Cops & Nurses Share The Worst Thing They've Seen - AskReddit

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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences guide drill the hole in the back of his head because he read that it gives a permanent high without any drugs police officers and nurses what's the most messed up thing you have seen on the job homeless person with an infected foot just came in last month foot was read in necrotic dead tissue little black holes everywhere poured some iodine and a few maggots came out another nurse suggested hydrogen peroxide that hold bubbled and won thousands of maggots came bursting out I can't even describe the smell used to work at a Naval Hospital apparently artillery Marines used to have this hazing tradition called kissing the breach essentially the m777 155 howitzer artillery guns like any gun have a massive recoil and the new Marines would put their face as close to the recoil as possible apparently this was fairly common but honestly I never heard of it again after this so this good-looking 19 year old boot actually kissed the breech the gun recoiled and smacked him in the face he transferred to her hospital one day after the incident and it was the worst injury I have ever seen to this day he somehow survived being hit in the face by the recoil of a round capable of traveling 25 miles this thing weighs 9,000 pounds and hit him in the face with literal cannon force he makes it to hospital and I couldn't believe my eyes he essentially had lost his entire face no eyes mouth nose chin nothing a gaping hole with tubes and surgical dressings I was part of a team responsible for stabilizing him and never heard the outcome but I know he survived for quite some time he may have made it back home I hope he is still around he had a great family around him in the hardest part was seeing his mother holding pictures of her son before the incident happened heartbreaking young girl in her 20s kidnapped and held captive for days every inch of her was bruised they shaved her head and eyebrows off burn her just some seriously messed-up stuff only found by chance I don't want to imagine what would have happened if she wasn't no family came to see her either she was truly isolated and alone with no support I think that just made it so much worse one of my patients sneezed out his intestines he had a hernia so severe the skin had stretched to the breaking point so all it took was a sudden increase in abdominal pressure and bam he had had multiple surgeries to repair the hernia in the past that all failed he came into the hospital looking like he had swallowed a basketball the skin around his belly was very thin and damaged so all it took was a sneeze to rip the skin and all of his bowels came shooting out not a single loop of bowel basically all of it since he had little support in there at all to keep them in place he survived the initial trauma since evisceration is not as immediately fatal as it may look if the bowel is undamaged but I think he had a very poor long-term prognosis was in the ER a young girl was brought in beaten and messed up she was alert and oriented though and was fighting with paramedics and ER staff about assessing her turns out she was only 12 or 13 years old beaten by an uncle and refused to say anything until her daddy showed up of course no one showed up at least when I last checked at the end of my 12-hour shift things that happen to children are the most messed up I work in an operating room patient came in for surgery was using a loaded gun as a sex toy of her rectum and it went off as she was doing the deed shot through her abdomen yeah I see some weird stuff come through got a call of medical aid request male subject and chainsaw related injury showed up and found a male in the middle of the street head in one place body in another chainsaw still running guy had found out his wife was cheating on him with his own brother got drunk put the chainsaw up to his throat to show them a lesson the chainsaw teeth caught his neck and just kept going we have a frequent flier who repeatedly comes in because she gets glass dildos stuck up her butt she's already had to have emergency surgery twice because they break after she puts them in she puts them in the freezer first we had a lady who wouldn't stop swallowing objects literally couldn't have anything in the room that was swallowable had to go to the ER like 15 times for random things like toothbrush spoon etc on my first clinical there was a seven-year-old kid who came to the ER on a psych call because he tried to kill his parents and grandparents the kid was nice as hell and cried when we put an IV in the kid was brought in by an ambulance and had no recollection of the event we put in for in to get fluids because he had thrown up and was dehydrated had to have someone in the room watching to make sure he didn't touch it though after this he was transferred to a psychiatric facility because the hospital I was at didn't have a ward my best guess would be dissociative identity disorder the kid was only in the ER for two hours or so the parents were in the room with the kid but he didn't really look at them as much as you'd expect nor did he care when they left reminded me of the avoid and insecure children described in the strange situation psychology experiment I'm old so this was a long time ago I looked after someone who had attempted suicide on the train tracks they survived but lost both their legs they were suicidal before and now they are going to be living with a significant disability someone replied my sister's was friends with someone that did this tried to kill himself by laying on the train tracks but it severed his legs the irony is that it turned his life around afterwards guy convinced a friend to drill a hole in the back of his head because he read somewhere that it alters the flow of cerebrospinal fluid to give a permanent high without any drugs somehow worked out with no bad effects except that he and the friend just left it open for like two weeks and the cottages of his scalp started rotting I could literally see into the inside of this dudes brain through the dime-sized hole he had drilled not sure if penetrating the brain itself was intentional or not but the goddamn shocking thing is that except for the infection in his scalp the guy was otherwise completely fine told me all about what he did in a totally coherent manner and then extolled the virtues of drilling into your skull over taking drugs so I have been a nurse for over 10 years and I have to be honest so much of my experiences are not as gory or traumatic as so many others here and never will be but for me and I know that some of you might understand the most messed up things I see and will continue to see as the horror of Alzheimer's frontal temporal dementia and Lewy body dementia I tell you what these people come in and they are polite and confused to fake it sometimes maybe their families have cared for them at home for a long time within hours often they realize they aren't leaving and the family is gone the facade is over they become mean and nasty often or the traumatic weight loss the refusing to eat the empty look in their eyes begging to be released from their shell of a body in their own personal hell unable to verbalize the pain or confusion or anything they feel the family's going through this is sad too but what I was reminded of was when some of these folks do get sick or break a hip or poop themselves the amount of people it often takes to help them and clean them up literally have to try to hold their hands down because they do not understand what's going on no matter what so yes imagine a little old lady who is 90 some years old in the shower with two or three staff because she's swinging and pissed off but hasn't had a shower in over a week and starts with diarrhea one girl gets sick so old lady grabs the poop and start smearing it on her ends up standing on wet floor with other two gallons in there trying to hold on to her and keep her off the floor and get her clean throwing handfuls of poo at the girls the doorway and the wall and here comes me knocking on the door and her dress clothes as the Assistant Director of Nursing trying to help people and get spool landed at feet this one wasn't an actual visual saw just I was there and saw the whole thing I've hold 17 year old was brought in for a very feeble suicide attempt took a few too many advil or barely scratched her wrists the short way something along those lines she seems like a good kid just depressed obviously in need of some help then her parents come in they look fairly affluent they start telling her how everyone gets set and she just needs to deal with it doctor and mental health professional decides she needs an inpatient stay girl agrees she needs this parents refuse they don't need their daughter sent away with the crazies doctor has to get an emergency custody order to have her inpatient parents leave throwing a fit threatening to sue etc once they're gone and the girl realizes she will be getting help the look of relief on her face was amazing mental health worker comes in and talks with her about how she'll be 18 and graduating soon and to just hang in there for a few months this was probably read or four years ago and I really hope she's doing well I once had a patient who was suffering from an addiction to alcohol and cocaine he had snorted so much cocaine that his entire nose was gone the amount of nose you see on a skull was the same amount what he had left also because he smoked two packs a day for over 30 years his pharynx throat wasn't functioning properly therefore he had to be tube fed now usually when patients are tube fed this is done with a probe through the nose and into his stomach now that probe was just loosely hanging out of his nose socket if you would pull it a bit you could see stuff moving in the back of his head because of the substance abuse this patient had significant liver failure and could not qualify for a liver transplant now there is a certain enzyme your liver produces which is responsible for keeping the pressure and the amount of fluids in your cells at a normal amount due to his liver damage this enzyme could not be produced anymore or at least his liver produces way too less of it so over the course of a couple of days he began to swell up his legs his belly his arms basically everything was full of fluid during his stay in the hospital he gained almost 40 pounds of excess fluids which just accumulated in his body because of this his skin was stretching a lot which caused excruciating pains for the men even the strongest morphine could hardly ease the pain fortunately for him he died after a couple of days that was no way to live I was a CNA I found an old woman floating in a couple inches of her blood in the bathroom she slipped hit her head on the sink passed out got up slipped in her blood and hit her head on the toilet she got up a third time and hit her head again it's straight up looked like a murder with all the blood my co-worker was telling me to check her blood pressure I just looked at her and said the medics will be here soon I don't want to move her her blood pressure is probably low my co-worker was pissed I grabbed as many towels as I could find to help not ruin the carpet assisted the medics as best I could and off she went to the hospital she ended up living for a few more years after that before dying of old age I've never seen that much blood before the air had this weird iron blood taste to it it was supremely messed up for me the most messed up thing that I see as a nurse our loved ones that refuse to let their sick and miserable family members pass with dignity I know losing a loved one is hard been there but instead of stopping treatment they want us to continue doing everything possible for their ninety plus year old grandparent we as medical professionals know that they aren't leaving the hospital or nursing home and family are advised as such but want us to continue full code status this means doing CPR and breaking multiple bones when they code I am a cop I got to see a chunk of my left testicle hanging out after I got shot at work got hit with nine buckshot pellets about the size of a marble my left leg squat and thigh was absolutely demolished for quite a while but luckily only one went in my femur and another stopped a centimeter for my femoral artery hell of a toss-up between death or a 10 month vacation glad I got the vacation even though physical therapy sucked almost as bad as getting shot cop here off the top of my head someone was carjacked and shot twice in the face and once in the back of his head at point-blank range when I saw him most of his face on a large part of the back of his head was missing he was not recognizable at all in my stint as an RN at the county jail I saw a lot of patients who had either not had the resources or desire to seek out healthcare one case that really stuck out to me was a middle-aged male who was being booked and had a bandage wrapped around his ankle it looked pretty soiled so a bandage change was offered and accepted this man had a host of maggots that had made their home inside his ankle that fell out as soon as the old bandage was removed the clinical term for this is myiasis I also learned that these maggots had actually been doing him a service and had actively been keeping his wound clean by eating necrotic tissue I'm an x-ray tech had to x-ray a guy's penis because he stuck little magnetic balls up is urethra surprise surprise when he tried to take the string of them out they disconnected and got stuck I'm a labor and delivery obstetrics nurse the most horrifying thing I've witnessed is the birth of a deformed / mutated stillborn it was unlike anything I've ever seen gelatinous balloon like Guzzi the image is burned in my brain the mom knew the baby wouldn't look normal and asked for it to be taken away immediately and did not want to see it I don't blame her I wish I hadn't someone replied this is horrifying but probably not uncommon I myself have had a stillborn we estimate she was passed 4 days before my body put itself into labor which I was in for two days and when she was born she was born bright red with her skin peeling below her chest the way the doctor described it was that my body was breaking her down trying to get rid of her for about six days before she was born detention walked up to a cell for countin there was nothing but blood and poop everywhere and the smell backed away in case he was planning on throwing it but he was very chill called for medical and backup and asked him what was up he said his penis was the devil and it needed to be removed and then the pointed to the toilet got him out and off to medical and yup penis in the toilet he was not in there for a sex offense and had no history of it but clearly mental health issues were in play I'll start with a warning that this could trigger some people who've lost a loved one I'm a dad who investigates fatal collisions most of us get used to the gore itself it's the families that hit us the hardest in the fields at one particular crash the family showed up to the scene and wanted to see their sons dead body at his final resting position I feel strongly that once safety investigative and evidentiary issues are taken care of then even at the scene the family should absolutely have access to their loved one no matter how strange it might seem to those on the outside of the families imploding world within reason of course I once refused to let a family see their headless daughter for example in this case when I ultimately let the family go to their son on the grass they held him in their arms and began rubbing his blood all over themselves naturally in hysterics contrary to the post title I don't actually consider this messed-up because very few of us know how we would react to something like this I can almost guarantee that if one of my kids got smoked by a car I'd be cradling his or her body in my arms and doing him or her the honor of loading them into the hearse myself and following him or her to the morgue in another case I picked up pieces and pieces of the woman's body and then spoke with an her husband over the following few weeks he talked about how he regretted caring about all the small stupid things that annoyed him would that came up as issues between them when in retrospect none of those small things actually mattered then he killed himself a few days after our last conversation lots of other things like that not as conventionally messed up as some of the other great examples but that's my own experience thanks for listening to radio TTS subscribe and like if you found this video interesting and please treat nurses doctors and cops with respect these people are the heroes of our society and deserve much more recognition please share your own stories in the comments below 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Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 550,769
Rating: 4.9229321 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, reddit cringe, radio tts doctors, reddit doctors gross, doctors of reddit worst, askreddit nurses, nurses of reddit, reddit cops scary, reddit cops creepiest, reddit cops creepy, reddit cops stories, doctors share their goriest, cops worst, nurses worst work stories
Id: xBpCsKugTkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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