Who's The BIGGEST Fumbler in Cartoon History?

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not everything in life should be a competition but fumbling your girl by being stupid somehow turned into one as yet if there's one thing cartoons love it's shipping but the reason why will always be sadism and there's nothing more sadistic than watching a guy with a good thing going ruin it through sheer headassery neglect or straight up abuse while the blue Tio hijacked a wedding only to end up with two less options by the end of it is the meme king of this I think it's about time that we sit down and come up with the def intive answer for who effed up the hardest losing their better half and put all their fellows to shame so let's break down four of the worst offenders in recent memory what they did how if at all they recovered and now how much of what they did was on them or were they screwed over by the Invisible Hand of Fate that we call the authors lots of questions a few answers so let's meet today's contestants no oh my gosh I didn't mean to do that just mey congratulations you played yourself now picking the four wasn't too hard a meme on Twitter is what inspire me to make this list though Morty being here was complete nonsense that nobody took seriously so we're going to swap him out for someone who actually deserves to be here no no like it's actually impressive how much this love triangle destroyed mako's character at least he had options till they cut him out the equation so that means we got Mr no rin's mo the fumble meme King morai everyone's favorite character till he wasn't Duncan from Total Drama and the guy who manipulated his girlfriend to get off Finn from Adventure Time now full discrepancy I already claimed in a previous video that Finn was the worst so we might as well start with him and how my opinions have evolved plus qualify that statement as Finn was bad but I'm not sure if he's the worst anymore I said I was sorry you blow man now Finn's situation is interesting to talk about as besides this one instant Finn's got game he has an entire episode where it's just him hitting on every princess in sight and he's getting kisses all night long but before he figured himself out Finn's love life was awful to follow as he spent years obsessing over an older woman who only liked him as a friend thus being forced to watch all of it after constantly teasing the idea that it might potentially happen Finn finally got that solid rejection with him taking it like a champ if the competition was sobbing like's [Music] A's my heart a girl told him no and he dropped down to the floor set up a shrine and cradled a piece of her hair as he sobbed himself to sleep TW not a good look but thanks to his brother Finn was able to meet his new flame Flame Princess got to love the jokes here who slaps the shit out of him making him realize he's into that and wants another hit with the two of them eventually dating with it easily being one of the cutest couples in this series Finn was finally not pining for a woman he couldn't have while Flame Princess proved to be one of my favorite characters as he watched her come to terms with her own chaotic nature and parts out just who she is versus who she was raised to be which after being kept in a lantern by her dad for her entire life yeah that's kind of a huge step but they were cute and figuring it out together from appreciating each other's interest FP being a war criminal finding ways to make their inability to touch work and ignoring that one Time Finn knocked up a pillow twice then to keep his streak going Finn fucked everything up so yeah basically what happens is that Finn has a wet dream after watching Flame Princess beat the snot out of the Ice King who was being a dick at the time so to keep getting off he keeps manipulating his girlfriend into being up the local dementia patient with him breaking her trust as he decided to use all of her secrets and insecurities against her writing fake letters to make her think it was the Ice King all that she would be mad enough to go beat his ass he was tricking her for his own personal satisfaction also showing off a psychopathic or more accurately a teen willingness to ignore common sense to get what he wants even if it meant hurting his girlfriend in the process who naturally immediately dumped his ass and rightfully so with her refusing to get back together with him as no amounts of sories will make this okay it huh they would end up becoming friends again but the damage was done and Finn would spend the next couple like literal years heartbroken depressed was able to come out of it better and more mature which we do have to respect with this probably being one of the biggest moments of personal growth Finn ever had that said this was a catastrophic fumble as there was truly no leadup to this Finn literally nuked his relationship with FP in 11 minutes everything was happy and healthy then suddenly we didn't have it making this the biggest and most importantly unprompted fumble in this entire list as at least with everyone else here it mostly tracks what they did and you can see it coming from a mile away but Finn took a wet dream and nearly burned down all the bridges over it like not even morai would be this stupid which why in my mind that this is probably the single worst fumble in cartoon history as he abused and manipulated the woman he loved just to get off but this leads to an interesting question as if we're talking single ax yeah I think this is the worst but as we establish this is a one-time thing Finn Grew From This was able to rebound later in life so while what happened was bad I don't think he's the single biggest fumbler in this group not to mention again this is one big thing and the circumstances that made him do it are a little bit fucky as it' be one thing if he just got the dream and abuse his girlfriend which he did but then there's other stuff that meticulously push Finn to do it again make him [Music] fight yeah this is where we got to talk about the writing the general rumors around Finn and Flame Princess was that the relationship was a creation of Rebecca sugar who wrote a lot of their biggest episodes but then ultimately left to go create Steven Universe leaving the Ship Without its Captain so in the name of character development e was decid that the two needed to break up leing to be this one incident that shattered the ship rather than a series of mistakes but that one incident is fed by a very suspicious appearance of the cosmic owl a being whose appearance is meant to signify important or even prophetic dreams so if he appears the general assumption in ooh means that said dream must be very important with Finn's brother Jake being kind of obsessed with the owl Ebling that it Herald his death at one time so Jake encouraged Finn to have the dream again at all cost as the older brother who's supposed to give semide decent life advice throws his full weight behind Finn's crazy which is what led to the letters and using her Secrets against her he didn't say that Finn should do this but he did stand by and let it happen happen this is all still Finn's fault all this extra weight pushing the events to happen the way that they did does add just a little bit of side eye to the situation as it feels like the great story is pushing for this to happen which while relevant to the real world but it plus the fact that how good things were beforehand but it does muddy the waters on this fumble being all on Finn and put just a little bit of it on those behind the story I love the Fallout and I love the story of a boy doing something dumb because purty but while bad I'm not fully confident that we can give Finn the crown just yet so let's check in with the rest of the gang and see if anyone can collectively do worse I can't do this anymore it's over what just happened so I am doing a massive retrospective on Total Drama later in the year video is done I just want to pick the best month to drop it but in summary Duncan is kind of a train wreck though not for the reasons you remember originally the bad boy the cast he is season one sexist charm got him into the pants of Courtney a good girl with a Mean Street with the two's relationship starting with them fighting only for things to get progressively worse over the course of the series Duncan would continue to date break up then date Courtney again then he would proceed to leave her permanently to go date Gwen now Duncan did fumble Gwen but it' be more accurate to say he dodged a bullet with Courtney who after being the overly competitive but normal-ish prep girl in season 1 would end up turning into a super bitch in season 2 becoming a control freak who thought she could fix Duncan the two of them bickering fighting and arguing till they got back together when for Courtney treat their relationship like a contract rather than a partnership I expect you to memorize that letter so it doesn't happen again anything for you babe Courtney you may Hold Me Now cool they only just got back together that night and she was awful to him after all what's more important winning some stupid challenge or making me happy expecting total obedience and snapping at him for not having a 40-page document memorized in one night with all the terms and conditions of dating her and she would just not let him adjust to anything so naturally he voted her ass out that same day only for the two of them to get back together because he had money now when for her to still not be too great so then he just Ram the sides a hookup with Gwen after being alone with her for like 3 seconds as suddenly they had a thing despite a lie detector proving that they didn't so yeah everything here in this show is a shit show Courtney flipped out but Duncan and Gwen started dating so at least we had that there that should do it you think she is watching what the fuck bro never mind so this is a dumb situation that happened here see dunan and Gwen decide to enter another competition but their relationship was already fizzling out at this point Duncan had lost all the emotional intelligence that he had Gwen was over the thrill and was more obsessed with proving that she was a good person by making amends with Courtney who at this point had gone over her hate boner for Duncan icing the man out of her life which drove him crazy with him devolving into a petty narcissistic mess determined to re claim his bad boy status as on top of being labeled one of the good guys he was unable to Fathom that his ex isn't into him anymore nor giving him the attention that he so desperately wants so rather than focusing on what he already had he threw a series of weak writing decisions became obsessed with getting C's attention again going to fluctuate back to being a decent person the next and he would just continue to oscillate back and forth just to whatever the plot demanded with all this culminating in him kissing his girlfriend only to say this gem you think she was watching like I can't fathom the amount of headassery that would make a sober man ask his girlfriend if his ex was jealous when they kissed this was dumb it was so dumb and you get why they broke up after it like this isn't as horrible as what Finn did but the dumbness of what happened annoys me even more even if it is slightly more realistic a guy can't stop obsessing over his ex causes him to lose his current I get that but I can't really bring myself to call this the worst fumble or even call Duncan a fumbler since how how they got to this point and how Gwen and Duncan got together not to mention the characterization for everyone in this show just kind of changes as the plot demands don't worry doing a much bigger video on this I'll get into it but we can really just take duck and out of the running as what he did was stupid but he honestly shouldn't have been here to begin with but the writer's hand is so far up his ass at this point we might as well just call him Kermit it was dumb but he can't top in in any category besides General shittiness so let's just move on to the next bracket because we're doing brackets now and I tell you this next one is not nearly as easy as you'd think so where's my soulmate are they in this room it could be anyone maybe it's you maybe it's that really old lady I don't know why are you talking so I've already said a lot about morai in other videos you want a full story go check those out this one will be rapid fire morai was a guy who while not successful had a decent head on his shoulders except he always would lose his mind when it came to dating pining for the love of the local Barista Margaret morai would do anything to get a chance with her only for his Antics to be met with failure as she was either seeing someone else or he'd friendzone himself not shooting a shot despite the hoop being at basically eye level morai Was a Serial overthinker who couldn't pick up a signal to save his life with him even going so far as to go back in time to get a doover when he finally kisses the girl but he had bad breath so he must undo morai has issues he was trying but you couldn't watch this and not cringe but the true pain came when he finally started dating Margaret only for her to dump him when she revealed that she was leaving town to go finish college this man was shattered with him slowly picking up the pieces of his mental health and showing his growth by da a new girl CJ who he had previously used to get Margaret jealous but that was all water under the bridge as they just happened to fall into a more casual romantic situation where they could finally be friends as well as a couple with Next To None of the high stakes headaches that plagued Margaret Mory yep Margaret came back where rather than handling things like an adult morai preferred not to deal with the issue panicking when he meets her again avoiding telling CJ who when she finds out is pretty cool All Things Considered till she catches the two locking lips after getting swept up in the moment with this putting everyone in for a world of hurt now morai to his credit knows that this situation is going off the rails and besides the one kiss it's never stressed that he's seriously going to flip or go back to Mar but anticipating that possibility is what makes everyone in the room tense up not helping the fact is that Margaret admits that she does still in fact have feelings for him but even after hearing that he still chased after CJ and not Margaret but this is where we get into what morai is really guilty of which is inertia morai is shit at making things happen in his love life he tends to overthink all of his actions so he freees up rather hard committing to the girl that he has MTO floats around waiting for the situation to just play out so while he's still with CJ the the fear and awkwardness around Margaret persists with him never really trying to make peace with that leaving him to just continue to wait around taking the fact that he's standing still as proof that his relationship with CJ is his answer when really he's not choosing then after being told by his best friend to maybe he should just go with his gut for a bit morai decides to follow that advice but take it in the worst possible way jumping to the first ramble that comes to mind turning what should have been solid device into a fiasco the man hijacks his Friend's Wedding mid vows all while trying and failing to come to a conclusion about what he should do this embarrasses everyone involved with this failure to get to the point leading CJ to believe that she was about to get dumped at a wedding so she storms off leaving him with nobody which is honestly pretty on brand for him this scene is Infamous and deservedly so as after all the buildup to watch Mory try and act like he's in a romcom where some big romantic moment is going to solve all of his issues but instead what we see is what would actually happen in that situation as he had no idea what he was talking about he struggled to get to the point and it resulted in him losing the girl and the fact that this was at a friend's wedding just made the whole situation extra ging but unlike Duncan and fittingly if out of left field like it was her Finn you can't argue what morai did wasn't out of character the man was a nervous wreck from minute one and he really needed to figure himself out morai always struggled romantically and while he improved through trial and error he couldn't really meet the right person until he was older and more mature that said this was still an epic fumble so much so that his IRL rep has never recovered from this as yeah wedding bad speech every opportunity to nip this in the butt earlier just avoided so instead he picked the literal worse time to try and do this but at least we can say that he recovered in story which is something that can't be said about Mao he sucked his dick now Mako will always have a special place in my heart as I can't stop pity being the man introduced as di Zuko the rough round the edges bad boy to his brother's golden retriever but for all of mako's Promise all that potential he ended up kind of just being an empty suit and frankly just completely wasting this design this is something that leg of Kora is guilty of on the whole as it had way too many characters and not enough episodes leading to the new team Avatar to feel more like acquaintances than family but nobody suffered from this worse than Mako as after a while it only felt like his character existed to being love triangles and after he fumbled the show never figured out what to do with him after the fact see he went from the love interest of Kora her cold eye candy pretending not to care when he actually did with the two of them slowly growing from tolerating each other to almost dating only for Mako to get romantically T-boned by a completely different woman I've made a huge mistake Asami snatched up Mako so fast that it honestly felt like a ploy as she and her dad just seemed way too good to be true and made all of mako's pressing problems just disappear and he just immediately starts dating her much to korus horror who gets a stupid ball rolling after some bad advice kissing Mako after he wrongly assumes that she's hanging out with his brother to make him jealous leading to issues that they have to sleep on as Kora got kidnapped leading Mako to go berserk tipping off AI that something was going on between them with this culminating the two of them breaking up and she finds out about the kiss but more importantly realizes that Mako prior Iz Kora over her at almost every opportunity with her essentially realizing that while she may have cut the line Kora and Mako were still inevitable but the breakup was amicable Mako starts dating Kora and from there things just got worse I support whatever decision you make oh thanks that's a big help essentially cor is pretty much ritten to be her worst self in season 2 even before she had a civil war and obviously evil Uncle to deal with this left Mako in the unenviable situation of never being being able to do the right thing with his temperamental girlfriend snapping at him constantly with things only getting worse after said Civil War started as he's a cop and her Homeland is in trouble Mako snitches on her attempt to go behind the present's back to send military aid to her people and this results in their relationship imploding a shit here we go again and him hooking up again with aami she's been having a rough one on account of her business going under so she might as well be getting that good dick but then Ka shows up again and she also has Amnesia makco I missed you so much so everything we just talked about was pretty cliche and all around not great but I really wouldn't have called any of it a fumble on mako's part he broke up with aami yes but him and cor were clearly endgame yeah he betrayed her to follow his sense of Duty to his country but at that point they were already a dysfunctional mess and she was asking him to commit treason they were already one bad fight from breaking up so this was more a natural result than some massive event but what happens here Kora kissing Mako and him not immediately explain to her that they're not together is that Mako literally had to do one thing he had to set one boundary and he could have kept aami from leaving him he just needed to tell Kora to calm down I know you lost your memory but we actually broke up but instead he lies saying that this wasn't the right time cor was stress enough as it is and proceed to spend the next week or so pretending to still be cor's boyfriend till she remembered and they broke up again leaving Mako with nobody and becoming relegated to a relevance for the rest of the series like mori's reputation was destroyed in real life we will never stop making fun of him for this but mako's rep was destroyed in Universe forever he was portrayed as constantly unsure of just how he should be acting around a Sam y Kora getting joke assignments like guarding some dumb Prince this one fumble left him The Whipping Boy of the rest of the series as the writers clearly didn't know what to do with him at all they at least pretended to get bold in depth but Maka was just there with the occasional glimpse of being cool morai had a more dramatic and memorable fumble but what happened to Moo while smaller is even more pathetic to me morai dropping the ball was a foregone conclusion we all knew it was going to happen Mako though had options it looked like he could actually make this work but again these are vasty different situations so it's a little difficult to say which one is objectively worse as on one hand MTO did the worst thing but makos was more easily avoidable with just needing to explain the situation to Kora it would have taken less effort and way less emotional clut than what morai did and we understand morai more as he historically sucked at this stuff meanwhile Maka was basically a chick magnet who choked once and lost everything morai could have stopped the situation earlier but you understand why he didn't well this this was just embarrassing but because he wasn't so consistently trash and people generally blaming the writing for this love triangle we didn't really dog pile Mako the same way we did morai but for me I think I will say that morai he might be the worst fumbler on this list flat out if you need someone to choke romantically he's the guy you're going to go to but the writing around him is consistent enough that I can see why he did it with him learning an important lesson that served him later in life this was an epic fumble it was cringe but he did recover from it now we put this in contrast to Mako who basically became the team bitch after this he went to the bottom of the friend totem pole with even the clip episode near the end of the series giving him shit for how he handled what happened I'm sure this is going to be controversial but I think taking the lower Stakes of what Mako had to do versus the horrific consequence of what did happen to his character I think Mao fumbled harder than morai the writers didn't do him any favors but but if you look at just disastrous consequences becoming irrelevant is probably the worst case scenario but that now leaves us with our final two now this is also very subjective you all could have different takes the both of them though did screw up their relationships but rather than one big build up it was a spur-of-the-moment entally able to get back from this he was able to learn from what he did and understand what he did was wrong later down the road he was able to become friends with Flame Princess after this well Mak and Kora like they only really solidified their friendship in the series finale everything before that they were around each other but they were more like teammates than anything else that's again a team Avatar thing but for mako's case it is very painful and it all links back to this one decision so I think for me at least Duncan's situation is a nightmare Creed by the writers so what happened while bad it's clearly more about the people behind it than the actual character morai is the worst fumbler overall but while the wedding scene is truly iconic it's purposeful and built upon what we already knew about him the incident was relatable and down to earth and that's why we remember it the most Finn had the singular worst fumble as he really did have a great thing going wasn't a horrible person but was so horny he couldn't stop to think about what he was doing but he learned from it and he grew from the experience which leaves us Mao who had two fire women dated both of them realized what he actually wanted was cor only for them to turn out to be more dysfunctional than either of them realized so he broke up with her got back together with aami almost unintentionally only to lose her when he couldn't take 2 seconds to explain a core that they aren't together either in the moment or 10 minutes later when they were alone instead he kept the charade going showing assami what a flake he was and that he will date literally anybody that kiss kisses him on the mouth unprompted this what incident forever stripped him of all of his bad boy cred reducing him to being the slightly grumpy guy who was related to Bolin who was also bad at romance Duncan may have ended his Series going to jail but Mako truly never recovered from this so I'm giving the title of the biggest fumble in cartoon history tamako as he was truly never the same again RP at least we got corami out of the deal though they are boring fucking the Canon material thank you all for watching this has been sarcastic chorus just like share and subscribe do all the things down below let me know who do you think had the actual worst fumble in cartoon history I'm doing a little wishy-washy metrics here but to me Mako felt about right though if you think it's marai or Finn I totally get it if there's someone else let me know maybe we'll redo the list again sometime but that's all for me peace out have a good one
Channel: Sarcastic Chorus
Views: 535,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qjAdxtT-JZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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