The Episode That Ruined SpongeBob

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SpongeBob SquarePants if you've ever watched cartoons ever you've probably watched an episode of SpongeBob at some point in your life it's one of if not the most recognizable cartoon character of all time you can ask your Millennial neighbor you can ask your 91-year-old grandmother you can even go to your local hospital and ask a literal newborn baby and I'm sure they'll recognize this goofy yellow sponge my point is SpongeBob is one of the highest grossing media franchises ever and when something is as popular and successful as SpongeBob is clearly that means it's amazing right well if you take after Patrick Star and live under a rock you'd be surprised to learn that SpongeBob has been getting quite a bit of hate for a while now I'm not going to get too deep into that conversation because it basically boils down to old SpongeBob good new SpongeBob bad but what if I told you that even with the absolute freezing take nowadays that the newer SpongeBob episodes are bad they still don't have the worst episodes ever today we'll be looking at the two most publicly hated SpongeBob episodes which are actually both located in season 7 I know some people will still consider this new SpongeBob but remember that the show is about to air its 14th season and actually 2011 was 13 years ago now so godamn that's a long time ago listen I absolutely love this show I think it's one of the best cartoons of all time but I've never watched these specific episodes so I would love to know why does everyone hate them so much are they really that bad I'm really not sure what to expect here so grab your copy of Pokémon Soul Silver for the Nintendo DS and let's watch what may very well be the definitive moment SpongeBob SquarePants changed forever this episode is called one course meal it's the second lowest rated episode of all time time so this should be extremely annoying we start our adventure at the Crusty Crab we see Mr Krabs diming the lights and getting naked Mr Krabs gets out of the tub and confronts SpongeBob because he smells something burning the idea here obviously is that SpongeBob just like burnt a crabby patty or something but I'm not kidding when asked about it SpongeBob says that the smell isn't food burning let's see for explosives I'd say high grade explosive turns out this is just another one of plankton's schemes to get a hold of the infamous crabby patty formul also after the explosion Mr Krabs just has his clothes back on now plus they're burnt as if he was wearing them the whole time whatever doesn't matter crabs and SpongeBob fight back in some over-the-top Goofy cartoon way to protect the formula from being stolen oh that better not protect you that better that's not how Bubbles work they're supposed to pop that's like their whole thing anyway the fight ends with a literal nuke Landing in the kitchen but then turns out it's not a nuke at all but actually a giant robotic arm that grabs Mr Krabs and SpongeBob holding them with such force that you can actually see them getting squished together and the Soul leaving their bodies at first I thought this was an upgrade for Karen who's Plankton's wife but no this is straight up just a robotic arm nothing else so Plankton demands to be handed the secret formula or else but Mr Krabs basically tells him don't think so [ __ ] so Plankton whips out the big guns which happens to be a single pink feather he's going to use this to tickle them obviously he starts tickling Mr crabs' booty which we all know spend a very large surface area he tries to tickle him to get some answers which honestly is probably a legitimate torture method like I'm pretty sure I remember reading about this actually happening back in the 1600s and that tickles despite all of this Krabs doesn't cave to the tickling because he considers himself an alpha male SpongeBob on the other hand is known to be quite childish so it goes about as good as you'd expect when SpongeBob tells Plankton exactly where the formula is hidden before even getting tickled at all classic Bob Mission fou we'll get him next time anyway before Plankton can get the formula Mr crabs' Daughter Pearl enters the room usually I would explain every character here and kind of explain who they are and what they're about but I'm assuming most of you watching this already know these characters just know that for consistency sake the characters are generally split up into a good guy or bad guy category so Pearl enters the room randomly and right away Plankton just freaks out right I guess the implication is that whales feed on plankton in the real world so now Plankton is terrified because Pearl might eat him I guess like there's a lot of sea creatures in bikini bottom and you never see them eating each other ever hell they're eating hamburgers half the time so this doesn't like really make that much sense also I could be wrong but I think whales straight up eat crabs sometimes too so like why isn't Mr Krab scared of his own daughter she could eat him at any moment anyway Plankton is so scared that he just leaves so Pearl pulls her dad and SpongeBob out of the deadly robotic grip they were stuck in she does it with basically no effort by the way maybe she works out all the time I don't know so this entire opening scene is meant to establish Plankton's fear of whales and even more important Mr crabs' Discovery to that fear I'm sure you can see where this is going I do want to point out this one funny part that made me giggle it doesn't really add anything to the narrative just thought it was funny this isn't money no it's even better this is what Mr Krabs pays me with to catch up with me okay that was funny that actually was funny so we find out now that Plankton's entire family got eaten by a whale a while ago which is why his fear is so prominent he literally has severe trauma which is always fun to see in a SpongeBob episode turns out Mr Krabs paid his daughter to scare plankton a bit so she does exactly that it's clear from these clips that Plankton is like legitimately terrified by the way which makes the next couple moments so much sadder and like awkward Plankton tells his wife about Pearl but she doesn't believe him and calls him crazy Plankton goes clinically insane for a bit and we even see him break down into tears later that night Plankton is having severe night tears dreaming about getting eaten by Pearl and disintegrating in her stomach acid jeez this is actually kind of [ __ ] up we then realize that it's actually Mr Krabs who's been terrorizing Plankton all along he just has a nearly identical Pearl cosplay not sure where or how he found this costume but it's a thing he has I guess anyway I'm going to run through the rest of this episode since it's like pretty repetitive and kind of sad Plankton is super depressed and wants to die Plankton lies down in the middle of the road hoping for a car to run him over I'm not kidding that's actually what he says SpongeBob feels bad for him so he tells Mr crabs to take it easy from now on because Plankton might actually kill himself Mr Krab says the good old good I don't care elb Bozo so SpongeBob does what he thinks is right and tells Plankton about everything he tells him that it was actually Mr Krabs in a whale costume the whole time so he has nothing to worry about SpongeBob also tells Plankton about Mr crabs' biggest fear so that he can like use it as payback or something I'm not really sure how that solves the issue like it definitely just makes everything worse but okay the next scene is plankton walking into the restaurant like he's the most OP character on the server because he knows Pearl isn't around he then uses another robotic arm to grab crabs and deploy a mime into the Crusty Crab which is Mr crabs' biggest fear I mean just look at him it's terrifying you'd think his biggest fear is something money related like I don't know all his money burning or all his Investments crashing to the ground but no it's just a mime sure that makes sense anyway during this time SpongeBob uses a projector to make it look like there's a bunch of whales showing up or something I don't know Plankton gets scared of this and he just like runs off again Mr Krabs gets free and that's that's the end and that was the second worst SpongeBob episode ever now I can kind of see why this episode is hated so much but it's not really for what you might think like me you probably thought the lowest rated stuff would be because the writing is absolutely horrible and the pacing is atrocious or something and that is actually true but it's not the reason this episode's rated so low now the reason this episode is hated is actually much more wholesome than that turns out people just really don't like bullies and this episode is literally about a good guy character Mr Krabs and how he bullies someone into a literal depression by weaponizing their own trauma like dude this is a SpongeBob episode Where's the jellyfish where's the rainbows anyway I'll talk more about this video at the very end but for now I think it's best to form an opinion on another episode which according to multiple sources online is SpongeBob's worst episode ever this episode that everyone seems to hate is called a pal for Gary if you really disliked the first episode I covered I think you'll really really dislike this one we start our adventure with SpongeBob and his pet snail Gary Gary's a fan favorite of the series he doesn't really talk or do anything honestly but people like him because he's just a super chill dude I do not like the way that what is going what is going on okay so this isn't really important to the quality of the episode but I'd like to point out that I randomly froze onto this one frame while editing and it turns out you can kind of see a SpongeBob behind SpongeBob meaning there's two SpongeBobs not sure if that's a mistake or just how this show does its animation I'm just pointing it out cuz I don't know looked funny anyway the Big premise for this episode is that SpongeBob is leaving for work but when he does he feels really bad for leaving Gary alone at the house he's kind of scared that Gary feels lonely while he's gone and he feels really guilty about it as someone who has a dog that's around Gary's size I totally get it okay I feel bad sometimes if I know I'm going to leave him alone at the house for a couple hours and he starts crying but also I I got to go get you food so like I got to go sometimes anyway SpongeBob's ideas of Gary being lonely are quickly disproven because the second he leaves the house we see Gary grab some chips and one of those soda drinking hats and just all around having a good time so everyone judging me for saying that I leave my dog alone this is probably what he's doing too Hi how are you later that day now SpongeBob's at his job when a customer walks in with his own pet it's a worm I think SpongeBob lets the customer know that there are no pets allowed in the restaurant but instead of leaving his pet like SpongeBob did earlier in the episode the customer decides to Simply go eat somewhere else feeling extra guilty now SpongeBob tries to call Gary to check in on him Gary doesn't answer because he's watching TV and probably has ADHD so it gets zoned out really easily which of course leaves SpongeBob to think Gary must be really sad because obviously if your owner who only fed you mush every day left you'd be sad too probably it's night time now so SpongeBob gets to go home finally there's this whole bit where Mr Krabs is adding tar to the parking lot for some reason and need SpongeBob's help but SpongeBob says that he's busy he needs to get home the entire conversation serves no purpose honestly come in 5 hours early tomorrow to finish the parking lot yeah a best Mr Krabs what was the point of that scene I don't I don't get it anyway SpongeBob is walking through town now on his way home when he passes by some weird looking Hut thing with a creepy person inside it this reminds me of every Carnival I've ever went to where the people in the booths basically beg you to play their game actually more topical it reminds me of the unknown from that Willy won video just a creepy guy who thought of this it turns out that this weird person is selling pets I guess and I use the term selling very lightly here SpongeBob walks in and basically just steals one the creepy person actually tries to warn him about how the pets can be a little dangerous but like every gench and impact player who gets invited to a social Gathering SpongeBob just doesn't care so SpongeBob gets home finally and reveals to Gary that he bought a new pet and it's going to be his new best friend his name is Puffy Fluffy very original and of course as soon as SpongeBob leaves the room Puffy Fluffy goes bad [ __ ] insane with rage SpongeBob re-enters the room so Puffy Fluffy calms down and you can probably see where this is going now when SpongeBob there good when SpongeBob not there bad watch phenomenal writing this is Cinema Gary goes to eat his food but SpongeBob says that he needs to share now and then of course leaves the room so Puffy Fluffy turns on his bully mode and eats all of it himself Gary is terrified obviously so he hides in fear and SpongeBob gets mad at him because he thinks he's just ignoring his new friend or something honestly this entire section is is just really sad I mentioned earlier that Gary's a fan favorite so it's no wonder people hate this episode where he gets bullied and to an extent abused like SpongeBob sting has always been that he's kind of an idiot but it's done in a way in this episode that's extremely frustrating to the viewer like the writing team just showed a major disconnect from Their audience in this one no one wanted this no one thinks this is funny so I guess the possible Saving Grace is the ending of the episode if it has a satisfying ending I guess it could redeem itself that's not happening so because Gary's a sweetheart he even gives this thing a second en Chance by trying to play with it but his efforts are cut short Gary tries to be friendly Puffy Fluffy tries to attack SpongeBob gets mad at Gary that's the cycle this episode goes through for like 60% of its runtime it's finally night time now so SpongeBob puts both of his pets in the same bed while he sleeps in his own bed maybe I'm just making stuff up but I'm almost 100% sure I remember Gary always sleeping in the same room as SpongeBob so there's literally zero reason to have him be in another room other than to just be a away for SpongeBob for this specific episode so that's that's cool I guess anyway fluffy puffy puffy fluffy I I don't I forget his name I don't know what it is the other pet has turned into a giant monster now so I can finally stop saying his goofy ass name I'm just going to call him monster from now on it's a lot easier so the monster is huge now and has these four tentacle things inside of his mouth which he tries to eat Gary with Gary is forced to grab a pen to defend himself honestly this entire scene is like huge nightmare fuel had I watched this as a kid I probably would have cried also I didn't mention this earlier but when SpongeBob bought this thing from that weird Hut person there was also another kid buying one at the same time nothing ever comes from this I just think it's funny how it's extremely possible that this kid kid got eaten alive so the monster chases Gary around the house basically destroying it in the process which is when SpongeBob finally wakes up and realizes something is wrong and my prized Memoirs of TS H my clothes is that a TS ellot reference didn't that guy die in like the 60s there's no way the kids watching this understand that with his house completely destroyed SpongeBob does probably the most obnoxious thing ever and immediately assumes that it's all Gary's fault he breaks down a door and finds Gary actually getting eaten alive by the monster like he's clearly terrified in the monster's mouth but of course because silly cartoon SpongeBob for some reason thinks Gary is at fault and gets even more mad at him even during all of this SpongeBob repeatedly tells Gary to let him go as if he had a choice the monster just doesn't give a [ __ ] which is when we get the origin of that one extremely out- of pocket SpongeBob Meme like how is this an actual frame in a SpongeBob episode I thought this was photoshopped for so long anyway long story short Gary might be a snail but he's also the [ __ ] goat because he single-handedly ties the monster up and saves the day this is probably the only enjoyable scene in the entire episode so I guess the ending really did redeem this episode right well actually the final scene is SpongeBob screaming for the monster to return and then looking at Gary with disgust to blame him for everything one last time there's also one more scene where SpongeBob brings Gary to work the next day but it doesn't really have a point and it's just an excuse to make a joke about Mr Krabs taking Free Labor or something I didn't just say so and that's it those are the lowest rated SpongeBob episodes of all time listen like I said before from a production level I wouldn't really consider these the absolute worst there are some moments that got me to giggle at least but just because it's not the bottom of the barrel doesn't mean it's good in any way the writing is still horrible the comedy in some parts is basically non-existent and it all around just doesn't even feel like a SpongeBob episode at times like where's the silly Adventures where's the laugh SpongeBob didn't even laugh in these episodes what it's no wonder almost no one voted for SpongeBob in a recent poll I made asking about who you'd like to hang out with the most turns out at his core SpongeBob is just a really really annoying character so when the story is not written well to accommodate that he basically has no redeeming qualities whatsoever people like Gary and even Plankton to an extent and the lowest rated episodes are basically just them getting undeservingly tortured the whole time you can't even use the excuse that the writers had already used up all their other ideas because there's a whole Seven Seasons after this episode and a lot of them I'll be honest are actually more enjoyable to watch than these ones sure the newest episodes can be cringe and they probably don't hit the same humor it once did but at least I can watch them and think to myself hey that's SpongeBob he's a goofy guy and does goofy things anyway that's the end of the video enjoy the episodes or don't doesn't matter matter it's a cartoon if you enjoy this video please like And subscribe I'm trying to hit 10,000 subscribers before my birthday I think it's super possible become a member if you can afford it and want your name on the screen here it's only a dollar and there's lots of room for people like this wo and check out the playlist I made that has a bunch of videos just like this if you like cartoons check it out Paul ABD scores this one a solid four tentacle mouth things out of 20 million and yeah thanks for [Music] watching I'd say high grade exposure I didn't just say so
Channel: Darzii
Views: 482,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Darzii, Darzil, Funny, staydank, cartoon, movie, tv show, review, walkthrough, rating, film student, editor, explination, timeline, facts, where to watch, nostalgia, was it good, old cartoon, new cartoon, free online, full episdoe, watch along, reaction, video essay, spongebo, evil moment, plankton scared, pearl, bully moment, sad moment, gary scared, ending revealed, funny scene, kiss scene, theory dead, adult themes, sins, downfall, deeper meaning, bad writing, scary moment, crabs
Id: TeJ_4I9HUgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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