Why Is The Loud House So Hated?

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the liar is one of the most popular kids cartoons of all time it is also one of the most infamous over the past decade we've seen a vast array of cartoons come out some good some bad some me but no matter the quality there are some shows out there that I just choose not to watch not for any particular reason or preconceived notion or anything I could hear that a new show is the best thing on God's green earth but sometimes there's just a part of me that says I don't really care I'm sure we can all really it sometimes you're just not feeling it who knows maybe someday you'll finally give it a shot and see what all the hype was about or you'll hit it I don't know I'm not you but then there are times where you decide to purposefully avoid something like the plague either due to having it PRI is so much that you choose to not engage out of some deep Dy desire to be a contrarian and not fit in with societal Norms man or you hear so much bad about it that you know interacting will open a hornet nest that you just don't want to deal with and for me personally that show has always been the L High first airing on Nickelodeon in 2016 created by L house marked a Monumental moment in the Channel's history being the first time since arguably the Fairly Odd Parents that a series could rival the likes of their money maker SpongeBob see the lith house came out at a very trouble time for the network nothing was sticking the Golden Age of their liveaction sitcoms was coming to an end as well as their animated programming severely struggling to gain any footing either had shows that were massive critical failures becoming Infamous in Internet discussion like sanjan and Craig or Breadwinners you in my butt or you had shows which did well critically but feeli to really build up an audience like Harvey beaks a large part of this was on Nickelodeon scratch that this was all on Nickelodeon seemingly brushing aside promising and refreshing new shows in favor of relying on that dude bro buddy comedy formula that had worked so well in the past as long as not letting really any other their new series have a moment in the spotlight a time to shine and build an audience of dedicated viewers for a long time including arguably right now it often seems like Nickelodeon treated their non-s SpongeBob programming as well filler in between SpongeBob but one show broke through that pattern one series managed to rise the ranks and for a brief period was able to surpass their spongy overlords of course the show I'm referring to is the Fairly Odd Parent by everybody 2016 that show had long run its course not knowing what to do with itself and in that r a new show was allowed to burst through the gate and capture the attention of kids all around the world and that was this little show called the liist starring the apply titled L family the show saw middle kid linking LD trying to survive in a High full and nothing but sisters 10 of them to be exact they also had this charming peanuts sque gimmick where you'd never see the parents Feast so they could truly hone in on the childlike nature of everything being completely from the kids perspective although they did eventually give up on that in the season 2 episode 11 lies a leapin huh in a time when Nickelodeon was nothing more than the butt of all jokes regarding kids networks and the eyes of many being seen as the worst between it Cartoon Network and Disney Channel the lighthous was consistently tied as being its one St grias the ones that success that managed to slip through the cracks and stand apart being seen as not only a critical success but commercial too everybody loved this show again there was a period where it was considered the best series Nickelodeon had produced in like a decade Nickelodeon was back me though I didn't care the Lise released right at the moment I considered myself to be too old for cartoons so my main exposure to the franchise was seeing folks sing its Praises in between modern SpongeBob Rants and going huh good for them and then moving on with my time presumably to record let's plays in my garage I'm going to be doing a creeper head that rundine may seem strange for some who weren't Ry for its meteoric rise orever as today almost 10 years since its Premiere the L house is nothing more than Nickelodeon's biggest laughing stock similarly to The Fairly Odd Parents many say the show is long run its course being stretched thin with spin-offs and movies that don't even attempt to capture what many liked about the series to begin with and that's just the stuff related to the show other area are much much worse and so today I wanted to take a look at the L house and its reputation why it's so heated how did we get here at least compared to other cartoons that also are considered to have gone Dawn in quality there are people out there who were actively embarrassed to admit they ever liked this show so all I can ask is why is the LI house so heed well first I guess we need to briefly cover why the show was so well-liked in the first place it couldn't seriously just be because there was nothing better to watch right I think what stuck out about the LI house tool lot of folks out there was that it was something different to the norm especially for Nick you know it wasn't a series of like two idiot friends who love soda and farting where half the jokes are just characters screaming it had a simple premise which it used to its fullest there's so many characters that a kid is binding to like at least one of them it's got a fantastic comic book inspired art style paired with some really appealing rigged animation and on top of all that the show's core linking lud was a really endearing straight man in an era where more serialized programming was becoming the norm I'm sure it was refreshing to have a cartoon that just embraced being a cartoon again the show had probably compared to most would be the Fairly Odd Parents which had an equally basic and conent premise it knew exactly what it wanted to be and if there's something we know about shows with contained premises like these it's that they can be milked to death until the end of time with endless storytelling potential wait I think there's three main reasons why the LI house is so detested especially today three reasons for it going from a breath of fresh air that took us back to a simpler time to a despised cartoon that most would rather see finally be taken off back and put out of its misery so here's my three reasons why is the L high so hated number one the show got bad what is that like the Fairly Odd Parents again these shows are pretty similar one of the main things folks know about the show even if they haven't watched it is that it eventually went into a seasonal Rod continuing to decrease in quality and lose its own identity leaving those who liked it devastated and those who hated it feeling validated the ligh house is Nick's second longest running series despite the Fairly Odd Parents I'd argue leaving a bigger cultural impact but it's managed to truck along for 177 episodes not cting movies specials or spin-offs now any show that's ran for that long is going to change over time it's impossible to keep up the same level of quality without something starting to change and while in some cases TV shows can use this as an opportunity to go in a different but just as good sometimes better Direction American Dad comes to mind for no particular reason with the show later embracing its craziness and stepping away from the more grinded political angle it started as where's other shows completely fumble at this and it results in them alienating Their audience who no longer see what made them fall in love with it in the first place the L house was in a bad spot to begin with where its premise was rather limited despite having 11 me characters linking LD was the core the show was based around his every day and how you managed to live in a heist with 10 other siblings just hearing that idea signs like a nightmare having to deal with that many characters as a recipe for disaster with no Focus you know if a kid likes one of them then G it there's a one in 10 chance I'll actually get to see them do anything a subance each episode but I think they were clever in treating the sisters more like a unit when I picture them in my mind I don't see them all individually I just think of that cry them all piled together and because of this along with each of them having one clearly defined treit you could gather simply by looking at them it led the show to involve all its cast with ever starting to feel bloated it allowed them to still focus on one single character sometimes Lincoln sometimes a sister but a large aspect of the story was why the family as a unit would react you know you can have episodes where one of them gets put in charge of the high are linking Li trying to get get each of them through their morning routine us getting to see how each of them react when put in these situations they all have such basic traits that it allows them to move through each of them at a brick neck speed so nobody's left eye everybody gets their moment to shine obviously not every episode adhered to this early on and the later Seasons aren't devoid of episodes that return to this formula but at its most generic stetit that is the appeal of the lios and if there's something you can quickly grasp from that run it's that you're going to run out of things to do with that premise fast there's only so many relatable family situations these characters can find themselves in before you start to be held back by how flat they are there's not much investment and so as the series went on you'd see them naturally start to try and expand on this world now we see the parents so they can be more heavily involved in the adventures too there's more of a focus on their school lives so we can introduce more of Link's friends or one of his sister's groups everyone has their own world the more the show expands and while that undoubtedly is good for giving them more stories to tell it's hard to deny some of the appeal of the show is lost because of that it's no longer the L hor and is Nar one of the large sisters dealing with her own issue the show was such a hit that it didn't have to prove anything anymore it can just be assumed that you've already grown accustomed to these characters and know what they're like that's not to even mention that horrible movie that introduces dragons and ghosts and the Scottish gross at that point it's completely lost its initial Vision the show is not just about the family without needing to adhere to the gimmick it was Beast around it had to happen of course to ensure its longevity but at the same time the question has to be asked of whether or not that benefits this series the elephant in the room is obviously the show's Creator Chris Savino who was fired very early into the show's run after sexual harassment allegations and while that's obviously a good thing I'm sure there's an argument to be made about the show shift away from its core premise being a result of losing the person who presumably understood it the best maybe that's not the case though I mean look at other shows that face similar circumstances like Clarence whose Creator was fired for the exact same thing I'd argue that show only started to flourish the further it went why couldn't we have had eight seasons of that show instead what the [ __ ] two oversaturation this point is fairly self-explanatory not only does this show have eight long Seasons By the way when I said it had 177 episodes earlier that was not cting individual 11 minute segments if we go by that then the show actually has 272 episodes Jesus there's an argument to be made about that being too long for any TV show to run how could any series remain good after that long but don't you worry it gets so much worse in regular Nickelodeon fashion they abide by the law if it ain't broke don't fix it and with the main series only continuing to win in popularity they've attempted to rejuvenate interest in a couple ways like that aforementioned shitty movie where they didn't even bother drawing linking for the poster another movie which recently released where he's a spy haven't seen that before then they decided they would make a [ __ ] liveaction series that runs concurrently to the mean one why this is quite possibly the worst show to do in live action these kids are going to age pretty quickly and that's going to get real distracting it's a good thing this is clearly going to crash in B they just released a new season less than a week ago then that spin-off got its own two movies which posters look to be on the same level as santaa and finally as if all that wasn't enough there was also the other spin-off in which we saw the classic L House character Ronan move in with their own large family in which we get to see pretty much the same show again just with a different set of characters who wanted this this show wasn't the biggest success but still managed to run for three seasons with over 100 episodes so it's clear Nick had a lot of confidence in it it even got its own movie that was released a month or two ago after being stuck in limbo for years this much of one thing is just bad for any series especially a concept as simple as the LI high it was a recipe for disaster anyone could have seen coming and that's not to even mention the quality of these [Music] programs obviously all this put a sour taste in the mod of people who already didn't like the direction in which the series was going the show that was originally seen as the breath of fresh air something other than SpongeBob had suddenly become its own SpongeBob worse as a matter of fact being milked to death with no signs of stopping but that's not the biggest Factor as to why the show is so despised oh no there's one aspect that prevails over all else which remains to be the reason why many find this show so horrid three the fan be what the [ __ ] is this piece of [ __ ] by far the most infamous ass ECT of the L high today would have to be its fanas again I would not blame someone for being embarrassed to openly admit they like this series and it's for one simple reason this is a show about a bunch of little girls that was created by a man who was fired from said show for sexually harassing women you just can't move past that this of course is only made worse by the way some fans choose to talk about the show in these characters really not helping yourself there and let me just say I feel genuinely bad for some Li house fans not all not all again some of those [ __ ] are asking for it but if you simply like this show for no other reason than you just find it funny or it's comforting or you just grew up with it and still like to check in every now and then then I am sorry you were continuously lumped in with these weird hoes but it's just one of those things that you're not going to be able to shake which in turn has made a large majority of the fan Bas incredibly defensive continuously coming to the defense of their favorite kid show which therefore makes people laugh at them more now of course most folks making these jokes treated as nothing more than that jokes it's funny to point out how weird and creepy the marketing around this show is at times but I do think it's a little unfair to lump all these fans in together again if you like this show and are not a weird creepy creep then cool I'm proud of you but it's just the result of so much bad over the past decade this Series has just left such a sour taste in people's mths the circumstances with the Creator the more vocal weird parts of the fan Bas and the sheer fact that the show isn't even all that good anymore have all resulted in the lart and and its fans remaining is nothing more than another internet laughing stock ironically the show that once put an end to those bombastic and a Nickelodeon rants is now being pointed to to highlight the Network's current dark Ag and for that I'm truly sorry lighthous fans not all of you though some of you guys are weird [Applause] n [Applause]
Channel: LS Mark
Views: 419,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the loud house, lincoln loud, loud house, LS Mark, Nickelodeon, Fairly OddParents, LS Mark Nickelodeon, LS Mark SpongeBob, LS Mark Fairly OddParents, LS Mark The Loud House, The Loud House Review, Is the Loud House Bad, Is the Loud House Good, Why Is The Loud House So Hated?, Loud House Fandom
Id: Nwtblhdzq6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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