

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this is a chicken powered murder machine a quick action double barreled player killing foul nightmare completely controlled by chickens and if you think that's weird this is the upgraded 2.0 version see it all started a couple years ago when I built the first version of this contraption where players would have to perform a bucket clutch onto a shifting floor of slabs and full blocks operated by chickens kidding me and for a murder machine it was pretty successful but it had one teeny tiny flaw all the players had to do to survive was cheap oh I did it I cheesed the system of course it was wck wrap so I knew that if I was going to pull this off on the LIF steal smpp I needed to make it deadlier than ever and this is it the cpmm 2.0 and I have completely redesigned this machine from the ground up so now instead of the players throwing themselves into a pit of death I've implemented a player launcher designed by Gort to do it for them and this not so little puppy simultaneously primes almost a 100 pieces of TNT lines the players into position and launches them high into the sky like really high in the sky and this is where the real fun starts because the only way for the players to survive is to follow the Beacon Light back into the barrel they were launched out of and land safely into the water at the bottom of the chamber but what they don't know is an entire flock of murder hens decides who lives and who dies because not only does a hidden block swapper replace the center of the landing Zone with a suspiciously water- looking blue glass block but as the chickens wander across eight independently operated Pistons they release or reduce the number of real water blocks for the players to land in and by the time they can actually see what's coming their fate is already sealed h no all I need is for you to subscribe seriously I know that most of you are still watching and not subscribing and now so do they anyways let's build a murder machine and the first thing we need to do is dig two massive holes for the player launchers but I've dug over a 100,000 pieces of Stone in this world so far so I'm just going to blow it up instead and oh God no that was the automatic one oh that was not oh it's way too much oh it's oh it's way too much oh God check it out my holes are now excavated and clean and try not to read too heavily into that statement but you'll notice I said holes because after releasing my last video in this series of killer cardnal games I realized that my initial design just didn't feel deadly enough the only thing deadlier than one killer chicken cannon is two killer chicken cannons and a giant killer chicken which means I have now over doubled the amount of resources that this is going to take to complete fortunately between all the Farms I've built so far for this project I have plenty of concrete glass red stone and of course slime wait where is all my slime oh no someone stole all of my slime dude I had like 24 stacks of slime blocks in here well at least they left me eight slime balls so that's nice and since my last slime farm was sort of decimated by an explosion I'm going to need a brand new slime farm fortunately I won't have to lift a finger because while the rest of the server has been busy collecting Hearts this season I focused more on the exploitation of damsels in distress oh Bry I can't move oh oh if I fall I die I'm literally down to six hearts now so it's like I got shot and then I got fell off of this and died and now I'm on one heart you have most of the hearts on the server so you have like basically the most power from what I'm hearing from this whole conversation is that I am your only hope and I like the sound of that I will make you the exact same deal that I made to forc for seven Hearts all you have to do is uh whatever I say until I say we're [Music] done okay perfect seven Hearts okay seven I love this deal I I owe you a lot yeah yeah now you owe me dinner I feel like I just sold my soul to the devil this this is oh oh you have no idea what I planned and it's time to reap the benefits of my generosity attention employees of Bry Inc of Fair Labor labor Behold our newest project the slime farm get to work okay all right all right that sounds okay well that made me feel sad it made me feel sad for you all let's go let's do this it is thank you so much so after a couple hours of building look at us Bry Corp speed running this great work employees a few team building exercises happy birthday I can't I can't I can't eat oh oh no we'll help you we'll help you all right and a bit of afking I didn't even know this was something I could do this is so cool he's so talented yeah I think we officially have all the Slime we need for this project and probably for every other project for every other player for the rest of the season uh but I'm still going to keep this hidden away in my Ender Chest from now on and with that taken care of I should be good to build the entire underground nuclear launch center part of this thing which in homage to Gort for my appreciation of how epic this design is I'm going to build it exactly the way he intended uh I'm also using a schematic and don't want to do it wrong and blow the whole thing up so let's build ourselves a player launcher all right so check it out both of the nuclear silos are now completely done and it only took me like 16 straight hours of building to pull off it looks so cool just wait till there's a giant chicken on the top of it but by all accounts this thing should be operational it it should be but the first rule of rocket science is never test it yourself so I'm going to need the bravest little space cadet to test this thing out and I think I know just the guy to ask come along patches today you take one small step for villager patches don't run away just please make your way into the explosion chamber I believe in you go ahead out a boy yep yep yep yep yep oh my gosh all the way in there you go great work patches fantastic job I even got you a potion of the turtle Master for resistance three you should be fine okay you should be fine here you go good luck patches I hope you survive this is ground control to space foul one do you read me just remember patches your path finding AI has the intelligence of a potato so make sure you aim for the giant ocean uh behind you good luck pilot you are cleared for takeoff in 5 4 3 2 1 uh actually hang on I actually have to to to to drop him in one second good luck sailor woo did he did he did it is he up there P patch patches P patch patches a patches hey that that is that is that is my bad patches but on the bright side uh we at branico have a wonderful life insurance policy with fully funded funeral services so oh dear patches you were a scholar and a friend and what you lacked in general intelligence you made up for with comedic timing and a knows only a mother could love Yeah but just like that now uh now now crawl out of that grave and let's get back to work patches that's right patches not even death can keep us apart anyways I think patches has been put through enough today and if I'm going to use this Canton against the entire Liv steel server and I think I should probably find some more experienced test subjects hello oh sorry wow you're in survival this is the chicken powered murder machine 2.0 wreck is a great test for this yeah I remember 1.0 and sandic just doesn't you know you just don't die just kind of really good at the game yeah so I don't die that's my thing would you guys like me to explain the machine first or would you like to try it first uh what what about brief oneliner explanation ooh okay player launch High chicken murder okay wait we you go up uh so let's go one at a time and please both of you put on your space suits okay okay fantastic oh you're so handsome all right I just want to let you know this is crazy intimidating oh you just wait till you see the full build uh we'll get to that in a little bit there more all right so I I just I just stand in here you just go stop on that trap door open it and let yourself fall through and then uh just stay real still all right wish me luck Good Luck Good Luck don't die oh my God here he goes is that music oh god oh where did he go what where did you go s uh like 1500 blocks in the air how do I survive this do you see the beacon just go back to the beacon and you're going to want to follow that oh ow I have to go too I have to go too oh okay okay yeah go for it okay so I just am I good to go insane you are are good to go adios Rec RP thank you Amigos three two one my gosh oh myit do I go back to the beacon where's the beacon where's where's the beam yeah the be you lose the beacon yeah I think I see it is that it oh I see it D I'm not going to make it there he is I see him okay how do I win this how do I win this the clouds are screwing me over oh frick that's really hard so can I go again I can want to try it again see I can survive go for it [Music] wow it's it's way too fast you got this I believe not where I'm standing stay there water I see you stay no go sand go I believe I believe this is it this is going to be it Bry this is look at me look at me I'm going up there and I'm coming back down all right I mean you're comeback down more concerned you might not I'll I'll I'll be alive when I that is that's a a caveat that I forgot to mention perfect let's freaking go let's go s I believe this is the one Sam this is the one easy blur for a reason easy dubs it wasn't the one you know what's great is you don't really have to wait very long either I I think like wck just one went right give it like a second or two the light comes back on I can go oh so am I going to see you fly past me maybe let's find out woo here you go switch light there's fell I got it I got it I got it I did it what let's go oh yeah baby first completion let's go oh also I should mention I added a little secret circuit to this thing so that every time someone survives they have to push a button to get out which fires an egg into the uh coups releasing more chickens so the more people win the deadlier this thing becomes wait that's actually genius wait wait wait wait wait I I have another Strat what if we all get exploded at the same time okay here we go oh my B oh I see what you me oh no oh no oh no well now that this machine has been tried and tested by two YouTubers and a part-time astronaut I think it's time that we put the murder chickens in this chicken murder machine and I could spend days upon days softly massaging the eggs out of this singular chicken or I could go on a rigorous recruiting campaign W not my flock all right everybody in the pit that's enough messing around all right and don't worry I've already appointed a manager to keep track of you Eggheads patches I'm going to need you to monitor the nuclear silos and keep both eyes on the little clucker oh my God I realized it as soon as I said it and I am so sorry oh please don't be oh my God patches anyways I have an entire murder machine to build and like one day to do it so with no time to waste and a spin transition to spare ladies and gentlemen I give you the chicken powered okay that was way closer than I expected hang on the chicken powered murder machine 2.0 baby is based on our little clucker here and that's the big clucker and the first thing that you'll notice is I kind of chopped off clucker's legs trust me you do not want this thing willing and able to hunt you down Ramy do you hear that but I have given clucker a nest to keep her nice and warm while she roosts and her insides are pretty scarce but it gets the job done over here we have the entrance to the blast cannons themselves Skylight ceilings to safely watch the launches and a wonderful spiraling walkway that leads all the way up to a nice patio for the players to get a better view of the inevitable Dooms of their comrades we even have a viewing Galley in each of the silos so the players can watch each other die horribly and of course the murder hens are all in place awaiting their victims patiently and I also think that it's pretty much done with one tiny little access ion it doesn't actually work at all see during my testing of this machine on our server I discovered that players get launched up so quickly that even our little cybertronic beef cake can't actually keep up with the processing of the player movement speed because these cannons are that insane but where there's a will there's a way and where there's a slightly Niche need there's a mod to solve all your problems unfortunately the only way that I'm going to be able to get added to our server and make use of this machine I've spent days and days building is to somehow convince the admins of the server to trust me enough to add a mod that they have no idea what it could potentially be hiding within [Music] it wow that was actually way easier than it should be it's kind of concerning am I not a threatening person anyways I think it's finally time to put this mother clucker to the test so whoosh welcome to the chicken powered murder machine do everybody say hi to clucker clucker junor right there hello clucker Jun this is the ultimate test of your clutch skills but the twist is you'll all be at the complete mercy of chickens okay if you survive you'll win a heart but if you die the heart you drop will be added to the pool of hearts at the carnival finale where the winner of the battle takes all so follow me for an extra good time all right egg like like eggs and grab yourself a space suit oh my god oh yeah all you'll have to do is simply walk into the launch chamber where there is a trap door on the floor it's so scary I mean just wait till you get in there open the trap door stand on the glass pane and wait it's can only go well here I'll go I'll help you I'll help you okay we'll do it together you just stay stay really calm stay calm I'm just there you go it's fine it's fine just wait my God oh my God not I'm not looking anymore I'm not looking anymore the here we go what is happening oh here he oh look at this happening to me what is happening no no I'm going to die where am I just wait for it in the sky oh where did he go wait I'm going to land on the moon what do you know how do you CL from there what you're going to want to do is go back into the Beacon Light where it will lead you back into the uh tunnel I'm in the beacon and when you're falling you're going to want to shoot for some water that's at the bottom if you can see it aim for the beans the beans uhoh uh oh I see him oh I see ohoh and my oh that was a that was a glass Paine in the center you tricked me I get it you want to take a wild guess of who aimed for the middle Center blue stain glass who would like to go next can I go can I go can I go I'm really curious about this I would I'd like to go oh that is a lot of that's a the WR that really does launch you up doesn't it wait wait he got flung to the other side how did that happen oh oh right in the middle right in the middle you got this you got this you got this wa wait what what I the best do it here you go bacon here is your heart congratulations oh thank you so much I hate you bacon waffles who else do the double barrel test yeah let's the double barrel I'll I'll double barrel all right Zam minute let's see it three two one fire away oh my god oh I blast oh wo oh no that's so high oh you're going you got it you got it you got it oh oh come on come on come on oh Dam I got it let's go not fa yo what great work minute Presidente Survivor I hate this guy thank you all right let's let's see jumper do this I want to see her die oh okay so I don't think I don't think jumper has the skills for this all right jumper very still very still oh I'm standing still I'm scared I'm really scared oh my god there she go see the ground I'm a gambling addict okay I'm going to get this okay I'm going to get it be 19 and then I'll be I'll be be fine I'll be oh my god oh there you are jumper not in the middle oh he's coming down I see him come on come on oh was way too close to the center I was way too close to the center come on dude do I have to have like a little chat with clucker out here is that clucker junor he likes meat R yeah see how that I will give him the meat wa don't give him me sounds so weird say that meat not me I gave him to meat I can't even open oh there oh oh shoot this don't move don't move die I'm going to die I'm going to die a wait what did he did he knock the opposite side of the building what if we did synchronized rid yeah you can you can sink it up let's go who wants to go with me want let's all go in let's all go in you definitely can't all go at once it it will just I'm going I'm already going God smoke smoke I'm [Music] dead bacon got so oh my god oh here they come they they're coming in I'm still locked down how we both go to the same one how do I trusted your instinct all right I'm going to unknown territory oh that was better holy this is this is insane oh oh my God I can't see I can't see anything I am so high there he is oh man I could yo yo yo I'm de I open up my oh my God I I I open up my schematics are you ready someone counts down nothing 3 2 1 launch oh oh my God I'm so far oh he did it oh my God that was sick I swear to god dude I made it I made it I made it I made it I made it there you go swing your heart back so jum who you're going to die you're going to die what happened oh God oh God spoke skull for a ride he's got it he's got it for a ride no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesul I'm coming down you're coming down I forgot you can actually win hearts in these games that's what I Wasing to do should go for oh we won again come on down get your heart guy God I want to go again but I'm scared at Le I'm going to I'm going to go again I'm getting back to 10 hearts with this thing let's go let's go spoke not even moving a muscle wo my turn oh woo am I coming down oh I'm coming down godette I do this oh my God yes so I landed in the water what just happened wait here you know what wiie since it's your birthday I'll give you a free ride one free ride the launch I'll do it this time oh my God one all right I had the strategy I know what to do going go very I got this i got this there's no piston yeah let's go did come on down come on down W come get this congratulations oh oh oh Zan got it wi win win win win win win win win don't turn to me all right you're going to have to go kill him yourself can I go one more time Ry over Dunes if I if I go and like constantly do 360s while I'm doing it if I land it can I have two hearts I'll give you two hearts if you look up the entirety of the way down oh my God not looking down at all then I'll give you two hearts if you wi oh my God this is risky this is really risky wait can I do that low key I think I think I'm also going to do it all right all right yeah both both you go for it okay I'm looking up I'm looking up oh god oh Jumper's coming back wait a minute one's coming down oh boy oh God wait a minute a lot of the other one here comes [Music] spoke piston oh I see him I'm with you see I'm with you I'm [Music] scared wait did he actually do it he pull no way guy it's because he paid tribute to clucker on the way in I'm yeah I gave him my meat can you say the same I cannot actually I cannot Zam how about if you if you beat it I'll give you I'll give you one of my hearts you come back and beat it yeah so if you you're Onie okay now we're talking oh yeah life's on the line let's see it Go all on the line I want my heart back if you don't make it nothing like work that puts your soul on the line am I right or am I right guys here we go you're right oh yeah he's on this one come on oh and did I mention I also added a death switch to this machine that extends all the Pistons just in case we needed a little Justice well I did come on baby come on baby come on okay I didn't that's not my the pon just stay the Piston just stayed realistically it should have like real all blocked and the reason for that is because I knew that somebody would try to troll this thing and so I implemented an automatic kill switch just in case insane what Auto kill switch come on I'm not giving lookie my heart I'm out of here I want my heart back ow stop stop lookie what the Hellie after all the green D I got you what the heck GG everybody thank you so much for wonderful recording you're free range now clucker you have a free life go ahead it doesn't want to leave my side then here you have the leash now you have a pet oh I have a pet now won a heart but you win a pet I win a pet clucker oh I want a chicken I did it just what I wanted you keep you keep clucker ni um you want a feather you want a feather and for participating in this clearly not so deadly event congratulations you all get clucker clogs loer clogs oh wait they look kind of good on me wait yeah yeah you can all wear that in your final battle here in a few weeks it's going to be a great time I'm going to kill everyone's you ask what's the next [Music] game wow thanks for asking it's actually the merry go round oh my god let's go round so if you want to see this thing in action then subscribe and as always tune in for the next one okay so basically if one person figures out that they can jump and survive what happens to you they'll run and drve you if they do that y'all ever heard the term snitches get stitches okay
Channel: Branzy
Views: 314,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7T0emrqglzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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