The WORST Risotto's At Hell's Kitchen

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what are you reading through there what are you reading let's practice i'm just going through my mind chef this you don't need yes yes you do not need that look at yourself in the mirror and scream risotto ingredients number one what is it oil chef rice you [ __ ] pillock michael's kind of just a hot mess if he doesn't know what's in a [ __ ] risotto we're screwed him like i like you there's nothing personal but everyone knows you're the weakest chef here mike yeah we're gonna win i'm not gonna let michael get nervous he's gonna come in and put us all in i promise you that i'm gonna have his back troll let me go check on them i'll be right back and so jared and eddie in an attempt to be useful head to the kitchen to offer their assistance guys talking to me what do you boys need what do boys need i'm finishing off this braziler eddie risotto i heard everything going on i was like you know they need help i am going back in there coming around hot coming around hot hey are you come here you put it down who cooked this i started chef eddie finished it for me come here you taste that it's bland the rice is still undercooked disgusting mark is not getting any of his dishes right he looks like a deer in headlights when he's getting yelled at bro like wake up hello you're here come here you come here sit down and eat your [ __ ] yes take a seat you must be tired [ __ ] uh mourinho yeah chef glass of 70 on belong for chef mark and steady eddie okay let's go here you are guys and if i were you i will actually eat it fast i swallowed the risotto just like i swallowed my pride i still know how the hell i got roped into that next up is alan a sous chef from lancaster pennsylvania what's under the dome i have a pan-seared maple glazed salmon it's a pennsylvania dutch country food wow i'm actually adopted i come from a family that has amish lineage so take it you don't drink i'm not that kind of amish when was the last time you saw maple syrup on a risotto not since the last time i made it yeah it's okay for you to laugh you'd have to eat this [ __ ] one out of five yeah with alan putting the blue team in a sticky situation chicago line cook kristen has an opportunity to make up some ground first of all who got you into food where did that influence come from um my probation officer hold on why were you on probation um at numerous things seriously i started cooking because i was on house arrest what's under the dog i have a grilled pork tenderloin with fried brussels sprouts and a garlic aioli it looks a mess but it tastes good three out of five well done with alan's fish being an epic failure the women are able to tie things up and the blue team is hoping chad a sous chef from philly roast partridge breasts cone feet thighs and glazed pears has delivered a high scoring dish half is cooked beautifully four good job 30 minutes into service the red team is getting their appetizers out and two of them are going to the critics right are we ready want spaghetti one risotto go go go table 21. is having the spaghetti with the lobster a little bit of basil first up jeff's lobster spaghetti i think this is very good next up michael's crab risotto [Music] i'm not such a big fan of this one with mixed reviews the red team is off to a mediocre start meanwhile the blue kitchen has gotten some appetizers out two of them are about to go to the critics go 22 go first up is wendy's lobster spaghetti here you kind of taste like chewy lobster and then tomatoes and it doesn't come together next up is andrew's crab risotto you know what this is a mess this is not good the blue team's appetizers didn't sit well with the critics perhaps they'll be better received by the customers that's about time beat the clock you wouldn't win you tasted it yet hardly a solid endorsement i think one bite put her over the edge risotto back one lady which became sick in the restaurant in the blue team or the blue team come here you you taste that taste it it's too salty i know it's too salty just shut it and do you're told it's too salty this is ridiculous so we have why are you doing this andrew i told you about this because there's food critics out there that's what you're doing for isn't it i'm not trying to do this to you chef you give me a plate of risotto that was [ __ ] disgusting i don't think it was my risotto that made her throw up the first time somebody's ever gotten sick off by food ever ever you're always right you and that's your [ __ ] problem that's not what i'm saying chef you haven't got a clue you know that's what i've just found out i'm not impressed with you one little bit you know this big [ __ ] fat mouth of yours it's getting you nowhere i'm just trying to do the job right oh you [ __ ] you're trying to do nothing my advice to you just shut your mouth okay yes oh my god almighty a little more than 90 minutes into dinner service chef ramsay's hopes for a successful evening are slipping away along with his patients okay lambast yes got five minutes oh no no no lambast i wanted [ __ ] four minutes i'm not doing it as you please jeff if i could listen to you all night long no one would get served i'll do the lamb if you can't do it yeah come here you come here come here what do you know why because you're just all over the shop you just do this to suit you look at them out there look at those tickets i understand meanwhile under ralph's leadership the blue kitchen is getting some of its main courses out what you need to do is understand that this is going to last okay that's it got it end of story ralph is what holds our kitchen together point blank could not do it without the guy hey i need a little help so far blue team all i can see is doing the whole [ __ ] work let's go yes yes yes yes where's the reddit i don't have parsley it's radically right there tomatoes keith has successfully passed his quality control test but the question still remains can he lead a kitchen stand by on one bass one salmon yes chef i called out that order but gina didn't answer you virginia you didn't answer me yeah chef what'd i say virginia standby on one salmon well done and [Music] i'm sorry i forgot what else you said where are we i've lost track of where we are repeat the order again please all right one salmon medium one best yes chef virginia how long um this is incredible i need wait hold on what is going on right now is that you're gonna buckle now i need three minutes they're telling you now you have got to tell them i wanted in two minutes virginia too the past you couldn't control i wasn't that bad for that bath ready i kind of had to take control you gotta hold your own and you you have a set of balls right you end a story heather's ready i just pulled it out i just gotta heat up the potatoes how long heather you gotta give me time how long it's gonna be about seven minutes for this jesus nothing more two best ones salmon urgently that's all then we go again because right now we're in the [ __ ] virginia yes move your ass yeah sure back online please he was looking for us to be him i'm not gonna change who i am who says you have to be a dick to be a chef it's an hour into dinner service because of virginia's problems on the fish station and keith's inconsistent leadership the kitchen has only managed to serve appetizers and entrees to 25 out of 124 diners heather yes chef stop what you're doing on the hot plate now it's your chance now you're going to run a house kitchen yes that's the way now i think we're going to want someone back one password that's moving ask how long that is to the window well it's in maybe well how long 30 seconds back how long virginia coming right now no that's not time that's no time how long 30 seconds 30 seconds where'd we go with tables on where do we go yeah come on just calm down slow down hey just slow down a bit breathe and do it better right now you're out of control although each chef is being tested on the pass chef ramsay still expects to see excellence from them in the kitchen where's your results come on keith please have you got any more as i've done this wasn't enough you want me to scrape that in there like that hey listen okay come here hey it's the way it's the way you look at me sorry no no no look at me hey you looked at me to scrape it out the bottom of the pan [ __ ] what did you say then i thought because of the other plate that's where it goes put it in there and it's still [ __ ] under i'm sorry well you're not because it's the attitude it stinks and i don't want any more [ __ ] arguing just two risottos and we can continue yes come here you right now the attitude you can stick up with your ass where's the [ __ ] risotto i missed it you know what apart from take your head off gentlemen i'll [ __ ] kick you out right now i won't wake the end of service he was pushing my buttons trying to make me talk back to him he didn't like my attitude he says you know what i mean i try to to not have an attitude but it came out this is your night i said you're six o'clock you're all [ __ ] even right now you're so far behind you don't know what's going on i need your super turtle how long can you keep seven minutes six minutes is he gonna give up no he's not giving up okay ladies we are live four covers table fifty one salad table side one cover telling two risotto start yes it's time for redemption i cannot let my team down again two risotto one cover telling give me the time megan please one minute chef one minute you guys got those lobster tails yeah ready to walk ready no you need cream you need mascarpone you need truffle butter i look over and there's nothing in the [ __ ] pan there's like 10 ingredients missing and i'm like are you [ __ ] kidding me right now here i got it i got it no you don't got it sarah doesn't look like she really knows what the [ __ ] is going on put mars component in there yep marshmallow and truffle butter season it stir the [ __ ] out of it yep got it got it got it walking lobster tails right behind you go let me see risotto guys right now i'm walking right here and then i need a cabinet two reasons by one cavitelli go guys pick it up how long guys i go out go has met chef ramsay's standards and the red team is off to a strong start on appetizers oh my god miss e meanwhile let's go blue team on order sweet covers table one one result of two cup of telly josh and adam are leading the charge on appetizers for the blue team you didn't go in with chocolate buddy all right josh no i did drop a butter you're putting too much butter i didn't put butter in it you put a lot of butter adam's struggling on the risotto he's very confused risotto's up ready to go whenever you guys are good you got to get these hotter you got to let this reduce adam come on man it's simple mistakes what's going on you sleeping wake up for me okay i'm walking to capitality okay walking garnish two capitalists you walking garnish to catapillars fine where's the risotto it's coming right up chef go go this way there you go hey look my risotto just stuck hey bloop clue i'll wear it back adam better tighten the [ __ ] up if you can't cook the risotto you have no reason being in hell's kitchen look at it it's like a [ __ ] clock what am i supposed to do hang out on the wall no chef no a risotto clock joshua i'm sorry absolute chef that was me chef that was me chef while adam's sticky risotto has the blue team stuck on their first order of the night right behind you behind walking with two lobster tails the red team continues to produce excellent appetizers service please let's go and are already moving on to entrees triple 15 well i'm two weddings yes chad monique are you getting everything in the pan yes i am good to go i have absolutely no confidence in monique i hope she can pull it out come on keep going monique make sure everything's hot everything's seasoned all right all right what the [ __ ] like can you guys have some faith in me oh let's go hey you are chef chef liam garnish garnish isn't that difficult chef wellington yep all you do is like reheat and stuff and sauteing some things hey hey hello just stop all of it come here just taste that first table of the night just taste it apart from the temperature being stone cold what does that need what does that mean i can't hear you salsa i can't hear you hello then add your fennel pollen and salt put a whole tablespoon of bechamel in there heard monique at this point you need to know how to cook if she [ __ ] crumbles we're going to be screwed for tonight's special dinner service hell's kitchen is hosting a high school homecoming dinner for 120 hungry teenagers for the mardi gras themed festivities in addition to serving the winning dishes from yesterday's challenge chef ramsay has also added a gourmet pork slider appetizer and a pan-seared blackened snapper entree to the menu here we go hands-on day everybody has six couple table thirty two shrimp really two risotto two sliders entree two pasta to fillet to meatloaf yes yes let's go megan one minute out i need to drop the lobster tail yes drop the lobster tail hey i'm dropping lobster tails right now i'm on fish tonight and i'm feeling very confident and i'm putting everything into it tonight heart soul guts brain everything i'm definitely not gonna let chef ramsay down tonight so it's three twos risotto yeah yeah watch your butter first chef i need one more oil oh my god oh that's on fire right now oh my god i [ __ ] set the whole flat top on fire i can't believe it i am just completely embarrassed don't don't blow it don't blow it just let it go you put more fat on top please let it go okay watch that okay so you get a grip a little bit butter's falling all over the [ __ ] place i've never evacuated this place due to fire okay i'm not going to start just date composure yes heard chef jesus christ let's go yeah [ __ ] me while t tries to keep the red kitchen from going up in flames hey first table two shrimp louie two couple of two risotto yeah yeah yeah the men are ready to start their first order of the night two cappellini yup let's go let's go i'm gonna be my best tonight and if something goes wrong i have to step up and take over tonight is the night that i shine how long enough for risotto i need 30 seconds yeah from the get-go josh is very very flustered listen you're welcome yeah right now give it no this one is wine tasting wine right what raw wine [ __ ] josh what's the on hey hey all of you taste that hurry up hurry up they're 17 years of age what's the one thing you can taste there instantly white wine thank you what can you taste in there the bell wine show it's like an alcoholic [ __ ] risotto it's full of white wine are we trying to get them drunk i apologize chef please taste everything i tasted taste i taste everything ten times hey so you've tasted the white wine ten times young man you must be drunk then
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 1,675,832
Rating: 4.935595 out of 5
Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, hells kitchen uk, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, Ramsay hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen 2018, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen best moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen funny, Hell’s Kitchen insults, where’s the lamb sauce, lamb sauce, “Gordon, Ramsay, Likes, The, Food”, “Raj, Hell’s, Kitchen”
Id: 2GIvE9cPApY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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