Cops Talk About The Most Brutal Crime Scene They've Seen - AskReddit

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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences this lady had basically melted into a sludgy mess with some human features still visible on her couch police officers what is the absolute worst crime scene you've come across [Music] i know a guy who is a jail guard and he also worked in tbs dutch equivalent of jail for people with severe mental health problems there was this schizophrenic guy who was convinced he was a dog now that might just sound sad and pathetic but the guy actually bit someone in the throat and shredded his jugular he tried to do it in jail as well and he now has to wear a muzzle 24 7. danish cop here some years ago a coked up driver hit a woman in central copenhagen she was hit with about 120 kilometers per hour while crossing the street with her boyfriend in hand her body flew about 100 meters down the street when the first patrol car arrived at the place of impact the boyfriend was sitting beside the body and caressing her head it had to be three officers to pull him away from the woman the driver was a well-known man that had done something close to this before two underage danish girls was in the back seat of the car he hit her with i ended up in a fight with one of them cause she wouldn't stop phoning different people while we still were chasing the driver in the area around the car oh and he could have killed about 10 people about 20 seconds before he hit her he drove through a red light at the busiest pedestrian crossing in denmark it was about one o'clock on a saturday night and it was the night the christmas beer was released he got a sentence of four years and six months the longest sentence in danish history for a hit and run prisoners in denmark only serve three quarters of the sentence and in the weekend he got to go home from prison in the last year of the sentence it's only a couple of months since the newspapers wrote that he hadn't returned to prison after a weekend at home that's the lenient danish prison system for you my dad is currently sitting right by me he has 20 years active patrol duty and then seven as sheriff well one time we got a call from a guy saying his girlfriend broke his dick obviously we were skeptical so we go along with ambulance and fire to their house and walk into his girlfriend sobbing and shaking in the corner we walk into the bedroom and let me tell you dicks might not be able to break but this was a very broken dick turns out they had gotten drunk and she wanted to hop on his dick by jumping from the top of their headboard onto him yeah didn't work she bent his dick in half by the time we got there it had turned black and the bottom part was swell but the top part was just flopping i felt bad for that guy the other one was a call we got from this woman saying mrs xyz is 90 years old and we haven't seen her in seven weeks can you perform a wellness check this was in the middle of august after a couple streaks of 100 degree weather seven weeks is a long time so me and rich his partner go over in low and behold no visible ac unit in this 100 year old house so we load up our noses with vicks and open the door yeah the vix didn't help that house was well over 90 degrees fahrenheit this lady had basically melted into a sludgy mess with some human features still visible on her couch the vapor her body was giving off was on the windows like condensation rich and i both threw up and called the coroner who basically had to remove this lady with her couch cushions it was bad not a cop but paramedic the worst thing i've seen was a three-year-old burned from the waist down in a bathtub the way this happened was the mother was super pissed at the baby's father and filled the tub with very hot water and dunked the child into the water she then tried to hide what she did by putting pajamas on the baby which caused the fabric to stick to the burns i almost lost my job that night because i couldn't handle the smugness that was across that bitch's face a guy high on pcp went over to his adult sister's house right before they left for a family birthday party as the family is packing the car up the guy remains behind in his seven-year-old niece's bedroom still high on dust his niece forgets something in her room and runs back upstairs into the apartment as soon as she reaches the apartment she hears a gunshot she walks into her room and sees her uncle prone out on the floor bleeding profusely from the back of his head brains all over her bedroom wall family calls 911 i show up walk in and assume the guy is dead by lack of movement and loss of blood find the gun make it safe and out of nowhere here a huge deep breath and see the guy's chest moving with half of his brain blown apart the guy was still alive for at least 10 minutes but unresponsive medics transported to hospital where he died but donated his organs in the end it's the little girl who will live with that picture of her uncle for the rest of her life it would be nice if you could take every kid out of every bad situation so they have a fighting chance to live a normal life suicidal female walks to the top of a nine-story hospital parking garage does a backwards swan dive off the top trying to kill herself ends up landing on both of her feet which take all the impact every bone from her feet up to her first rib is shattered but somehow she was still alive as i got there first looked like a slinky assumpts picked her up from the ground to transport which in the end was futile but for the few minutes i was on scene with her i was able to speak to the woman who was still conscious the most peaceful and early quiet conversation i had with a person who knew they were dead she talked about her life her family and how she felt abandoned she felt hopeless with no faith in life just like a vicious dog backed into a corner she wanted me to tell her family that she was sorry but didn't regret her decision very stoic if you ask me and someone who is intent on killing themselves no just a cry for help scenario an older co-worker told me this one a man lived in an apartment with his three kids and wife he goes to work and comes home at night when one of his kids comes up to him and says i saw mommy kissing the neighbor's pp he slit each of his children's throats while they slept and cut his wife's head off left it on the kitchen table and smoked a cigarette calmly after calling 9-1-1 on himself said seeing the kids in their beds covered with open throats covered in blood messed him up for a long time it wasn't all i ever saw but certainly the worst my career was effectively ended by a lady that got hit by a car it basically ripped her whole face off except her eyes basically from the nose down you could see her vocal cords she was convulsing on the ground and a crowd of people were standing around her i was first there and she was still alive there was absolutely nothing i could do for her at that point it was obvious she was bleeding out i got down on the pavement cradled her in my arms and told her she would be okay while i tried to stop some of the bleeding i knew i was lying but i wanted her to not feel alone and scared when she died she passed in my arms as the medics showed up they worked on her for a bit but they called it before the chopper landed two weeks later i quit i've had severe ptsd since then i drink a lot to self-medicate i go to therapy i've lost almost all of my friends and several jobs i take pills every day for depression sorry for the vivid description but you asked i can still smell it see it the works not a cop but i did body removals for the private ambulance company i worked at we got a call at 4am and our dispatcher asked us if we had two body bags we did we got there and the gist of it was that it was a double rape homicide of two elderly women in their seventies one was found with her pants around her ankles in one room and the other was found in the bedroom down the hall with her hands pinned above her head underneath the bed frame i have no idea if they ever caught the guy i just pick up the bodies and take them to the morgue pretty messed up though little girl tells her school nurse it hurts to pee this leads to her making statements indicating molestation so they send her to hospital and call me sane nurse confirms there is trauma to her vagina because she is a child i cannot ask her questions we set up a forensic interview with people trained to deal with this so it is less stressful but i can listen in while she is talking to doctors i hear her say when i'm bad mommy and uncle bad touch name changed for privacy stick fingers inside me so now i go find mom expecting to hear complete denial nope she tells me as a form of punishment she inserts fingers into her five-year-old's vagina her brother who lives with her does it also i wish i was making this up before you ask the case was sent to the county prosecutor i haven't heard anything from it since which means she plead out it was dropped or it's still awaiting trial an officer who volunteers at my work from time to time told me that his worst experience was during his first year on the job apparently there was a car accident where the driver was wedged halfway out of the overturned car unfortunately since the car was on fire they couldn't help the man out and had to stand there and watch him burn to death while he screamed for them to help him and another one a call goes out for reported screaming it's mid-january important later my father and another office respond to find a known deranged individual very long rap sheet and has been in and out of psychiatric care for years sitting on the front porch holding a double side and wood splitting axe steam is coming up off the the grass and there are chunks lying all over the lawn upon interviewing the suspect he admits that he and a friend were playing poker the suspect was losing nearly every hand and came to the conclusion that his friend was a haint southern for ghost and was cheating him the suspect grabbed the axe and chased his friend outside and hacked him into dozens of pieces thus causing the warm blood to create steam on the grass my dad tells the suspect that he needs to get in the police car because it's hain't proof he said the suspect dropped the axe and sprinted to get in the back seat while thanking them for helping him not a policeman but i know a former forensic scientist she described a case one time where a father of two didn't receive custody of his kids after a divorce he flipped out and kidnapped his kids a homeless man handed in two plastic bags into a police station a few days later of body parts that had been cut up she had to reassemble the kids bodies so they could be identified i've seen some pretty gruesome murders and accidents saw a woman stabbed over 50 times a guy whose head was completely caved in by his steering wheel plenty of suicides via shotgun to the mouth the one that stands out to me the most wasn't fatal and it wasn't even that gruesome some guy got high on pcp and thought everyone was a demon an older woman early 60s woman was driving by and he decided to fight her pulled her out of her car and pummeled her face knocked her teeth out bruised her face real good gave her brain damage she was conscious throughout the entire ordeal and i was the first on scene it shocked me because she was minding her own business when this [ __ ] decided to ruin her life it was random and unprovoked if i'm not mistaken she had to quit her job due to memory issues from the brain injury on top of that we had to fight the guy for a good three minutes until we got him into custody he was a big guy and got roughed up pretty good but he was feeling no pain at all my taser had absolutely no effect we only got him into cuffs when six officers held him down and pulled his arms into place he then proceeded to spit blood on us not a cop but i am in college to become one one of my professors at the time worked homicide as a lieutenant at the precinct and brought in crime scene photos all the time to show us on the projector one was of this 17 year old kid who'd had his head caved in on the early 2000s it was a pretty big case at the time in philadelphia he worked construction part-time and walked home every friday with a couple hundred dollars in cash for his pay his best friends one girl and two guys all in the 16 to 18 range wanted to make a quick buck the girl lured him to this regular meet-up spot for sex out near some woods when he started taking his clothes off the three friends jumped him the 18 year old guy if i remember right had a hammer and his brother had a cinder block kid didn't stand a chance his parents had to identify him based on the clothes he was wearing because there was practically nothing left of his face or hands defensive wounds the brother got tried as an adult and got 25 to life the 18 year old got life the girl got 15 for ratting out the other two i mean where do you start what do you mean by worst the saddest scene was a fire where a number of children had died there is nothing as sad and disturbing as seeing a lifeless child the most grotesque scene was an obese man who died on the toilet and fell forward onto the lino floor he lay there for three days we had to peel him off the floor and what used to be his face and chest was now a large amount of maggots and goop the scene that made me most angry was the home where the big fat husband had thrown his tiny wife around the place and put her head through the plasterboard of a wall the sight of her cowering and him standing there laughing made my blood boil fortunately he violently resisted arrest he didn't think he could be arrested in his own home the most frustrating scene was the rape victim who was too afraid to name her attackers because they were connected to the ira that feeling when you can do nothing to bring such a heinous man to justice saw a little kid standing on a busy street corner in the dead of winter around two or three years old went up to him to talk to him and found out he had been standing out there for an hour or so while a good samaritan kept eyes on him from across the street in his nice and warm house eventually led the investigation back to a battered woman's shelter nearby the manager recognized the kid and said his mom was upstairs in another room one up there and found out she died from a heroin overdose a few days prior broke my heart to think that kid had been in that room with his dead mother for days with little food or water probably crying that his mother wouldn't wake up or talk to him to know whatever happened to him after that lost kids are common in my city but this one wasn't just the forgetful tourists who didn't keep track of their kid while they snapped photographs everywhere was intense for a while as we pulled resources from neighboring counties to put out the alerts for a priority lost child me by my police trade school teacher told me a story of such a [ __ ] up crime scene he was a part of there was this beautiful woman could have been a model and she was naked in the floor of her hotel room her head not attached to her body and blood everywhere the entire hotel was a crime scene and my teacher kept seeing cops sneak in to see the hot dead chick and my teacher who at command was furious kicked them all out and tried to do his job until his higher up i think a lieutenant came in by asking around i heard the hot headless chick was here since he was a higher rank the second he stepped in he took command of the scene and my teacher never did find out what happened except some cops care about seeing a hot corpse than doing their job my third year on the job working a housing patrol went to a domestic female caller on the line screaming getting constant updates as my partner and i run up 14 flights of stairs we finally reached the door i'm [ __ ] guessed my partner was a little puerto rican dude great cop weighed all of like a buck 20. he tries to boot the door and bounces off it like wiley coyote we could hear the screaming all the way down the hall as soon as we made it out of the stairwell i give the door the boot it's a steel security door with three deadbolts inside the apartment it sounds like there's a legit wwe ladder match going on with this howling high-pitched keen and low shouting i kicked the door at least a dozen times i'm about to puke my partner is screaming at me boot the [ __ ] door man we gotta get in there the shouting goes up in volume and the scream goes to a shriek constant unwavering then there's no shriek just the shouting i finally get the door busted open there's a woman on the floor in the middle of the entryway it looks like she fought a baron lost it's the first time i've seen that much blood on the ground the floor is a slip and slide of blood the woman is alert mostly rocking herself back and forth she reaches up to me as i make entry my boy my baby boy she just repeats it over and over the male half rounds the corner and comes pulling at me the fight is on he has a meat fork in his hand i don't even have time to draw before we make contact he's shirtless and covered in sweat his arms are bloody all the way up to his shoulders he stinks of booze not the fresh drunk stink but the acrid hard stench of a habitual alcoholic he also smells of old wheat and piss my partner is literally bouncing off the walls behind me trying to get into the fight i finally slam the dude on the ground he's not huge he's not even big but he's got murder strength i'm not a small dude i can barely hang on to him imagine yourself fighting a shaved honey badger covered in blood and piss and sweat in a three-foot wide hallway on a floor covered in sex lube my partner finally gets into the fight gets jabbed several times with a meat fork my partner's nickname was dr pepper he starts yelling spray spray spray while i am trying to clobber the [ __ ] out of the dude with my maglite my partner dumps a whole can on this dude and also on me i've been sprayed so many times by him that i'm mostly used to it i don't remember a whole lot after that except hearing my gun i do remember seeing the dude's right arm coming out and i see the pistol there are a lot of gunshots i don't know how many were mine epilogue the female victim had 47 stab wounds she survived although she incurred debilitating injuries my partner was stabbed with the meat fork three times twice in the right thigh and once in the right forearm he also suffered a gunshot wound to the throat recovered and retired last year after 20 years on the job i took several stabs the worst of which being my right hand and right shoulder i still have permanent damage and loss of motor function the suspect lived although he is now confined to a wheelchair and uses a colostomy bag the four-year-old boy who was thrown out of the window while i was trying to kick the door down didn't survive i'm still on the street this incident was the first of the worst i dream about them every night [Music] thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more gruesome videos click the right box for the cops playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 351,504
Rating: 4.9314432 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts cops, radio tts crime scene, reddit cops stories, reddit cops scary, reddit cops creepy, cops of reddit, r/cops of reddit, reddit police stories, reddit police scary, crime scene, Reddit crime scene
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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