This is what it's like with a psychopath as a friend!

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serious friends of sociopath psychopaths what was your most uncomfortable moment with them my sister is a sociopath it took me a lot of years to realize this and stop rationalizing it i'm a diabetic and have been in comas during the last one in 2015 after a year of no contact she showed up at the hospital saying i had expressed to her that my wishes were do not resuscitate about 12 of my friends shouted her down and i woke up three days later on my own if i had coded during that time however there would have been a lot of gray area around if they were allowed to revive me about four months later she took out a life insurance policy on me and asked me to sign it i said no lol i no longer speak to her oh man this blew up i should add that i now have very clear wishes notarized and cop is kept with my doctors and trusted friends she's not taking me out that easily thank you guys for being concerned it's great advice for everyone in a medical situation to have just in case my ex would say headlines headlines which meant i would be headlines in tomorrow's newspaper because he was going to kill me this kid in my 8th grade class he showed us a video of him lighting a cat on fire while it was alive he thought it was funny we reported the video to the school and he was apprehended next day i believe you can find a new story online about it it happened in maryland a few years ago i was making some brownies my sister was visiting for some reason maybe it was christmas anyway i like my brownies gooey and hot so i'm cutting into them a little earlier than i should sister flips the frick out and starts beating on me grabbing heavier and more dangerous weapons from whatever she can reach pants rolling pins etc becomes a scuffle where she keeps screaming stop hitting me while all i'm doing is grabbing her wrists to avoid taking one to the head maybe it's not the most uncomfortable she's made me or the most evil thing she's done and she's done worse to people we aren't related to i know but when people ask why is your sister so crazy that's the memory that comes into my head her gigantic freak out over brownies that i was making we were cleaning our guns this guy pointed the gun at me and asked me if i trusted him do you think the gun is unloaded he asked me i could be negligent or evil and i could left a bullet in there he pull the trigger laugh and carry on cleaning the gun like nothing he though it was funny edit faq you need to tell the police we were the police i hope you don't associate with this person anymore nope second amendment not american gun training he knew it was against all regulations that's why i was so funny according to him this guy still has a gun nope this was 20 years ago his gun privileged was revoked from him after an incident when he shoot at a wall over a colleague's head he shoot wide over his head and was surprised by everyone's response to the incident i wasn't trying to kill him or anything that's why i shoot over his head he said i dated someone who i now believe is a sociopath the most uncomfortable thing while we were dating was that he would constantly whisper things in my ear in public in ear shot of other people like do you think i look hot right now or do you think i'm cool and the first few times i thought he was joking so i laughed and he'd get angry he wanted a serious answer he wanted me to tell him how much i wanted to jump his bones right there in front of all of our friends while they were watching and listening i'd get lectured afterwards like you know you really insulted me personally when you laughed at me in front of everyone he could also cry on cue to get what he wanted and as soon as he got what he wanted it would instantly switch off and he turned very serious and tell me what a horrible person i was the instant emotional switches are disarming when he broke up with me i went from being his favorite person in the world to instantly at the very bottom of his crap list he laughed when i cried on multiple occasions calling me ridiculous what's very alarming about people like him is how many people they can get on their side with their charm none of his current friends know anything about his behavior behind closed doors and they are all new people all the people who caught on when we were dating are gone from his life he has convinced his new friends that i'm a psychopath because i tried to tell others what happened so whenever i say anything about what a creepy is i get brigaded by the new people who are now being manipulated also he is completely dead in the face and eyes until you interact with him and then it's like he becomes animated i've been long time friends with a sociopath he is honestly like my brother we have developed this relationship that basically treats me like his moral compass but it doesn't always work he is still manipulated and cruel at times and he does only truly care about himself but he tries to be a good person because he doesn't want to be an [ __ ] this being said my most uncomfortable moment with him would have to be when he was telling me about watching some guy almost die he was telling me how he knew he should have stopped watching and helped him but he was too interested in what the outcome would be if he didn't help it was creepy to know that as hard as he may try to be a decent person sometimes he still can't he help himself he once tried to manipulate me to come in and work basically 50 hours 10 of which would be off the clock so that i didn't get over time because he knew that if he could keep play below on his shift he could get a promotion he would also expressly lie to my face about giving me a break saying verbatim i'll come back here in a moment and take over so that you can go on break then he would just never come then when the time has passed to where a break would be irrelevant that is 30 minutes before my shift is over he'd offer again i have a friend who's a pathological liar he's also mostly scottish in heritage northern scotland where the viking influences he's six feet eight three hundred and fifty pounds when he's watching his weight four hundred plus when he isn't and there is a lot of muscle to go with everything else the lies aren't all that awful most of the time he's known as a very entertaining storyteller and everyone knows he'll embellish greatly from time to time but he can't keep a girlfriend apparently he can't be honest he's a pathological cheater the lies catch up with his relationships in a few weeks at most one day we were in a taxi together and he got the idea that the driver was taking a route that was unnecessarily long he stopped the cheerful story he was telling me mid-sentence his face changed and he barked at the cab driver in a voice i'd never heard loud and angry and aggressive the cab driver immediately pulled over and let us out without paying and a good thing too i think my friend was about to kill him i was petrified in my seat i felt like he might kill everyone in range i was terrified it was the last time i spent time with him though i'd known him for 20 years i later learned that he won't associate with someone after they've seen him snap as one of his other ex-friends put it when he would tell a story that i was a part of and make up huge lies of what happened even sometimes switch his role in mine and i would just awkwardly nod my head and wonder if he truly remembered it that way he had a gas-powered pellet gun and we were 13 years old and it was one of my first times being high he had me against the wall and gave me five minutes to choose between him shooting me in the genitals or in the head if i didn't choose he said he was just gonna go nuts i just kind of fidgeted in place saying you're gonna kill me i was 13 and high and at the end of the five minutes he told me he was freaking with me he also emptied a huge box of matches into the sink one time and when we all told him not to he called us [ __ ] and lit it all on fire he was a major hero i'm pretty sure he's in jail now im19 and he's 20. probably when i found out he was dating three other girls at the same time and the girls and i exchanged screenshots of conversations with him how creepily similar the way he spoke to us all charming nice dude unless you don't give him what he wants in high school my boyfriend at the time and i shared a math class together it was well known we were dating so i would always take him his homework via teacher's request if he missed he skipped a lot i broke up with him over christmas break he cheated on me math teacher obviously still assumed we were together so he asked me to bring him his homework i did got to his house wanting to drop it off at his doorstep he told me to come in and explain it to him he locked his bedroom door and started saying crap like if i can't have you then no one else can i could get you back in a second just admit it etc then the true kicker if i killed you or if you died i would keep your body in my closet or hung behind my door just to have sex with it disclaimer i never had sex with him and i think that killed him he then proceeded to try to make out with me and jam his hands down my pants he actually thought it was endearing and had no idea why i was so upset i got out called my mom to pick me up and ran back to the school he lived close terrifying to this day i'm still horrified about it and him last i heard he was trying to be a magician looks like charles manson and is in and out of psych wards he told me i must be seriously mentally ill for being upset that he while dating me propositioned my married best friend my sister who i no longer have contact with has psychopathic tendencies my worst moment was about five years ago she was showing me a new knife of hers a giant blade with serrations down the back i remember looking in her eyes and there was this cold alien look to them the hairs on the back of my neck rose and i had this idea she was going to stab me i realized my instincts were picking up on her thinking about stabbing me she didn't stab me but i kept thinking about it and i truly think she was imagining what it would be like to stab me with her new knife i have a lot of stories about my sociopathic former roommate but one of the most uncomfortable moments i had with him was when he stared me dead in the eyes and asked bravado how can i express more realistic emotions and then he became slightly annoyed when my one answer was have them in the first place someone in our extended family he offered to kill my cat for me to say for that bill the cat wasn't sick or old he was just very enthusiastic about helping us out with that particular issue he's not allowed to be alone with pets anymore my brother is a sociopath as well as a homeless heroin junkie for the most part he stays hidden from view and away from my family during his active times where he comes around looking for money from family members is the most uncomfortable because when he doesn't get it he resorts to burglary having to leave home not knowing if you'll be buglerized is stressful i wish he would just odd or go to prison already it would be so much better for everyone when they told me they see their friends and people as play things probably when he thought it was funny to hold a knife to my throat she used to brag about her therapist diagnosing her as a sociopath and then obviously deny it when it was ever brought up i think the moment that put it all into perspective was when she manipulated me into having a threesome with her and her ex she knew i was in love with her because she thought it would get him to take her back it goes a little deeper than that but that's the gist of it i just about stabbed my sociopath stepfather in the guts while doing dishes he'd been doing his thing which was sitting behind me about 15 feet away and staring at me without saying anything for about 20 minutes while i cleaned up the kitchen after dinner 20 freaking minutes of staring i was washing a butcher knife when the hair on the back of my neck stood up and i realized he was right behind me he was a big guy and i'm not sure how i did not hear him i turned around with the knife and instinctively shoved it at him he managed to suck in his gut and not get cut i was saying over and over again jet the freak away from jet the freak away from jet the freak away from he didn't make a sound and went upstairs i was 16 years old and that's when i knew one of us was going to go to jail if nothing changed married one last straw was the day i caught his reflection as i passed by pure evil and hatred in his eyes i told him i was leaving the following week he said if i ever see you somewhere with someone else i won't say a word to you i said okay he then added i'll just walk up to you and shoot you in your pretty face i was moving some things out and looked under the bed for a pair of shoes found his guns fully loaded and out of their cases under his side of the bed i went to the cops nothing came of it fast forward and he remarries before the ink is dry on the divorce new wife shoots him in the head and kills him in his sleep proceeds to kill herself by odding on his pain pills yeah i sleep better these days my uncle we found out things in bits and pieces my dad and he worked together he got my dad fired by saying all sorts of lies to their boss and then pretended to be the white knight by offering him a job in another country where he's living money was tight back then and we were in a lot of debt so dad agreed he took him there gave him work but also made him a slave to his wife and kids who also lived there dad was expected to cook food wash the dishes clean up the dining table after uncle's family ate and then eat himself yeesh dad didn't tell us until much later according to the rules set by uncle he wasn't to contact us often should mind his own damn business even if his daughter didn't turn up home all night and keep his mouth shut about work dad was miserable there and we couldn't do much because again that job was a welcome relief to us uncle meanwhile would come every night to our home have breakfast and dinner that my mom generously cooked because his family was abroad while wishing about my dad in front of us one day i had finally reached my breaking point and i started crying because i felt horrible for dad who was trying so hard to make things right for us uncle just sat opposite to me smiling god and smiling we'll never forget that psycho grin on his face days later dad suddenly turned up unannounced at home turns out he'd been dumped by uncle to our city without prior notice dad had no guts to tell us what happened we realized uncle was a psychopath later he'd routinely mentally torture people and enjoy their misery while pretending to offer sympathies and help he's in a powerful spot so he offers his victims jobs once they accept he makes them entirely dependent on him he'd then put his victims under even more psychological stress be it threatening to cut off ties or getting them fired if they disagreed with him my dad was really messed up for days he'd swing from utter despair to not speaking for days to extreme violence to absolutely broken got beaten up a bit for trying to calm him down dad could finally regain his mental sanity after we cut off all ties to that uncle last we heard he wants to contact my dad because their brothers and people realized what a piece of crap he is so they avoid him too dad's like oh hell no when he took the opportunity of being alone with my mom for one minute to stare her down and ask if she thought he was mature for his age he's freaking creepy i dated one a bit over a decade ago he fits the description of a sociopath more than a psychopath but he's also narcissistic we dated on high school for a little over a year aside from the constant gaslighting lies manipulation and threats he was basically a crappy person who warped my mind so much that i actually believed i'd be nothing without him whether driving erratically with me in car when i questioned him or threatening physical violence on me and my family if i broke up with him he was truly terrifying by the end of our relationship the absolutely most uncomfortable slash terrifying moment was when he put a loaded hunting rifle in my face he was addicted to weed i don't believe weed's a dangerous drug at all but he was so psychology warped that he believed he was going through severe physical and mental withdrawals if he went a day or two without smoking one night he decided he was going to rob a small convenience store in his town for weed money i stepped in front of his door to block his path and he pointed the gun at me i bravely broke up with him a few days later blocked him on social media wouldn't answer his calls and wouldn't answer the door when he showed up to my parents house it took months for him to get the point that i was serious 12 years later and i still have nightmares of him i think my best friend may have been for example she got a job at a business that she wanted to learn and when she had made enough money to start her own business she totaled her employees van hired off the designer and stole all the clients then she paid the designer way less than she had promised and then closed her business completely in a few months when she was bored she also pulled really bad things in relationships which i really don't want to get into well anyway she was about to ruin someone's life again i couldn't take it anymore and ratted her out that is when i had heard all the lie she had spun her whole life that i lived with her and she supported me and i was a heroin addict that she had starred in major films that she was prom queen so i cut her out of my life and after weeks of her calling me and begging me to come back i was sitting at home looked up and saw her standing over me my first thought was that she killed my dog she hadn't i'm an ex-friend of a sociopath i think it was when we were hanging out and we started arguing about me going to his house i had left my wallet there and i told him this and told him we needed to go back so i could get it he then started claiming that his parents didn't like me and didn't want me at his house he said since they weren't home that would just make it worse i just kept saying i need my damn wallet and that he could get it for me he proceeded to call me selfish and a monster for arguing with him like he yelled it in my face it in a public area i was shocked and had nothing to say then he proceeded to act like nothing happened asking me if we should get food etc i eventually got my wallet back from him he didn't spend any money of mine or anything but needless to say we aren't friends anymore honestly i didn't even consider him a sociopath until telling my therapist about how he manipulated me into thinking everything was my fault and how me being better mentally was never enough she basically told me straight up he's a sociopath and it clicked he used me just to fill his ego i'm friends with a legit psychopath i'm on mobile so i'll be brief not all psychopaths are unnecessarily a danger to society in the sense of physical violence crazy or unreasonable g is a close friend of mine he is of shallow moral character devious manipulative ready to screw anyone out of money and capable of physical violence when pressed he's scary that said he is deeply intelligent quick with a laugh non-judging you could talk to this guy about anything he just doesn't care he's a lot of fun to talk to or party with because he is so unique i trust him to be himself he has never screwed me over except i seem to lose dollar sign when i went into business with him the most creepy he's been and he knows i feel this way is when we talk about moralistic standards for society essentially he thinks the weak and stupid but who makes that call should be essentially weeded out put on farms or something shot he gives no fricks about anyone else save for a select few he's not racist or sexist he just thinks he is better than others based on smarts looks ability he feels the dumb should not be allowed to thrive creepy huh i remember one conversation we had when wasted i couldn't finish because we weren't getting anywhere with it he won't change he doesn't empathize that said he is a reasonable person he's not gonna put his darker non-profiting thoughts into action he's not interested he likes money and doesn't mind ripping people off a businessman cunning he exists for profit that said he'd help me out of any kind of a sticky situation mostly for the fun of it he's bored a lot and understands he needs others he likes me because i'm interesting and feels him on his level we speak openly about his psychopathy because i'm point so interested in it we've been friends for seven years were close for three years before he moved to another city i stayed at his house in 2016 for a couple weeks feel free to anna honest just normal conversation we sensationalize it a lot in the media but really having a conversation with someone that can't feel empathy is super boring me hey i was driving to work today and some guy cut across four lanes of traffic and almost caused an accident sociopath friend okay me all right well good taking to you roll my eyes late to the game but a friend of mine is a functioning psychopath he has some severe anger issues but knows on a logical level not an emotional one what the implications of unleashing this are he has no remorse he could kill his mother and not care but he knows this is morally wrong even if he doesn't feel it's wrong he can also be extremely manipulative with no remorse and i've seen that come out to play sometimes and it isn't pretty his ego is well endowed he's got one of the highest pain tolerances that i've seen part of a suspension group and he's a really great cuddler to meet him he's pretty strange but all in all he's a decent person and i admire that he's decided to be better than his diagnosis in high school and college i knew a guy who kept file folders with information about people he knew actual file folders labelled with their names he would take notes on people he knew what he thought of as their personality trace their strengths that he might have to overcome their weaknesses that he felt could exploit these notes along with his detailed analysis journals because seriously he analyzed everyone he knew would go into his folders i only saw these folders a single time but i saw his note taking almost every time i was around him he didn't try to hide it my ex invited me over to her house to catch up i assumed she was being genuine because she had a boyfriend at the time and it had been three years since we broke up but before i came over i told her that i just wanted to catch up and nothing more i said that i'd leave if she tried to hook up with me i did this because i knew she had cheated on her boyfriend before she promised me that she just wanted to catch up and that she didn't have any ulterior motives i knew that she was a psychopath and that she took medication for it but i didn't really think about that stupidly i went over to her house within 30 minutes she was trying to make a move on me i told her that i was uncomfortable and wanted to leave she said to me no you can't you're going to stay the night and sleep with me i told her that i was really uncomfortable with that and tried getting up she pinned me down and flicked the light switch so i couldn't see anything i tried pushing her off of me but she was holding me down i convinced her to turn the lights back on and she did after she flicked the lights back on she pointed to the wall right behind us and said you see that mark on the wall that's the mark from when i stabbed the wall with my knife that's when i was certain that she was off of her meds i spent the following few hours trying to calm her down i was able to do so and then got the frick out of there as fast as i could my brother is a psychopath i could tell you so many stories about him hell you could make it into a movie he's an incredible con artist and somehow has never been thrown in jail despite having committed fraud multiple times and stolen tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars my mother has npd which is in a similar class of disorders and she is far more dangerous than my brother that said my brother would probably sell his only child if he got enough money for it i just don't think he'd be capable of killing anyone dated someone with whom i shared a similar dark sense of humor and the week before i finally figured out what he was he was staring at me and i stared back one of those let's gaze into each other's eyes moments went quickly awry when i got a weird feeling and said it's like i can see all the way through you to your soul to which he responded i have no soul of course then all the darkly humorous things he said over the course of the relationship flew back at me in my face and i realized he probably wasn't joking most of the time my best friend in high school was a sociopath though i didn't realize it until later in life he was good looking and astoundingly manipulative he could talk pretty much any girl into bed i was always a bit socially awkward and never got laid at that age whenever i confided in him that i liked someone he would target them and freak them they could be a nice girl virgin whatever it didn't matter he was that good one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life was after we graduated and we were hanging out and he got invited over to a girl's house who we graduated with he knew i thought she was cute said it was a party and that she had said she liked me well we got there and it was only her her roommate and her roommate's boyfriend and i didn't drive he immediately goes in her room and freaks the girl i was really mad off and confronted him about it of course he made me seem like the [ __ ] and told everyone that i invited myself over and made me feel sad and pathetic i completely lost it and broke down crying in anger and felt ridiculous luckily her roommate was nice enough to drive me home that was his mo he wasn't violent or anything but he liked hurting people emotionally that night was the last night i ever spoke to him i still feel stupid for being friends that long my ex-husband told me he took my dog to his friend's house to live find out a year later that he took her to his father's land and shot her multiple times because the first was not enough he proceeded to skin her and take out her parts pulled out her heart and showed his friend laughing told me his friend was being a about it he laughed and was completely unaware of any wrongdoing i'm so glad i'm out of that situation disgusting human being a couple i know were having marital difficulties and were thinking of divorcing it wasn't a done deal by any means so they were both invited to this party most of the people in the party know the wife better and the husband only slightly he turns up she does not he goes to the host and asks if he can have a couple of minutes to announce something to everybody sure says the host no problem go ahead he proceeds to get everybody's attention and publicly trash his wife accusing her of infidelity and whatnot the host throws him out of the party he goes peacefully because he's now done what he came to do [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Views: 41,643
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: KQE2T1xxBfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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