These Max Level Upgrades Are Overpowered

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today i'm gonna launch this penguin so far into orbit it's never coming back and we're gonna be pretty mean to a lot of wildlife in general including the seals lying on the ground but there's something very satisfying about terrorizing the walruses that one wasn't such a superstar of a run but we'll get there 413 dollars is 413 dollars let's see if you can get a better launch it's all about the timing oh so then once the penguin hits the ground we just finish it off we bury it in the ground and get a new one i don't know if i should prior to be prioritizing collecting gems and coins or not so we'll just continue to terrorize wildlife because that's fun made eight hundred and twenty dollars we got twelve thousand total so we could probably get some upgrades now we can get power three which says get stronger i don't know if that's the penguin or the polar bear that gets stronger we can get faster max speed that's always a fun one and more rebound and more beat force which is hopefully exactly what it sounds like we're gonna get a lot of that so now when we launch a little penguin uh that wasn't a very good launch admittedly but everything should be that much better we're going to get more bounces and more speed and so far so good i kind of mistimed that but i got an achievement for hitting 15 walruses and that's just the beginning and if we hit a snowman i guess we get a little bit of a bonus yeah we roll into a snowball we go over the leprechaun and we hit a rock that probably hurts the penguin quite a bit but that's eleven hundred dollars from a single run so let's do it again let's get a better launch i'm not sure where to hit it to get a good launch luckily we've got a lot of penguins we can sacrifice so we'll get it figured out i'm at a 17 walrus combo already so we're looking pretty good okay do we want to hit that or jump over it i don't know if i want to touch the leprechaun okay i guess you didn't have a choice that's still part of the combo new high score oh oh can't you see i'm a little busy i don't like what that leprechaun's doing that doesn't look like a good deal at all but that's a problem for that penguin we're already moving on to a new one so let's also upgrade our beat force and then our rebound oh but we can get better bats apparently i can use thor's hammer so why would we not use thor's hammer okay that works a little bit better we've knocked him straight into orbit okay we got a new high score and a new league all because i bought a hammer and then we killed another penguin two thousand dollars for that run but things are escalating really quickly normally takes me a long time to grind this kind of progress out to be fair i didn't mean to buy something so overpowered i just wanted to get rid of the adds and apparently that comes with a super powered hammer and a very very touchy leprechaun there is some other cool hammers to unlock once we get the gems if and when but now we'll just continue on with the hammer because why wouldn't we look at it go okay the benefit of going this far also is that we get lots of money for upgrades so we're gonna get up to level nine for power i think that means we're gonna bounce more when we hit things we got an amazing launch this will be a good one uh unless i miss absolutely everything and get the touchy irishman i still made three thousand dollars there though so we can upgrade our rebound if we can't do this with skill we'll just brute force it with upgrades so far so good whoops didn't mean to whatever it will make this work my timing is really bad i keep thinking those are walruses and i dive into them but they're rocks but we're learning we're not going to hit rocks anymore we got an amazing launch i feel good that was actually a really good launch now it's a high score all by itself then we broke through that and we stopped there anyway but that's a new record so let's upgrade max fly speed this is something i probably should have done already and this max speed might actually carry us past our record pretty quickly we just gotta time it on to idiots so far so good that's a rock and that's a touchy leprechaun not entirely sure why those exist but um that's fine what is continue to upgrade things and hit penguins with hammers okay we hit a snowman this time so that's going to carry us forward a little bit then we're going to crash down near rock and lose all of our feathers okay we had another amazing launch this time we're going places i can feel it we just need a little luck with that first walrus there we go we got one and him and we're gonna turn it into a snowball this is gonna be a good one there's a new record we're gonna bounce off him and bounce off him it's only a five times combo but we're doing great because we're making big distance never mind of all the horrible things we could do to a penguin that's the worst five thousand dollars though from a single run is not bad at all so let's upgrade our beat force three more times so that should mean a much bigger launch if we get a good one okay that was definitely amazing so it's a pretty good launch in fact it was so good with our upgrades and it's basically already a new record and we just touched down there's a pond that's new and we got the toucher again oh and because i hit 15 seals 15 wall versus 50 animals i get rewards this game is really just about being mean to animals and i'm all for it like let's upgrade the max speed three more times and then if we get a good launch it's gonna be a really good launch yeah i think we're gonna land and it's just gonna be an automatic new record because we're moving that much quicker and we're even tearing through trees and stuff along the way and we're going to murder that thing and that thing and that thing oh an orca okay yeah i'll jump into its mouth pretty sure those eat penguins uh okay we just murdered a lot of those that's probably literally half of them that are left in the world then we hit a rock but we're at 9 300 feet and that's worth 6 500 that's worth a few upgrades all by itself so we're gonna use it for more power still not entirely sure what power does but ask me how much i care i'm just having fun launching a penguin into orbit repeatedly another fourteen thousand dollars to spend an upgrade so so that's three launch upgrade powers so if we get an amazing launch that's gonna carry us pretty close to a new record all by itself so we touched down at about 6 500 feet now i need to pay attention so i can land on animals and i miss that one because i'm stupid and i missed that one because i'm stupid so let's try that again i didn't upgrade anything i just got a really really good launch there because we're coming down to a new record already so that was obviously perfect i'm not sure what we did differently there we just kind of got lucky with a good launch and then we hit the green diddler again but it was all worth it maybe not to the penguin but we made 7 400 maybe rebound would be a good thing to upgrade because we hit the ground a lot more than we should rebound's probably a good thing to upgrade if you're bad and lazy like us i don't really want to get better i just want to upgrade stuff till it works but that was a good launch because we landed at about 9000 feet so we might get a new record if we're lucky these extra bounces are gonna work in our favor oh what's the water oh i thought we could hit the water this thing made a launch it says cool we went like 2 000 feet instead of the 8 000 we normally go but there's also a lot more walruses to hit near the beginning so that's kind of funny uh but it's very hard to go anywhere this one might be a new record just based on that launch trajectory uh provided we don't do anything stupid and so far so good the bonuses get a little bleak when you way out here though there's nothing to land on except trees and rocks but we very quickly saved up another 26 000 so let's get our top speed much higher now there are four upgrades top speed and then we'll take an extra upgrade for power that should mean we break through stuff just a little better and this top speed might help us reach a new record we're gonna hit the ground at eight thousand and hopefully have some stuff to land on for once oh you can go in the water okay that's actually a really good one when you do hit it uh it's a little nerve-wracking though cause i don't know where he's gonna come down definitely gonna take a snow ball into a tree though i just upgraded power and he can't even break a tree the very next launch we got another good one we just peaked at something like 4 500 feet so we should touch down around 8 000 and if we get some lucky bounces it'll be a new record i just crossed over a treasure chest that i wish i grabbed because i'm sure that's full of fun stuff uh but i'm still having a lot of fun just hurting the wildlife that's a rock not a seal but again that's 7 400 so i'm not gonna complain i'm just gonna keep launching penguins not like that though that was a bad launch another good launch we gotta pay attention to where we peak okay that was a better one we peaked at about six thousand so we're going way downtown on this one might be a new record as long as you don't hit a rock or a tree or a diddler there it is new record and we came to stop just before a tree but there's about 12 000 feet that's actually going to be hard to beat so let's just upgrade be forced a few more times because i don't really know what else to do right now i guess we just keep uh kind of powering this further and further that was a really bad launch we won't talk about this one this launch however will be perfect i never really know how good it launches till i see where we peak and that time we peaked at around 7000 so this should be a new record again all because of those upgrades that was a new high score before we even hit the ground uh we just really need more stuff to land on oh a toadstool i wish we could get more luck to have more stuff to land on but uh i guess we'll just make do with all the things we have right now why are those guys frozen by the way i have a lot of questions oh no he got out making almost ten thousand dollars a run now so that's nothing to be ashamed of that's going to be a lot of upgrades even with an amazing launch that time we peaked at about 4 500 feet so this isn't going to be as good as the last one unless we get very lucky but that's not super lucky i think what i need is a stronger penguin so we're gonna spend a lot of money that was five whole levels so now we should be able to bust through more of those trees and icebergs and stuff at least i hope we can because i'm really sick of getting stuck by a single tree i should be able to power through things now except for his love grip you can't get away from him and i've probably hit a lot of animals by now i wonder if i have any more achievements i have not my next one is to hit six penguins and i believe those are the tiny little things stuck in the snow that are actually hard to see i mostly just hit them accidentally i did hit a treasure chest on this so no it was a bad launch but i did get a treasure chest that's gonna hold me max speed okay so i just get a free upgrade to max speed but that's fine we'll just do a few more of those because why wouldn't we and then we're going to get a good launch it still peaked out at like 5 000 feet so i think we're probably moving very quickly but it wasn't actually as good of a launch as it said it was and then we're gonna oh there's a penguin oh we missed it this feels like a good launch just the way the penguin took off from the hammer so we're gonna peek there at about 7000 feet so that's a good sign because usually peak's not quite halfway to the destination i think we landed on a mushroom right away we broke through the diddler that time and i think we're gonna hit a new record as long as we don't hit anything too bad we broke through a new high score and into a new zone then we hit a rock i'm gonna upgrade my rebound some more it's only level 11 so we're able to buy four levels of that fairly easily and that makes my little a little bouncier and we really should be upgrading that more because i'm spending a lot of time hitting the ground i can usually get a pretty good launch it's just the things that slow me down are either hitting rocks diddlers or the ground so combine that with a nice good launch that's going to peek us at 6000 feet which is good enough we might get a new record thanks to that bounciness so we landed naturally on him i missed him entirely and yeah the bounciness definitely helps especially when we miss absolutely everything because we're stupid just hit another treasure chest on this one at about 10 000 feet so hopefully that's got something amazing in it i'll take any upgrades or money the game is willing to give me and we hit a tree i thought we were able to break through those by now but the treasure chest wow has 87 100 coins so i'm going to put that all into max speed which is going to take us from level 17 to 28. so now if we get a good launch which this might be well it was pretty good not great but the speed of this penguin should definitely help carry me a little bit further than before because we just got a lot of speed upgrades that was your max speed though more so than just like average speed so i don't know if it really affects like us right now 13 000 feet though is a good sign we just need a proper launch pretty confident in this one oh that was lucky now we're in the sky uh the problem with skydivers i don't know where the penguin is so it's very hard to time the next maneuver and those guys always get me this was a really good one that peaked out at like eight thousand feet so that might carry us to a new record without doing anything new high score just like that and we're gonna make lots of money on this one so we're gonna get lots of upgrades to go ridiculously even further while harming as many things as we can along the way fifteen thousand seven hundred feet which gives us thirty thousand dollars to spend on beat force upgrades so along with a few little upgrades i've also doubled my gold for every run just so we can kind of speed up this process a little bit that was a pretty good one we peaked at about 8 000 feet i'm not sure where the sound went but i miss it dearly so while i was trying to figure out where my sound went i saved up another 90 000 coins so i'm probably gonna spend that on better launch force that way i can catch up to the top speed so that's going to go from level 21 to 29 and we'll get an extra bounciness just for fun oh and also one of these i suspect that can potentially send us to new heights 9 500 sort of things so we might break a new record before we even touch the ground here we got a lucky bounce right away we're gonna land on him we're definitely into a new record those rocks always are an abrupt stop but that's definitely a new record and that's got to be worth twenty three thousand dollars so upgrades are gonna come faster and faster now because we're making so much money plus i need to remember to check my achievements because we're hitting new things now uh and that's gotta be worth something no these are just daily missions anyway we gotta hit three more penguins but that's going to be hard to do because they're hard to see too bad this penguin doesn't count that's another pretty optimal launch we peaked somewhere around 9 500 feet 9000 maybe so as long as we don't do that well whatever we still have a pretty good run topped out at like 11 000 feet so we got a new high score before we even touch the ground we get a new background and uh we'll just keep bouncing along after we murder shamu and still hit a rock but that new record gave us twenty six thousand dollars so we have about a hundred thousand dollars to spend i'm gonna spend some of that on power for sure we're gonna take that to 25 because i'm sick of hitting walls also more bounciness and then we're gonna get maybe more top speed while we're at it then hopefully those rocks will stop us just a little less okay this was a good launch we peaked out at like 12 000 so again it might be a record by the time we even touch the ground which seems to be the best way to do it because then i don't have to rely on any skill or luck really i just kind of do this and wait for the money to roll in till we hit that guy he's never gonna give up on us oh there's an end to the path though okay here's another hundred thousand dollars to spend on more force so that's going to take us on level 30 to 38. also that might have been a pretty good launch we topped out at about 13 000 feet so that's definitely fine by me this will probably be a new record yes definitely going to be a new record thanks to those upgrades won't be long now till we reach the end and we get to see what's down there uh it looks like there's another penguin waiting for us we have to go probably 25 maybe 30 000 feet but i think if we get a really good launch we could actually do it right now there's 25 and i saw the rainbow right there you can see it right there we're so close but we're making so much money now anyway like after that run we can afford to get two more better launch upgrades and then more power then all we need is a good launch thor's hammer really made the difference here so he peaked just under 15 000 feet which might be enough to carry us through to the rainbow at the end i'm very excited to see what that is yup oh we hit a moose we get new animals to hurt but we made it all the way to the end of the path so what do we get 100 gems continue to compete with penguins from all over the world 35 000. which can buy a few more top speed upgrades because they are getting expensive but we'll see how far we can go we'll see what the moose does when he hit it uh they'd probably just die either way it's probably not good for their back to hit get hit by a penguin from orbit so i wonder if there's anything we could do to kind of jump up the leaderboard a little bit so uh i just did a little off-screen grinding and now i have 2.4 million dollars so i'm gonna try and spend 1.2 of those on beat force and the other on top speed so we put 1.2 on launch force and the other 1.2 is going into top speed that was just a cool launch but this is ridiculous considering that was just a cool launch how far we're going i'm gonna like what happens on a great launch because i think this is gonna be a new record and that was just like a very mediocre launch and aside from all that we're actually getting pretty lucky with the bounces we're over 30 000 feet we're gonna kill a moose thank you canada and uh i don't know if it's just our new speed or what but we're just not stopping we're hitting animal after animal on our way we're at 35 000 feet now if we get about 42 000 to that run we climbed up the leaderboard but we're still in like 1.3 million place i think a good launch will make all the difference in the world there it is amazing launch we'll see where we peak and then how far we go we should be climbing for another minute which is going to climbing up the leaderboard some more there's 50 000 feet there's 55 000 feet that's ridiculous that by itself 67 000 okay turns out upgrades max out at level 100 so launch force is maxed out i'm pretty sure max speed is also going to max out and then i guess i'm going to spend 940 000 on a rebound which isn't quite enough to get it to max level but it's pretty close this one feels better we got a good launch we're still going upwards so we'll see when we peak and how long we peak for so we peaked to about 29 000 feet which we can still do better at least i think we can i'm not really sure anymore okay this one was a superstar run up and looking for that was like 37 000 peak and i don't know if the extra power had something to do with that or not i don't see why it would have but we definitely got a new score uh our world record was 57 000 so we're already up to 65 000 and our new power didn't help with the tree but we did climb up to 210 000 place so that goes to show people have um they played this a lot i didn't buy my way here but shows that putting in the effort works you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 486,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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