How Regular Show FIXED Rigby

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Regular Show was easily one of the best shows airing on Cartoon Network back in the 2010s in a time where shows like Adventure Time Steven Universe The Amazing World of Gumball and many more were airing Regular Show stood out from the competition bringing a different type of uniqueness that other shows couldn't replicate and it was personally my favorite show on Cartoon Network with the show being a bit on the mature side despite being marketed towards a younger demographic and me already being in my early teens I felt like the show really grew up alongside me and man do I have so many fond memories watching this show from the crazy Adventures to the Wacky World to the tons and tons of amazing characters in this series regular show Legit has some of my favorite characters in all of fiction but one character that I undeniably hated since episode one was RI because if you remember the earlier Seasons RI was a menace but throughout watching the series riby went from being my most hated character to being my favorite character in the entire show all throughout the course of only a couple episodes and I feel like when people think back about Regular Show they don't highlight ri's character grow gr enough so today we'll be taking a look at the character Arc of RI and seeing how he went from being one of the worst characters in the show to arguably one of the best now like I said before in the earlier seasons of this show riby was a menace and you wouldn't be wrong for saying that 90% of the bad stuff that happened in the first two seasons was because of him he was so bad that there are lists online of the worst things that he has ever done in the show with some of them including cynic skips to the Moon betting away all of his friend Souls learning and using the Death Punch on all of his friends just to win a game of punchies and probably one of the worst of them all taking and altering his best friend's College acceptance letter so that it says that he didn't get in bringing it back to his house and then watching him read in front you that he didn't get into the college that he wanted to and then playing it off like it's not a big deal because you didn't get into the same college with him yeah the more I look back at this the more I realized RI was way way worse than I remember but it was safe to say that ri's character might have been one of the most selfish characters that I had ever seen before for or at least that wasn't until he would start undergoing one of the best character arcs in the entire Series in the season 7 episode Eileen plan RI morai Margaret and Eileen are at Eileen's house where she pulls out her old life accomplishments that she wrote back in sixth grade that she wants to accomplish by the time she turns 25 with one of them being that she wants to marry somebody brilliant or super smart something that riby is not I also found it really funny that while reading this goal out RI stuttered over the words and needed help pronouncing some of them just you know good comedy but learning that his girlfriend wanted to marry somebody intelligent makes RI very insecure seeing as he's never even graduated high school hey what do you think I'm dumb yes this causes him to decide to go back to school to finish his academic career to better himself for eileene which in my opinion this was the first episode to really start off ri's character Arc because in previous Seasons RI was selfish and was fine was being selfish as long as he was happy but this is the first time we see him change and try to better himself for someone else's sake that the episode ends off with RI using the knowledge that he's been learning in school to help him and eileene Escape out of a cave and while Eileen tells RI that he doesn't need to be a genius for her she likes him for him RI still decides that he wants to finish school and get his diploma not just for Eileen's sake this time but for himself in the next episode Hello China in an attempt to have more Adventure in his life Benson decides to go to China for a month to teach English now I don't know how he hasn't had enough Adventure in his life working at the park but teach his own well while this is going on Rick B has failed every foreign language class that he's taken and needs the credits to graduate so he hides in Benson's luggage all the way to China so that he can take Benson's foreign language class and I just hope I'm not the only one who's noticed that this man flew all the way to China to take English as a foreign language like does that even count but regardless over time Benson becomes very annoyed with r being in class because while the kids are supposed to be learning English they only want to learn the slang adjusters that ri's been using and it just so happens that if Benson's class doesn't learn anything he'll be stuck in China forever it's after this that Benson and RI have a one-on-one talk and Benson finally calls out RI for his behavior Benson tells RI that he's acting like the way he's always been acting back home and tells him that if he doesn't actually put in the work to change he never will do you really want to have flown halfway around the world only to find out you're always going to be the same no matter where you go and this is another defining moment for ri's character because for so many seasons RI would be the type of person to say that he was going to do something and never do it he would always say it would be his last time doing something and then keep the behavior going episode after episode but Benson was 100% right in this moment it's easy to want to change and it's easy to say that you will change but putting in the actual work that it takes to change will always be the hardest part and if you're not aware or taking the necessary steps to be able to achieve something you'll always be in the same position the episode ends with RI organizing a performance with the Chinese students with them performing a rap about how to write and send a letter in English Benson gets all the credit for teaching the students English and gets invited to come back back to China next year to teach another class and RI passes getting all his foreign language credits putting him one step closer to graduating in the episode Jim Blonsky R only needs one more class to graduate that class being Jim but he soon finds out that the coach teaching Jim class is his former bully Francis Jim Blonsky and he Wast no time making ri's time in gym class miserable you want to fail my class like you failed at life no sir to get moving riby begins to lose faith that he's going to pass the class and begins to feel hopeless that all his hard work was for nothing but morai tells RI that he shouldn't give up he just needs to find a way to beat his bully at his own game eventually RI gets tired of Jim baski and he challenges him to a game of food run if RI wins he passes the class if Jim Blonsky wins riby fails and riby has to watch Jim blony and his little brother's jockstraps for the rest of the semester the episode ends with riby winning the game of food run to which Jim Blonsky breaks down in tears but surprisingly rather than gloating and rubbing it in riby actually gives his former high school bully a pep talk come on man high school was a long time ago you got to get past the Glory Days and move on with your life focus on the now and the two of them actually get cool with Jim Blonsky offering to put ri's face on the back of his varsity jacket but Jim Blonsky ends up passing RI and with that RI has all the credits that he needs to graduate to me this episode showed two aspects of ri's character changing since the beginning of the show RI was always a slacker looking for any excuse to quit and when things got hard he would double down on wanting to quit any task that he was doing but watching riby struggle in gym class contemplating quitting and then deciding to see it through all the way showed me that this isn't the same RI from season 1 ri's more determined and focused on achieving things that he actually wants to accomplish it also showed a lot of maturity that RI was willing to be friend in blansky whereas a previous season RI probably would have just gloated his win in his face now one aspect of ri's character that was shown throughout the earlier seasons of the show was his tendency to feel jealousy or inferiority and one of the best episodes that displayed this was season 1 episode 10 Don where we meet RI B's younger brother Don who's in better shape than RI more successful and more liked and throughout this episode we see that RI always hated having Don around not because he didn't like his little brother but because he was so cool he made RI feel like a loser and to top it all off everyone thinks you're my older brother I'm the older brother me but by the end of the episode RI apologizes to Don for the way he's been treating him throughout the years and Don even expresses to riy that he always thought RI was the cool one out of the two and always wanted to be just like him I get my hair cut like you I try to look like you and I don't wear clothes just like you and ultimately the two's relationship grows closer now while we got a early look into ri's relationship with his brother it wouldn't be until season 7 that we would actually learn more about his relationship with his father and his mother in the episode RI goes to prom the high school prom is coming up and RI invites Eileen to be his date now RI was just planning on taking the bus but after being told anybody who showed up to prom on a bus who would look like a complete loser RI starts to panic looking for a car after asking asking everybody that he knows to borrow their car and still being unsuccessful his little brother Don suggests that there's still one more person that he could ask that person being their dad it's here we learn that RI has a rough relationship with his dad his dad views RI as a screw-up and wishes he was more like Don praising Don at the dinner table about the work he's doing at his job but being less than excited about ri's news that he's graduating high school ri's dad tells him that he can't borrow the car and the two get into it and in one of the funniest moments of the episode rickb's dad tells him to go to his room even though RI doesn't live with them anymore and this has made even more funny as ri's mom walks up to a door that says ri's room and ask RI if he knows that he's just in a walking closet right now but at least we know RI and his mom have a good relationship because she sneaks in the keys to let him take the car while his dad doesn't know and it's only until after prom's over and riby heads to the Afterparty spot that his dad actually finds out which actually leads to a really funny moment where ri's Dad storms into prom and him and the principal Bond over how much stress riby caused the both of them but ri's Dad ends up finding RI taking the car keys back and driving him and Eileen home and while he's driving he just goes in on RI about how he's a failure how he's a disappointment and how he's a thief but while he's yelling at RI ri's dad isn't paying attention to the road and he ends up driving off a cliff leaving the car dangling between a branch and the side of the cliff and even while they're in this situation ri's dad is still blaming RI this leads Rick B to finally stand up to his dad saying that it doesn't matter what he does his dad will never trust him and that's on him and then RI proceeds to take the wheel and safely drive the car down the hill saving him his dad and Eileen the episode ends with ri's Dad apologizing to RI saying that what he did was amazing and showed a lot of initiative he also tells RI that he could borrow the car anytime he wants unfortunately right after he says that the car goes completely flat so throughout these few episodes sprinkled around season 7 RI has went through a lot of development as a character in the season 7 finale Rick B's graduation day special was supposed to be acknowledgement of all rickb's chain in the beginning of the episode RI gets called to school by the principal and is told that this year he has to give the graduation day speech while it's broadcasted live on TV but the only problem is graduation is tomorrow which leads RI freaking out trying to figure out how to write an inspirational speech throughout the episode RI is struggling to come up with his speech and every time he looks towards his best friend morai for help morai blows him off and this is a big theme throughout the episode in ry's eyes he's been growing and becoming more independent throughout the season and has basically been doing everything by himself not requesting help from anyone so from his perspective this is the first time in a long time that he's asking his best friend for help and he's blowing him off which leads to the two of them getting into an argument over the phone after this we cut to ri's graduation and everybody's there except for morai I mean even I's there on FaceTime and she's at her own college graduation riby then makes his entrance to give his speech falling out of the air off a helicopter riby then attempts to give his speech but he's stuttering over his words he's getting flustered and it's just overall terrible we then cut to see that morai actually is at the graduation he's just hiding in the parking lot by skips van and after riby storms behind the stage after failing to give his speech morai then shows up backstage to talk to him he expressed to RI that the reason he's been acting all weird is because it's hard to see that their Dynamic is changing throughout the entire show morai was always the friend doing better than RI but throughout season 7 RI has done a lot to grow and change as a person while morai has essentially done nothing staying the same but he explains that he was being unfair to RI and that he's proud that he's graduating high school as well as how much he's grown as a person and this conversation Rick had with morai gave him the courage he needed to give an inspirational speech once you do the hard stuff it becomes not that hard and yes after ri's speech everyone started dancing and crying but while everyone was dancing and crying everyone from the park Got a notification from the Dome that they had to come back to the park immediately which led to riby getting ripped away from his graduation almost immediately after he got his diploma and if you you seen Regular Show before you know that after this the park got sent into space which set up the next season and this might be one of my biggest gripes with this episode because RI undeniably had one of the best story lines throughout season 7 and like I said in the beginning of the video it was the sequence of episodes that made riby my favorite character in the entire show because RI was a terrible person in the beginning of the show selfish lazy cowardly everything that you could think of riby was but throughout these episodes we saw RI change so much as a character he started doing things for others and being more considerate he started to want to better himself and not be in a constant state of complacency and more importantly RI put in the time and effort to change because like I said before it's easy to want to change but RI actually did change and him getting his diploma and having his graduation ceremony symbolized all the character growth that he had went through this season so I just didn't really like the fact that rickb's accomplishment felt like he got cut short and lowkey it felt like the climax of season 7 got overshadowed by setting up season 8 but regardless I will never forget the string of episodes that turn RI into one of the best characters in all the Regular Show and as always I appreciate you checking out another video make sure to hit the like button to help out the channel I'm going to be making a lot more anime and cartoon content so you know subscribe if you're into that type of thing and until then it's been your boy cor XV and I'm off this pull up [ __ ] this l let me P like a Flo to let me show you I don't need no
Channel: Corin XV
Views: 275,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gRNXodKP02c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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