How to tie a boltsnap

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hi my name is Akash little inner space explorers and today as promised I would like to talk to you a little bit about how to attach both snips to equipment as examples that prepares that a web nodes pack apply real primary first stage and an SPG some basic tools so basic you need a pair of scissors and a lighter and obviously is an orange line that's especially for eyes the most important thing all right let's Thomas the vet notes and this brings me straight to the first big mistake in my opinion at least and this is a strange addiction some divers have to double endless I frequently see equipment that is attached to the diver like that and in my opinion this is a not a smart idea because you have to failure points this one can open and this one can open especially you have the stuff in your pockets and you pull it out this is always highlighting us that you unclip it accidentally and then the piece of key is gone so the mm er is nice as a working double ender for a spool so stuff like that but it is not the smallest idea when it comes to attaching a snap to gear that you want to handle so what we do is we take a regular bolt snap and most wet notes especially the icy ones have this piece of bungee cord here which is a fixed loop and the only thing you do is it goes through the eye of the bolt snap put it around and then as you can see this is basically like a cross not it pulls tight and you have a prominent attachment that in case you have to you can easily open up and remove so we're done with the red nose so let's stay um what's the topic of the mm ah and have a look at the real one of the major philosophies in this di our concept was there's no metal to metal connection because you cannot remove it in an emergency if you get entangled how do you want cut off metal connection which is not possible funny enough all these reels come like that so if this is connected to let's say your butt d-ring or your hip d-ring and you get entangled somewhere how do you wanna remove it this is a detention there's no way to remove it so this is stupid in fact some of the manufacturers said yeah wow we can't find anybody to tie on board slips which i think is a pretty stupid excuse I think it's it's just simple for them so first thing you do when you buy a real like that you take the board snap or the excuse me the double ender and put it away and then you take both snap and a piece of line and make a proper connection here so if you get entangled and you have an issue you can always cut it so let's do that we take some line and let it download and the first thing we doing we make a u like that put it through the eye of the snap around like I just showed you and close it so now we go through here once and another one actually you see when you try to and not do it in a way that it will be conceded so now the line that comes up here goes around and make a knot tighten it and then go around once more make another knot tighten it and then you put a cross knot on top you can see that and make this really tight cut the ends off take a lighter met the axis down all the way to the knot and press this on the knot so this one will not open up accidentally again same thing on the other side melt it down and you have a proper connection that in case you can cut off so another thing fixed all right let's have a look at the backup life pretty old one but form already oh it's nice so we take another piece of line and here you're a little bit different so we take first of all we take a small bolts now it doesn't make any sense to put a long snap on that because especially when you're not like two meters tall and you put the long one here and you put it on your side big problem is if this goes further and further and further down the bigger the bolts notice and at some point it will start to interfere CSBG will start to interfere with you if you like canister if you have obviously on the other side so your oven tank and so on so the shorter this snap is the further will come up and the more comfortable it is to work so it takes more so to do this we go through we go through the eye of the Bulls now we go here a second time and we go a third time so tricky is to put it along with the other two lines so now I'm three times through the hole and the light ends through the eye of the snap and then do it down and again we make a proper cross not and as you can see this is quite stable kind of really nice attachment and the same thing again cut it off and you melt down all right another one fixed okay now we come to this one I actually showed this in one of the other videos when we talked about the double regulator configuration but anyway let's let's do it another time and for those who haven't seen the other day yeah here again it's important to take a small step right you don't want heavy one like this dangling next to your mouth so you want as small as possible so again you take the you like this put it through the eye over the snap and you pull it tight right so the next thing is you find the spot where you want to place it and this is not close to the second stage it is actually one hand off the stage which means you can still easily take it into your mouth while it is clip you can even give it to somebody else so and it is much easier to grip on top of that because your hand is not interfering with the second stage okay pull it's me again alright this goes to the side and this goes to the side No not here retighten the Smurfs more and put a cross lock on top and now you can actually see we have a stable connection here this is not sliding and actually when I take it like this I'll it perfectly in my hand same story cut this one off this big mistake a lot of people make is that they think the melting down is to prevent this piece of line to split open so they do like this and let go and that's obviously nonsense because the knot can still hope when it becomes wet when something's pulling on it so what you do is you really know that down all the way and this is also why this doesn't work with wet line it doesn't burn and then you press this on the knot so that makes sure that this will not open up again try not to burn your hoses all right and you can see we have a beautiful connection here all right all right one last thing I'd like to talk to you about connecting snaps to our primary regulator to waste inflator OSes I know that this is just for demonstration purpose so I showed you how to attach this with cave line nice and easy but when you go to the left side you see all these experts self taught internet whatever and you see these two solutions so I would like to spend a minute talking about that so the first thing I wanna see is came to time q type holding the bottom up to the holes which in the first place seems to be like a smarted here you remember the world we cannot exist without cable ties and duct tape so the big problem is that you can pull on this like crazy will not come off but it is very fragile when it comes to turning and as you see it was very easy to take this off and so this is obviously not the brightest idea so then come there are some even smaller ones that say well if that's the case then we put a whole ring between the cable tie and the bulls net and now you can twist that and will not break you super and the other argument obviously is that when they when they clip it for example they clip the problem regulator and they go on a stage based on all if somebody needs my long hose and I can not give it away I can obviously break it free which is true it's actually relatively easy to break those away the big problem is that the pole snap is aging so it's rubber it is quite sensitive to UV light sunlight becomes brittle and so as Murphy's diving if you most of the time this will break and over break in the most stupid situation I will show you that so we don't want this breakaway clip we want total collection escape line and in case of an emergency you can always coming away in risky SPG um we actually place the snap close to the instrument actually be used this groove here and the reason is that the length of the holes is made in a way that the SPG is basically on the d-rings will be 56 centimeters on a double tunnel configuration because the holes basically goes straight down and we have the 62 centimeter configuration on a single tank where the hose makes a slight curve for the first stage down to the appearing and so obviously the snap needs to be quite close on the instrument before we connected another major point is that I frequently see people especially internet self-taught ones that route the holes through the eye of the bolt snap which obviously is not a smart idea because again we have metal to metal connection you can never free that in case of an entanglement because and it cannot cut it away and same thing by the way also for this side I also have seen people putting the old snap over the holes of the primary regulator which is even more stupid so again we need some line and again we make this you go through the eye of the bolts now put it on the snap and pull it tight so now place it in that groove we go around here once twice and then we go left and right of this you can see that we cannot turn it around once more make another knot and put cross knot on top by the way if you have issues with the knots what is a cross nod and half hitch and all this there's a video on your YouTube channel of space explorers so scroll down a little bit and you'll find it lines and knots and they explain all the knots and how they are made and what they're good for so now we have attached that and again we cut it off and run it down if you ask yourself where to get this beautiful orange line to find it in the Alsatian it's regular kaif line same characteristics that's the white stuff you know from your spoils and your wheels so it seems slowed and same characteristics just in a much more brighter color all right so this is Thomas well besides nicely attached and now you can grab it and clip it and all good all right that's it on I hope this solved a couple of frequently asked questions we had quite a few people asking for that and see you next time bye you
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 190,972
Rating: 4.8698225 out of 5
Keywords: How to, ise, innerspace explorers, technical diving, diving, boltsnap, tie knot, tie boltsnap, scuba, gue, ud, tdi, iantd, padi, ssi, cmas, achim schloeffel
Id: Qm_oZTAqE04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2016
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