Police Motorcycle Advanced Motor Training On A BMW R1200RTP!

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[Music] all right are we ready let's do this [Music] [Music] hey good morning welcome to mclovin moto this is going to be a cool day so it's friday i am on my work bike as you can see i am headed to salem with my riding partner and my buddy from another agency and we are going to do some high-speed training at our local law enforcement track this is going to be a great day there's going to be a bunch of other motor cops there doing some training this is something we try to do once a year when when possible uh but we're gonna go up and run the track we're gonna work on some cornering some curve negotiation probably some braking uh obstacle avoidance swerving maneuvers i would imagine but i'm gonna bring you along and let you check it out so enjoy the video hey if you take a minute like and subscribe down at the bottom and uh i hope you have fun as you come along on some law enforcement motor officer training all right so we are almost to the track this is a uh secure facility so we're gonna have to get off the bikes and uh offload any weapons and ammunition before we can uh roll down to the to the track site so we'll roll in we'll get checked in we had all of our tires had to be above 50 percent before i left i made sure my air pressure was uh was correct i'm at 39 in the front 42 in the rear which is about where i like to be my tires i believe are more like 75 so pretty good there and once we get checked in we'll get down to the track and go do some riding for those of you that haven't seen any of my other videos i'm riding a 2015 bmw r 1200 rtp that's uh that's my work motorcycle i've got just about 20 000 miles on it i had a new clutch what about four months ago four months ago i think and we're running uh road pilot what are they fours or fives four i think we're running road pilot fours for the tires very pleased with those they've got awesome siping they're great in the rain and they are sticky uh one of probably probably my favorite street tire for uh for this style of bike just so everybody's aware i did ask for permission from the folks putting this on to be able to video so not doing anything i shouldn't today they were kind enough to when i asked if i could go pro video the the ride they were they were cooled it so thank you to uh the folks putting this on for letting me take some video let's see if i can do one more time clean and then i'm gonna call it for now what time is it it's only 10 goodness i got lots of time oh yeah there we go just need to practice on that one today that one trips me out a little bit for some reason here we go into the intersection full lock lean getting lazy with my head and eyes it goes better when you turn your head to face what you're doing 360 around this cone out the gate slalom into a keyhole another slalom into what they call the plug see where lots of turnage yes that is a technical term european i think this is a 32 foot circle don't know the technical name for this one essentially a series of figure eights [Music] clutch and throttle head and eyes look back for that cone that you just went around look back next one there we go got it we got a little horse barrel turn here heading for the next one hard on the brakes now the slalom with obstacles in the bottom a little faster it goes a little easier than a hard right turn actually two right turns kyle's corner got it all right another slalom and then into what they're calling the parking garage so this line of cones is simulating like along a barricade in a parking garage like you come in from the side or whatever and then these are just kind of a series of intersections but trying to figure out how to get through down all these lines kinda like so and then i'm gonna do a figure eight here to get her back around so another figure eight to get lined up for this last exit turn this is essentially a like a parking space getting turned around in a parking space and we're out there's a clean there's a clean run hey in the comments let me know what you think of uh of this training so far anything that uh you're enjoying anything about it that uh looks cool uh or something that caught your attention uh let me know it's like i said i i've been on uh i've been on a motor for eight years there's a lot of guys here that have even more than that uh some upwards of twenty uh we're always training always working to get better oh we got you bro hold on let us help you pig you can't complain yeah at least you got away from it all right we got you ready set go oh that's a baby already her on a diet she she's been eating too many cheeseburgers she's a big lady she's a she's a big girl yeah you're welcome don't don't hurt yourself get away from it let it rot yeah this is this is the full commit corner here yeah this is the hardest one yeah you don't have you don't have any option but to commit dude look at that i actually made it the first time yeah you uh you put a nice gouge in the kyle's corner hey hey hey i'm gonna have to i have to edit that out now how'd you do on kc [Laughter] kyle's corner [Laughter] we could have said that all day yeah yeah yeah that's my new back tire you know i did have a chicken strip going yeah something like that all right hopefully you guys caught some of what he was saying but we're gonna do some breaking from what was it 40 miles an hour 60 miles an hour and 80 miles an hour is what we've got uh what we've got planned right now we're going to be working on threshold braking so we want to brake as hard as we can without getting into abs a lot of the times i've just been taught to go to abs because that's what these bikes are designed to do so this will be a little bit uh different for me the training i've been in before we've we've just essentially said get into abs so you'll probably what you'll end up seeing is me being in abs but uh we're gonna do this threshold breaking again from 40 60 and 80 miles an hour uh should be should be a good time i think we're good all right so this is at 40. i'm going too fast all right so i was at 40. that wasn't too violent me or you okay i'll let you thank you huh once once in a while uh yeah let's see how this goes all right there's 60. here we go 80 miles an hour yeah so was i goodness okay thank you so he said i was at 84 when i when i smashed the brakes and he liked my stomp and that was way past the sticks here we go last one at 80 miles an hour 70. so what we're going to do here is we're practicing car stops and essentially approach what would you say approach vector i guess and and uh the guy in the car is going to anchor it at from about 60 miles an hour and then we're supposed to and then 80 miles an hour and we need to be able to get stopped behind them we don't want to overtake them for obvious safety reasons and assuming that you were behind them which is what we normally do on a traffic stop uh rear-ending said violator uh so good exercise we actually i've witnessed this firsthand uh when a car is stopped abruptly for me to tell you to go okay and then when you go you're going to go out into the left lane yes sir and just pretend that you're behind you're going to make your traffic stop okay so turn on your lights when you feel you're ready to do that okay sounds good [Music] oh that was good i actually thought i was i thought i was gonna get you because what i was waiting for is you actually sped up something i did your reaction response was really good okay um just be careful about that speed up some of the other guys are just doing it more i think they're just as soon as as soon as i realized i was out pacing you i let off the throttle and then that right as i hit the lights that's when you stopped and but i i totally understand what you're saying yep thank you do you want me down there okay all right so you can see how fast that uh that can happen where somebody stops abruptly and you gotta get stopped certainly closer than i would like it to be hahahahahaha sweet okay thank you all right the track is open got the music going on my center i'm gonna go run some laps oh yeah a little ac dc [Music] outside inside there we go 110 ah i ran out of room 110. that was fun i got to get after it sooner you can get air right here then you got to slow down just a little bit with a little bit of a whoops right there oh i don't like that coming in hot outside outside inside outside maybe a little too far outside outside [Music] inside [Music] okay guys we're getting to the end of my day here at the track oh i just scraped my foot uh if you enjoyed the content please like and subscribe down at the bottom uh that would really help out my channel hope you enjoyed the ride along with me today we're up at the gpssc track in salem oregon hey there's 105 and uh getting in some high speed practice high speed braking and then some slow speed cone work this morning uh in the comments down below leave me uh leave me a comment what you think about the training uh what do you think about my riding you can be critical that's fine uh if uh if i agree with you i'll even let you know but uh leave a comment please hit the like button and uh thanks for watching mclovin moto i'm gonna go out here and rip it up a little bit more and uh get a few more laps in it's not every day you get a uh a track that is open for you to go ride and uh so i'm gonna put in some laps and i will see you guys next time take care everybody here we go 114. that was cool back down to 70. [Music] [Music] so [Music] my bike just eats my lunch on the straightaways [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow uh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh
Channel: McLovin Garage
Views: 155,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police motorcycle, bmwr1200rtp, advanced police motorcycle training, motorcycle training, police motorcycle training, cone patterns, high speed braking, cornering lines
Id: qHl-LeCdW04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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