Open SMB vs Closed SMB

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you hiya host lovely no space explorers I was asked to give a quick explanation why we use closed lift bags and no open style attacks well it's pretty simple I love you that'll be a super short video this is one of these combined once you have the inlet to inflate them orally over the deflator holes but they also have the opening here and this one also has like like a one-way valve which solves at least one of the issues and that is that an officetel lifter can always fall on the surface empty itself and come back down I mean on the surface marker buoy that's probably not the major issue but if you use a lift bag for lifting or if you use one of those big enough packs that you use in a long decompression that can be an issue for example if you if you think about the ellipse lift bag that we sometimes use especially on more technique like dives that we shoot was the real it's basically the weight of the real hanging giving you visual reference in a drifting decompression but there's no real stress on the lift bag which means window whatever can dump it over and then it could lose its gas and come back down so there's an enclosed one that's no option and not a problem for me the major issue especially on SMBs and I mean if I if it wouldn't be so mean I would do and I would make a I would make a collection of fails on shooting snv's I mean that would be long and pretty sad one actually if you see people showing us Andy's and all the mountains involved and it can be so easy to inflate this won't miss terrific forget about this one I just don't have a real open one flying around yes there's two things you can do the first thing is you can take your your regulator and place it underneath there the problem is if I have and I mean you always have this let's say I call it a triangle big small whatever but factors I have to pray get my regulator underneath here to start it it doesn't matter if we do it like this or like this or whatever but I get my gear close to this so it's always a chance of entanglement and I've seen so many people shooting themselves to the surface probably not was a small one like this but with the big lift packs there have been a couple of nasty accidents and why take the chance of getting entangled then perching my regulator on the water always there's always the risk from in the future it's not a it's not a risk but there's always a chance then you get a free floor which causes an additional issue and so on and so on I can eliminate all of this but not using them the other thing is i inflated by exhaling so I have my regulator in my mouth and I do it something like this same thing I get this triangle next to my regulator and there's always a chance of getting this and then I'm entangled and I have it in my mouth and it starts to pull seen this as well so for the simple reason of eliminating these risks especially not mistaken in these hours because I can already see the comments when people say yeah but I'm an experienced technical diver that's just not an issue for me bla bla bla bla bla possible but we also talked about beginning divers about open water divers and if you've looked into the eyes in your recreational program you see that shooting innocent B is an essential skill that the piece basically teach from the very beginning because I think it is essentially an ocean diving that you I can put up in a safety in myself I do not have to rely on on the dive master or whatever and so why would I teach something that has a certain risk of an issue when there's the so much simpler solution and simple solution obviously is something like this you can love to lose its gas so it cannot accidentally dumped its cows and come back down I have no way of getting entangled because it's a single strapless no triangle or whatever and I can inflate it either orally with a single breath actually also an inflator beans Clara can not lock in case there's somebody watching who is not familiar with this it's not likely inflate a little on an inflator it does not lock the host if you put it on it cannot stable it always go free but generally especially for the smallest you do not need the inflator you see one continuous breath and just sings fills so that's super easy that's also one of the reasons why I do not necessarily recommend the big ones because somebody asked you is why do you use this 33 finish one meter surface marker buoys and not the big ones why you can use the big ones and if you times rough señores you would ever use a bigger one if you're afraid but this is not seen by the boat but in regular normal recreational diving in not super harsh conditions that's by far enough I mean if this that's in the water and I have a little bit of tension on the on the on the line I mean it sticks our leader unless I'm really lost somewhere far from the board it's just somewhere next to my boat telling them hey I'm coming up that's by far enough and it's so easy to inflate if you have another one a big one and you want to start invading it you breathe air do take back the regulator you start to inflate it again which makes it more more cumbersome one this one I can inflate with small single breath the other one I'm basically neat inflator hose - which is not an issue as well but why make it complicated if I do not have to all right I hope that answers the questions was a quick and short video if you have comments and questions please check out the patron site that's where we discuss things in detail otherwise also check us out on Facebook if you liked it give us thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you have not yet and I see you next Friday thank you very much
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 16,649
Rating: 4.9241195 out of 5
Keywords: diving, scuba diving, smb, surface marker, ise, innerspace explorers, gue, utd, iantd, tdi, padi, ssi, achim schlöffel, cmas, technicl diving, recreational diving
Id: q095tobeNk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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