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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences when the electrocautery pen hits a maggot the maggot vaporizes doctors what is the most disgusting thing you've seen on a patient's body a guy was street racing with his two-year-old daughter in the back of his car he rolled a car the little girl was fine he on the other hand had his arm ripped off when limbs come off they're usually severed pretty cleanly in an accident or crushed and need to be amputated no one in the ed had ever seen one ripped off it was pretty brutal i'm in medical school and i had a patient with a hole in their back the size of both of my fists together due to a stage four pressure ulcer i would have been able to touch their spine while we were cleaning the wound if i had been so inclined we took a massive chunk of necrotic tissue off of this guy and the fellow i was working with said he would most likely die with the wound because it had gone so far but nothing i can do can describe the smell even through an n95 mask and a surgical mask i was wearing it was so overpowering that i still have nightmares about it to this day in med school i met a gentleman who the world had let down homeless disheveled malodorous and he wasn't quite there upstairs due to chronic alcohol use sweet guy but very confused he said he came into the head because his foot hurt covered in random scratches and bruises which didn't bother him we suspected he had significantly reduced sensation from neuropathy there are different types for example alcoholic neuropathy or diabetic neuropathy we put on some gloves i extend his leg while the senior registrar removes his boot and a chunk of his foot came off with it just a big chunk of eel his foot was covered in necrotic tissue and the smell made my stomach turn the old boot had been acting like a compression stocking holding his foot together until it didn't i was a medical student for two years i had an obese patient that had maggots in between her fat rolls patient was unable to maintain her blood sugar and had necrotic tissue in her ankles she obviously could not feel it and she could not see it and she was too obese to tend herself she had a constant scent so she did not notice she had legit necrotic flesh with maggots you might ask yourself how bad off does someone have to be to have maggots in their fat rolls moisture flies built up dead skin it's pretty easy some people who are obese can no longer shower safely and if you don't have someone assisting you for personal hygiene it could happen in a matter of a couple weeks some of you may know smegma otherwise known as wiener cheese i was an intern at the time working at the emergency department in came a male i don't know if he was homeless or not he was aged around 50 to 70 can't remember he couldn't pass urine on his own so catheter it was but first the lil man down there had to be cleaned here's where the smegma came in it was thick some of you may have it like in clusters a little bit here and there no this guy had it like it was a scarf covering his thing and the scarf was thick as a rope you know the typical image of a girl in snowy environment wearing snow cap and thick scarf and circling her neck just imagine that and correlate it with my story i still remember it because that was my first catheter insertion i threw my back out because cleaning it took a long time i think he should have some abrasion with the way i cleaned his lil man circumcised or not clean your thing guys i've seen all those sorts of infected and odorous wounds but by far the most disgusting and saddest thing i've seen in my career thus far you know that green mold that grows on bread and rotting produce in the er recently we peeled off a drunk homeless man's pissed jeans to discover that one of his ulcerated legs was growing a lot of fuzzy green mold imagine being so utterly mentally ill and addicted to alcohol that you've lost control over your body to the point that mold colonizes your skin like that my heart is still broken by such a site in medical school and was doing my rotation in the emergency department i come in for my shift and the residents sent me into a patient's room to change their wound dressing easy enough so i go in there and i see this dressing is absolutely filthy and smelled terrible apparently it had been on her burn wound for over two months because she was afraid to touch it i carefully use saline and start unwrapping the bandage which caused extreme pain as i got a couple layers down i start seeing things move and i thought it was me starting to get lightheaded from the smell but i looked closer it was thousands of maggots finally got to the skin cleaned off all the maggots i could see then returned 30 minutes later to see it covered in maggots again meaning they had burrowed under the skin saw a kid with a softball-sized facial tumor that was basically rotting the gross part was the hordes of maggots devouring this poor kid's tumor it was incurable but every few weeks he would come in for the surgeons to debulk the tumor so that it didn't get too big when the electrocautery pen hits a mag at the maggot vaporizes er nurse here a splint weiner this guy came him for generalized weakness and confusion he had one leg and was in a wheelchair i noticed he had a catheter so i wanted to get a look at his member because urinary tract infections can cause weakness and confusion in the elderly this guy's johnny was essentially splint in half from having a catheter in there so long it was sort of healed over but looked like nothing i had ever seen they had to create a surgical hole to put the catheter into his bladder when i rolled him over he had multiple infected tunneling ulcers surrounding his butthole anytime he would have a bowel movement in his brief he would get feces into the wounds the most messed up thing he got discharged from the emergency department and was shoved into a cab with a voucher nobody cares about elderly poor people in this country they end up in the emergency department and we are asked to fix chronic societal problems when that's not our job at all one guy walked home from a party and ran over train tracks because it was shorter he got hit by a train and his left arm got ripped off not just clean cut but ripped to the part where you could exactly see where the vein was snapped the worst thing was that because he was drunk climbed back up to get his phone and got hit by another train that train just ripped both his legs off we got him still alive because of the heat and pressure of the train your wounds are sealed and he didn't bleed to dead but damn that sight one leg ripped off above the knee and one under the knee he was awake and cooperative and wanted to help move his legs which he still thought he had but it was just pieces of meat dangling the guy actually survived after a hard battle of course without legs and that left arm but he is an example for everybody plays tennis ping pong actually graduated an old lady like haiti got hit by a car at low speed had a penetrating tib fib that tore through the calf muscle broken hip and a bunch of other abrasions with people that age the mortality rate skyrockets to like 90 inside 12 months when there is a hip fracture so her quality of life was significantly reduced as a result of that a heroin addict punctured his eyeball when trying to inject into the corner of his eye my friend was an intern at that point and apparently it was his spirit killer patient an older european man tried sounding with a straw from a wd-40 can and tore his urethra on the sharp edge he was pretty chilled out about it but his wife wasn't if you're gonna do some sounding use a proper instrument with a rounded off tip and for slam dunk grossness a young man had visited a sauna which is commonwealth slang for a bathhouse where gay men go to have promiscuous sex this guy had unprotected sex with multiple partners and then freaked out he might have got hiv so he came into the ed and wanted to get tested no biggie right well he was in tears and fearful and had a language barrier and so couldn't understand why we didn't need to test the ice cream container full of poop and comb that he'd fished out of his butt after his tirade and instead could just do a blood draw suffice to say there is no biohazard bag thick enough to dispose of that and chocolate ice cream was off the shopping list for a few months too the pimple was pretty bad an athletic guy came in because his leg hurt during exercise at first then at rest too nothing to see but a pimple on the thigh and it felt oddly doughy the pimple was the exit of a huge abscess the whole thigh was filled with pus in the or the surgeon dovan with both hands just hauling masses of puss and dead muscle out pilonidale's cysts are similarly gross large abscess is above the anus from ingrown hair the holes after cleaning those out vary from golf ball to grapefruit size and need to be tightly packed with gauze every few days so they heal from the bottom up takes a while but they do heal homeless people were difficult too not that they can help it it's difficult to keep clean when on the streets but chasing vermin down the drain with a shower spray at full blast is not fun i always wanted to scratch my skin off after that i was a house surgeon doing my surgery posting we had a diabetic patient with a case of non-healing ulcer infested with maggots an absolute pain to remove used over half a liter of turpentine but still a few stubborn maggots were left the patient was a security guard somewhere and apparently had spent some time in stagnant water a couple of days ago which probably caused the infestation his leg ultimately did survive after extensive debridement but definitely one of the most disgusting things i've seen during my cna clinicals i saw not one but multiple cases of hellacious nursing home neglect one of the ones that sticks out was this poor woman who had multiple down to the bone's bedsores the entire back of her pelvis was just missing and you could clearly see her sacrum when changing dressings every bit of tissue from her heels was gone too as was one of her elbows and one of her shoulder blades she'd been left in the same position for weeks ignored by the nurses because her illness was so severe she couldn't speak coherently and couldn't move at all on her own in fact nurses often snuck into a room to gossip and watch tv on shift treating her like a piece of furniture that occasionally made noise one day when i was washing her face and brushing her teeth her eyes actually focused on me tracked my movements and she smiled and tried to wave when i said hello at that moment i knew she was having at least a semi-lucid moment how many did she have while her flesh was literally dying on her body and no one cared the other one was when i saw a postmenopausal patient literally leaving a trail of blood down the hallway running down her legs the reason she had dementia and part of that was her masturbating frequently often without noticing who was in the room the staff at the home had quit trimming her fingernails hoping the pain and injuries would make her stop obviously this was not the case i quit working in the medical field after that nurse here had an infant come in within a susception childhood illness were part of the intestines telescope back into itself causing an obstruction who was misdiagnosed and sent home a few days later is rushed back to the hospital via ambulance because his bowel was so obstructed it has become necrotic and he went septic and started to die ended up resulting in an extensive bowel resection and abdominal surgeries and during his stay in the icu we had what was left of his bowel in a silo bag a silo bag is essentially a plastic bag that holds the intestines suspended in the air outside of the body the point is to protect them while outside the body so the inside can heal more effectively it was like something straight out of saw three the kid ended up making a full recovery i have two both not me but friends or friends of friends a young man came into the gp practice like family doctor in the u.s only they form the counterpoint of care here with conjunctivitis left eye was red and puss and gross given some antibiotics and sent on their way came back next week apparently not working swab taken different antibiotics given a waiting swab result sat on their way swab came back chlamydia and gonorrhea turns out this chap had an unusual fetish stop reading here if you're feigned of heart he would go to local dogging sites pick up used condoms from the floor and drink the fluids inside the seems he got some in his eye second story was a case where a lady had a stoma which is where the bowel is brought to the surface and allowed to empty into a bad done commonly for a variety of reasons some permanent some temporary my registrar walked into the patient's room to see her husband dipping doritos into the stoma and eating them apparently they both did this frequently and it tasted good the obvious not a doctor but i worked directly with patients all over the hospital the other night i was doing my rounds checking on my patients and i had to spend a considerable amount of time with one particular patient who had a roommate the roommate slept with his mouth open the whole night which isn't a problem except all his teeth were rotting inside his mouth every single one i can't even begin to explain the smell but it was by far the worst i had ever smelled i started getting irritable and agitated and actually angry just by the smell and had to remove myself quite a few times to take some deep breaths outside i still feel like i can smell it a few days later and gag occasionally when i think about it too hard during grad school i shadowed a reconstructive plastic surgeon we tend to think of plastic surgeons as catering to the rich helping them smooth their wrinkles and enlarge their breasts but reconstructive surgery is a lot more gnarly and is about repairing damage from injuries and illness bed sores oh god the bed sores these are mostly on overweight or tetraplegic individuals with chronic conditions who aren't well cared for and lie in one position for too long imagine someone took a chunk of flesh out of someone's bite or tights with an ice cream scoop then let it fester one patient had lost most of the flesh of their calf in a car accident so the surgeon had taken a graft from their butt to replace it and connected it with a single artery combo to allow blood flow it was like someone had soda 16 ounces steak onto a thin layer of muscle over bone one diabetic patient's footed rotten down to the bone which had become infected they were desperately trying to save the foot from amputation a battle they were sadly losing but it looked like something out of a zombie film thanks for listening to radio tts 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Id: Lu9f_HYIo-k
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Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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