Thermal Protection

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you hi I'm shufflin a space explorers one of my patrons asked me to make a video about thermal protection during diving and the reason for that was that I either I wrote in a manual or set somewhere in video that I do not use draw wetsuits thicker than five millimeters and he wanted to know why and what's the disadvantage of thicker ones and so on and so on so here we go I have personally for myself I figured out my terminal borderline is 16 degrees Celsius so everything below I need any proper protection which for me means a dry student dry gloves everything above 16 I'm happy to do in a wet suit I mean obviously not taking in his eyes or when we all know that if I do a traffic stop no matter what the temperature is I normally use dry state also because of traditional lifts and probably tamil issues regarding the helium and so on and so on and so on so but talking recreational driving if it's warmer than 16 I can do it in a five-millimeter suit but five-millimeter suit for me means one of those apnea skin diving suits that you probably have seen videos from me versus camouflage thing so it's not about the camouflage it's about the fact is that they they come like this or in black and I hate black students especially especially on videos in photos I mean black diver with black gloves handling some black equipment in front of black waters or guess what you see in the end so that's why I wanted a little bit of color and that's why I came up with this camouflage but if you look at these suits they don't have any sippers they have an attached hood they have this this pure neoprene on the seals and so on the ankles on in the wrists and the trousers are pretty highs and they they they go up to the breast and the upper like 40 centimeters although this open-cell neoprene and then this this kind of hoody that you have on top has this on the inner part as well so the isolation of these five millimeter suits is by far better than most normal centimeters millimeters suits because there's almost no water exchange at the same time they are super flexible it's usually a motor neoprene so the outer liner his as flexible as the neoprene or the other way the neoprene is as flexible as the outer liner was was some of the thickest suits especially it was different types of neoprene the neoprene is not as flexible as that liner and you can see these two layers separate and and create tears and I mean these suits usually break pretty pretty soon and as people want comfort and everything needs to be easy and simple unfortunately in all of this diving related things including the training yeah you have suddenly a superhero superhero on the Ingalls and God knows where and then there's a lot of water exchange so the other thing is if you have seven or even nine milimeter suit the move ability becomes really hard especially when you look at the joins when you when you bend your arm you have wrinkles here and you look a little bit like a penguin it's it's it's just not very practical so why would I switch from a five-millimeter wet suit to a thick neoprene wetsuit or semi-dry with a super suit creating discomfort and lack of move ability and still not get the oscillation I'm looking for what I can use dry suit so my move ability and comfort in the dry suit is superior if it fits I can adjust to the situation if I use it try lemon tries it I mean the dry suit doesn't give any relation whatsoever so it's my undergarment that in the end makes the difference and then I can combine it with my dry jobs so again personal thing for me I froze my hands pretty pretty bad when I was a teenager so if I get in real cold cold water with my hands my anger my joints start to swell and break open this is pretty uncomfortable so it's important for me to have warm hands so take your talking about gloves when I die for the five millimeters suit I have these cut off tropical gloves or biker gloss or weightlifting gloves something like that so I have the the maps of maximum performance was the fingers because I can feel everything made be camera stuff or lines or whatever but at the same time I have cut protection in my palms so if I'm going down a chain or work with a row but whatever and I have small shows or muscles or whatever on it and and I don't need any any real trauma protection on my hands if it gets cold I want proper protection but the same thing if I use the thick neoprene mitts first of all there's still water going in I still don't have the isolation I want or they have to be like super tired when you remember there was a couple of years ago and when there's all this dir hardcore what how how has things to be done people were like cutting these these seals and gluing them tighter and then they needed some special jelly to go in there it was so in the end you still have fake myths and the feel you have in your fingers is by far not as good as it could be or it should be so if I have proper dry cloths with a certain texture on the outside so they're like really grippy and you make their vive you realize that when you work with your both snaps if I'd have flicked neoprene mitts it gets a little bit slicky so sometimes these things just slip out of my hands if I have proper dry gloves I have a real good grip and then again I mean it depends on what you put underneath and the brand of dry gloves to use if you have the the sheep chemical stuff usually the fingers are longer than your fingers so you have these two centimetres of material in front of your fingertips which then gets in the ball snaps and stuff like that so you have to shop around a little bit for something that really fits your hands and then find some crop under - but then you're set and done so the rule of thumb is as thin as it can be and as thick as you need it then that goes for the suit as well for the for the gloves I always type with a hood the biggest heat loss is always through your head because the blood vessels are really not protected by any layers of fat or whatever in my case not even by hair so the hood is an essential part of your thermal protection and you will never see me in a shorty or something like that so I always want my body to be covered seen a couple of really nasty things with this jellyfish and it's all this pretty popular thing in some of the warmer regions like a shorty and a t-shirt or I think shorts and a t-shirt is something I cannot recommend it all just to check your body from whatever is out there and it doesn't have to be useful it's not about the careless diver I mean there's things drifting around and up lines down lines especially the permanent ones their small shells and muscles that sit there prominently and you can cut yourself like really bad so you want to want to have your skin protected all right I hope that gave a bit of an idea of this five seven whatever millimeter thing and yeah if you like it give a thumbs up check out our patreon page would be awesome if you become part of that if you're not so far and yeah see you next time boy
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 4,528
Rating: 4.9194632 out of 5
Keywords: Achim Schloeffel, ise, innerspace explorers, doing it right, dir diving, dir equipment, technical diving, scuba diving, scuba gear, dive gear, padi, ssi, cmas, gue, utd, iantd, tdi, tauchen, sporttauchen, technisches tauchen, tauchausrüstung, tauchanzug, dievsuit, wetsuit.
Id: TiXjBLCpq0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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