How People Ruined Their Life Within Seconds - AskReddit

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out of a job within a month divorced within six and living on the streets within three years because of one joke what is the fastest way you've seen someone ruined their life dropped out of a very good college with a full scholarship that his family could never have afforded otherwise after three years due to World of Warcraft addiction no this wasn't me I managed my addiction responsibly I played World of Warcraft from release through Cataclysm but never really had a problem walking away from it to focus on life which is probably the experience of most of the player base after I quit I started having intrusive thoughts about relapsing even eight years later but I've never felt that I'd given too that I had a friend years back always kind of an odd guy but he had a good heart one day I was hanging out with him and a few other friends and he told us he was going to get a tattoo tomorrow and had this super cool idea but he wouldn't tell us what it was because he wanted it to be a surprise we saw him about a week later he had tattooed 75% of his face green like no design or anything just solid dark forest green basically he just left the top right corner of his face normal and the rest was all green he had been immediately fired from his job the day after getting the tattoo I kind of lost touch with him shortly after that since he moved to another city I'd heard he wound up living in his car no idea why he did what he did he had a very good job an idea at a pretty big company and was making decent money no clue why he thought permanently turning 75 percent of his face green would be super awesome in the Air Force this new guy joins and goes out to a bar then decides to drive home gets a DUI loses all his rank has to pay a ton in fines but leadership fought for him and he was allowed to stay in the Air Force two months later as he's paying tons of lawyer and legal fees he does something really stupid drives home from the same bar drunk and gets arrested loses his license and gets kicked out of the military so loses all his income while he's thousands of dollars in debt that's not even the worst part a few months later he celebrates being a civilian again by you guessed it going to the same bar then driving home drunk arrested and put in jail for a while I can't imagine he has many future career opportunities with a less than honorable discharge and an arrest record early 90s my friend was a sweet theater nerd who went to the same college as me she started hanging out with a sketchy crowd and ignoring her old friends especially when we tried to tell her she was losing herself she ended up moving to Seattle to hang with her new friends growing up she was the most sober person in our group she never even drank alcohol much less did any drugs but six months later she was dead of a heroin overdose a former acquaintance was playing around with a homemade crossbow that had helped him with I was massively into archery and fletching and he seemed serious about it I typically made him leave it with me because deadly weapon I have an explanation he kinda didn't anyway to convince his parents to let him join an archery club he wanted to show off the crossbow we made I thought it was a decent plan so let him take it without any ammo turns out he was gaming me to get more playtime with his favorite toy had gotten hold of some bolts and was messing around shooting his shed a fair bit he somehow ended up firing a bolt that missed the shed completely passed between the slats on his fence and hit his neighbor's daughter in the spine she hasn't walked since he got messed up real bad by her unstable older brother they both did jail time acquaintance was disowned and ended up homeless and now I'm not sure where they are in life about 50 years ago when my great-uncle was in his early 20s he drove home so drunk that he ran over and killed two college students and didn't even realize it after his initial incarceration he didn't know how to function as a free citizen so he keeps getting himself sent back to jail for example he got out of jail around a year ago and couldn't make his first month's rent his solution was to walk to the convenience store steal a beer and sit on the curb waiting for the cops to arrive when I lived in Vegas I saw these people come in and bet it all on black then lose then the stare of disbelief as they realized their mortgage is gone and they have to explain that to whomever they had left at home casinos are an extremely immoral business that makes money off of those with addiction tendencies they make every effort possible to get these people addicted and drain as much money as possible from them they don't make their money from your weekend stay where you lose $40 on slots they make their money from Joe with a gambling addiction that loses his home to pay off debts I had an acquaintance who was pretty successful early thirties good job homeowner etc his next-door neighbors had custody of their niece a 16 year old cheerleader who was home alone all the time they struck up a friendship need i say more actually yes the cops stopped him randomly with her in the passenger seat they ID her since she looks young call her guardians who deny that he has permission to take her anywhere here's the thing they had crossed a county line boom kidnapping charge they break him an interrogation and he admits to intercourse boom statutory abuse charges they convince him to unlock his phone and find her nudes in his inbox boom CP charges boom goes the cell door I just witnessed an 18 year old kid that nearly killed his five fourteen to seventeen year old friends going 70 plus mile per hour running from a cop after fleeing an illegal burn the driver lost control and crashed the car the kid had the audacity to say I'm a minor any charges won't stick that cop hit him with one felony of reckless endangerment for each kid he hurt a DUI and several other charges given that the two 14 year olds both stopped breathing on the way to the hospital oh yeah those charges are going to stick the driver seemed to lack any remorse in the way he spoke of the event but also had no idea that we had to resuscitate two of his friends halfway to the hospital initially he was heard stating that his charges would be dropped due to his age but I hope that changed as he learned the condition of his friends from Busey Friday night party to near life ending mistake in a matter of minutes all the kids are healing well my boss has a saying your only one more drink and one stupid comment away from losing your career that being said I watched a former coworker pull a beanie toward the crown of his head and say check it out I look like Brian's Weiner Brian was his uncircumcised subordinate sitting right across from him my former coworker was out of a job within a month divorced within six and living on the streets within three years I knew this guy in my 20s he was kind of new to our little group he brought this girl around she was trying to sleep with everybody I didn't know him that well but I tried to tell him about her he didn't believe me and took her side we stopped talking when she was trying to sleep with me one night she told me he had a premature ejaculation problem and he was really lame in bed she specified she really needed some good wiener because he's seriously only lasts like a minute I wasn't interested in her and politely declined anyway I didn't actually see it but a few months later I heard he got her pregnant the fastest I know of someone ruining their life was about a minute less than 24 hours my ex neighbours ex-girlfriend went on a racist road rage rant that got filmed it went viral on Twitter I remember reading the news article and thinking about her for summary she wasn't named it wasn't until months later that I found out it was her she was fired from her $300,000 a year job next day and immediately started getting death threats she had to move in with her boyfriend she tried getting a job but people would look her up and be like what the hell she spent $10,000 on a reputation defender changed her name was shunned by many family and friends her boyfriend who she wanted to marry broke up with her because he couldn't stand the months of depression she ended up leaving the state I'm my own perfect example for this started abusing meth and hanging with all the wrong people within three months I wrecked my car lost my home my relationship went up in flames and I caught some misdemeanors and felonies when I had only ever had speeding tickets before then now I'm on probation for the next several years or until I can pay off the thousands I owe the court stuck living with my parents at 34 single jobless and struggling massively with anxiety and depression yay bad choices yay consequences I was a licensed firearms owner in Canada and I sold a handful of handguns to my crack dealer when I was still smoking a few years back and it caught up to me three years after I got sober I'm going to court for sentencing in a couple of months with the prosecutor seeking six to eight years and although it may not seem like that much in the grand scheme of things but since I quit smoking crack I got my driver's license started my own construction business and I'm in a four-year relationship with an amazing woman who was the reason for my getting sober all of that is going to be gone and my grandpa who is the only family who raised me I have left will most likely be gone because of him being 84 I'm not sure where you would count the life being ruined the second I made the decision to sell the firearms the second the RCMP and local police pulled me over with 20 cars and morning rush hour my name being put in the newspaper with my crime or when I get sentenced in a few months I've decided it was the second I made the decision highschool acquaintances were partying underage and some other kids with drama were buzzing the party in some stupid loud car drunk guy thinks the best way to handle this is to throw a huge paving stone at the car on one of its passes stone goes through window hits passenger mid-body / lap not head driver panics and refuses to take passenger to hospital apparently everybody was under the influence she bled out of internal injuries in the hours that followed guy who threw the stone is still in prison for manslaughter it helps to be insane I say that as someone who is certifiably bonkers I worked with an engineer at a manufacturing facility at one point in my career we'll call him Bob Dobbs we had defense-related contracts with major players like Boeing it was not this man's job to design anything but to do manufacturing at some point within a year of my arriving he began answering the phone with customers as Bob Dobbs engineering manager and insisting that all communication go through him he got away with this for nearly three months until someone called the actual engineering manager asking for Bob Dobbs the engineering manager due in no small part to the what the hell involved a review of Bob Dobbs work began he had been redesigning and optimizing customer designs before they went to production there was almost 1 million dollars of scraps sitting on the shop floor he was terminated and began a career delivering pizza I had a friend in college who had a tendency to act before thinking but was generally fun and well-meaning after I had graduated my friend apparently got coerced by a woman he was trying to sleep with to try heroin just once as I heard it he refused initially then caved because he felt pressured my friend overdosed and died just like that one bad decision ended his life was dating a girl whose little sister got knocked up when she was around seventeen six months pregnant drinking straight vodka had a family party I pointed it out to my then-girlfriend family did nothing mother didn't care didn't want to smell the bottle of water said it was a lie baby mama trapped some guy with a you're the father speech around month aid of pregnancy i behind the scene paid for a DNA test for him baby wasn't his he mentally broke as soon as he heard it baby mama didn't care laughed it off she was just trying to nail down someone with a job she has no clue who the father was baby was born with bad type of fetal alcohol syndrome she's ten now severely disabled grandmother takes care of her baby mama still does hard drugs and passes out birthday BJ's many lives ruined the one that sticks out the most was the guy who was supposedly the father watched joy disappear from one second to the next in his eyes the rest don't care and it's sickening my ex cheated on me with a mentally unstable woman he lied about working late one night to go hook up with her she got mad at him and punished him by filing false assault charges he was pulled over and hauled to jail two blocks from her apartment complex he was locked up in the S offender unit of one of the worst county jails in the country over Christmas the case never went to trial the grand jury no bail them for lack of evidence of a crime but he ended up losing me losing is a fair partner losing his main job losing his volunteer work losing his side job losing his savings account ruining his credit losing visitation with his daughters from a previous relationship losing his car losing most of his friends losing several family relationships and wound up living with his mom he also still has the arrest record because he can't afford to have it expunged so it shows up on every background check it was like four hours between the time he called me to say he was working late and when the cops pulled him over and arrested him in four hours he completely destroyed his life a gaya went to high school with thought he'd make good bank selling his medical debt amines to other school kids no matter what the age he used to say dad says a HD is quack science but mom gets them for me anyway so whatever one of the local gangs found out he was dealing on the sly in their turf he saved himself from a hospital trip by agreeing to deal for them and helped mule stuff into the local federal prison he thought he could get away with it because his father was a co there he forgot he lived in a small town and some local he supplied their eventually ratted him out to save themselves idiot son was charged and caught a 10-year sentence didn't matter he was 17 he was done father barely saved his job after it was confirmed he was innocent and not involved was very lucky to hush up the whole thing with the Union behind him son was disowned wore all the blame and is a pariah dog now to anyone who ever knew him a guy I knew that was in all the advanced classes decided against college and went for MLM instead his life isn't ruined per se but I don't know anyone that has contact with him and from what I can tell he has new jobs all the time it's more like a wasted potential story I guess I lost contact with him after he tried to get me to join in MLM I said I don't know this sounds like a pyramid scheme and the guy ahead of him got on the line and yelled at me for like two minutes straight he texted an apology after and we haven't talked since this one is a bit more tragic I say there was this guy I knew years ago by all accounts doing pretty well for himself job girlfriend house nice little sports car the whole shebang well one evening he is out for a drive on a country road and he is speeding car goes into the dirt next to the road and he tries to correct which unfortunately failed car goes into a field flips over and he was not wearing a seat belt he didn't make it all happened within a span of a few seconds I work at a shelter we had this one kid living with us his parents abandoned him when he was six so the people and kids living and working at the shelter were all the family he had left in the months before his 18th birthday he made some serious debt so we gave him the chance to stay longer with us pay everything off before moving out but this guy was kinda stupid and so on the day of his 18th birthday he signed a lease for a flat where he lived together with the girlfriend and kids of a her friend against all of our advice at least he got a caretaker for his finances so we thought things might eventually turn out okay but we were wrong he ignored caretakers calls threw a party where he gave strong alcohol to minors and got kicked out eventually then he lost his job then the friend who took him in after said party kicked him out and he is still in debt without work or home just because he thought he was smart and didn't want to live under our rules once he turned 18 I am friends with a guy and through him knew his younger sister smart pretty cool she was doing well in college meets a guy and decided to get married after a few weeks without telling anyone so she moves in with him and all of the sudden he has too much back pain to work so she's trying to take classes and support them both he lays around all day smoking pot which she buys for his pain while she does school and waits tables all night she also likes to party with him it's revealed they've both been doing a lot of acid she of course drops out of college a few credits short of graduating by this point her parents and friends are begging her to come to her senses and take their help to get back and finish college invite both of them to move in and do all the drugs they want as long as she finishes school her and the husband decided the student loans plus both his and her car loans are too much so they parked the cars at the bank with notes in the windshield that they do not want them anymore and disappeared they left a note for her parents that they were moving out west or to Mexico and haven't been heard from in over 15 years my friend heard rumors that the guy was pimping his sister out at one point but that was after they left that he heard too late to do anything about five years ago he told me he thinks she's probably dead but the parents are expecting her to come back any day now the parents used to be joyous people where I live we have a lot of high schools very close to each other I'm not sure if this is normal but it is an important detail to save time I'll call my school s1 in the neighboring school s2 s2 got an anonymous tip that a student was planning to bomb the school the next day everyone that went to at s2 got a day off s1 however was not closed some people complained that it wasn't fair total BS and that we should have gotten a day off as well fast forward to the next day at 5 a.m. I got a text saying school would be closed that day we were in the winter months so a snow day wouldn't be unusual I noticed there wasn't any snow so I texted my friend asking if he knew anything about what was going on he said no so I went back to bed woke up a couple hours later with no follow-up texts from the school so I looked to see if there was anything about the closure on the news apparently a girl who went to my school s1 had made a [ __ ] post saying they were gonna shoot up the lower Commons the next day she did this because she wanted a day off and I really hope she enjoyed it because that was the last time she'll be free for a very long time she was charged with some kind of terrorism and sentenced to 20 years in prison I'm sure a million people have already said it but heroin it's not true that you try it once and you're immediately hooked for life I actually think that myth does more harm than good because when people try it and don't get addicted right away they assume the hype is all bs and they're free to keep using it's fine for a little while everything just feels nice you think you finally figured it all out like you're in on some big secret until suddenly it isn't fine anymore and before you know it you're in too deep and then you're gone my sister had an excellent career friends etc decides to marry some guy she barely knew they spent 72 hours together in person and moved to another state leaving her career friends and family fast-forward a couple months and she is unemployed and stuck with this guy who legit believes in conspiracy theories and isn't at all who she thought he was I guess that's what you get when you marry a stranger one of my friends is making his name rather quickly in the fine art world and knows just about everything happening in his field while many artists have shown support for George Floyd and BLM my friend told me last night of an artist who publicly denounced it and promoted white superiority over his social media accounts essentially immediately after this was published he was dropped from his gallery every interested buyer turned away and his fans and followers denounced their support and interest in him there's no way to recover from that in the art world me and a friend were at a party and two girls took us to a back room for some fooling around my friend was giving one of the girls a massage as she lay facedown on a pile of cushions she pulled her skirt up hooked her underpants to one side and said eff me my friend was a virgin at this point couldn't believe his luck and pulled out his wiener and stuck it in finished literally as he entered her and that's how he became a parent at 17 he loves his kids but that event messed him up so much it effectively destroyed his education job prospects and caused major issues in his immediate family that are still going on today couple of guys I knew in college were Division one athletes but for a niche sport nobody really followed one night they got drunk and decided it would be a great idea to bleach their initials into the astroturf on the football field really bad idea but it got so much worse turns out bleach and astroturf create a chemical reaction fire they've burned down the entire field of a division 1 football stadium caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages made national news it was bad everybody thought they did it on purpose like some kind of terrorist act their only defense was no we're not terrorists we're just idiots saddest part was they got expelled from college their senior years didn't graduate and kind of descended into loser dome almost immediately typing this is bumming me out I had a friend my old and first best friend in middle school we were closer than my actual brother and same for him he was without a doubt my rock and I was his he was a very very good and talented drummer the dude was learning college licks and rudiments top-tier in literal hours it was insane he got to play with UCLA and USC drumline at 14 and didn't miss a beat with them his mom unfortunately passed away when he was 15 he turned to heavy drugs insane amount of drinking and sleeping with anything that walked I recently saw him in the beginning of March and I won't lie I didn't even recognize him it took me a solid 30 seconds to realize who it was that was calling my name extremely skinny bags under eyes greasy hair and dirty teeth I felt terrible I couldn't do anything but what could I do he ran away from home dropped out of school wasn't on any social media had no contact with family and honestly had no family at all besides his dad and two extremely distant cousins and a brother in the Marines I haven't seen or heard from him since he could have passed away and I wouldn't have known I've told this story before but I recently found out where the girl is now I went to high school with a girl who got pregnant about halfway through my 11th year at the time she was with a guy and the guy claimed that he was indeed the father fast-forward a couple months into the pregnancy and they break up and the ex-boyfriend is now saying there's no way the kid is his and that she was pregnant before they ever had intercourse she refutes this says it has to be his kid because there's been nobody else she keeps trying to get the guy to admit that the kid is his but eventually backs off because in a messed up turn of events she gets with her ex's cousin the baby is born while she's still with cousin and things seemed to calm down until her and the cousin break up she then starts claiming that the child is either her ex's and he should be paying child support her that because she had been with the cousin he should support her and the child she's so convinced that she decided to take them both to court the court runs paternity tests on both men and determined that neither were the father and as such should not have support her because of all this she lost a lot of money from court fees he's a single mother who last I heard wasn't with anybody and currently works at McDonald's this all spiraled over the course of about a year and a half to two years I had an internship last year where during our onboarding the company brass took everyone out to a rented bar with to drink tokens per person most of us were college students so you were sure to have at least a couple rambunctious types the company warned us that what we want you all to have fun please remember to drink responsibly people have ruined their internships with us in the past on this night most of us ended up having more than two drinks but they had driven us there on coach buses and they would return us to a nearby hotel afterwards so we figured it was okay well one guy definitely broke his personal limit and what ensued what incredibly hard to watch on the bus ride home the kid started being obnoxiously loud then he stood up and started spouting off racist nonsense something about a race war finally the HR manager asked him very politely to sit down multiple times this only pissed the kid off who then threatened to punch the manager in the face when we got back the guy Dan tried to drive home drunk while the HR manager frantically tried finding him a DD I don't know whatever came of that kid but I'm sure his internship was over after that weekend it's crazy how you can watch someone totally throw away their career imagine having to go back home and try explaining to your parent or guardian why you're there and not at your assignment gokane guy was living the dream he owned a successful business had a gorgeous wife cute kid house in the burbs and a vacation home at the coast within six months the it all went up his nose wife left him and got total custody of their little boy poor ladies still cared when he was committed to the psych hospital where I worked she came to visit and even told him he could see the child if he got clean I remember him complaining about a court-ordered 180 day outpatient substance abuse commitment that basically means that for the first 180 days after he left the hospital he would have to go to the mental health center every week if he didn't show up or if his drug screen came back positive he would be sent back to the he has the chance to go home see his son occasionally hopefully get his life on track and all he can do is rage and whine about the cost of transportation to the free clinic which is in the same town he lived in a few kids from school went to this girl's cabin over winter break one of the girls was standing on the balcony and her boyfriend thought it would be funny to scare her so she got started and jumped against the balcony railing and she fell off from the third floor and banged her spine against a huge rock from the ground and ended up being paralyzed from the neck down she was supposed to be a gymnast and her boyfriend overdosed out of guilt I'm in the middle of this right now the fastest you can mess your life up is by not even giving life a try I'm 35 years old and about to likely be homeless within the next year I've never had any real-life experience I'm extremely morbidly obese easily on the disability scale I've never had a job other than helping my dad working newspapers I never kept in touch with any friends so much so I completely avoided social interaction for 10 years after high school speaking of I never got my high school diploma even though I did actually put the extra work and for it one extra year due to skipping including summer / night / Saturday school so now that I'm 35 I finally feel the drive to change something but to add another problem on top of it all I don't even have a social security number never had any kind of government help because of this so I don't even know where to begin with life I'm honestly probably going to end up dead before anything changes but you can definitely mess up your life in the split-second of never even having tried read a story about an Australian teen who was drinking with friends and got dared to eat a slug the slug ended up passing rat lungworm infection to him which made him extremely sick he slipped into a coma which lasted 420 days and after that he was completely paralyzed from the neck down and needed constant assistance and couldn't even speak after eight years he passed away his name was Sam Ballard just really crazy to read something like this because what seemed to be a harmless dare that he did in front of his friends would end up completely ruining and eventually ending his life I bet there was not a single thought in his mind that what he was about to do would drastically change everything about his life did I knew in college got his entire college loan sent to him in one installment at the start turned out to be a massive mistake he met a girl in the first semester of college who he had a major crush on they got together early on in the semester his first real relationship he was madly in love and took her on holiday to do a big trip of Asia and Australia during the winter break the guy was a hopeless romantic he didn't plan the trip well at all and ended up in a lot of disastrous situations no hotel for the night no transport running out of money etc actual disaster dude got scammed hard in a couple countries as well with all the stress they were arguing all the time they had a major fallout and the girl drunkenly cheated on the guy in Australia about mid-trip this was supposed to be a four week long holiday after they came back he told us he basically spent his entire loan for the holiday plus took out some crazy high interest loan to pay for his student accommodation etc he was gone before the exam started in first year apparently had to declare bankruptcy just checking his Facebook he seems to be heavily into the meghna thing one lunchtime a few of us were sitting in the staff canteen just chatting about eight of us a mix of white black Asian someone made a comment about how they thought they'd found out who the refrigerator thief was one of the white ladies said well we found the n-word in the woodpile then haven't we she was in her 40s normally very sensible and liked by most people there was a stunned silence before one of the black guys got up and just walked out slowly followed by everyone else that afternoon we all got called in for statements and she was on sick leave the next day sacked a couple of weeks later she'd been in the same job for 20 odd years and was a supervisor on her department now unemployed a beautiful friend I had she took up with this good-looking charismatic guy she changed almost immediately became unreliable started missing shifts at work we had kind of drifted apart a bit because I hated her boyfriend he was too smart me and smart asked for me my spider-sense went into overdrive whenever he was around he had started cutting her off from her friends I went to see her one day after she had missed so many shifts at work she was about to get fired I lurked around until I was sure he wasn't there that I knocked on the door when she answered she was a mess she stank of sweat and something I couldn't identify i barged into her flat and was so shocked at what I saw she was so skinny her once lovely place was a filthy shambles trash everywhere dirty clothes all over I yelled at her what the hell is going on you're about to lose your job you look like poop she started crying her boyfriend had introduced her to heroin almost immediately after they met in her life had spiraled out of control she was addicted and he was pushing her to prostitution because he couldn't afford to pay for her habit anymore she wasn't eating properly her diet was bad and she was risking her life because she was type 1 diabetic I threw some clothes in a bag and dragged her out to my car I took her straight to a hospital she was in for 3 weeks detoxing while having her diabetes monitored so she didn't get too sick I brought her home to my place she'd been evicted from hers for non-payment of rent I was so naive she promised to never see him again I really thought that everything would be okay two days later I got home from work and found her dead on the bathroom floor she died of an overdose the needle was still in her arm it was such a waste my beautiful vibrant kind friend dead in less than six months after becoming a heroin addict my cousin was spoiled as hell my uncle was a millionaire lawyer and bought his relationship with his kids with money he never had time for them if they asked he bought money was no object if he thought it made them love him cousin turned 16 and got a driver's license he begged for a motorcycle even though he did not have a motorcycle license my uncle bought him a brand new Kawasaki Ninja my father pleaded with him about what a bad idea that was one week later he crashed with a girl on the back of the bike and they both died upon impact no helmet or safety gear on top of it probably the fastest way someone ruined their life my uncle and his son we had a terminated employee show up to pick up his things he ran out the door with his 1500 $89 company laptop $89 more than is required for a felony we worked in a high-paying field that requires background checks and I am 100% certain that no one is hiring him with felonious theft from an employer on his record might as well hang a sign around his neck saying will steal from you if you hire me you know after he spends the year in jail worked in the German social welfare system a client of mine said he thinks that my calculations would be wrong after his wife left him because he got not enough money I asked him if he had any expenses I didn't know of he was sure he gave me all info I asked him to bring me all his invoices vouchers receipts etc which he did a few days later I read all his papers and found a pay slip that I didn't know of according to my files he got Social Welfare at this time and I had no infos that he had a job with income which would be social welfare fraud I kept reading and I found a so-called insurance policy for a05 or BMW you should know that back in the day a car was a salvageable capital aka he had to have his car sold to use that money for groceries etc it was mid 90s it's different now then I found the purchase contract for the car expensive and with installment payments then I found the contract with the bank that gave him the loan for the car so I called the bank and asked them why the hell they are giving a loan that big to an unemployed social welfare recipient the woman from the bank began to panic because that's new information to her and while she was trying to explain what happened the loan had burst because my client didn't pay etc I figured out that something is wrong with the pace lamp you should know that in Germany the four-digit postal code including the sub local code like 1000 Berlin 44 was changed to a five digit postal code 12345 Berlin in 1993 the pay slip was from 1995 but the postal code on that thing was from 1993 he forged the pay slip to get the loan to get the car because his wife told him he needed a better car to keep her so he did all this but the bubble burst because he couldn't afford to pay the installments and just because he asked me to recalculate him and brought all his infos without sorting them out properly I was able to prove that he committed some felonies which by the way doesn't mean that he ends up in jail or that he gets arrested etc he told me the story I sent what I have to do now and what might happen in the next weeks both have been charged and convicted of Social Welfare fraud insurance fraud falsification of documents and sneaking bank loans using fake income information thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more interesting videos click the right box for another video of the same topic let us know in the comments what you think about these stories you
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 1,030,171
Rating: 4.8911281 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts life ruined, life ruining, reddit ruined life, reddit ruined lives, reddit ruined someones life, askreddit ruined life, askreddit ruined, how can someone ruin your life, easiest way to ruin your life
Id: Jh3b-BU8uEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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