What Do 150 Upgrades Look Like?

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i just couldn't stop myself we need to do this one again we just need to do it bigger and that all starts with finding the proper beginning if i don't find something extremely useful or right from the start i'm restarting until i do six rocks might tempt me but a gold axe will tempt me more but since there's not actually anything else i want a pickaxe not an axe this is a start i might accept because i found all of this stuff right away including steel armor and that was out of two cabins and there's one more to search over there i did also mean to play on easy mode this time but i'm pretty sure i left it back on normal anyways this cabin comes with the free chest and the crafting table so we're probably going to start here and there's already a good one permanently increased max hp on kill and that is the very first power if i got so all i'm gonna need are some rocks and a bit of wood and we'll be able to get started wasted a bit of time wandering around but we're way ahead of where we were before okay so now i can make an anvil which i maybe don't want to place here now that i think about it but i also need an axe yeah this is too far from anything i'm gonna go find a better spot to set up bass and it's night time so we get the first wave of idiots i'm gonna try and kill them and the rock if i can at the same time my armor should be enough to kind of help me through this if not my incredible skills naturally will and i just realized since i already have a steel pickaxe i should be mining mithril my health is already up to 107 after murdering all the idiots here's another free chest this is going to give me extra shield capacity which basically means more health and if i don't start finding some methyl very quick i'm gonna lose my entire head start because i'm wasting time by not smelting but i'm sure there's some of it out there somewhere we'll settle for some gold for now and then go pick up two free chests we got a little bit more shield capacity and jet pack to the moon but we did not find some meat thrill am i looking right past it somewhere i feel like it just doesn't exist anymore okay i maybe found some of it we can even mine two at once to make up for my stupidity the first thing i'm probably going to make should be a methodol pickaxe to make this process a little quicker yep because that is actually really really slow but i'm going to set up a little station right here so i can start smelting through this night at least that looks something like that we have 34 coal so we're going to start on the methyl so that's just as the second night is falling so we're definitely ahead of schedule though i would have liked to be further ahead by now plus i actually still don't even have so much as a basic axe so that's probably going to hurt me i'm already up to 137 health though so that's kind of optimistic uh we could definitely make a gold axe for now which is kind of stupid but i might do that pretty soon okay after thinking about that for one second longer i realized steel axe is basically the same as gold as you guys were kind enough to point out to me so now to make me throw we need fur we need to find fur stuff very quickly uh but i'm gonna do exactly what i said i wasn't gonna do and i'm gonna make a sword first because i like to murder things the furnace is still smelting so all we need to do is find some fur and also remember where we are currently and also open his chest because i have the money for we got a double jump which is actually pretty helpful for the big boss so we're right here on the map for our base there's a little cabin just over the hill and some chests and some fur trees over there i'm gonna be greedy and check the chest first which actually has some birchwood in it these three chests didn't have a ton but they did have some food and food is another thing i need to remember to actually take did i check those cabins on the lake yet i'm gonna take one more fur tree for now because the wood isn't actually that far away from me now by the time i'm back night is falling but this should be ready for my uh needs more me throw but that's okay i can mine some real quick and get it going again but maybe i'll make some armor first to help deal with the idiots in the night we at least have enough for that stuff so it's night number three and i'm like halfway geared with me thrill so we're on pace to get the adamantite hopefully by tomorrow night and tomorrow i might chase some of the power-ups because i got the metro sword anyways and the more things i killed the more health i'm gonna have anyway so that's just to my advantage okay didn't realize there was three of these guys they're actually doing a lot of damage when they do hit me i really need to remember in this game to not really let my guard down because things can look like they're super easy then suddenly you're dead very quickly there's probably also some form of healing that i haven't really discovered yet because i haven't bothered to cook anything but i'll get to that eventually eating an apple pie definitely just healed me quite a bit so i need to keep an eye on healing stuff okay now to see if i can finish these guys off without taking any further damage usually you can just circle them but when there's two of them it makes it a little bit harder to do much of anything that's one of them dead i should be able to yep we're good next the methyl pickaxe which is going to help me a lot then i'm going to make a chest to store all the extra crap i don't need right now and then i'm going to take this mytho pickaxe to start mining the adamantite right away and there's two i can mine at once right here and then after this i think i'm actually going to go open some of the 25 gold chests because i need some health regeneration it's no fun sitting at 70 health when you have 150 of it but i also need to start smelting this ore right away not really sure what i'm gonna make out of it but i've got enough to smelt for quite a while we're also gonna open this while we wait that looks like health regeneration so that's awesome let's put that in there and then finally start regenerating health then i'm going to open a few more little ones that's not s well that's somewhat handy to me this one is going to be increased max hp so at least now i'm healing just at any old time when i was fighting those last guys i wasn't getting health back and that was a little bit stressful just broke another node got a full 14 or from that so we're going to take whatever we got some part only five but put that in there we're gonna need more coal we can make an adamante pickaxe so they're not really sure what that's gonna be used for we need oak so i think we're probably gonna need a better axe so we're gonna make one of these so we need to find an oak tree and that's something i could maybe do tonight as long as i don't get lost but i'll maybe head up towards the center of the island while opening a few chests along the way that's a good one lifesteal so now doing damage will heal us and we're gonna start to do quite a bit of damage hopefully before too long this one's gonna give us extra stamina which is also pretty good but now i can heal by hurting things and that's my favorite thing to do i need to remember that i'm looking for oak trees which are actually these big ones right here so that's handy just gonna take a little while to cut them down and i'm being hunted by these idiots so we'll see it's so much easier though when i know i'm healing and i have lots of health yeah i basically just tanked right on through these guys no problem okay now to finish off these trees then go make some better tools just not really sure how much oak it is i'm going to need also gonna need more coal and i really don't know the best place to find coal i feel like it gets very hard to find at some point and what do we get for i'm feeling lucky time to hog all the loot i think that might actually increase our drop rate for loot or like the amount of things we get since i'm right here i'm actually gonna uh oh this was a stupid one these guys are gonna take a long time to kill they're very slow though so we have that on our side wow i've got time if you guys do as long as i keep circling i'm like an oval they don't really seem to be able to do very much damage at all and forever we got orange juice which gives us more attack speed and i'll take that there's way too many distractions for me i was finally heading back to start smelting which i really need to do and then i saw a gold chest because i realized i have the money to open a gold chest at least i think i do if it's 200 and we're close to opening a gold chest and then i got distracted because i saw this cart full of free loot and it's probably not going to be anything worth my while at this point but i can't help myself right now so for now to appease myself i'm going to open one of these and take a red pill now that it's all the way into night time i'm going to put more coal in here and then let that do its thing well these guys hopefully don't destroy it all can you guys get out of my base please i don't want you breaking everything while we're here this might sound kind of dumb but i'm going to start with an adamantite pickaxe we'll make a sword if we can but we need more bars for that which we have right here so we're going to make a sword real quick to help fight the enemies with a little extra damage no that was 33 i think on a critical hit and we don't have any power ups yet so that's going to get pretty good yeah this is much better we're doing way more damage to those guys and i finally have the money to open a gold chest but for now we need more atom man tight and the reason i wanted a better pickaxe was so that i could mine adamante quicker and break rocks and get coal quicker because we should be able to break both of these at the same well whatever this is how fast you mine iron now shouldn't really be wasting my time on iron now that i think about it we should be mining gold as a surplus because we can at least turn that into gold coins but we have lots of adamante right now so probably just turn that into armor because i don't really know what else i would do with it so we'll make some legs and some boots for now we'll also make ourselves a helmet now we've got lots of armor to work with and i think for the rest of the day i'm mostly going to go try and grind power-ups as much as i can okay gold chest 321 we got the lightning thing now we're gonna kill some cows very easily just for the extra health then we're gonna summon hopefully nothing too strong this is perfect these guys will die super quick and give me health and loot and lots of coins i always forget that they also give coins ooh that looks good increased damage dealt to resources that's very good so that's maybe going to be mostly my strategy overall from now uh is to hit electric hits on those but summoned monsters take their loot take the coin so i get more health regen and all sorts of power ups i want to get every chest on this island during the day tomorrow i'm maybe going to get started on a bow and arrow and some healing type stuff but for now we're going to go find a fight it's already time for big chunk didn't realize we were there already well i've got slightly better armor so we'll see how this is going gonna go because i know i could do something yeah i'm doing big hits to him fighting everything at once might be a bad idea but we are also healing ourselves yeah so far he's actually dying like very quickly so that was way too easy oh and we got the chunky em too so now we're gonna get even better armor alright well i'm not gonna lie to you that's giving me way too much confidence so yeah we're gonna go open some more chests and find some more things to fight feel unlucky ooh what is this one a horseshoe increased chance to hit a critical strike i do like that one just ask these cows day six and double critical strike against this guy i think we killed him in four hits which isn't bad at all now what's going to screw me up more than anything is potentially spawning three big chunks out of one of these as we learned last time but hopefully won't get that unlucky we'll just get lots of these things because these guys die super easy now and we get another one of these for our effort increase damage delta resources so we'll be able to mine things even quicker should probably head back to base and start actually making some stuff and storing some stuff before we do we're going to get distracted falling below 30 percent boosts your stats there's another life steal i feel like i just want to stack mostly lifesteal at this point there's more stamina uh i need to go back and set up healing too i don't really have a lot of food there's movement speed which is very nice for me then we're gonna smell the chunky more right away and then we need to make a crafting uh food station right here so we can put some of the meat in there then i also wanted to make a fletching station so i could hopefully make a bow and arrow of some kind uh oak bow sounds pretty powerful to me we're going to put that there and then hopefully some kind of great arrows add a mantid arrow uh we'll probably do mithril for now because me throws something i don't really need as much of and then a whole bunch of regular arrows then i'm going to store a whole bunch of stuff in the chest just to get it out of my way then while i'm waiting for stuff to smelt i'm going to open a few more chests and do a few more challenges because i need all that gold and good stuff please don't beat the big ones yes we're getting very lucky with these so far because these guys are way weak and for our effort we got a piggy bank but also like 100 and something gold well we're up to 250 health i'm not seeing as many as little challenge stones as i would like there's one over there we're gonna try and do before nightfall in one hour but i think we're not gonna get another big chunk for another night or two and as long as i don't get one of those i can manage with these guys quite easily at this point there's just always something to be doing in this game i'm gonna use my basic arrow on these because i don't need to use anything better i can just slowly circle and take them out then we'll get big chunk armor hopefully after today and then we should be more suited to fighting everything in theory if you had enough arrows you could just slowly do big circles like this walking backwards and probably fight most of anything might waste a bit of the daylight today finishing off this massive idiots but that's okay i've got time if they do also let's see what we can do about this flying guy because he probably also hits really hard okay let's just go for it now because we need to start getting rid of these guys quick and our sword does pretty good damage with all the you know potential crits and perks and power-ups so should be able to mostly circle around them keeping an eye on our health and they're all dead there's my reward for that i don't know if i'm feeling lucky this gets us like better quality of loot overall or if we get more like the physical number of resources but i'll take things like that increase damage delta resources i really need to keep breaking things so i can get mostly coal which i'm not picking up right now okay we're gonna take our chunk him that we have so far hopefully make some armor out of that put some coal in there no we definitely need better chest armor and then is there anything else we can make out of that it looks like just armor at least for now so i'll make a helmet so my guy's looking pretty good we have 49 armor not really sure how that translates but i'm sure it's very helpful then i think i'm going to make some more arrows if i can i guess i might as well make adamantite arrows because i'm not really going to use adamantite anymore there's 32 because they're made out of oak as well but that's gonna be for you know big boy damage no for now oh we need to pick up our food as well i just realized i did that wrong i put the fuel in the wrong spot so we don't have as much food as i'd hoped yet but we've got one hour until nightfall so i'll be able to make do with whatever i have now and now while stuff is smelting i'm gonna go get some more health regen kill some cows get some meat do everything i can hammer resources at this point i'm basically just making myself as powerful as possible without any real strategy as to how these guys are starting to spawn just regularly these aren't the special ones but they're still going to do quite a bit of damage yeah one of my power ups definitely gets me a lot of coins because i just killed a basic enemy and he gave me 22 coins which is not what i would normally be getting but now i can open no i can't 392 inflation much that's okay because we'll just keep saving up because we can and i'm gonna kill some more cows because i can i'm also a little concerned because that night was strangely easy i felt like there was only four enemies so i feel like tonight might be stronger so i'm going to go back to my base and regroup a little bit preparing for tonight all of our uh chunky ore is done so we're going to make whatever we can out of that which is boots so we don't yet have a full set but it's pretty close so we're going to be pretty tough right now so we'll just make some more regular arrows just because it can't hurt to have some of these around and we just have a lot of wood anyway and for the strongest of arrows we need oak wood so we're going to go cut down some oak trees and we're doing pretty pretty big damage to oak trees these days so it's actually pretty easy to gather oak wood for once i don't know if trees regrow but i just got the fun idea to try and cut down every tree on the island i'm probably not gonna do that now not unless i get my movement speed way up and this isn't even an adamantite axe speaking of adamantite it's still pretty strong to try and break but it's much quicker than it was wouldn't mind some coal though we can mine gold in two hits and we got some coal out of that anyways the real treasure is probably gonna come from here provided i don't get anything too strong okay i got one of them dead one of them very hurt so i'm gonna move in with my sword we got health regeneration which is one of the strongest things you get enough stacks of that as long as they're not capped you should be more or less invincible we got one hour till nightfall so we're gonna try and kill these extra quick maybe they should be jumping more that's probably very helpful to dodge a lot of things and occasionally we get perks where you do more damage while falling but we forget about those the jumping strategy actually seems to be better than the circling strategy for these guys we got to kill this one quick though because he's going to do more damage than anything else tonight and our reward for that ooh that's another good one even more damage to resources even these little clusters of enemies now i can mostly just tank right on through plus the more i kill the stronger i get i'm just gonna sit here and tank right on through these this guy's got the same strategy which is stupid because he's not quite as strong as me okay guys good fight and a sniper scope small chance on hit to deal chunky damage i like that because that's like a super critical hit it's going to be hard to see those in the uh depth of battle but at least we'll be able to hit things for massive damage once in a while and if that stacks on bows and arrows that's going to be huge and let's test our resource damage now well yep there's a hit for 420 we broke adam and tyden four hits and we're gonna get a double chance to do chunky damage now so that's pretty good oh hello uh for these guys i'm maybe gonna switch arrows to me thrill just because i don't have a lot of jumping capacity right now and it would take a long time to jump and hit these guys i'd rather just kill them quickly and as long as i'm moving and shooting them with the bow and arrow they don't really seem to be much threat okay we're already out of those arrows so i'm gonna have to go home and make more arrows i just deal chunky damage to one of them uh i don't know what the damage readout was but it took half its life off and all right it was over there that looks like a yellow one what does this one do the lower hp the more damage i like that one gonna break another adamantite on the way back to home definitely just trying to be extra prepared uh because i know we're gonna need adamantite arrows at some point plus the coal we just need lots of coal and they started nightfall but since we're stronger than ever before we shouldn't have much problem killing pretty much anything with our lifesteal and damage we're good these guys are always going to be a priority for me as soon as i see them they need to die that was chunky damage i didn't see the readout but someone out there might have starting to appreciate why you can have extra jump perks now because when things are that high up they're super annoying to try and kill didn't get everything well we did chunky damage to that one didn't get everything killed by morning but almost so let's get some more meat started almost did that again and we're gonna smelt uh we got 20 of those for arrows we got lots of oaks so we're probably just going to do adamantite for now though maybe while i'm here i'm going to make an adamantite axe just to kind of complete the set and speaking of which how do we make an adamantite bow i guess oak is probably the best because that's the best wood but we're also going to make adamantite arrows now because what else would we spend all our stuff on there's 140 plus 30. uh same thing with regular arrows just because it's going to be hard to come back and make these at some point we're out of flint so yeah that's going to work i guess i could smell gold into coins but at this point i'm really just wandering around trying to power myself up as much as possible and now that we are we're probably gonna go straight north because i don't think we've gone that way a lot and if we can break these gold nodes nice and fast we might as well collect some gold ore along the way because we're gonna turn it into coins eventually which opens all the chests on the islands we're gonna stack up on gold door pretty quick we're getting 24 per stack or per rock right now which is pretty ridiculous okay it took like 10 seconds to mine all of this gold so that's pretty fun we're maybe gonna have to make a second smelter at some point as long as i have the coal to you know keep it going and what you have for me 500 deal bonus damage while falling yeah that one's the one i forgot i had last time which is cool but it's hard to remember that in the heat of battle speaking of which oh oh we got hey we get to ride the big chunk that time oh it's a buff big chunk ah i see are they stronger than me though okay they're stronger than me back up okay we're gonna switch to our adamantite arrows and hopefully these can carry us through three of these guys while i do my best to avoid the massive damage they do to me and it doesn't really show that uh well i guess i can't see their health individually he said about half health already so that actually healed us a lot too those guys are actually pretty low on health i almost could tank right through them okay they've got some reach actually all their health is fairly low that's interesting well i'm just going to spam arrows at them for now which and this will work just fine provided it doesn't turn to night time and i got some chunkier more apparently oh one of them died they've got so much reach it isn't fair i gotta get over that chunky more i don't know if thinks he's spawned or not i hit him with oh i killed him okay uh we're gonna drop some bark for this chunkier hopefully yeah i got 44 chunky more and 500 for that all right we're just gonna go straight in and fight this guy i think we can get away with this right now yeah that's the kind of damage we like to see yeah okay these guys this is a buff big chunk oh there's a new new one to spawn in too oh it is a regular big chunk you've got no chance 2100 health will drain that in no time uh do also need to kill him before too many enemies come around me though because they will all swarm me and kill me okay we're gonna back up for a bit because we're starting to lose control of the situation and at least when our health gets low we get that stat boost so we can run away very quickly and regroup the nights are definitely getting a little more chaotic but we're still okay i should have these mostly wrapped up within a minute really gotta remember to go get the rest of the chunky ore hopefully it doesn't despond or anything so i'm not even sure what i'd really use it for at this point and we're just pretty much going to tank through these guys i think i do need to make one more piece of armor out of chunk yum which will make us even stronger and we definitely need to be stronger at this point there's the chunkier we need there we go 48 times chunkier and we need that coal let's open this while we're at it more speed so yeah i guess i just keep collecting power ups until we're so stupidly strong that i don't know the game breaks or something and we might as well pretty much be opening any chest we go by at this point but it might not be worth the time we'll open a blue chest for extra frog jump which yeah is kind of nice we can almost fly with that okay so we're going to switch this over to uh chunky horn we're gonna have a lot of that we have some adamente we definitely ran out of coal uh so next we're probably going to make another furnace this one is pretty much gonna be purely for gold i guess we're gonna make another chest and put all the gold in the chest and we're gonna go find some coal eventually then um i guess we'll just go back to farming things for their value basically colon powerups 5000 damage did i read that correctly 10 000 damage wow we're starting to do some big damage to things we don't need to be doing damage to just found another vampire mouth out of one of the chests so that's kind of helpful so i think we're getting now yep two two extra health per kill and i think of now on i'm gonna open these whenever i can find extra damage to resources which is weird because we're doing so much damage ice might be rock the highest i've seen so far is 10 000 damage on a rock that might seem like overkill but that's because it is overkill i'd even noticed it was nighttime again and at this point between my armor and my you know vampire perks i can pretty much just tank do these as long as i'm paying somewhat attention and that's pretty good because these things do a lot of damage yeah it's gonna get hard quickly though i can tell because these guys with the skull above their heads if i get like six of them they could probably one shot me then it's just this one lonely straggler goodbye i'm not gonna pick up your gold this is my island now okay we accidentally summoned more of these so i'm gonna hopefully be able to tank through these fairly quickly because these guys combined with the night i'm about to have is going to be trouble let's run away very bravely i wonder if the extra damage applies to bow and arrows too we did just get big chunk damage on one of them okay at this point i'm going to head back towards base backwards because they're just going to forever chase me so i'm going to fire arrows at them while moving backwards whenever i can i think since one of them's dead i'll probably be able to get away with just charging in there and fighting two of them up close gonna have to keep an eye on the health though maybe that was a bad idea i'm just gonna run back towards base for now they'll eventually uh come out in the open where i can hit them again so while i'm here i'm gonna take the big chunk core which i really don't need anymore we're gonna start smelting that i'm gonna put a little bit of coal in this one for gold uh and then while i'm here i'm very quickly going to make the last armor piece i need i don't know which one it is so i can't do it yet and this night's gonna be a little annoying because i still got these guys alive though i don't think they regenerate health so they should almost be dead this is more satisfying to me and he's dead these other enemies seem so weak now in comparison are these guys seriously sitting here destroying my stuff we're gonna turn all these gold bars into uh that's not really worth it 2100 coins okay so we need more oak look at all of our chunk yum we've got two and a half stacks of it speaking of which we need our pants to complete the whole chunkier set and where to get a shield from anyways i very simply need oak and coal and gold chests wherever i can find them but the last oak tree i killed in two hits not unlike that so that's going to lead to a lot of good arrows for me starting to feel like things are a bit ridiculous because we're one-shotting pretty much all the trees and rocks so we can still get more powerful there's even more damage to resources at this point i probably realistically could break everything on the island because it wouldn't be that hard to do adamantite is probably the strongest of stuff and that's as quick as it is to break regular trees don't stand a chance and that's very satisfying so going in tonight to tonight we're gonna be the strongest we've ever been because we have our full armor set plus we have more health and everything and i'm ready for tonight all right you stop breaking my stuff here's the morning of day whatever and this is the lone enemy left for me to kill easy so i'm just gonna go around basically collecting all the chests and resources i can for now uh just because i don't really know what else to do with my time right now i'm actually kind of hoping this is a big chunk oh because nothing else is really posing much of a problem for me right now spent the past few minutes collecting a few more power-ups so now we're even more powerful and yeah this is basically all i'm doing is walking around destroying absolutely everything and make it look easy so tonight the game is giving me a little bit more of a challenge by spawning big chunks but they're just two of them and they're just regular kinds i've already killed one of them uh that was oh maybe there are three of them okay we killed two of them uh alright i guess we'll focus on this one then and that one's dead too i think we're getting overpowered oh the game's gonna keep spawning them though it knows how strong i am we're just gonna walk right through them we have 700 health anyway why wouldn't we i just spawned another three buff big chunks but i'm same thing just gonna tank right through them because they haven't actually even hurt me yet and i've already killed one of them uh and to be fair i think this one is caught in a tree okay when i said i accidentally killed them at the beginning i accidentally killed two of them so i don't know if they even hurt me this is dead so unless there's some kind of stronger enemy in the game i don't think anything really poses much of a threat to me at this point but i'm pretty sure i do have over 100 power-ups by this point i just killed a big chunk in two hits let's see if we can do the same for this one two no this one's gonna wait to have me spawn some damage that's fine i've got all day 41 000 did i read that correctly 41 000 damage that's definitely enough to one shot anything in the game day 18 and well we got big chunks to deal with okay never mind i got big chunk damage on both of them so they're both dead very fast i also have over 1000 health right now so combine that with my armor and i'm feeling pretty unstoppable i was feeling pretty unstoppable half an hour ago now we're just getting to the point of ridiculousness i could probably also jump way up into the sky to kind of see what's around not much because there's something wrong with me i thought there might be something exciting to find in the sky and so far there's really not and i fell off that's okay hi there friend you're about to die also i'm at the point where every creature i kill gives me an extra six health permanently and as it turns out i'm killing a lot of things every single day 61 000 damage there's 21 000 damage 25 000 damage it's what is killing the trees right now i think it's day 19 and it's at least summoning buff big chunks for me to fight now uh not that they're particularly a threat anymore but they're at least a lot stronger than the regular big chunks and with the 3200 uh critical hit he's dead oh there's another one look how much damage they do to me however will i survive and with another big chunk hit he's dead i can actually just fly above the flying creatures now i'm not sure if i caught that i'm pretty sure that said 119 000 damage that definitely just said 151 000 damage so if i do a falling big chunk hit on the tree 150 000 damage uh it could potentially be higher but i can only hit so many of these trees before i lose my mind i just wanted to see how much damage i could do but i'm actually one-shotting a lot of these big chunks now so that's pretty ridiculous i didn't really see the damage rito but i definitely did one shot uh at least two of those but i don't really know where to go from here because i'm so strong now that nothing really even tries to hurt me apparently but i don't have to try like nothing can hurt me and i don't think there's anything stronger coming i can sit here and tank do any damage and hit them with pretty much any weapon and they die plus i've explored i presume the entire island and picked up most of the loot and chests that i wanted and it's day 21 so i don't think i'm gonna find anything new or exciting within the next few days i came to the conclusion that there must be another island somewhere out there uh so far there's not and i've gone that far but i figured because the map was so uh big there has to be something else out here oh so you basically just automatically die when you swim far enough got it so that's what you know 200 power apps looks like
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,755,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 16ynphYwkFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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