ISE Predive Sequence

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[Music] - fluffly no space explorers sorry I know it's been a while on but a lot of things are going on and I just had no time to post some videos and so somebody asked me about what is I see doing in front of a dive what kind of estriol so first thing there is no estriol in ISE because nobody really understands what this astral thing is all about a lot of people have exercises that are called SQL some are like a safety drills some are like sequence in front of a dive but a lot of people mix up exercises for example the control of also manipulate valves with safety procedures and the other thing is that that was taken to a level where it's kind of absurd I mean when you go let's say for a cave dive and there's another group in the in the spring pool and after 20 minutes they're still discussing what they have in their pockets or whatever and what they want to do and don't want to do and this and that and you're standing there we see doubles and you're like can you finally start the dive I mean that's not the way we want to do it the other thing is that a lot of these procedures that we see are not working in every environment and so the IIC approach is always to keep it as simple as practical as possible and create a clear protocol so what we have is called the is a pre dive sequence and there is a certain yeah it's whole sequence because there is a logic behind it the first thing I want to do is and it doesn't matter I mean usually I do it in the water but for example if I do a tronic Steiff or if I'm diving heavy current I can also do that on the boat preferable in the water but it also works on the boat the first thing is I control if my valves are reachable I can open them and they are so the team kept nor the dive fleet or whatever you want to call it or as a person that's like has the responsibility for the dive it's running through that procedure so the first thing is I reach back can I reach my father for if it's doubles from right middle left I reach my loss okay I can reach in are they turn the blue I guess you know sometimes they're stuck somebody close them right like really hard they cannot open them or leaving the other way around that's not something you want to figure out during the drive so yeah they are I can maneuver them and they're all the way open so not like half turn back or something like that because in an emergency you want him to turn it only one direction which is close so if that's done the next thing is I check my SPG because now I know that my valves are open so now it makes sense to check the SPG if I check it before I mean the left post can be open the center post can be closed the right one can be closed right one can be empty or ever you never know if your reading is correct so now it's the ball so that makes sense I check my SPG and announced to the group okay to repass double 12 nitrox 32 whatever next thing is I check my regulators so if I'm in a water I breed them on the water if it's cold temperature obviously also I breed them on the water never on the surface the reason I prefer to check them on the water is they can breathe fine on the surface but they can suck water on the water if there's for example a little hole and diaphragm stuff like that so I check him on a water always good I'm not doing that with hypoxic guests please so now I know my regulators are working full things I can many people at my valves always good so the last thing is on my long horse so I unclip my longhouse just Freed's show it okay fine put it back so now that's the very last thing I do before I descend which means I'm sure my long horse is above everything else it's not tucked underneath the dry stuff inflation holes or the build or whatever so I check that put it back and then the team can be sent and then we do what we call a passive public check which means every diver in the team has a quick look over his teammates is there any loss of gas any significant bubbles coming up then it's still possible to call the lifelike hey something's wrong with your gas if not everybody's just keep descending a lot of people are not not really sure about why we do with it but I mean the last thing I want to do is I jump in the water I have that current whatever I have my buddy behind me taking my doubles pressing him underwater I mean you see strange things I mean if there's a major leak I will here anyway and if it's just like some small bubbles like I mean the rotational or ring on the SPG or whatever I mean the other it shows a couple of poppers if my body ceases and things more this can be dangerous he can still like stop me and tell me but normally that's not what prevents me from a dive unless it's a major major gas plant so that's what we call the eysie pre dive sequence we do that in front of every dive no matter if it's if it's single Caribbean reef dive or if it's a it's a really tough technical door if I can also do that on the boat the only thing I can't do on the board is pre the regulator's on a water sure but as I said was approaching gases that's probably not a good idea anyway and otherwise you can use that in every scenario every possible starting scenario you don't have to reinvent the wheel in front of everything what we do not do is things like this equipment matching pocket matching whatever I mean if I'm driving with my partner I'm planning a serious life the last the last point where I want to check my pockets is when I'm ready in the water I mean there's dive planning before we talked about gas and what kind of gas and how much gas and obviously what we need to bring so why would I stand I mean if I have proper education proper training and I'm following certain procedures why would I be in a water discussing the content of my pockets that's nonsense I mean and it's the wrong the wrong timing I mean I can do that when I'm when I'm gearing up when I'm when I'm preparing my stuff whatever but not in the water and I mean people tend to and it's it's basically against the concept of TIR you know you want to keep minimalistic approach keep it simple and straightforward and I see that people more and more and more lights like back in the 80s when I had the backup light for the backup light backup light just more and more and more people were diving like Christmas trees that's not the idea behind it clean simple fast efficient that's what we want to do and doing all of this standing in the pool or whatever and discussing 20 minutes is not efficient it's not fast it's not all we want to do I hope that answered the question the next video we'll see comes from Italy because in two weeks time we start a big project we have a virgin wreck and ten dollars from I see are going they're doing an exploration and you'll get a video blog every evening a little update what's going on and I'll give you a nice introduction when we arrive there so stay tuned I hope you like it if so please subscribe to our Channel check us out on Facebook and I see you next time thank you bye bye
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 7,315
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: S-drill, pre-dive check, achim schloeffel, mike van splunteren, ise, innerspace explorers, gue, utd, tdi, iantd, dir diving, technical diving, scuba diving, dive gear, alain dobbelaere, the longhose
Id: w7C8kLM0cew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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