TheMax vs Lyx | King Of The Desert 2 | Round 2

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who and king of the desert - between the Max and licks and I've just double-checking the colors I think we'll stick with blue and red throughout this series we have the max here in the blue playing us at Japanese and then four licks he is playing as the Vikings both players very strong players max he had an amazing showing and king of the desert one beating slam beating licks and beating MBL to eventually get to the semifinals and lose to Viper so that's why he deserves his fourth seed I'll be interested to see how this plays out because I actually have vivid memories of the max first lick set from almost a year ago but anyway Dave what do you think of the civilizations going into Game one then they're kind of similar aren't they yeah I Kings in Japanese I mean Japanese are gonna opt for the men-at-arms most likely but both of them will try and transition probably into crossbows right yeah árboles Imperial age I think Vikings definitely have the better eco but Japanese more military options for them yeah there we saw the set yeah not the sets are these sibs yesterday and the saves play out very similarly they both have amazing archers and skirmishers they both have pretty flexible economies Vikings being a bit stronger of course but Japanese more flexible in the early goings and then in late-game if they want to transition they can transition into an infantry unit from their castle we could see berserks and Samurai I guess the one difference then an imp would be that Japanese lacks seizure him and Vikings have that which can be quite a big deal can we talk about the fact that there's no wood anywhere near their bases yeah I guess max is okay I'm looking at his base now his gold could be tough but he could always lock that down with some houses in front which he's working on but licks his map is really really bad man I guess fortunately he does have some gold and stone on the back yeah I like that stone being in the back but the Gold's are so exposed and he only has it that one wood line is so far away yeah well I think he can work with this but it's obviously going to be awkward he could wall so kind of to the left and then diagonally down towards the house and to the TC but when he loses that wood line man then he has to almost go forward for every single one Sollux needs to make sure he has some type of control over the fights oh there's also interesting I don't know if it'll come into play but there's a neutral gold at the far north that's actually trapped in the wood line as well okay well that's you know the other ones in the south yeah I mean if it's a really long game they can chop through that I'm sure that will happen on an arabia game okay so my prediction is and you're spot-on I think we'll see man-at-arms from Japanese think Vikings you see a little bit more from them where it could go for address into archers and skirts but maybe in this case you want to go for your own man-at-arms to defend from the men-at-arms that from Japanese I've seen max go for men-at-arms with some weird sips - I think he likes the build I remember this place now I remember before men-at-arms was the thing we did Max and tatto in that one scene 90 series do you remember and he won man-at-arms every time because in that game mode you couldn't wall and I recall tatto trying to go for some different strategies like Scouts and whatnot but max went for men in arms every time and that's when the meta started to shift once well the kingdoms came out employers were playing him more often so yeah - he might be doing it again cuz there's the second villager on gold so max with the Viking or Japanese men at arms and slicks what is his response well normally you build the barracks around now always going for two lumber camps Lakes rings oh yeah my spike oh yeah you know me I love how we know immediately once the mistake is made we don't even wait for the chat to say anything we're just we just start explain we just started explaining ourselves but anyway he's going for two lumber camps as Vikings and normally this would be an archer build but you rarely see that you rarely see straight archers in 1b ones so where's the barracks gonna be from him is the question and okay he'll place it on the front now which is definitely later than you would expect if he's going men-at-arms well there's the wall - yeah the great wall of licks it's a bit late to be honest if you're gonna wall like that like that's a bit late it's very late because by the time he's halfway finished with this Max will have his Scout with extra attack and futile and the man-at-arms could be forward as well so big question marks over how licks is starting off this game he hasn't gone the gold yet okay now he's thinking of going to gold but man this is this is gonna be tough for him the man-at-arms will show up within a few seconds and does max see what is max see of licks his face he knows that Gold's there and he's going right there yeah he's going right there now licks can wall in the villagers with some Palisades but he has to notice this and I'm not sure Lix knows the militia have run forward because last he saw the militia were inside the barracks so this could surprise him and it could be either on the wood line which you can't easily wall in or the gold okay walls on the wood line he's got that and max didn't even go to the gold so I guess licks will be okay for now is he he's gonna go around to the berries I guess but those berries are the only resource that Lix has that's actually in a nice position so yep there we go he walls that in as well so he's walled in the threat obviously the minute arms could break through but let's just assume they don't licks is going straight for archers all max needs to do now is add one archery range and go for a few archers and squirms of his own he's he's already done it and I'm surprised how smooth that was yeah he got that archery range up right away yeah it's it's the beauty of Japanese so with Vikings you get freewheel in futile age but with Japanese you save so much wood in the early goings because you're mining camps your mills and your lumber camps are cheaper and so that's that free archery range essentially for him and he's already applying pressure to his opponent and Lix has just given up full map controlled by an outgoing man-at-arms he just let this happen okay there's an archer and this Archer will be annoying of course max can't stay here forever if max can kill that scouted be good and and now I can go after the archer this is well played for max really solid movement so far and again he's untouched at home Dave so he's buying himself so much time yeah really really good start from him but at the end of the day he didn't do that much damage yet and I thought he was gonna do a lot more because Lix was late with the wall max knew the gold was there he knew the wood was there but some decent quick walls from Lix yep have done the job so far yeah I wonder if max can sneak around with these archers where exactly is he going he's sending his archers in okay now he's using his Scout looking to kill an archer from lakes he's close to doing that and now he has his three archers with fletching dave outside these walls but he should go for the army first correct like not duh yeah I think he pushes away the archers with the men-at-arms and tries to snipe the Vil's but Lix knows exactly what the game plan is and he's just attacking the archers preventing them from targeting those villes inside yeah and max misclicked for a second there I think he tried to move his units but click to the house but you know the micro has been pretty even here max with two kills okay now he's losing some archers headquarters Lakes build a tower I think that's a good tower to build in all honesty that's a really you know what that's a really great defense from Lix yeah considered art right with a sieve like Vikings where your eco is gonna be better yep you know all you need to do is is defend the push try not to lose too much and then you can push back later but look at Max's base man yeah you so much so many walls he's taking his good old time as well he didn't scramble down palisade walls he's now swallow this up I like it and always stable okay maybe some Scouts incoming then well I saw those skirmishers from licks so maybe it's max though I I'm thinking that he is gonna want some Knights in the castle age yeah and that maybe is only for a couple Scouts and not a huge investment on his berth yeah it depends on how many archers licks mixes in looks at the moment is heavy on skirmishers with fletching so a scout or two would do a lot of damage and what's interesting is licks feels like he has the right side protected he has skirmishers and tower there so he's hoping to wall up the left side and that's exactly where max is going isn't that interesting man at this same exactly exactly where licks is going with his army yeah yeah they're on point here I like it I do agree with you though I think the fact that you get free wheel makes this strategy viable for Vikings and the defense was good considering it's up against the best man unarmed civilians start to be a bit better than Japanese because the cheap lumber camps mills mining camps they don't matter now for Japs they'll stick with the ones they have and Vikings will get stronger in Castle age once they get the free hand card these Scouts are gonna be a surprise to Lix though noot not a very welcomed surprise either such an aggressive play from max too because it could be seen as a waste if he doesn't do damage with it but I like it it's gonna work out here and now Lexie's this alex needs to be very careful oh wow the archers yeah max targeting the archers and he goes right in man he ran up the hill there for a second and now he'll position himself more to the left and this is where licks has that wood line very far away from his TC it's where he has that stone so he has to react to this and he reacts with two house walls this is good so far again from licks as soon as max came in through those walls licks went to stone yeah I made that money camp very very smart and this isn't the world for licks because he didn't invest food into Scouts and as long as he makes archers now if he has archers with his scams then he can kill the scouts of course depend what the micro is like and max getting scale boarding as he runs through this side this is a very aggressive game in game 1 from max licks opting for a couple Spears so if if he takes out those archers and skirmishers that scale barding isn't gonna do too much yeah and he has more ranged units so he's now winning with the KD 10 kills 6 deaths and I don't like the scale boarding upgrade I think about max I cancel unless he has more Scouts running in they will get the villain the left hand side that is the first villager death of the game yeah and Lix is actually wold all the way to the right as well so he's so much Scott there's almost got a third of the map wall that is pretty crazy man and I just wonder what Max's eco looks like he said 400 food after creating the scouts and getting scale boarding and then Ranger licks man licks has had 700 food and 200 gold so Hulk look up to Castle age faster after defending against the scouts I'm surprised max got scale barding I'm really surprised but like when you're playing against the Viking player it's in the back of your mind it's like his egos better than mine he's up to Castle age yeah no so usually you don't opt for the fetal feudal age investment Oh getting those extra tax a lion look at the scurbs from max oh you got a kill there we go first kill of the day guys first kill of the day many more to come many more to come yeah but back to Max's base Dave it's it's really solid now that he is the walls up he has a stone is this gold wall then a second gold is T seeable I believe Oh Lix well no the scouts are in with armor oh no that's annoying yeah you just know that Max is gonna get a bill pick with these now that he's in here there's there's so many villagers exposed on these farms Max is definitely gonna pick some off yep and there's one down that could have been avoided Alex loses his second villager but Lix is running forward with archers and skirmishers I think he'll go for crossbow elite skirm what do you think Dave I think so with Vikings yeah yeah that's probably the play he can rage that gold once he gets crossbow as well yeah I think he can range the one side I'm not sure about the far edge yeah he'll range the right side max we'll need to reposition max has quite a few skirmishers of his own inside the archery ranges and he of course can make the night so I don't know if Lex will want to go in here this is a risky move he might he might need to back up a bit Lix is engaging with those Scouts with villagers he's got a Spearman there but he's already lost two villes man it we say it's avoidable but it was just one tile and max found it he ran right in and he was rewarded for it well played from the max but here the archers and skirmishers are in Oh although max needs to gate this okay he's gated it off it's worth losing a few villagers here if he kills his opponents army Lix is running in everything's exposed back here what is happening it's not worth losing this many villagers I could tell you that much for free Wow Lix gets in max is losing a bunch of villagers and while he might kill this army Lix is still doing damage what up what a ballsy move from Lex to run through the TC like this yeah a bit of a Miss play from max - just let him in like that when he had all those skirmishers and the archery ranges as well I don't think max ever expected Lix to have the balls to run in he was probably expecting him to go back it's just a matter of how much damage leagues does here because obviously Lix is going to lose his army he lost some army on the front as well and I think that's the end of the damage maybe one more ville pick for leox if he's lucky nah that's that's gonna be the end of it there insane and now with the Viking eco he's gonna be so far ahead already his third TC already going down yes sir this is about how well licks can defend again because he he might have killed villagers but he doesn't have as much military now only eight military verse the 22 now of the max and Max has some Knights so I'm curious if flicks can hold as you said with Viking ecofree handcart he'll be just fine but for now he can't keep these walls up and Max is gonna be battering them down his eco balance not great either forced to drop a market 800 gold 78 food he just made a stable he's making a few nights in the back I noticed that he had horse collar laid and that's never a bad sign look at all the empty farm space yeah that's never a bad side oh did I say backside oh yeah yeah it is a bad sign my vet I'm just sipping on my coffee now work this is our practice set elites Kerman Knights though there's not much that licks can do against this except hold next was TC well he's got two staples of his own now and he's got Knights so as soon as they get into the elite skirmishers there is something he can do against this yeah very good point and the Knights from max are in low numbers in pretty weak now and again good decision from Lix it's interesting this whole game I've been thinking okay the max is making the better decisions but lik somehow holds on he somehow defends and now he has a slight Val lead three or four villagers I think he might just be he's just playing this Civ perfectly yeah good point good point there's very few civilizations where you can go straight into archers and have success and be faster to castle Age the max now sees his opponents going for Knights and he always going CAV archers Dave he's going Japanese cavern Weiss okay against Vikings yeah it's a bit weird isn't it like you're getting all excited for this I don't like it well it's questionable because Vikings would normally go elites Kerman are blessed and that's why it's questionable because that would destroy CAV archers but I think if max can use his mobility I get to this wood line on the right-hand side and do damage where he wouldn't normally do damage with just crossbows then it's worth it something to consider for those watching at home Japanese cab washers do get full upgrades it's just that they don't have a discount and they're very expensive and they lack one range they lack when ranging comparison of the crossbows sorry and here we go max is on the wood line I hasn't done any damage against villagers Luke's was smart to run away and that's a lot of nights from Lakes my goodness no +2 yet just now getting ballistics the University is down and his eco looking good but so it's Max's geez yeah it is crazy how max has rebounded from this I thought he would be further behind he's only a few villagers behind and he has had map control for a while three TCS for both of them however I think Lix is working towards the best composition if he continues to make these crossbows that's what he would want in this matchup I think is are blessed and elite squirming the Imperial Age [Music] that's a lot of army for max licks just noped right out of there as soon as he saw that this is gonna be such a sick set can you tell already man yeah oh my goodness this is so cool and they're also like the horse collar times max getting his past 30 yeah it's not 8 a.m. wherever they are no it's definitely not I think it's pretty late for licks it's 8 p.m. for him so a good time and then for max is probably mid-afternoon but both holding to their hills I say that as Max is looking to run forward and this is what CAV archers can do and that's not good that is not good at all max needs to get out of there can you tell me what they can do again well they can run to the TC which was being built and deny that but that's not where max went I don't know why he would run around and then to the top of the hill he's trying to get he's trying to get that relic and so his licks so Max is coming out with a mug and licks is gonna get there first I also like how the relic on the right side max has that Scout near there yeah in licks his path to that oh good point does he react it's not on Patrol does what so I think so I thought he would go for a conversion there but maybe it's not worth the risk he saw it and then he's going for the forward relic and he sent one night back to go deal with it oh wow yeah the 16 HP night well at the cab Archer is that the relic to the left max knows man yeah max knows and Max will kill the monk but licks is on the way to the Imperial age now wait max wait he will thanks Shh did he see the night did he see the night oh there's a hole in the base there the night just went right yeah I notice that as well there's so many things I want to talk about the big thing is that Lix is on the way to imp and Max is invested into chain barding armor so he'll have a lot of knights and he also goes to the wood line will kill one will kill two will kill three villagers max needs a fight before in he needs to fight before licks hit Send oh and he's gonna snag that relic before the monk can I don't know what's happening right now I don't know what's happening but I know max needs a fight and here we go he's killed a few units already he's killing the elite skirm licks needs to back up and licks needs to wait for his upgrades this is dangerous time for him wow that's a lot of sperms down and that's a lot of calves archers dave with upgrades this would be perfect timing does max take the fight here you can't you don't not like this no not like this you can't have your Knights and calves Archer separated that's for sure yeah I don't think you can fight this one not after a thumb ring has been completed and so I think this will shift back into licks is control man with the amount of archers he's about to have upgraded this will be tough for max max needs to click to imp and he does he's right behind him really equal equal first game here yep definitely does max have a castle going up he does okay to see that's the difference I think let me look at likes his base yes he licks doesn't have his castle yet so he had the faster in time for his upgrades but he doesn't have a castle just yet which is almost not ant make his trebuchet but yeah he could build it soon and I think he'll build it on the hill and there it is and he's getting he's getting capped RAM as well he sees that castle position from max I don't think he can push that even with cap trim nope he'll need like five or six more and and some more árboles as well well it's even tough to push Japanese with C trim because all they need to do is make a few samurai out of their castle to kill the Rams but that that is a deadly amount of our blessed and I questioned the CAV Archer choice it's not as if Japanese have weak our ballistic they could have done the same thing and the CAV archers will struggle here it's expensive to upgrade these things Lix just avoiding the castle and I think he should do this I think he should go right to the main eco again of Max just like he did in early castle a just get in and if you were to get in now I think he would win the game honestly he's gotta be real careful with that our Blessed bunch though there's a manga Nell in that seat oh okay well there's been better shots but those are very weak Arva less it doesn't make ESPN top 10 plays but half the are blesser week so that can work and I like the tower there from the max a tower is getting a spot oh he's getting a unique tech yeah the tower is gonna kill the ARBs look at this hey orbs are going down I think legs should be careful now because max will get bracer in chemistry but you know what see germs already on the way from licks maybe not maybe just bust right through if he gets into that eco if he gets into that wood line in the back there's not too much the max can do to save those villagers yeah this is this is an interesting one and again I think a lot of players would not go in but Lix says okay I'm gonna go in but is it the correct decision hit this time I think if he keeps going in if he sits right there not too sure yeah about it he's hoping the siege Rams will tank damage and see gems are definitely tanking damage the squirming CAV Archer upgrades coming in but you know licks it's not even about the first wave now it's the second wave Dave trebuchet 'he's more arms more skirmishers he's ramming down the castle he's trapping down the castle I think max is in trouble here yeah max really doesn't have a foot to stand on here mm-hmm once this castle goes down he'll have no map position he'll have to fight back against C trim he has nothing to kill the C trim at all nope however our blister back in the wood line now yeah power of Vikings and and licks he's been so smart with his units I I'm impressed man I'm impressed he goes in at the right times he recognized it sending a few arms into the back would do a lot of damage he's killing the Vil's he has a 30 ville lead he's also cast in the south with that extra golden stone is this is so well played from licks just needs to continue doing more the same and I I have no faith in these calves archers I just don't think that they can fight this I think calves Archer is one of the worst decisions I've ever seen from the max yeah I could I could say that as a spectator he probably had a reasoning for it well I think he wanted to do more damaging Castle age because Vikings are always gonna have the faster in peer so his logic was probably to get some really strong options in Castle age and he just couldn't do it Lix defended too well and look at that one seed room in there taking the skirmisher and calves Archer shots that's helping out in a big way as max loses his ranges and it's attacking the skirt oh is it it's even attacking the unit's it's a matter of how much damage does do one weave does one damage to a skirt right - okay it's totally without the Bucks the monk is healing the skirmisher that it's attack oh this is just I love how alexis is actually using the Rams verse the unit's it's so rare to see but all he needs is more Rams and more skirmishers and Max's is losing population 130 pop 174 licks and obviously this is not looking very good for the max and I don't see how he can rebound from this with the with cow archers the thing about CAV archers is you need a lot of them and you need a lot of upgrades on them and he never had the time to upgrade them or at least get the numbers he would need whereas making arms and skirmishers is cheaper and it's so easy to do for Vikings elixirs and cruise control now then though I do see a few samurai from max he's got to be careful though because max is rating with the CAV archers now and licks if max somehow manages to clear up this army in the middle licks doesn't really have any rating units okay he's going into a lake cap now yeah going into like CAV he is losing some villagers he is a 35 lead the nice shot from max to avoid the main fight at least and do damage where he can with the CA I just don't think max has the economy unfortunately has some eco further down to the south but I don't see him defending his castles a few samurai can be helpful against Kermes of course but what licks needs is some more are blessed in the mix and he's fine viking like kept pretty weak I think now it's just a matter of raiding with that if you're liq said and closing this game out making sure that max can stay alive he needs to push look at all the gold that Lix has to look at licks is eco it's crazy Vikings are such a good sieve but Blake's lost the trebuchet on the front yes killing that B's losing some Rams I think when he kills this monastery for max max might think think about resigning here well I think max needs one big fight at home because he still has the CAV archers running around so if he gets lucky kills some trebuchet kill some enemy military at home then he might think he has a chance but he does not have much gold he does not have much of anything and I don't see how I can kill that army on the front that is a lot of Units super impressive game from Lix wait no Max had smoother transitions we were surprised as eco was so good blah blah blah and then licks is just steamrolled him ever since he came in with those crossbows yeah yeah I was really I was really annoyed actually at the start I'm thinking why does licks do this like why would he not go for a draw why would he not go for men-at-arms and it worked to get to this point and licks is now trepang down Max's only castle there's is Maggie know their licks needs to kill that Maggie no he will kill the Macan l can he hold against the samurai just barely he is the military counts are pretty close it's just the build difference it's huge I think max will keep his castle up I think we'll kill the trips yeah and licks is actually castling at the North now those towers are doing work for max yeah you're right yeah he has hours on all of his exposed wood lines he he towered further towards the South lick sent Rams in there and Max is just using his villagers to kill the Rams okay this is the point of the game where licks needs to stop running army down the center and needs to analyze and say where where should i attack yeah and what should I do well I think he's kind of done that with the castle positions right so in the south and now the north and he realizes time to start raiding with the light calves instead of just defending with them but you're definitely right he needs to shift focus a bit and avoid that main that main flight in the center and there we go immediately after we say that the like have go in that max is struggling for wood locations actually he he will eventually run out of wood at this rate because no wood in the back of his base yeah in that castle in the south is kind of defending an extra wood line the castle in the north is defending a couple wood lines yeah max is actually or sorry licks was actually taking Max's main stone and he's got enough stone for another castle as well yeah this is where you would Castle where you want your trebs to sit so if he okay I'm actually not a huge fan of that castle but I was thinking like it I was thinking he castles more towards where his arms are on the hill and then he could sit his trebs beneath the castle to attack Max's castle but either way a forward castle to protect the stone is nice lick should win this game for sure at this rate I mean we thought he would have won a long time ago he's continuing with the seed Rams continuing with the ARBs with the scrums with the light calves just a matter of time now if he continues doing what he's doing but max is not giving up I don't know how max still has 89 villagers I don't yeah essentially one wood line yeah it's it he finally lost his tower in the south so that could be trouble if light can't get in because he just has a few skirmishers there he is quite a few samurai the samurai have helped him out but he doesn't have the resources for elite samurai and just write your samurai will not touch the Arve less that licks is making so in round one or sorry not in round 1 and king of the desert one maxim likes blade at that time i don't know the exact seed maybe someone in the twitch chat can tell us but i believe max was mid table so i think he was around fifteen sixteenth seed and he beat licks who was the higher seed and then of course max hadn't had a crazy toward oven and ended up beating licks in one of his sets now we have fourth seed max verse 20 seed licks but licks is showing that this is pretty close and okay the light calves there on the wood line that's gonna hurt max that like he's fighting with villagers that's something you never want to see against full like +2 light calves with +4 attack yep had definitely men and now max realizing it's now or never because the trebuchet czar here he pushed us out with the samurai his samurai will die and he's repairing his castle i I can't help but feel it's just a matter of time now as long as looks continues this and there's the GG well played wow that that was really well played from lakes my goodness man the defense in funeral the defense in castle the move to go into Max's eco because once he ran into Max's economy he went on three TCS he might not have had the biggest vill lead but as you said Dave he recognized his save was better economically with the freewheelin handcart and he always took advantage of those situations strong stuff there max with more kills didn't matter because he had less food wood stone and gold and we're moving on we're moving on to game number two this is spicing things up I thought that max would win this 3:1 was my prediction and Lakes gets the first win what was your prediction for the final three to max for this set how for this set no three one three one max that was my thought okay I I haven't been super convinced with Lakes lately but he's one of those players that always gets results a lot of the Chinese guys except for Tim sorry Tim a lot of the Chinese guys that just saw it and they always perform at a good level be right back in 50 seconds okay cool so max used his Japanese pick and then Itchy income who is likes used his Vikings pick and now we have Slavs Malians Mayans Aztecs for max and then Aztecs Mayans Malay and Indians for Lakes good morning guys when I started the stream the games started immediately legless Alex good morning or good afternoon I guess to you thank you for gifting those subs men well to the 20 people who received the subs hope you guys enjoy who else is here what's going on hecklers thank you for the two months Rev Rock thank you for three he said not sure why I'm awake at 5:00 a.m. on a Sunday but I am happy since t90 is here to bring some quality AoE to games yeah man I it's pretty early for us as well and here we are guys we have an Aztec war so again this is a best-of-five in round two of king of the desert - and the max losing game one needs a response Dave will be here in a few seconds I'm sure we'll have games all day today and if you're watching on YouTube it'll be on YouTube eventually trust me but the schedule for the stream today is max for Slick's then we'll have Hera versed at OU and then we will end the stream with Nika verse MBL so some awesome games the games will only get better as the day goes on it's very rare to see a Meza war back in the day back in 2013 back in 2014 it was Aztecs V Aztecs and basically every tournament but it's very rare that you see a mirror match up fast nowadays and that's exactly what we have here I'm thinking we could see some lames I'm thinking we could see some some man at arms or some Josh's there's possibilities let us start with the map and Max has ugly gold I was wondering when you're gonna come in yeah I was looking for the gold this is this is an ugly map where's the gold my goodness yeah what is that gold oh it's on the other side of the wood line I guess he could wall it in but it's just gonna be awkward a second goal this here third gold is better than any of the other gold so maybe he can take that one next to his wood I like the fact he has back stone which is not a concern in the Aztec war normally but is that and oh I don't like the fact that licks can steal his pig and licks is stealing the pig yep max sees it as well yeah max might come forward right after this and take licks this pig where his licks is pig on the left yeah good point pretty easy location to take in licks is gold and stone are pretty hairy as well yeah similar because two of the golds I don't like the one in the back is okay there's elevation on the left and the right four licks the four stopped oh it's right he just needs to wait no he shouldn't hit it down you should wait oh he let it hit him twice yeah you can get away with it if you've already lured it that far by only hitting it once yeah and if it starts running back then you just need one hit and it'll never touch you so it's fine though he gets the pig it's fine and Max is dealt down a bore and Oh max lost a villager - oh no three no it's Oh God he must have just lost the villagers so he's down a pig down a hill it's a rough start for him but I like the response to push in the zebras pushing the zebras make up for the loss of the pig it's too much of a gamble I think to run forward and hope that you can blame your opponent so he's going for the safe approach alright so there's a cool thing about Aztec Wars and they're a bit different nowadays but I just want to talk about this so back in the AFC days you would see a lot of Josh Sherman and arms opening so you start with infantry and then you would transition into archers so you'd have crossbows and then in the Imperial Age back then you would transition into Eagles so it was cool because you want infantry archers infantry nowadays it could just be full infantry because of the strength of the Eagles so I'm thinking maybe men-at-arms into a few archers but but mainly Eagles for both but maybe Dave maybe if we're lucky we'll see Jaguar warriors in this game because Jaguar warriors are the ultimate counter to Eagles or not the ultimate counter but a good day definitely not I know I just wanted to hype them up in this quarter no man we got to see them we gotta see the ultimate composition which is don't errors don't say it at lateral scurbs is that what you were going to say yes I know you're gonna say it of all the unique texts Dave loves his Aflac scams [Laughter] you're right maybe Jackson's curves will come out I doubt we'll see Jags or squirms but who knows max is running forward to scout licks and licks is about to click up the futile age max should be right behind him again rough start for him but great job to analyze the situation pushing zebras and he'll stabilize it's a big wall it's a nice wall on the left if he completes it because then most of the pressure will come in on the right and it will wall in this gold as well and looks kinda unfortunate for licks to run through there before seeing the wall going up so he doesn't know yeah and also licks he doesn't have the option to all he can wall a little bit but I can't see what he can do long term except win fights to protect himself okay well men-at-arms are being created now licks has three currently and he's sending a bill forward okay what is she doing it's licks man we thought see the last game tricked us into thinking that he's gonna play standard yes licks and C's gonna do some shenanigans I'm guessing tower on that wood line because he realizes there's not many options for Macs and if he can sneak behind there and build the tower it might even range the gold that's got to be where he's going so we'll see if he makes it max he doesn't have his Eagle scouting that villager he doesn't have his Eagle scouting the militia from Lix but max does have four militia and he'll get the man and arms upgrade here in a second I think Lix has been watching some severe yeah man very vivvy esque kind of play Dave and I were talking about this one night when he was visiting a few days ago about how vivvy has figured out that that sending one villager forward is totally worth it whereas many pros for years with Jesse that has idle time if you can get a tower up it's a big big deal and Max is he knows something incoming now he's waiting for the man-at-arms from Lix he doesn't see him yet Lix doesn't see that there's a mining camp there so he's gonna see it now so oh yeah he just ran away but did max see that I did I think he owes Wow what a reaction from max oh he sees the bill he sees the bill and he has four men in arms first three this is so good good for the max of course bad for Lix and in this case it's not worth it for Lix and he loses the villager so wasted villager time and licks is losing the men-at-arms battle kind of a game of defense here a series of defense right Dave max defends after like stiff after let's only it has been fortunate defense great defense from licks in Game one and then great defense from Max and Game two weak Eagle four licks max wants to pick it off but I'm sure he'll be feeling good about his situation now it's sending his men and arms forward yeah it's pretty much evened out since he lost that villager early yep and then licks had all the idle time he lost that ville and lost his army for free basically yeah this is where licks definitely needs archers he can't go with any Eagles because he has no answer to the men-at-arms then so he's Walden his gold a bit it's definitely messy but his wood lines close to the TC I think we'll be okay max though he has plenty of time and he's making his own archery range so they're doing pretty much the same thing and SC from legs to lose this that eagle and the men-at-arms for free yep alixus not wolde his wood line max has four men at arms he could kill some villagers will lick see this oh he has plenty of time he just needs to house wall it off yep he's aware nice move oh don't do it max he's thinking about it he was definitely thinking about it yeah lost a mana time again both players reacting nicely to any attacks Game one Lix he just held and that's exactly what max has done after losing the pig but it's pretty close game I love how both players know the important areas of the map so it licks looping around with four archers on the right side he wants to hit that golden that wood nine but yeah you look at what max has he already has a tower there and he already has skirmishers on that hill to defend ya max is waiting in the right areas I think the question marks for lack for max or the frustrating thing for max in this game is going to be securing those extra golds but you could also say the same for licks right because he has a forward gold there as well we'll find out soon enough but scale mail for licks and that's that's the difference in AOC you wouldn't be making Eagles now so players are making some archers and squirms but now they realized that getting the eagle mass up is important interesting to see the eagle upgrade before max or licks has many of them though well he saw this right yep always getting 14 - are you kidding me that is really expensive when he doesn't have okay he has one Eagle warrior that's a surprise meanwhile the max he's not investing food into the upgrade so he saved 250 food and I think he might just go up to Castle age and then start making Eagles or at least make a few while he's on his way up he's got to be careful though because I mean Eagle Scouts are kind of a joke when they don't have upgrades but once they have those upgrades yep you can't really ignore them anymore well with the archers as well yeah because all that Lakes would need to do is kill the scurbs and then send his archers underneath the tower completely tonight at gold and then the Eagles could kill villes on what as you said so max while he's on his way to Castle age he doesn't have the best military comp and he needs to get his own Eagles he's just now putting a bet this could be really bad for max I mean he's gonna be in Castle age faster but he doesn't all he has for military of those terms right there okay and he's making his first Eagle Scout so it's a question of if Lix is investment is going to be worthless look at look at the south max is waiting he's like please open the door for me oh did he check the tree he's sitting there with the scout I think he's doing something at home yeah I'm probably dealing with the Eagle warriors or Eagle Scouts here they come now the tower has fletching which is decent but there's so many archers coming in behind this and and Lix putting max in a very uncomfortable position this is exactly what you said Dave max just didn't have much it's just a few skirmishes oh that's so amazing he was waiting for the over chop and it paid off all of the villagers on would run away and and meanwhile Max is using his tower to whittle down the Eagle Scouts and he has his squirms for the archers max is fine yeah the only concern for max here is once he gets the castle edge he won't have enough gold yeah anything he doesn't have enough stone to drop another TC yeah this very good point is gonna be really slow licks delayed him enough I think and he already has the text for the Eagles as well yep but again a player defends 17 kills 6 deaths for max and yeah good point Dave you can't build a new TC so it can't take a cat sledge advantage there he he can't even get any Castle age upgrades on his Eagles yet so I think Max's Eagle numbers will be even or lakes I'm sorry max and Lex are so similar for my tired brain licks his numbers will be even and he does have three barracks crating Eagles as well you already said Lacs I know I'm gonna have a like internal lacks counter sorry man it's alright yeah Lex is fine licks hit Scouts lage he gets Eagle warrior before max researches that licks could be called off though max is running to the left hand side right into the wood liner into the gold I think you go wood line yeah because if you go to the gold that's close to the barracks go to the wood line looks could be caught off guard and Lex is going to be caught off guard he's running forward max could also be surprised by this hmm who will defend better this time certainly Max's in trouble if he fights this so he has to run as his Eagle warrior upgrade just how coming in and while he gates nicely there so at least he'll keep the eagles out yeah alex has to be super careful with that one line I'm sure there's maybe there's not a hole there I thought I was but I guess he placed a house instead of a palisade he placed a house this is going to be annoying though most of his Lumberjacks aren't working and Max he is on 1tc Dave it is now 2 to cs4 licks yeah and that TC secures the extra wood line out there so he can move yeah there's no hole there it kind of looks like there'd be a hole in the other side of the house but there's a tree so I wonder if max goes to stone he is going to stone so he's planning on a second TC at some point to me it seems like licks has a small lead because he's on to Town Center's and he has similar military numbers oh when a forward siege workshop from Lex I like it do you go with the RAM here Dave uh I don't think so no go Mac and L instead I'm just questioning the decision to go siege workshop when it's an eagle fight Max is going to make this a long swordsman fight he just researched longsword okay what and now Lix immediately gets crossbow this is such a good game Luke's gets crossbow because he sees the long swordsman upgrade so now you have the Eagles to count to the crossbows but you have the crossbows two counts with long swords a research crossbow and immediately lost that Archer but I like how this is playing out this is what Aztec Wars can give you do you even go scorpions now that you're going crossbows maybe I guess I guess what you do with that see yeah he's making a mag Annelle and it's just gonna die hey that's each workshop against Eagles was a bit suspect yeah and other sift matchups it makes a bit more sense right but in an Aztec war maybe not but can you take the fight now will will back stop attacking the siege workshop yeah he's distracting it upgrade wise they have the same it's just there's long swords in the mix for max with slightly lower numbers there's two mag and L fire fire nothing nothing oh there's another one coming out okay yeah it won't do anything right there's a whiff and it will just die fifty three villagers four lakes it's 52 for the max and 17 verse 12 military so close game licks put a lot of gold and wood in the siege workshop Mac canals just lost that and their links is fighting uphill versus long swords but now his crossbow Zola arrived so hard to judge these fights would you prefer Max's position where he has the long swords and the Eagles or would you prefer to have the range to melee Khan always always a range in melee combo yeah so you can run back with the range right and then you just build up enough numbers until you one shot the Eagles it's not the long swords that are your problem it's the Eagles yep hey you just need enough eagles in front and then you can the second your eagles engage long swords you can pull the Eagles back and the crossbows will do the damage from there max is on he's just now going to a second TC I do like the second TC though it protects that gold and all fight on the hill this is dicey man Lix wants to fight but anytime he gets to the hill there's too many Eagles for him to do so he's not really taking great fights either he's had a couple opportunities to snipe some longsword something and I just had hasn't happened yeah and this makes more sense now max is making this each workshop this makes more sense because his opponent has crossbow and a maganet shot or two can change things this is a close game another close game Game two between Max and Lakes rounds two is his best of five max obviously doesn't want to go down two games an iron casting for Lakes aggressive Castle each play from both at while Dave look at Max's resources I use one TC for a long time he's gonna click up to the Imperial age and there is mac and L on the way can you keep these crossbowmen trapped I think this is much better for max right he has more Eagle warriors yeah oh wow that is awful timing for licks again taking a bad fight again max defends and all the crossbowmen will die say goodbye boom while max has a big lead now jeez that hurt that hurt my soul that shot when Alex needs to clean up in Castle age because he's not anywhere near him so he needs to take full map control I don't see him doing it like it's pretty clear-cut now he doesn't have enough eagles to fight in Castle age max will hit imp within a minute or two and Max just outplayed him economically and definitely outplayed him on the battlefield and he was trying to go forward as well he's trying to go forward to place the TC on that neutral goal that's not gonna happen oh it looks probably hoping that he has more eco than his opponent because it feels like max is on 1tc max is on to TCS now he's only a few villagers behind and max needs to wait a few minutes before taking big fights man but right when he gets elite eagle he could go into licks his open economy licks doesn't have any walls looks has Gold's wood lines exposed he would need to go for his own long swordsman now I think to hold against the illegals yeah that just puts you even farther back though yep exactly sir I'm like as a player that's a really tough decision to make well he has to hold some hell he does have more Castle age upgrades I think right yep he has iron casting at least this would be the moment I need to take this fight Lix needs to fight this he's not gonna win this yep that's that's as good as it gets right there he engaged max before max hippy and here you'll age cassette iron casting does a lot more than I thought it gave he was fighting uphill still worked out this could work for licks let's check Max's resources he doesn't have enough resources to get Ally Eagle he just lost a lot of his Eagles he's getting plate mail armor making long swordsman but licks could hold against long swordsman if he makes the crossbows Max's TC is it gonna be denied here now I won't be denied but it'll be disrupted man what a series this is shaping up to be you know I think he might have a chance if he denies this like TC placement over here because max is running out of wood in his base he needs to expand a hole very good point it's not about the gold it's about the wood and the TC is dying and there's like he can't go to the right he can't go to the left nice job from max to kill the siege workshop there and Max is being patient with just long swordsmen and eagles he does not have elite Eagle he didn't have the resource for it and Lix has plenty of map control with his goals he has TCS on the extra gold he could start getting relics he's already got one the TC will go down for max this is close man this is really really close and I think this is a good fight Felix yeah that's gotta be good flight for Lakes max is in trouble how he recognizes that max was ahead of him economically so he dropped like three more barracks and this spam has just been unreal yep Wow and I I think max is in trouble now he can't deal with mass crossbow and there's not a lot of them now but I think we'll see more come forward from Lex yeah he's sending more forward long swords aren't gonna cut it long swords will not cut it at all this is insane and I'm checking Max's eco now just 100 food 60 gold he's at 90 pop verse the 115 pop from wigs and Max is repairing a TC here I mean this is just sloppy stuff for him there's not much more I can do except hope the long swords will do it for him but pretty soon Lix will be into a Zico he's got a single-digit tree count as well remaining in his face yeah wow I was not expecting this Lix his timing was perfect men he fought right before the Imperial age and the crossbow edition was huge crossbows don't even have bodkin actually might as well get vodka Nell because you're winning if you're in licks issues you're winning this and you're in Castle age the monks are so nice as well just to he'll love like that well to heal up and you get the long swordsman as they come in right yeah convert for long swordsman changes the fight completely max is still hoping he can take one big fight here okay that's a lot of long swordsmen can legs get conversions he has one he has two and he will get three the crossbows take the hill five pierce armor on the long swordsman and old Lex's crossbows are out of position they need to be behind the Eagle warriors licks could get two more conversions this is so so close I can't help but feel that max could push this back it's so close though this looks have enough crossbows and monks think he does it's hard to say coming in though and there's a manga Nell now okay okay Max's looks like Max is defended for the time being and he's actually going to the left to get more wood finally diversifying his wood lights yeah and that something licks can't do anything about at the moment that licks can build a castle Dave licks can build a castle he's not and you are near the imperial age where does he place this castle honestly maybe place it on the left right I think the left yeah and all look where he's going with that no dude man that is so aggressive what are you doing oh jeez yes it quickly woof his villagers otherwise he's in big trouble okay he bails on it he bails on it crazy game now the population is 100 for the max and Max is gonna DC the gold what what did he know the TC from Lex was there I think he did I just don't think he cares and he's gonna get the gold was not expecting this one wasn't expecting Lix to have any shot in this game and then I wasn't expecting max to be able to come back and Lex's eco is looking good now he might be going up soon Wow yeah he needs to stall I guess and while the castle on the front you know I don't love that castle why not place the castle next to his TC just lost on the left yeah but I guess having the center is still important for that extra gold and to deny the wood and at least with this positioning Max's barracks have to his units need to run through the castle fire that's so funny that TC therefore max taking that gold that now licks is dropping a watchtower if flix wants to kill those villagers he just sent some bills from his base and Garrison's in that TC true true kind of surprised he didn't do that he could have done that while the TC was going up so Max is going to build up towards Elite Eagle now right or does she go yeah le Eagle yeah and he's dropping some barracks actually on the left side of licks his base and he's switching his attack over to that direction but I think lik sees that well the problem for licks is if it's Eagle vers elite Eagle elite Eagles are gonna win out and Max is defending in his base as he's about to raid licks as the economy and this is when licks wants to cook up to the Imperial age he's close to it man he's about to but he's exposed at home he's very exposed at home against this I'd like to see him maybe run into Max's eco with those Eagles yeah I had some of those farmers I would like to see him castle at home he needs something to protect himself at home his eco is really exposed it's hard to do that though with all these Eagles running around ideally you probably want one on that hill near the mining camp yeah but then again there's not much goal or word he's gonna put forward on that neutral gold yeah where max is building another TC and I think likes will I should get this castle up Oh licks it in that bodkin that's why these fights have been so bad for him for these crossbows yeah he didn't have bodkin earlier then I figured he would get it he never researched it the castles gonna go up though so max will need to run away with his villagers but max does have a vill lead max has elite eagles running into the eco oh yeah this is this is looking tough for looks now how does he chase these Eagles down then he's gonna lose too much what a wild game though what a wild game Luke still has a shot he's halfway to the imperial age there's three Gold's on the left-hand side and all three players are going after that Max is going to Castle the one gold he lost he used to have a TC here earlier so licks will lose out on that but licks has 69 villagers Dave and he has 20-plus idols he just doesn't have economy anymore yeah but I really don't like the looks of Max's economy I guess there it's both it's both from it's bad from both I'm sorry this is better up start and now the Eagles are being cleared up in licks his base like I liked the map control from licks and max like his TC on the neutral bold is being taken down he can't use the TC on the other gold he's looking for wood lines constantly he basically castled there to like secure his wood lines yeah he didn't go to the gold he went to wood and it's 50 military verse 21 military so flicks can get upgrades maybe he can hold on here yet again with half the Ville count he is 50 a max shifting into two handed swordsman knowing his opponent will get elite Eagle now that he's an imp and both players making trebs out of their castles there this this is crazy this is a wild game man both players shifting over to the right hand side as well yep I see that there's long swordsmen there to encounter the Eagles that's a bunch of weak Eagles from lakes max needs to keep these from getting into his base can he house wall max house wallet max house wallet house wallet oh oh the timing on that was perfect cuz two-handed swordsman comes in and licks it is denied if he would have got in there he could have killed 2030 villagers and the trebs are now attacking the castles plate mail armors on the way for lakes what a game this is men max has 15 more population yeah double the double the amount of villagers but is gonna need time for that to really kick in yeah I think that kicked in with the extra food for the two-handed swordsman Gold though he is struggling for as you said and to lose a trip well-done licks licks is being stubborn licks is not out of this yet licks need spod canary like it's it's getting ridiculous now he probably assumes he has it at this point yeah I guarantee you he assumes he has it yeah yeah he needs that he needs bracer then as well and probably are blessed needs a little bit more against the two hands but licks has three golds under his control right here on this part of the map now how much he's able to bring in is another question I I don't know obviously he doesn't have many villagers and all max is hitting his farm eco now as well there it is Dave there it is bodkin arrow he would have done like the fights in castle age would have gone so much better would killed more villagers anyway yeah well it happened right it happened and I think Lakes is in trouble like bodkin arrow is obviously a castle age upgrade he doesn't even have the food to create more villagers in his TCS he'll probably lose his TCS to the two-handed swordsman and Max has been spreading out with his economy 110 villagers and all max needs to do now is hold against this army of eagles and crossbows and once that's dead Lix is at about 40 populations and I think this is where the gg comes in I think that this is where the cleanup comes two-handed swordsmen and eagles about to hop out of these barracks and licks is down the 75 pop but what a game this has been man what a game yeah this is it's been back and forth the entire game crazy so if max does finish this game out it'll be one to one and a best-of-five the crossbows are trapped here yeah all max needs is Nika warrior and those are dead and I think the gg will be called I don't see why licks is still playing at this point he's losing his TCS losing his barracks maybe because he has a gold who knows yeah he assumes that he's strangled max here but max has just kind of spread out to the left to the right and now to the south as well so it's over for licks yep he's building a monastery in the south I like that seize the relic but both players have one relic Luke says it's fine he says it's fine he still has that trip okay there we go there's the GG yeah when you're down to 40 villagers it's a matter time so the score is now one-to-one licks after an outstanding performance in Game one losses in Game two I have to say though it was a solid game from him still despite losing if you would have had bodkin arrow that would have helped him so much more ballistics many different things but max was was close to losing there max just defended 346 kills for him economically speaking licks had a lot more gold but he didn't have as much food wood and stone and we will move on to another king of the desert to Arabia game and it will be game number three I got a look at the sips here yep it was an aztec mirror last time the first one was Japanese against viking so max has Slavs Malians and Mayans really good sips Wow and licks has Malay Mayans and Indians yep hmm not so good so we could we already had naztech or we could have a Mayans war Malay yeah it's hard for me to say we have to see what the matchup is but I like the sips for all these players Indians is a bit questionable though I think Indians could struggle against Malians Indians could struggle against Slavs and against Mayans but as always it depends right certainly if I'm licks I probably go Mayans that's the safer pick and maybe max as well cuz it's one-one I feel like you saved Mayans for your deciding game you think so whatever game that is yeah I think you can't you can't go into Game five if there's a potential Game five with like Malay yeah this is true yeah like you you do it when it's 1:1 and you're still loosey-goosey yeah maybe you go Malay now then I think Malay can beat Mayans actually they have the options there's been a few instances recently where we've seen the matchup but we'll find out in a few minutes guys t9y official are there going to be more games besides this set of five today yes it's on the screen they're craze me we have max and licks followed by hair and tattoo and then MB Oney cough so we'll have sets of games all day today honestly it just gets better as the day goes on this set has been outstanding so far but I was thinking this would be the worst set out of the day at what Hera and tatoes going to be exciting and then MBO in the cove we could have all sets going to five games trireme says max should go Slavs as counterpick to Mayans I don't know if it's a counter pick try REM I don't know if it's a counter pick slabs or slabs right they could beat anybody so I've missed like mines is a counter pick to everyone yeah yeah if you can play mines correctly basically you need a safe stone in the safe gold then you could be any sieve it just depends Willis thank you very much for the 20 months man there's been a lot of subs I won't be able to catch up with because the games are back-to-back but I saw a guardian angel gifted a ton of subs sinister toxic thank you everyone guardian angel Thank You Man that's crazy I thought it was like 5 or something I think he gifted 20 but game threes here let's do this and Slavs and Mayans all right so try Ram must know what he's talking about slabs for the max and then licks has gone for his mezzo pick ooh what I don't like about luksus map is the hills but I do like this stone and the gold positions that it's not too bad you can easily protect those we're not easily but it's something let me let me introduce the players we've maxed in Louie's playing us the slabs as I said licks is here on the east side of the map playing as the Mayans as I already said Mayans it's important to have your stones because if you can get the plumed archers versus any one you will be in a good position alex has one safe stone there his main goals here his second goal this year and then his third gold is way out on the left I guess the questionable thing for him is how does he wall up this base it's tough and still yeah how do you wall and still take the res yeah exactly you know it like cuz you're gonna have to take wood from I don't like the wood lines at all for licks that's the worst part about it you're sure yeah well it's awkward what you would do what you would ideally do as Mayans is rush fast castle on the plumes so that means a lot of walling and even if he walls up his base if he tries to go FC he's certainly taking a ball he's taking a pig okay Wow max might colory does max have push/pull zebra he does max it has to the four-minute mark to call it that was a really quick bore steel that's like really fast I hope I wasn't even paying attention to it I figured we'd have time if it's done with the maps yeah come on man well max of course can call his REE both players have won max is down the two goats there so he might assume he lost the goats as well in collar read you see the goats next to the gold that's unfortunate man yeah but what I was going to get to is if you have bad wood lines you can't fool wall and expect to be safe because your opponent can tower your wood lines and even the gold could be towered if there's a tower behind there so but c-max will play this out Dave I'm surprised I would have called a rehear but maybe he feels like it's manageable well if he pushes his you knows he loses a boar but he has Slavs so that's like what one farm one farm it's like it's not quite that ridiculous but you can make up definitely you can make up for a lost boar with slabs yep easy yeah he can build farms really if he wants to someone in the twitch chat says are Eagles better for lambing than Scouts and the answer to that is yes so there's two things first off they're a bit slower which means that they run more along the same speed at the bore if you're using a scout sometimes you can overrun it and then the boar will run back the other thing is that the Eagles have more line-of-sight so you can spot the boars quicker and that's why Plex was able to spot the pig so quickly if you know how to lame like the mechanics of it it's an eagle lure is almost guaranteed yep it's really easy to lame with an eagle yeah the only time you'll see someone fail at this level with an eagle lame is if they're blocked so that is if the opponent's Scout gets in there and blocks it off yep dude max doesn't realize he's he's goats are there which again is just unfortunate so for him he's down a pig oh can he steal this one nope no yeah he's okay lakes is going like ultra greed here he knows where max is roughly cuz he stole the boar but he's pushed in two zebras and this is his third boar that's a lot of food Ben yeah are we sure this isn't the fat dragon that's a lot of food you know it's not that greedy because it is risky to run out with your eagle your Eagles on low HP after the lane so I think I understand it but man he has a lot of food early I like how early max is walling this look at that wall do you think he fast castles just naked FC with no boar he has second he has double palisades next to his wood line naked FC with no second board yeah if this happens this louse we need the balance pad there must be change if it's if you can make it FC here I think he's doing it oh my god the double-layer walls coming down oh no he might he just needs to block the eagle from getting and not that it would matter because the Eagles on low HP but but build a house there or a palisade yep there's the house dude this is the correct move if you're down a pig and the goats which he's just now found I feel like this is the only play here because you won't be in futile age at the same time slicks look what Lex is doing he's just coming forward and that's the correct play as well to go forward so you go man-at-arms and then you start towering that can lead you into the plumes later on and Max expects the tower possibility which is why he's going for double palisades so this is about to get really interesting guys now notice the time Lix saw the double palisades and he's already forward with villagers and militia at ten minutes sometimes players will wait till 11 minutes or 12 minutes but licks he knew immediately and here is and he'll attack the walls and build his first tower for sure you know the problem here for max as he adds another layer wall get that third layer going right there is he needs to delay his Dark Age in order to make the FC work yeah like he needs to get more farms down and he needs to be very patient but it's really tough to be patient when there's towers coming down I think the base I think what he should do okay so this is good this is good wall up as much as possible but then I think what he needs to do now is he needs to wall from the wood lines to the TC and then obviously he needs to get to gold so he can actually have C this one but I don't like this now III think he's a bit screwed right he won't be able to fast castle this because of the pressure incoming from lakes he has to wall with five of his villagers he doesn't have the wood to get the more farms either yeah like it's just would that he's spending on unrolling and all this idle time he doesn't even have wood to drop a mining camp to get the gold and here come the man-at-arms and he run right past that wall there never mind yeah I would not like to see licks run into the TC I like the way he's playing this that's a good tower - nice - farms and also kind of ranges the gold and Max goes more to the north for the gold I just don't understand why you play this you think you're down a pig and two goats and you play it it's it's weird oh look at the bill from max Dave in the south where did he come from it's being attacked by lion he's going for the sneak sneak is he going long style is he is he attempting to build a stable there maybe or is he going to just tower no he can't tower he can't tower there so why is the villager there is will he build a stable forward oh it would be sick of it this works Dave it would be six just believe man normally it's me saying no it's not gonna work because of the eco and Dave's like believe so we're switching roles now there there he is he's building an archer ridge in the back okay okay so he's gonna have probably more than one Archer inch hopefully anyway yeah back there eventually and when you got a oh look at the way Lix is walling though alixus walling right - the archery range oh that's hacking man so unfortunate for max oh jeez well within a few minutes or not even a few minutes within a minute or two Lix will obviously know I think the only way that works is if he's on his way to Castle age it's a stable and he's making Knights just an archer - is not gonna do anything I I think it works if you have multiple archer ranges and you hide the archers for long enough yeah you just like no but the thing with a sneek is you have to you have to build up an army and hide it yeah and then you come out when you have enough to like one-shot villagers and you just run around the base I mean this range isn't going to do too much and Max is trying to prevent that waling villager from coming close Lix doesn't have an archery range man so let's see what licks alexis is about to see it okay lick sees this but licks will have the defensive tower you can't he doesn't have an archer and you can't defend otherwise oh my god that's so funny what's going through licks is mine right now like what yeah exactly that's probably the thought Scout goes down spear goes down and here comes the max and the max will fight with his villager the archers do have fletching Dave so licks needs to force this depth this is a great way to distract your opponent could this work still unlikely oh he tried too quick while those archers in didn't happen alex is just chasing with villagers and lakes does not have stone for another tower so his wood line could be in trouble Lakes could lose bills to this man yeah he probably will but he's still pushing in on at Max's base yeah and Max's gold that he's taking is right there so if he gets in if this was Europe reverse Europe I think that max could be microing here but because it's Europe verse China it's quite tough for max to stop micro and micro to land these villagers hmm max sending two more archers underneath the tower looping the other ones around the man-at-arms are about to go into Max's base max has no defense to that oh this is a messy game this is a very messy game and Lix doesn't have enough stone for it another tower on that gold all he's got are those man in arms which max is gonna come out and fight with his own villagers oh boy its villager V military on both fronts people have taken up arms Mad Max is trying to drop the units in here this is great he's making some militia max micro with your villagers med he's not microing with his Vil's oh boy max is losing something dude too bad licks as an Incas Max is actually quick well this villager in and he's making a barracks on the right side whoops what is happening it's 45 population for the max it's 43 four licks I have no clue what is happening Lix has now revised his walling idea and he's dropping a direct line across the map the archers are coming in the artists coming he's tearing the sneak Ville as well he doesn't want that thing doing anything else in his they have vaccines to run I doubt he'll survive their licks licks is it's trying to fight with villagers again and and the archers just run around yeah the sneak fill is alive can max wall this in there's so many things to pay attention to now he's gonna die what on earth are we seeing licks has so much idle time because he's been chasing the archers he's been chasing them with about six or seven villagers this entire time and Max is desperately trying to protect his what is happening what is happening okay he's still alive he'll probably die I said that a few times though the archers for max died and I don't know though he's dead oh man what a journey this has been let's let's check Max's eco because he has to slap farmers 500 food Dave and he has a lot of farms too so he might actually click up first it's looking good which is disgusting I think I don't know like I want to say licks overreacted to that forward but not really cuz he had nothing else to deal with it yeah that's what it is it wasn't an overreaction it was that he didn't have anything to deal with it had he not fought with those villagers then max would have been free to micro down its wood line so he almost needed to do that and get Max's all the way to castle age man are you kidding me crazy well he lost his sneak so what does he do now does he make crossbow does he push back the tower set Lexus built in his base ok Knights from home maybe yeah oh wait a second what are these girls doing at the top top maybe what everything about everything about this game it's Wang style the sneaks the walls he didn't make the militia of course he might actually run into those Eagles if he's not careful ok the stables are far enough away you know I think what he could do well first of all he needs a response to licks his Eagles he really should have walled that off and oh wow looks just doing damage here but but I think what he can do is send villagers to build the tower make a siege workshop there and then send in knights against the walls and yes the villagers are building a tower right on that wood line that'll range the gold as well remember we talked about the weaknesses with licks his map and the wood was the big big factor yup and that that wood being tonight is really really gonna hurt him and he can't wall behind if the towers there he can't wall behind if max uses his Knights to attack this is a crazy game max could win this wall Lix is making his barracks forward as well oh so both players are gonna have forward production both players are gonna lose their eco oh no we might have a base trade here Alex decided to build his barracks forward before he saw the towers and it's not just one tower will be too and then here come the Knights which will also come as a surprise to him again he can't comfortably wall behind this because the towers there but that's gonna be enough for now my goodness man one villager down max running to the right with his Knights these villagers are going for lumber they're going for lumber and they're stonewalling they know that Knights can't be let in Lix lost another villager and Dave I did notice that max has some hand arms in his own base but I don't know if that's gonna be enough yeah the problem with axe here is he's walling like he's walling the right side but there's still a path in through under the TC yeah Lix gets in there with some Eagles he could devastate his economy hmm good point man and Max's Knights are not getting in but he's telling the wood he's gonna tower the wood the licks will not have many wood options but I think max needs to consider sending his Knights back home for now he just doesn't know how many Eagles looks is about to send in Dave look at Max's TC look what he's doing oh that's so smart that's so smart yeah the fact this legs can see that now cuz he has all this towers the fact that this whole game has been a complete mess and Max still knows what to expect in this situation it's just baffling to me and Lix is doing everything right he has been surprised obviously but he's building towers to defend his wood line so he will hold on to his wood line he's building walls to keep the Knights out and he's going for the attack with the Eagles I don't think there's a hole here if there's a hole it could be game over oh there's a hole there's a hole to the north of the market max no max no oh that's that's both unfortunate I can't find the words for this right now I can't find the words for this right now max is building towers on his wood line towers on his gold which is is fortunately back here but that that swings the game heavily into Lex's favor does max doesn't have any defense against this and chainmail armor on the way for Alex as well which is not cheap and access to go back oh yeah he does and by the time he gets back there the damage will have already been done right such a smart play from him gating the TC walling the other side towering every wood line and all undone by one hole behind that stupid market that's gotta be the game right there he's down the fort evils versus the 54 of licks and licks can build a castle eventually as well which we know is so strong for Mayans oh man how frustrating is that got to be and he's he's not done losing villagers either yeah he would like now he'll go over to the stone afterwards he unguaranteed rebuilds verse 55 and max calls the gg I wanted to see how that game actually played out without that hole yeah I agree I think if max I'm just I'm just guessing here if max has that walled he has to wall behind because licks would attack but I think then max would have the time to decide to send his Knights back he was towering the other would line on the left so he recognized the importance of denying those there were possibilities max could have made siege from a siege workshop to pester the other like wood line and gold on the right I mean there were so many things that could have happened there but this is high level play right you can't let your opponent in like that you need to double check for holes there was a filter outside the wall and he didn't double-check and he paid the price that's tough to see though I I that was one of the most entertaining games I've seen this tournament so far before that had helped that was crazy how max came back yeah that with the random I think it worked because it's the last thing Lix would ever expect good point good point I didn't I didn't even see him send the villa out I'm not sure what he did maybe he sent it to the left of the wood line and deleted the walls and rebuilt them cuz the only reason I sold the Ville was there was because it hurt the lion and you know how that triggers me right I hear an animal attacking so I looked for the lion and then I saw the bill I actually thought that Max had missclicked a lion with his scalp and I was about to say that because I figured there's no way he'd have a villager down there and he must have just right-click to the lion but that was not the case oh they're right into the next game yeah nice and quick so no Mayans then four licks he has Malayan Indians left and then max has Malians and Mayans left so we could see Mayans vs. Malay Mayans versus Indians if Dave's prediction is correct he's thinking that max will go Malians here and then save Mayans for Game five and well max has gone four mines this is his to deciding games here he needs to wit both of them right so we have Mayans verse Malay well max is in the blue alex is in the red these games have been outstanding today and the bases have been yeah gross and I don't like licks his face it's not great he does have lots of options but it's very open he has hills on the front main stone there's on the front the golds exposed except for the one behind him and looking at max it's pretty much the same story though Dave I just don't like the wood lines that's my big complaint about KO td2 Arabia at least it's consistent though right at least it's consistent it gives me a bad gold any day give me a bad stone whatever but you give me a bad one line and I am one tilted tilted player yeah I do not like it well max we'll see again here they're just so far away you know yeah Max's wood situation is worse because he has won back wood line whereas Lix has to back wood lines licks as a whole has I guess five six options max is running forward max is stealing some goats we solve Elaine's last time from licks with lions max is returning the favor now if he goes the right direction he could steal the pig as well why is he going that way Oh God guardian angel David don't even need to tell you what just happened we'll follow the Eagle here you can probably hear it because it's leaking from my headphones yep my goodness did max see the pig there max sees the pig he hasn't gone for the lame yet Thank You guardian angel you know how it works then you know how it works sorry guys that was super loud anyway back to the game Dave why has max not taking that boar I don't know he wants to figure out where all the resources are I guess I mean he basically sees but he's trying to see where Lix is taking wood good point a lot of places but not that now he's gonna see it right now yeah he also didn't see the main gold well he's ahead because he stole two goats oh and he's going for the bill he has the hill he'll get a bill pick for short dead Ville he's going for the Vili has the hill see a bill yep yeah was cute endlich's is actually laying Max's boar No yeah what so Wix is gonna lay with Millay I think I'm actually taking the opportunity to do this himself and now max finds himself down a pig again chat is booing you with the new emote by the way Dave it was well played though I like it I'm so glad that chat picked up on that I immediately they could use the new emote but well played licks well played licks look at his scouting he went forward he saw a pig he took pig he didn't Scout anything for max and so he gained 300 plus food well played leagues yeah we'll see how that balances out losing one villager and taking the board yeah and also the goats were the goats changed hands as well just thinking about strategies here Malay or a great civilization to go drush into archers and scurbs lions they love their man-at-arms they love their archers and squirms they love their Eagles out licks okay he almost ran into the TC you definitely can't wall up like max did last game in this position I he'll need to go aggressive so again I'm expecting men-at-arms from him and I'm just curious what licks can do because it's pretty awkward going man-at-arms with Malay sometimes getting to build correct is tough and when you lose a villager like that it can make it even more difficult it's definitely going for a dress or men-at-arms or something here yeah it's it's gonna be a dress I think Malay are the best rush into fast archers and scrum sieve because you make the militia after creating two or three Vil's you just click up the feudal and you essentially have the same feudal time as your opponent it's it'll be interesting though because Malay build orders are a bit tricky because of that uptime yep and he lost the villager but he has that third boar yeah so it's gonna it's gonna take a bit of adapting on licks this part to make this work and Max still hasn't clicked up the lack of the pig hurting him he's going to the zebra now pushing in his second zebra to his berries and all max could lose his eagle thank you will lose his eagle Oh Annie's housed badly it's almost at it yeah it's just sloppy for max rate he hasn't clicked up yet 488 food he needs to drop off food from the farmers there we go yeah this is a rough start for max for sure and second villager now going out to gold from licks all Maxwell on the bill I mean well in the Scout yes good that's so good he noticed the Scout went in there he walled it in and now he's going to build walls so he can attack this guy with his villager well played wine great reaction from the max and now both players are down to scalp hey here comes the dress from Lix though and watch he'll click up right after this and then look his futile time is identical that's crazy what you can do with Malay with drush flush yeah and he's already got a couple villagers on gold so he could either upgrade these two men at arms if they're still alive yeah that time or go into archers possibly and he's making more militia he will go for men and arms and max is hoping to go man-at-arms dal but he's late with the militia numbers this is all looking very very good for Lakes I think he'll surprise max max might not wall this cuz he just just thinks it's ad rush right yeah men he's gonna see the feudal time and be like oh god that's not good yeah and max is really blind to this he doesn't have her scalp max is going forward with three villagers weird number is it to tower the wood I think it's to tower that would yeah you know if he towers the wood it can make it awkward for licks but I don't think it's the end of the world going forward where's the Eagle wood that's a lot of ills man oh geez well okay some will go to the stone I guess and then the rest will go forward to tower max needs to win this game or he is out of the tournament the fourth seed up against the 20th seed Lix is up two to one both players going aggressive oh man I I don't know how this is gonna go I hate the tower from max that tower is bad as a bad tower Oh and now max is surprised it's 5-minute arms verse his three and here come the villagers with the tower and he can't build the defensive tower how does max defend this these bills are gonna keep pushing forward yep your archer ranges now you can't once that towers up you can't really make more archers he doesn't have the gold to catch up with the man at arms number he's making its Archer inch forward this is how he does it okay that makes sense yeah it makes perfect sense you don't need that at home to defend well he has to give up he has to give up grounds for now so unfortunately for him he will lose his archery range unfortunately for him he could lose his berries in his farm space but he is on stone and he can go for more defensive towers soon or sorry a defensive tower soon he doesn't have one defensively yet so lucky has that secondary gold in the back there yeah we ran it for him yep which he's going to now and now max will build his tower and that's a good tower honestly could have been further forward but that's a good tower keep Lix from pushing in and I guess if max wants to do something with this forward Archer inch he has to build up a substantial army before he reveals it yeah I agree something to consider is that licks does not have an archery range he sent so many bills forward but I think he could have sent three and he would have been fine he didn't need to have six and and now what like how can he max how can he attack here max is out with a couple archers but the tower is already there from legs yep this is why you got it like you got to come up with a quite a few you remember the saying Malay need to delay so licks might not have an archery range right now but Malay their advantages grow stronger and stronger throughout the game so licks just needs to buy more time and delay max in this case and I believe he's waiting for the stone he wants to tower right behind the stone and if he gets that up he not only denies the main stone but the secondary stone because it's in the same location this is bad for max max needs its own tower ok good timing on that that's I don't like that one at all though like if licks runs in there ok it's not going to with the men-at-arms licks doesn't see it actually I think he would have attacked if you would have saw it ok max needs to my car was Vil's from side to side which he does here comes licks max forget addition max will get it up he's fine that's actually quite bad for licks because his towers being attacked max has the other Tower which is killing the men-at-arms this is good for the Mac and he's got archers in lick space as well he was hitting the berries okay well this is swung and licks is making more men-at-arms oh that's not going to do it for man-at-arms is not gonna do it versus the archers but the skirmishers will he's making a few that much is good but if licks isn't careful he could lose all of his forward villagers he's trying to build another Tower nice walls max sees that going up max will just let it go up I guess because he doesn't deny the stone he's currently taking another good game Dave another good game in this set and another villager dead four licks the presence of mind of max to know that he could defend against this with just towers and put an archery range forward yep to put pressure on licks his base interesting decision from him to do that well it's crazy because my first thought was he doesn't have enough to defend at home so why on earth is he building an archery range forward right but he was able to do it make when you make forward buildings like that and you put pressure on your enemies base then they have to take some resources away from pushing you right so yeah it's a delicate balance for sure Lix really wants to deny this stone he knows the importance of keeping mines all stone and he's building another tower that's a cute little area for him to do this to him surely max considers a few ego or yourself he's already made one yep or Eagle Scouts sorry yeah get get the Eagle Scouts out there to count to the squirms that licks has as it stands max has two more villagers and he has seven more military but he's lost a villager and demanded armed as I say that that's how were so good from lakes yeah I can kill the villas on the stone when they drop when they drop off the resources low they are yeah watch when he drops off the resources the tower will shoot him it's so close wait for it wait for it Oh boom he's dead so successful towers from licks and licks with the quick while gate to prevent the man-at-arms from coming in on the right side that's kind of funny got it down just in time is looping around to the wood line but max or sorry Lynx is already towering with that yeah and it's gonna be tough for him still but at least now he can't be pressured it sucks for him that he doesn't have military so he's delaying until Castle age I guess and he could actually go fast elephants but at the moment max can't kill his gold he can't kill his wood so I think licks will be comfortable he's even towering his farms on the left the licks will just look towards Castle age and all the men at arms are on the right hand side max is just fighting with fields he's fine hmm so plumes are out of the question for now unless max find some stone which I don't think he's going to so he could go Eagles and crossbows still very strong options of course for mines max has 500 food he's making lots of archers and licks is making skirmishers mainly so he could of course do the same he could go with crossbows and the lead scrim in the next stage but I'd like to see a few elephants as well if he does hit Castle aged faster I think an elephant or two can help always nervous going elephants though against a good player yeah it's the early window yeah he's actually gonna max is gonna find this in the back because he was sending a villager over there to wall oh what I didn't know he had one back there that's huge and he goes to it immediately that is just a a blessing from the Age of Empires gods right there that he could find that stone what are the odds man nice walling from him I really like to see him complete the walls does he think this is not open there's this gap where he has the outpost why why is he now Walt that up he's got an outpost yeah I guess so it's not like mixes militaries all that strong coming in but it can be annoying Dave the fuel age times were basically identical same with the castle age times Lix will actually be a bit faster oh well so two skirmishers and a man at armed all allow HP will force the tower out of max max is scared that more will be coming this way yeah you must oh he deletes it right away oh okay that army it's not a threat at all and he's max is getting scale mail armor so he's definitely gonna go into more Eagles and castle age and work his way towards those plumes I guess Lix is making skirmishers he only has eight military mainly skirm so he could be wrecked by this but but Lix also has enough stone for a castle will we see castle Age Karambit warriors where does he build this thing Lix also has a ton of defensive towers yeah so max has to be careful about that trying to come in here pick off some weak VLEs it's got to be a defensive castle yeah leox builds a castle defensively okay this isn't interesting now because massacre rabbits are good in the Imperial Age you rarely see them in the castle age but they could work against the Eagles that max has max is still prioritizing the archer units but Lix has the elite skirmisher for that this series has been the closest series I've cast at this tournament it's been so fascinating I think max has to leave I don't see what he can do here there's towers skirmishers rockmouth weak like super weak yep and also the towers have been connecting every time I don't know if you noticed that they connected five or six times burst of crossbows I think max is just hanging out back here to really distract licks and prevent any pressure coming forward on his eco all the time being yep I mean he can't really hit him that much here but it's better to just have this in the back as a threat just keep annoying him yeah this keeps pressure off of himself so here's a question as max comes in and kills a villager where do you build your castle in Max's position do you build it next to the gold or do you build it next to your stone I feel like you have to go out and build it next to your gold because there's two wolves there you only have the gold in the back right now what you're running out of yeah you got to get rid of that tower and and stuff I guess he's T seeing the gold on the left with those villagers that were taking the ostrich great scouting from max to find these extra resources he found the extra stone and now he's finding the extra gold so it's I can make an argument for either but I'm thinking you tower or sorry you castle the stone he's gonna Castle the gold right as I say that of course but what I was going to say is it's easier to ram down the towers on the gold it's more difficult to ran down the towers next to this stone so but perhaps you Castle there instead when you need gold you're gonna need gold Yeah right then you know when you need stone you can always go to the market and buy it or whatever yeah I would expect that from you Max's is is at risk of losing the castle not losing the Cass but getting it denied he loses one villager two villagers of course running into two towers now running into the skirmishers but yeah I hope we find he'll get it up and honestly lik should be careful with sacrificing as military units he's he lost his Koran bits but more importantly looting as skirmishers now it's 22 military verse 7 military and max will be making plumes what's the plan here for licks 4th TC he has to bring forth TC handcart yeah ok you'd better defend well with those scurbs men Malay need to delay he needs to go elite skirmisher Karambit warrior in this game or he needs to go elite skirmisher elephant which is totally doable it's elite skirmisher delaying into Karambit I don't think elephant oh no not now I mean I'm thinking long-term right so Imperial age even into elephant though there's so many yeah good point elephant sir are expensive all great horse color time licks Oh God look at all the farms he added before horse collar it's like I'm casting a dave game this is not an important tag not not important oh man that that hurts my soul because I know what it's like that that is so many wasted resources right there but I think max needs to push max needs to gain some advantages he is looking for the villagers on the stone here with his crossbows we'll mount him yeah we'll lick see this instant reaction right away Prince forward villagers crazy some point he has one castle he's making Karambit he's making skirm stave no upgrades on the cran bits I don't think they'll contribute too much right now might not even be worth making them they're so cheap I think the next castle first lick should be near the tower then max built just to get that gold back and to get the wood back because this is going late-game for sure toka and the twitch sets is t90 do you go force levy now you don't go force levy force levies against Mayans no it's just it's so forced levy seems like a good idea because you think oh when you run out of gold late game you'll be in a good position making to a that swordsman but there's still two-handed swordsmen and like sluices three bills to nated swordsman aren't that good look at that Tower oh I guess it's an outpost on the left-hand side for max he's coming in with some plumes it's gonna be difficult for leagues to defend against such I'm surprised licks doesn't have any skirmishers or anything on that side yeah I think he's preoccupied on the right and Max is being so mobile with his military well when the plumes sit underneath the tower I like that move that castle from lakes pretty forward and his max coming forward with a kid Lix is going forward with a castle on the right side on that hill at Max's going forward on the left side on the hill and Lix is base and both are on the way to the Imperial age of course licks will get there faster max can see the castle going up because he has the outpost there and I don't see the castles being tonight the only issue for max is that he could be treads down but he's killed a ton of villagers on the wood line Dave while all this was happening max has two separate armies now two castles of course Lix wants to go into a trevore that's why he built this castle so forward that's an excellent castle because then he can send trebs out and he can't rev down Max's first castle next to that gold just not enough army and defense yeah yep does not have a lot he gets to imp mainly for the trebuchet he can't even afford to get bracer for his skirmishers can max sorry good treads max is home castle and the other castle pumping treads towards Max's forward council if he gets him down that's really good for him yeah I don't think that max can repair both of them and I'm not sure what Max's plan is maybe max will transition into ego warriors that both players messing their eco upgrades multiple times as series max is now getting boasts all these are very bad times for their important eco upgrades but then the thing is I don't know if max is in a position to ever transition to Eagle so he doesn't have an eco that's that strong right so Lix is taking the lead now with the trebuchet zout first killing crossbows holding against the eagle warriors forcing max into repairs I like licks his positioning he's already up two games to one can he closed this out now max going bracer so he wants to go plumes but Dave he will not have the castles to go plumes and I think Lix realizes that they both realized that yeah for sure max I think he just has to accept he's losing him you can't repair him you'll lose the one he built forward I didn't like the forward one I think that the second castle should have been exactly where licks had his or maybe to the north where the stone is because he still can't get that stone right so he can't get more castles and Max is getting ballistics now so he's kind of but he's making a barracks at the same time it feels like he doesn't know what they do yeah well I think he kind of had an oh moment where he just realized okay I've invested into blooms and now I can't make them okay so back to my point obviously this is very convenient for me and it makes me look smart but when I was talking about the castle placement I think if max would have castled that hill with the stone he would have his stone and he obviously had the military advantage in castle age right so he could have easily killed those towers and gotten his gold back anyway Lix what are you doing with that trebuchet what are you doing leagues scouting a great scouting this is fine yeah this port the trap goes down a few filters die from Lix max has the Vil lead but he doesn't have the best composition and Karambit sand skirmishers still on the way from lakes I think max has to go Eagles he has no choice here but to go Eagle where your yeah he just invested like nut bracer he got ballistics he invested so much in the archer line and the archers are countered now yeah and the Eagles can be countered licks can counter the Eagles with the cranberries he has three castles to produce them this is dangerous territory for the max this is gonna be really tough for him it's about to snowball yep just now completing Eagle Warrior he doesn't have the resources yet for elite Eagle his plumed archers are dying on the front licks will keep this castle up most likely he just needs to send the Karambit warriors in Alex getting chainmail armor getting ballistics getting all the important upgrades he has his ideal Unicom position and it's all falling apart for max who made it to the semi-finals of king of the desert one after beating licks beating slam and beating MBL the licks moves in licks will kill the trip and he'll keep his castle alive Dave can max hold from this all this is so so tough for max I don't know if he can hold I mean he might hold but how does he survive long-term he doesn't have any math control yeah I mean he still has more villagers but he's gonna start losing them pretty soon here yeah you know he does have that gold on the left he did have that stone in the in the right corner so perhaps he'll bring it enough he's going are blessed now but I don't think our bless is any better than Blum it's gonna be rough without your main gold like he's going up to the north now but yeah their main gold is just sitting right there and you're another one of your secondaries is so close to the enemy and now licks is gonna take that so he's gonna have the funds to continue the push and they're both going out to that gold in the north side with like equal amounts of villagers yep and Lix has the skirmishers there he will spot that most likely even if he doesn't spot it he has crane but warriors he can send a few crane bits out there to clean it up max is fighting for his tournament life 140 population for both max gist is out of gold sending in the plumes now hoping that he can do some damage he is killing some villagers tower coming down from Max on that gold in the north elite Karambit coming in from licks though yeah and look at the damage they're doing they're killing the are ballasts are killing the villagers and Max is relying on guard tower he's hoping guard tower can help him hold I don't think guard towers gonna be enough it will certainly help if he gets a few of them up but licks will batter down this tower immediately after it's placed in the north licks will get the gold for sure over back sends Eagles in Dave Mac sends Eagles to his main goal to where licks is and kills most of the villagers won't be enough the Karambit spam is insane the how fast they create yep and now max just shift as soon as those Eagles go over there he shifts his focus to the TC on the left so now he's gonna have treads hitting that TC yeah he's gonna have cran bits I think they see that secondary goal that max is taking they do they definitely do max has no math control Lix has all the map control licks will kill the villagers from max in the north he will take that gold licks will probably win the South now and max still doesn't even have a lead eagle I think this is over if flix continues I think this is over yeah and what enough said it would be man yeah I'm waiting for it I'm waiting for it does max have anything he has very little resources only 500 what he calls the gg wow she well played and it was really well played from lakes yeah let's played fantastic usually what we saw from licks before is a bunch of like Yolo trashes and forwards and stuff we didn't really see too much of that this series we just saw a really smart player matching up against another really smart player yeah he kind of maxed the max right he just played solid he didn't do anything funky he didn't he didn't go forward unless it was necessary like it was in the mines for Slavs game I think max will be kicking himself for a few reasons one he didn't do enough to secure his stone here again I feel like if he castles his stone first he gets control of the stone and then he can easily take the gold because there was just two towers there the big issue for max then again was his castle placement so his first castle was great his second castle was not good if he places that more at home again he could have placed that one on the stone then he would have at least had one castle producing plumes then in the previous games you have to think back back to the Mayan verse lav war where yeah I mean my inverse Slav war where he had a hole in his wall that's big that we lost that game he set himself up perfectly in that game to counter what Lix was doing and then the hole just ruined everything and then the first game going Japanese CAV Archer that's what he might be looking back at himself and saying like why why would I ever think that's a good idea yep so there were there were a few things where as Lix what game did he lose again it was - tech war yeah I don't think licks will be kicking himself too much beyond missing vodka narrow right vodka was yeah bodkin was a big thing only mistake that he made really in that game well the economy was closed Lix showing the power of malay there he had more food more wood more stone I guess Deakin wasn't that close the gold was close but didn't matter in the end and licks will move on a few upsets in this bracket man I'm gonna pull it up now for the viewers at home I was expecting max to win 3-1 on licks wins this 3:1 and as we look at the bracket licks he'll move on to face mister yo his teammate his sy teammate he will face mr. yo what a quarterfinal that will be I feel like yo kind of counters licks in a way it was a really stable player in licks 'as well maybe after what we've seen today maybe licks can take some sets from yo cuz it seemed like seemed like a different style of player today yeah I think that what you were going for was that licks doesn't play Orthodox he doesn't play the standard style but that would have been the correct thing to say before this series right he just showed what he could do today look at the players who are guaranteed quarterfinal spots we have licks we have yo we have vivvy we have yang wall there's four Chinese players in the quarterfinals and I don't think there will be more right no now there won't be more but we'll find out who else gets their hair and tatse will be playing next and then we'll have MBL and knee cough and these quarterfinals are going to be so so good man either Hara or tattoo against Viper yo and licks will be fun to watch Leary will play either verse MBL Ernie Cobb his teammate and then we have of course Vivian yang Hwa
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 29,615
Rating: 4.7538462 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: orBuo7TIa3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 22sec (7402 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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