Women Share Their "Nice Guy" Horror Stories - AskReddit

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he thought it would be romantic or something if he waited for me outside my house for like five hours what's the most uncomfortable situation a nice guy or incel has put you in met a guy at a gathering at a mutual friend's place and ended up getting stuck talking to him all night night ends and i don't give it another thought couple weeks later he calls my house i didn't give him my last name or phone number since he now has my number he also knows my address and starts showing up at my house at weird times sometimes with his equally creepy sister fast forward a few years i haven't lived at home for at least a year he shows up dad answers the door and just tells him i'm not in not that i don't live there or anything later that same night dad lets the dog out for a pee before bed dog disappears into the backyard chasing something she really wants to catch think sits a skunk or something until he hears the gate on the neighbor's fence open and close quickly dog has chased a person out of the backyard my old bedroom window faced our backyard we don't know for sure but i think my dog chased that creep out of our yard we were friends until one day on valentine's day he brought out his guitar and sang to me in front of a crowd and ended up asking me to be his girlfriend i had a boyfriend of two years so i had to say no to him in front of all those people thing is i had mentioned my boyfriend in almost every conversation and he still looked completely shocked that day when i told him i had a boyfriend he was the nicest guy and i really appreciated our friendship we stopped talking after that day though i felt terrible i was like 19 and working third shift at a gas station casually sweeping the floor the door opens and i hear the ding so i look up and make eye contact with some guy i can't explain what was going on in this guy's head but it was like he thought it was some kind of slow-mo movie situation and he staggered back gasping and widening his eyes and staring at me i am not the kind of person to notice this kind of stuff in other people i felt like i was reading a scene from twilight in my head i went behind the checkout counter he grabbed his red bull or whatever he kept obviously looking at me in shock and shaking his head like he was trying to psych himself up for something ladies you know that feeling when you know someone wants to catch your attention and talk to you but you're trying to keep it casual this went on for like 20 minutes and i couldn't accomplish anything because i'm waiting for this dude to check out anyway so he walks up to the checkout super dramatically i check him out he stares the whole time and finally sighs saying i never expected to see such a beautiful woman at a gas station this is fate you shouldn't be working here i just can't help myself i have to ask you to go out with me i said sorry i have a boyfriend he seriously looked enraged he clenched his fists and gave me this overly dramatic scary look grabbed his stuff and stormed out the door he moved his car so the bright headlights were facing the front of the store and sat there until the next customer came probably an hour later honestly i wasn't too scared it was just like really i just wanted to finish my list of duties at this crappy gas station and live my life but some joe concocted a bizarre dream scenario in his head and somehow that was my fault i went on one date with a guy i had met online after a year of talking after the date i didn't think it would be going anywhere he had exaggerated what he looked like and after i told him this and we stopped talking he rang six florists in my area to send me a dozen red roses the worst thing about it i had never told him where i lived he had used my location on the snapchat map for the estate that i lived in when confronted about the roses he sent me a full-length song that he had written about me and our one date i was traumatized wouldn't leave me alone while i was working kept saying it was a shame i had a boyfriend because you were so pretty and i'd treat you right overtipped like way too much because you're so beautiful i work at a busy music venue so he basically had to yell all of this at me while i was helping a hundred other customers i eventually had to tell him to buzz off which just meant he stared at me all night from the crowd waving at me after the lights went up he came over and launched into his it's a shame you have a boyfriend bit so i gave him some poor excuse and booked it why come to a show if you're just going to creep on someone while she's working dudes creep on me sometimes but never as a self-described better than your boyfriend guy i was at a party when nice guy shows up he's an old friend of the host who's known for being nice on paper but a complete a-hole misogynist in real life i tried to keep my distance from him as i had scary run-ins with him before when he was drunk he noticed my avoidance and would not leave me alone so when he took off to pee in the bushes i quickly went inside to the spare bedroom and shut the door behind me so i could have a minute to breathe not even five minutes later the door swings wide open hey girl i was looking for you he comes in and latches the door shut behind him stomach sinks then sits down behind me and starts aggressively rubbing my shoulders why are your shoulders so tense girl after a beat i stand up and say dude this is super creepy i'm out he responds massages are creepy to you no wonder you're single i don't know what needs to happen to a person to make them this oblivious to their own bs let me sleep over because i lived an hour away and we'd been drinking and he pulls the old you're really lucky i'm a nice guy most guys would force themselves on you right now but i don't because i'm nice you're really lucky despite us having been normal platonic friends for a few months before this and me having established a few times that i wasn't interested in anything else with him he was my co-worker and 20 years older than me i know some people might go for that but it personally weirds me out anyway he started bothering me he would call it odd hours i think he was fumbling himself he left me racy pictures in my box at work gave me presents so i reported him and he got a little slap on the wrist but next time he saw me he started rubbing my shoulders and i told him to stop not to touch me he blew up started screaming at me in front of all the customers after that though he left me alone should have been fired but hey at least he left me alone but unfortunately i'm pretty sure he chose another woman to bother in my place good thing is he's on disability now out of the workforce for good i considered him a friend stated his apartment when visiting his town he slept in the living room i in the bedroom when it got laid he started making jokes about how he had hidden the bedroom key and that i should get ready for him i spent the night half awake and fully dressed from sheer fear in the morning i packed and wanted to leave but he wouldn't let me go without having a goodbye kiss he physically blocked the door so i couldn't get out i tried to play it off and somehow managed to squeeze by him without getting kissed but it was a terrifying experience and that was the end of our friendship i'm a person with some serious issues from my past that i'm trying to work through but my current headspace isn't fit for a good relationship the above is something i tell most people when i'm laying the ground rules of my side of a friends with benefit or something of that sort i begrudgingly went on a date with a nice guy who started off by shaming and berating me for dating with an unhealthy mindset and started asking me over and over if i was mistreated in the middle of a crowded bar scene cue me leaving as quickly as i humanly could only after telling him that it wasn't going to work out the next day he turns up to my workplace and makes himself a nuisance outside by constantly asking passersby to ask me to come out of the office this went on for a while until i left the building and he handed me a proposal of the things he googled about what he thought my issues were and how i could fix them as well as a bunch of nonsense on how he and i could start a relationship all throughout he kept calling me a broken individual used patronizing language refused to listen to anything i said accused me of trying to make things difficult and causing a scene i decided that politeness wasn't for him and took a protection order from him and he then spent months trying to convince our mutual acquaintances that i was a drama queen with severe psych problems we were friends one day he decided to surprise me at my house so we could watch jessica jones together except i was out doing volunteer stuff that day so i wasn't home he thought it would be romantic or something if he waited for me outside my house for like five hours when i got back it was dark already i asked him what he was doing there and he said i was waiting for you so we could watch jessica jones so we sat there for like 45 minutes watching an episode in absolute silence it was so painful afterwards he was just like i'm gonna go home now i felt bad for him and this probably isn't nice guy material but it was so incredibly uncomfortable he was considered one of the nicest guys in high school was super bubbly and kind to everyone loved to help people out and give people hugs everyone compared him to a teddy bear because we were in almost all the same classes we would chat on the phone about homework and projects then we started to become friends and would chat about things like our goals after high school life our families and other teenage bs slowly things started to change and he started to show more of a dark and controlling side he confessed that he liked me one night at my house and i told him that i didn't feel the same way he kept pressing me on why accusing me of being shallow i told him again and again that i didn't think we had chemistry but he kept with the accusations until i forcibly asked him to leave as he was standing at my door putting on his shoes he looked at me and said i wonder what it's like and i responded what what's like and he said to kiss you he then grabbed me by the arms and pulled me in slowly while the whole time i was saying no no i don't think this is a good idea and struggled to pull away but his grip was too strong and finally he forcibly kissed me honestly for someone who claimed to be my best friend it was a complete destruction of trust and i still feel disgusted and sad when i think about it and this is just one of the many things that happened where he exerted power over me before i cut him out of my life a nice guy took my suitcase from me as i was walking down the stairs under the pretext of helping he wouldn't give it back to me instead saying he would help take it to my bus i kept telling him i was fine he could give it back i got it from here but no of course he sat me in holding my suitcase in the aisle as i was forced to take the window seat he kept telling me he could get me booze i was underage and didn't care i just wanted to go home i even tried getting off a stop or two or three early but he insisted we take the bus to where he parked his car so he could drive me i was terrified luckily i texted my uncle who met us at the end of the bus line air force guy the nice guy couldn't give me my suitcase fast enough i was trying to leave a frat party and the two guys guarding the closet claimed it was house ruled that a girl has to give them her number to get their coats this was not a place i was familiar with and it was a narrow hallways tucked out of the way from the rest of the party they were larger than me drunk and kept trying to sweet talk me into staying upstairs with them instead because they're so nice since they had been so nice to make sure no one stole our things at the party we had to pay them back one guy even said i could just flash him instead i was drunk it was late the party sucked and just wanted to go home i felt cornered my purse with my room key phone and wallet were in the closet as was my jacket and it was 35 f out and had also never been in the situation where a guy asked for my number wouldn't take a no i'm older and i know better now as this was years ago but back then i gave them my number and when a guy started to text me i only responded with spider-man memes until he gave up literally never saw them again last semester of college i had a class with this weird and obviously desperate but super awkward and negative guy he acted really fake to boot he always tried talking to me but his intentions were super obvious aka women are not human they are this elusive thing and i need to catch one of them one day i ran into the guy at the college shuttle he said hi to me and i did respond with a simple hi i didn't really know him so i left it at that he sat behind me and starts audibly and angrily muttering to himself about how girls don't pay attention to him and that he just tries and tries so hard yada yada yada that he's being nice but they're just witches etc it was so uncomfortable and he kept complaining the whole time i wasn't physically reacting second date and nice guy surprise proposed to me in a mall surrounded by too many people someone replied i had a friend who between the ages of 17 to 20 propose to every girl he dated after about a week or two i don't know where he got the idea from but he just legitimately thought that was the done thing i know this because when i had been with my boyfriend at the time for two months he apparently kept asking him why he hadn't popped the question yet two of the girls in question were either pregnant or had just had a baby by someone who walked out so they were delighted at the offer of a daddy for their baby he told them straight up that he would be prepared to legally adopt the kid and be their father he must have been engaged five to six times by the age of 20. luckily none of them worked out and he ended up meeting a relatively sane girl later on and having his own babies with her nice guy from college were talking trench coat and fedora fingerless gloves pathetically sleazy smile the whole shebang in a tropical country at that who kept trying to talk to me even as i was clearly trying to do my homework i was okay with multitasking i could do homework and listen and respond to him but he wouldn't have it hey tuna you know what i really hate it when women yes not people women specifically ignore me i was dumbfounded but also really offended so i shot back that i was listening to him even if i wasn't looking at him no but when i'm talking to someone i want them to look at me friend overheard this and went off on him faster than i did he left me alone after that thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to not become a nice guy click the right box for the incel playlist let us know in the comments what you think about nice guys [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 64,912
Rating: 4.9586949 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts incel, askreddit incel, incel, incels, nice guy, nice guys, nice guy reddit story, reddit nice guy cringe, reddit nice guy experience, reddit incels, incel cringe, friends of incels, reddit incel friends, reddit incel stories, r/askreddit incel
Id: FUSC6qaIYwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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