The WORST Rigby Episodes

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it's no secret that Regular Show is one of my favorite shows of all time it's also no secret that one of my least favorite characters in the entire show is morai but believe it or not at one point in time he used to be my favorite character in the entire show but because of several different moments throughout the series morai quickly went from being a character that I really used to like to being a character that honestly I used to hate at times and if you've ever seen Regular Show before it's not really hard to see why I mean all my homies hate morai so about 3 months ago I put out this video called these episodes will make you hate morai in the video I basically talked about why my opinions of morai is a character flipped and I used a couple Infamous episodes like punchies ry's graduation day special and dumped at the altar to really nail in the point on why morite just kind of sucks as a character and even though there was a lot of people agreeing with me ever since that video took off I've been getting non-stop comments of people saying that RI has done way worse things than morai and I'm being hypocritical for only making a negative video on morai which is kind of crazy because I've already expressed that at one point in time I hated RI as a character for the ex act reasons that people were lisening but I'm a fair man so since I made a whole video on episodes that made me hate morai today let's take a look at some of the episodes that really made me hate RI and why he was my least favorite character in the beginning of Regular Show now it should already be no surprise to anyone that RI very early on in Regular Show was a terrible person I mean to this day it genuinely confuses me how he never got fired from the park because when you go back and rewatch a lot of the earlier episodes you realize RI was the cause of a majority of the problems and certain people like to say that this is an exaggeration and morai and rig were getting into equal amounts of trouble in the beginning of the show that is not true because while morai and R would both get in trouble for being slackers RI would cause a lot more chaos than morai RI was the one that sold away all the park member souls for a bowling ball and forced the park members to win them back when the park was being threatened by an audit and ry's brother out of the kindness of his heart came to save the day RI was the one that hurt his feelings and made his brother leave crying RI was the one that Unleashed man-eating hot dogs at the park barbecue and not to mention in the very first episode the power RI was the one that sent skips to the Moon forcing him morai Benson and Pops to go rescue him and it was incident after incident like this that would really start to make me hate RI as a character but there were a few in particular episodes that really rubbed me a wrong way when it came to RI with one of the First episodes being the infamous episode it's time now I said this episode is Infamous but not for the reasons you might think you see when people reference this episode they usually reference it as a negative episode for morai because in the episode he would infamously kill RI after pushing him off a microwave into space and a lot of people like to use this as a negative moment for morai but the thing is if you actually watch the episode you know that RI was the villain the entire episode the episode starts off at the coffee shop with morai and RI watching the trailer for a movie morai says that the movie looks awesome and that's when RI mentions that he bought two tickets for the two of them to go see it but morai turns Rick down explaining that he already bought two tickets for another movie that he wants to actually Margaret out on a date to go see morai then tries to ask Margaret out on the date but ends up fumbling over his words and riby jumps in making a joke that ends up making Margaret laugh you're going to have to excuse morai here he has a hard time trying to Espresso himself good one R and it's here that we start to notice that morai is jealous of the fact that rig can make Margaret laugh but he doesn't want to acknowledge it to R Margaret then comes back with the wrong order for rig and when R asks if everything's all right she explains that her head has been out of it because she has to move soon this isn't when morai explains that he can help Margaret move to which she's ecstatic about and riby in an attempt to mess with morai also offers his help riby once again then makes margar laugh at a joke and when morai acts weird about it again RI calls him out for being jealous we then fast forward to our boys helping Margaret move and riby is once again making Margaret laugh which is really getting under mori's skin and when Margaret walks away to go handle something morai tells R to leave and says that he's ruining his chances with Margaret but R tells Mory that he's the one that's ruining his own chances and says that morai is not even going to end up asking Margaret out and that he's going to end up seeing the movie that Rick wanted to see with him later now up until this point in the episode if making Margaret laugh to get under morai skin was the worst thing RI did I wouldn't really be mad at him some people might argue that this isn't a bro thing to do but I would actually argue that this is really how A lot of guy friends act but what happens next is really why I say RI crosses the line especially when it comes to his best friend Margaret want to see something cool bam two tickets to the zombie dinner party Premiere want to go with me tonight you actually got tickets yeah I'll totally go with you tonight morai you got to come too morai can't come cuz I only got two tickets and you could just see that this whole interaction is killing morai from the inside and this whole taking Margaret on a date was just really goofy Behavior to me from RI because there was absolutely no purpose for this other than the fact that he just wanted to hurt Mory other than this one episode there has never been a moment throughout eight seasons of Regular Show where RI has done anything to make a move on Margaret or show that he's attracted to her hell even in this episode you could clearly see that Rick isn't asking Margaret out because he wants to take her out on a date he's clearly doing it just because he's getting satisfaction from spiting morai but the thing that makes it so weird is that he's spiting morai for what like it's obvious that he's mad that morai isn't going to the movies with him but it's not like morai promised he'd go and bailed at the last minute or something riy tried to surprise morai with tickets and morai just politely turned down R saying that he already planned on taking margar the girl that he's been obsessed with since season 1 to the movies which if Rick B actually wanted to be a good friend he would support morai but from the way Rick X in this episode you would swear that morai did something crazy to him because after asking Margaret out right in front of morai rig then proceeds to rub it in Mor Kai's face all throughout the day you know what I like best about Margaret the way she's not going out with this guy oh two more hours till my date and mind you all morai did was say that he wasn't going to the movies with RI we then see later in the episode that morai tries to make RI miss the day with Margaret by destroying all of the clocks in the house by putting them in the microwave and in an attempt to get him back RI jumps a mory's back knocking him into the microwave this causes the two of them to be teleported through time in space on top of the microwave and then the two of them get into an argument about whose fault this is I just wanted to see zombie dinner party with my bro who flaked on me for some girl who doesn't even know he exists but see the problem with this state is RI acts as if he's literally done nothing wrong throughout this entire episode RI frames this whole situation as oh I just wanted to go to the movies with my best friend and all of this is mory's fault because he was jealous for no reason but in all actuality after morai turned down going to the movies with RI RI number one flirts with a girl that morai likes multiple different times knowing that morai doesn't like it number two asks the girl that morai likes on a date even though RI doesn't like the girl and is only doing get to mess with morai and number three rubs in the fact that he's taking Margaret out on a date in front of mory's face for the entire day so for RI to frame this whole situation as oh I just wanted to go see a movie with my friend and he flaked on me is crazy especially when morai never said he was going to see the movie with RI and in real life if RI had did any of this to anyone nobody would want to be friends with him and the part to me that's so confusing about this episode is that it really tries to downplay how bad RI was in this episode after morai pushes RI off off the microwave he meets father time and Father Time tells morai that ry's dead morai stuck with him for eternity and he tells morai that it's all his fault and it's because of his petty jealousy he then proceeds to show morai all the moments of him being jealous from earlier in the episode and morai will go on to say this it's true I am jealous of R and even though he's annoying he's still my best friend you're right father time I deserve to be trapped here the only problem is this is a terrible takeaway Father Time framing Mor K's actions as just Petty jealousness is wild I would be willing to bet nine out of 10 times that if somebody's best friend their best friend in the entire world was acting the way R was acting in this episode towards their Crush they would act exactly like morai and you could actually argue for a majority of the episode that morai was pretty calm he never freaked out or really put his hands on RI most of the stuff that RI was doing morai just took and ate it and even if we go back to when he pushed RI off of the microwave RI was the one that pushed morai first if you slow the episode down and look closely you could see that morai is dangling off of the microwave but despite all this the narrative in the episode is that morai was just a jealous freak for no reason and that he deserves to be in this situation um no he doesn't and the part that I hate the most about this episode is the ending because Father Time eventually sends morai back to earlier in the day at the coffee shop and we see morai relive the moment where RI made Margaret laugh riy then notices that morai is jealous and tells him to admit it and morai who first denies it eventually just says yeah he's jealous but my problem with this ending is not only does it heavily emphasize that all this is apparently mori's fault but also after watching the entire episode you see that R didn't get any repercussions for his actions he died believing that he didn't do anything wrong and that morai was just jealous for no reason so watching this ending the only thing I could think about is the fact that if morai hadn't said that he was jealous RI would have just did the same thing all over again but the crazy thing is in terms of how RI treated morai in the earlier Seasons this is only the second worst episode because the episode do me a solid is by far the number one episode that made me hate early season RI the episode starts off with RI asking morai to do him a solid and get him a lemonade we then go through a montage of the two asking each other to do each other solids like turning off the TV handing each other the remote and cheesing nachos the two then go to the coffee shop to get some coffee and while there Eileen asks R if he would want to go play miniature golf with her after her shift which RI declines um riy I was wondering do you like miniature golf me too but trying to save face Eileen tells RI that it wasn't a date or anything and that it could actually be a group thing with her him morai and Margaret morai then tells RI to do him a solid and go to the group thing so that he could get with Margaret and RI who opposed at first says that the only way he'll do it is if morai gives him 10 free solids which I'm not going to lie is lowkey crazy what that's ridiculous okay that's cool then I guess you won't mind morta crying yourself to sleep sleep tonight instead of going on a hot date with Margaret fine I owe you 10 solids we then fast forward to the actual group date and I can't lie even though I hated Rick at this point in the story he was unintentionally the funniest character yeah he wants to make it last cuz it'll never happen again morai then tries to get in the passenger seat by Margaret but that's when RI uses his first solid to ask morai to sit in the back with Eileen fast forward to the mini golf course and morai starting up a conversation with Margaret we also get an interaction between RI B and I I just laid sea turtle eggs and now I'm going to swim out to sea although many of my hatchlings won't live to adulthood let's just get this over with okay okay RI was not right for a majority of things in this episode but why was early season Eileen so weird nonetheless the group dat begins and we start to see throughout the episode that RI begins to use his 10 solids to sabotage morai and make him look bad in front of Margaret using his second solid to make morai scream and mess up Margaret shot and using his third solid to make morai eat a burrito full of hot sauce that he spits out on Margaret and look I understand at this point in the story R doesn't like eileene don't get me wrong that sea turtle thing from earlier in the episode was really weird but at the end of the day morai is your best friend your best friend that you've known since you were a little kid your best friend that got you the very job that's sustaining your life right now and you mean to tell me that you couldn't just stomach it and behave for like what 4 hours to make him look good in front of the girl he's been obsessed with since season 1 because throughout the rest of the episode we would see that rby would continue to use Lo the rest of his solid in order to sabotage mory's date making him ask Margaret for money making him take the blame for a fart he would also invite muscleman and High Five Ghost over and I don't know what was going on with muscleman in this episode but he was acting extra weird hey ladies watch what else I can do with my ice cream sandwich morai I think I'm going to go soon eventually rig would get down to his last solid and morai would tell him to just use it before Margaret left ri then proceeds to tell morai to do him a solid but we don't actually get to hear what it is but whatever it is it's so bad that morai calls RI insane and tells him that he's not doing it we then see the floors and the walls of the house begin to split open as RI tells morai that this is happening because he's not doing it solid skips Benson and popson pull up and skips tells morai and R that they shouldn't have abused the solids but he tells morai that he needs to do it solid or they're all going to die which morai still refuses but Margaret convinces morai to do it by telling him that she won't look at him any different for doing a solid if it's for a friend and that's what friends are for and then morai proceeds to do his solid oh no bro and you know we never actually get told or get to see what this solid is but ever since this episode came out fans have speculated online and if the solid is anywhere near as bad as what people assume it to be there's no way I would be friends with RI there's no way I would ever be cool with RI especially since he recorded it and that's really my problem with RI throughout this entire episode he treated morai like trash from start to finish and then made him do something extremely terrible in front of all his day-to-day people and then on top of that RI recorded it and had an entire watch party for it and then once again in this episode RI faces no real consequences for his actions because once RI realizes that morai is actually mad at him and wants nothing to do with him which you know is a valid response to what RI did RI makes up some kind of lie about how morai asked him to do him a solid and destroy the tape and then riby proceeds to destroy the tape in front of everybody and then the way the episode frames it it's just all fine and dandy after that and morai forgives him and everybody moves on bro you could not have paid me to be friends with RI after this every time I watch these two episodes it just brings back all the memories on why I didn't like RI but at least I can say for as bad as he was he still went on to become one of the best characters in all the Regular Show but let me know in the comments how did you feel about riy in these two episodes and also let me know what other characters and shows I should cover also make sure to like comment and subscribe and hit the not Bell to be notified when I upload my next video and until then it's been your boy cor XV and I'm off this [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Corin XV
Views: 59,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -FyN0yFv7-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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