The Failurepoint Discussion

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you hi-yah hopefully no space explorers as per request we do today is about failure points so people were asking me like what do you consider a failure point what is this all discussion about especially like in the early days of the steer our diving thing there was a lot of like this is a failure point you can't do this and you can't do this and so let's let's talk about it in a few examples that I prepared and and probably that gives you a little bit of a better idea of what this is all about so let's start with something very very basic let's start with manifolds and all the tanks so unfortunately I couldn't find a shitty one so that's the good stuff and what you can see is that there is this the center part here goes in that Valve has two o-rings same thing on this side and you can adjust the width of this which means when you put the pants on your doubles by adjusting the width of this you can make sure that your tanks are completely parallel and there's no stress on the money Falls there are some out there that just have one or ring and like a knot on top of that so the distance between the two ports is fixed so if the bands do not a hundred percent fit to these walls to these many folds the tanks actually come out like this or like this which means there's permanent stress on these parts of the walls so that I would consider a failure point because I have several tanks on my back which is my life support which is my breathing gas and now there is a chance of this leaking breaking whatever I mean there's a lot of stress most people have been carried their tanks like this and specially their doubles and so I want this straight and clean and by using this type of manifold I can assure that this is set up in the best possible way was for the other ones it's always kind of a compromise so classical failure point and something you want to avoid another one you're talking about Wallace Robin up versus the plastic knob so that's a real old Chile one that I used painting some tanks but it gives the idea so that's a plastic knob so doing technical diving cave-diving wreck diving whatever I hit this really hard it pops off I cannot manipulate my wife anymore versus on a rubber knob I mean if it gets a hit it yeah absorbs more or less the the shock of the impact it will not break in I can still manipulate my valve unless I have like the spindle broken or penned so again a classical failure point easy to avoid and something you would not want to do yeah suicide clip classical failure point this thing snaps on everything and everywhere and I've seen people like having those attached to their gear like on the belt or something like that and you can actually see that something goes in here it sometimes really hard to get it back out so my fingers are actually caught right now so it's no way to solve this easy with one hand so you always want to use a proper bold snap instead of these so-called suicide Clips so that will be a classical failure point talking about snaps that's a brass one which we try to avoid but the spring in here stainless steel that's why it's still working and that's actually just still working curb analogy not sure where where this is from but also is the classical pole snaps that we use there's cheap ones and there's there's good ones and the good ones have a stainless steel spring because I mean the best bolts snap is not good for anything if it stays open because that's Prince rusted so that's another classical failure point that's a funny one there was a time where people started to remove those classical band straps from the instruments and replace them by bungees so obviously that the benefit is that you have redundancy so even if one of those straps breaking you still have the instrument on your arm on the other side if you're diving a dry seat and you have a leak on your on your wrist seal and you use something like this or even better like this that you can just tie down you can actually prevent the water flow from getting a really severe so this is a good example for mmm where do I want to go I mean is do I have a higher chance of losing a an instrument or is this something critical or is it probably better to have something like this that can save me from getting my suit completely flooded by the way this type of off pen is actually pretty bulletproof they do not break so that's actually something I really like on my compass especially and I mean on these there's a few things I mean this small metal bar you can break like you also know it from watches and obviously at some point these holes will go but I mean that's something that you can replace from time to time and obviously you can always go for one of these solutions but that would be a nice example for a failure point discussion what's worse what's better what's more important for me as a diver masks another good one so plastic frame can break if it breaks it looks like this this had a plastic frame obviously not usable anymore you can go to the trash these plastic things here on the side so as the silicone body and then I have this plastic knob in here so this breaks off I mean it doesn't even matter if I have a silicone strap on it or find of neoprene straps the failure point is here so there's no way to go around this so that's just the product I would not choose because I cannot do anything against the potential failure point whilst when I look at this mask for example there was a plastic connection as well that we could take apart or take off and then we took this small stainless steel ring in here plus the neoprene strap so it's no way that this drops straps gonna come off or break and at the same time it's a full silicone mask so if anything breaks it's the glass but there's no frame that can break and for example when I have it in my pocket as a spare mask I'm a very simple one not even diving smoker I mean I never realized I've never never understood why somebody needs something different than this I mean that's a smokeless nothing except that it's a it's a tube and a mouthpiece and that works perfectly fine but then as soon as that comes all the fancy stuff like this exhaust valve in this I've seen so many I mean if you lose this I can actually show you I mean that goes off like like nothing the complete smoke was useless so that I consider a failure point I mean why would I do why would I take something like this if can look even further yeah cannot even get it back in so failure points gone so good example plastic snaps depending on what they hold I mean if its life life supporting equipment that I would consider a failure point because this can break I mean also moments like this where you can get entangled I can stuck open when you have this line attached to you I would consider a failure point put a proper bolt snug on your item click it off done a big one regulators there was this one of those major Dr discussions what first stage and for a lot of time there was a group in Germany that was promoting these effects first stages and please I mean when I when I mentioned brands here take it as an example there's obviously a lot of manufacturers that make first stages like this and there's obviously a lot of manufacturers that make make first stages like this one so I mean here it is a scuba bra and here is an app X but that's just an example so for a long time people who are told you cannot use this because it has a swivel and this little has an o-ring in of this breaks you're gonna die very unlikely I use them for quite a while and I'm still pretty alive so let's look at it let's make an educated decision so if I use these as my first stages you will actually realize that you have a couple of really sharp turns on your hoses because obviously the hoses all go straight down and then comes the shoulder of the tank and you have to route the hoses somewhere so the risk on this first stage obviously is that I have a rupture in the holes while it's on this one if I route them correctly I don't have these sharp bendings because the the holes are so straight and actually when you when you want to see more of that there is a video about the kind of host configuration or double tank the links here and there you can have a detailed view on that but that's a good a good good thing for the failure discussion because what would be the most the more critical failure if I rupture and intermediate pressure holes or if something happens was that sliver well the swivel is in a you know in a housing it cannot go anywhere this orange so even if there goes a little bit of obscene or dirt in there and it starts to leak I mean you will see small tiny bubbles come out here one at a time nothing major so there will not be any major gas loss from that if you rupture intermediate pressure holes that is designed to deliver a lot of gas obviously you have a tremendous gas loss so I would always braid one of these first stages over one of these I mean breathing characteristics all of this aside just the proper host configuration has lesser risk for me over ruptured holes and therefore a dramatic gasps loss all right this could go on for for quite a while I mean there's tons of different things but I think that was a good overview and I hope this gives you a little bit of an idea of this failure point discussion in the end it is always a decision you have to make and all this depends on the type of Taif you want to do on the type of equipment you have to use for your dive the environment you're in so sometimes you always have to make certain compromise yeah but but I hope it helps you to get a little bit of very understanding of this discussion all right if you like this give a thumbs up check out our patreon page if you want to support us it would be awesome and yeah I'll see you next video thank you very much for watching you [Music]
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 10,148
Rating: 4.8900342 out of 5
Keywords: Achim Schloeffel, ise, innerspace explorers, failure points, technical diving, tec diving, padi, ssi, gue, utd, iantd, tdi, mike van splunteren, the longhose, aldotec, technisches tauchen, tec tauchen, sporttauchen, fehlerpunkte, fehlerquellen, dive training, tauchausbildung
Id: SnUo6jS7otA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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