The Saddest Mental Health Cases You've Ever Heard Of - AskReddit

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warning this video contains some of the most horrible stories imaginable this content is very depressing an incredibly dark please don't watch this if you are a sensitive person we have other more lighthearted videos on this channel that might be interesting to the girl was being put in the dark hair tight casket with a straw debris through mental health professionals what is the saddest case you have ever come across most shocking story at the end of the video I worked with the homeless population I would say over half the clients I work with have childhood trauma the drugs alcohol and mental illness in this population is incredibly high but the common denominator is more often that not childhood abuse and neglect there is an incredible level of loneliness and hopelessness that many of my clients experience and many of them are haunted by their past or still living in it psychiatrist here first year just graduated medical school saw a case on the inpatient of adolescent unit of a 14 year old boy with suspected dmdd disruptive mood dysregulation disorder he was admitted after blowing out of his most recent foster placement in a fit of rage he broke TVs tables walls he attacked the police officers called to the house biting and scratching at them he sounded like an overall a-hole brandy kid come to learn he was born with Nas neonatal abstinence syndrome to a mother abusing 4 and inhaled heroin during all three trimesters he was born in acute opiate withdrawal requiring methadone replacement therapy for the first year of infancy fast forward 14 years with a baseline level of neurologic functioning and you get a kid who seemingly explodes for no reason when in reality his prefrontal cortexes years behind causing his impulsivity to be almost unrestrained sad case cool kid though he kicked my butt in smash 4 we most days I am a therapist community mental health in one of the poorest cities in my state specifics are not allowed but the biggest issue I see are parents not realizing that having children means much sacrifice lots of parents I worked with view their children as friends these parents continue their social lifestyle without understanding the impact on their children I personally have three kids my fun ended years ago my focus is now on the humans I had a part of bringing into this world and the responsibility that comes with it and yes I have a great time with my kids it's now a part of my job to get other parents to see their role as teachers and not partying it up every night one of my best friends got mixed up with the wrong people and ended up becoming a major drug addict and od'd right before her 30th leaving behind two kids she loved dearly poor girl was beyond naturally smart and witty but couldn't work out the issues from growing up she had a handful of siblings and lived in a very Christian based nuclear family she was the youngest and made scapegoat for everything I never saw any physical abuse but none of the family had a problem tearing into her I remember thinking my house was bad to live in but I was super grateful I wasn't in my friends shoes she never could find her sense of self-worth it tears me up that none of us could help her one of my first cases when I first started in the mental health field and I'll never forget I was providing therapy to a young girl who was pooping on herself after holding it in for as long as she could mom originally thought it was some kind of anxiety or fear of the toilet but after a couple more sessions I found out that the girl was being abused by her stepfather and pooping felt like penetration to her so in order to avoid that sensation she would hold it in as long as possible it was heartbreaking to find that out in a hell of an introduction to the field so many parents seemed to think their divorce doesn't affect their kids can't go into specifics but one kid ended up with conversion disorder because their parents divorce was so horrendous parents don't drag your kids into your mess keep it civil don't let kids witness the nasty drawn-out stuff they're not pawns in your chest battle with your ex they are your children and you will give them lifelong issues if you treat them as points to be one working in group care I had a client whose parents would sell her body from toddler age to about grade 3 about when she was taken into care to regular travelers through town in exchange for drugs and money her family and extended family would tell her these people were friends and needed funtime cuddles and that she was the best daughter that anyone could have because she was special for doing this when I was working with her in her teens she didn't trust anyone that ever gave her compliments and would often have panic attacks when people said she did a good job at something or was skilled at something was the saddest fallout of abuse I think I've ever seen she had several suicide attempts and a lot self-harm last I heard years ago she's doing a lot better now after finding a good match for a therapist I sincerely hope her family never sees the light of day again and that some bad things happen to them in prison it wasn't a professional but more of a volunteer thing it was such a wasted potential of a person the girl was a child born of adultery so unwanted she was going to be put up for adoption a loving family was waiting for her but because of an impulsive decision in the moment she wasn't her mother who had understandably been divorced by her husband was now a single mom of a child she hated and proceeded to horribly abused her and twisted sick ways think a degree or two below a child called it she also allowed and enabled a male relative to abuse her for years now this is horrible enough as it is but here's the lost potential part the girl was a genius she was skipped I believe four grades in school which did also damaged a lot of her social development as well and this was a time and place skipping grades was more commonplace but due to all the horrible abuse she developed severe eating disorders and self-harm and as a result very serious physical health issues she was also a very kind loving person who wanted to go into the medical field but ultimately was unable to she seems to be managing okay now but I just think of the great loss she suffered and what sort of better life she could have had if she was just adopted and what she could have achieved for herself and humanity with a mind and heart like that had a kid show up in my office saying he had not eaten all day he missed his bus and just seemed to not want to leave I call home and mom was not answering the parents were divorced so I called dad it was about 8 p.m. by this point dad answers and is obviously drunk at a bar I heard the noise and music I explained the situation and the dad says he will get someone to drive him to come pick him up he never showed up about 10 p.m. on a Tuesday I call the police and they assist learned that the mother had overdosed on heroin and was found dead in the house the father never showed up and I was told he never tried to be a part of the kid's life this kid had some terrible facial disfigurement of the mother using drugs and drinking during pregnancy I have no idea how the kid was never removed from custody I spent a lot of time with him because he didn't like people looking at him throughout the school day I didn't care about his grades I just wanted him to enjoy something in life we would watch old WWF clips because he loved wrestling he's dead now killed himself I switched careers after I heard that messed me up I tried to help I'm not a mental health professional but back in 2010 while I was a volunteer worker for a Brazilian NGO sometimes they would send us to different locations and countries to support some project or to learn from it and apply the concept back to Brazil one time I was sent to Chile to help out in a community project and I was supposed to get my meals in an orphanage near there but that orphanage was not a normal one it was specific for kids that had been abused at the beginning some of them were afraid of me I'm a fat black guy but after a while they got used to see me around before coming there they explained all the details on how to behave but nothing can actually prepare you for that I saw a miner that was trying to seduce me because she was taught by her dad to act this way her whole life I saw another that was constantly forced to sleep with adults through her life and refused to smile cause her father always told her to smile while he was sleeping with her one of them was completely silent and the staff didn't know exactly what happened to her the list goes on and on and it is depressing and morbid I don't have a word powerful enough to describe what happened to those kids and the worst part is that most of the things that happened to them was caused by their own parents that was too messed up I was supposed to get my meals there for the whole month but I couldn't I started to pay my meals directly for my pocket their reality was too much for me to deal with I had a client from a court program who said her dad used to inject her with drugs and as a little kid used to pimp her out to his friends this was all while she was single digits in age she spent her life using varying substances and prostituting herself so now that she's trying to get clean she struggled even more with managing the emotions of her trauma I worked as a counselor in that program for a year and heard many similar stories but this one sticks out the most of how hard it seemed like she was trying to turn things around looked after a 14-year old she was in hospital for her 15th birthday multiple suicide attempts I'm talking 20-plus on her birthday she wanted to call her mum I let her but had to listen him standard procedure her mom didn't say happy birthday but asked what she wanted telling her she'd buy anything she wanted daughter said she just wanted to see her mum said she couldn't do that but she'd send presents this girl was the daughter of two successful very wealthy lawyers all she wanted was to see them and spend time with them but they thought they could just throw money at her until she was better money can't buy happiness it's been a few years now and I wouldn't be surprised if she's had a completed attempt by now I worked at a psychiatric hospital for guys who had successfully argued not guilty for reasons of insanity please one guy had murdered his neighbour after they had some kind of normal neighborly dispute he told me in detail how he grew up on a farm and his dad would kill one of his dogs in front of him every time he acted out as a child I'm a security guard on a psych unit I once had a patient refused her medicine which is a fairly common occurrence normally that's fine the doctor will convince them to take their meds the next day however this girl was extremely psychotic in some cases we have to hold patients down for a shot as soon as we walked in the room this girl started screaming daddy please don't I promise I'll stop no I'll be good she got the shot and just curled up and started bawling this was the saddest forced shot we've ever had to give and all of us left the room completely silent I work with people with developmental disabilities one dude was literally chained to a bed and sold as a slave as a child he is totally mild-mannered sweet and chill but if he feels nervous or threatened he Hulk's out his group home had a vending machine in the basement so the staff took him down there to get him a special snack that they didn't have in the kitchen being in the poorly lit basement sent him into PTSD he'll and he knocked the thing right over another time he was sitting on his bed and staff was trying to put a shirt on him the staff sort of hoisted himself up by putting his foot on the guy's bed making himself loom over the client staff got his rib broken with a kick everyone's learned to be more cognizant of possible triggers but you always have to be wary of setting off an episode no one blames him though and he is always so apologetic afterward almost heartbreakingly so a 20 year old client who had a significant history of mental sexual and physical abuse due to the numerous foster homes he was out and through his lifetime came to me admitting he was seeking out child exploitation videos on the Internet his bravery and courage he showed by telling me was a moment I will never forget he was devastated and knew he was wrong and desperately wanted help he knew we all knew it was a learned behavior with him and got him the help he needed before becoming a predator this kid had a nightmare life a nightmare and would have rather died than inflict that pain into someone else I was punched in the face by a man who was beaten as a child his dad would make him and his mom crawl on all fours in the backyard like dogs and beat them his dad would force him to watch his dad perform sexual acts on his mother he and his mom would have to put their head in between their legs on car rides into town because his father didn't want to be seen with them he was constantly trying to escape the group home he lived in because the trauma would replay in his head I've never felt so much love toward someone who is abusive but he really had a heart of gold when he wasn't in PTSD mode when he punched me in the face it was like he was seeing a different face on me he did it then just stared at me as if he didn't know what he had just done my experience is so much different than everyone else here as it wasn't family that caused the trauma it was nature during one of the three massive tornadoes we've had since 2010 my team was deployed to an area and told that we had elementary school children trapped in the school we worked our way through debris searching every inch to to make sure we didn't miss a thing when we uncovered the basement we found that it was flooded and full of kids who are alive and children and teachers who didn't make it due to drowning most people don't realize how much rain we get with our tornadoes in the Midwest when my city joplin missouri was hit by a multi vortex ef5 tornado on May 22nd 2011 we had a torrential downpour for two or three days after it anyway back to the school we recovered the living in the bodies and flew them out to a larger hospital for treatment I gave the medical attention on scene and started once known as psychological first aid because I knew these kids were messed up from what they saw and experienced every few months I reached out to family members of the children to check and see how they were doing weird maybe but the last time I saw these kids they weren't in great shape the kids were able to recover for the most part and things were going good I thought I learned that three of the kids started massive drug addictions when they got into junior high and at least two of them had attempted suicide it tore me apart because I'm now a father myself and I saw what these kids experienced all the while hoping they wouldn't be affected long-term I fear the future because these kids who are now in middle school and high school started doing some pretty horrible things to address the pain and nightmares they live daily I honestly wish I could do more because these kids never had a chance and it was no one's fault no one could have predicted what happened and what would happen we learned a lot about tornadoes with this particular tornado the tornado that hit my town and the second tornado that hit the town the kids were in we'll never again send kids to the hallway or basements because pop machines water fountains etc get sucked down the hallways kids get sucked out of hallways and basements fill with water during these events I see these kids in my sleep I see the people they've grown up to be but somehow I still see the soaked filthy children with tears running down their faces blood soaking their clothes and I can feel how tight they dug their nails into me as they hugged and held on for dear life not wanting us to let them go because they were terrified that it would happen again it's not family induced trauma but it's the one thing in my career that sticks out more than anything a guy who was born with a smaller penis doctors decided to remove the testicles and have him raised as a girl it wasn't hermaphrodite case they just decided without running any tests or anything Latin America 40 years ago his name was changed to a female name he was raised as a girl and forced to pee sitting down and punished whenever he peed standing up at ten he was taken to an endocrinologist who didn't run any tests just began female hormones treatment in his adolescence he went through sex change surgeries they may vagina and inserted stuff to open up the space always in front of Medicine students he had three marriages with men and all were horrible he wanted to kill himself so a friend of his took him to see the pastor of her church the pastor spoke to him and told him God tells her the problem is that he is a man he thought she was crazy and left but the idea lingered so he still is a she went to look for his original birth certificate in his country and found that he had been inscribed as a male with a male name and all but 15 days later his name had been changed to a female name and all he had grown up thinking he was a woman who needed all these treatments so he got genetic testing and found out he is a male no female organs whatsoever so at 40 he decided to change back needed surgery to undo all that had been done he had a lot of trouble dealing with his degrees and documents because everything was under his female identity he became a pastor himself and married a woman I didn't treat him it was a forensic psychology evaluation while doing my psych clinicals over 20 years ago we had this poor patient that was so abused as child this took place in the 70s her father had a casket at his house I can't remember if he worked at a funeral home or how he ended up with a casket he drilled a hole just big enough so a straw could go through it he would put his daughter in there and close the lid and gave her a straw to put through the hole so she can breath through the straw he left her in there for extended of time the poor girl was destroyed as the psychotherapist was telling our group the story our group were in tears how can someone be this messed up to do this to their own child the poor girl is so messed up and cannot live a normal life due to all the trauma this has caused her this abuse took place over her childhood till adulthood in the 70s child abuse was overlooked and often not believed by the child who would believe that a person would have a casket in their home she was placed in a lockdown facility and his students we never had her as a patient the psychotherapist explained that she did not meet her milestones and acted as if she was in the wild and away she was probably oxygen deprived that also affected her brain the poor girl basically grew up throughout the years being put in the dark hair tight casket with estrada breath it was so long ago and cannot remember the details how she turned out other than she is in this locked facility and has trigger points that sets her off our clinical group was crying all day after hearing this case this broke me and realized that I cannot ever be a psych nurse I am sure she suffered other abuse most of the patients in the psych facility were from an abusive parents the next population was drugs alcohol and chemical imbalance to be honest I felt in my own mechanism I shut down after hearing the casket and straw a bit I could not handle it and felt sick all day thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more dark videos about the sad reality of life click the right box if you want to know what happens to child molesters in prison special thanks to all mental health workers without you the world would be even more F tub
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 701,385
Rating: 4.9377499 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts mental health, reddit mental health, reddit mental health workers, r/reddit mental health, mental health professionals reddit, therapists, therapist, mental health, mental disorder, reddit mental disorder, reddit mental illness, askreddit mental illness
Id: YbYlKjcsqAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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