Rigby X Eileen: Regular Show's Masterpiece

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morai may have made fumbling his whole personality but RI is proof that there's hope for even the pettiest of little whiners like truly for every L morai took Rigby got a w to prove that dating doesn't have to be hijacking your friend's wedding level of complicated as if we're being honest animated shows have some of the worst romantic subplots since comic books milking as much mileage out of a couple as possible leading to every step of the process being dragged to hell and back forcing us to endure fake out fall starts miscommunications and just complete resets till the writers say eff it and start bullying us personally well the only thing that we get out of it usually being a single kiss that we'll be so starred for closure for that we'll cheer even if the couple sucks if you cared about any Canon cartoon couple growing up congrats you grew up to be a masochist but out of the absolute Wasteland that was shipping in the early 2000s one couple rose up to reject convention the drama to keep it simple and flexs on just how awful the other guy was and that couple would be rig and eileene regular shows greatest couple that was able to skip all the nonsense and show just how a couple can flourish and grow after the kiss proving that the suffering should be optional I'm sarcastic Horus and I'm here to break down rig xylene how it happened why it works and how it saved Rigby as a character as people do joke a lot about the Chad rig versus the virgin morai but people just kind of tend to gloss over just how truly awful he used to be don't egg the guy's house that's not cool why not there aren't any cops around for those of you who don't know Regular Show is a story of a pair of C rejects who work at a park where things will start normal till the crazy kicks in and at that point only the writers and God will know what's going to happen next that horse right there fell out of the sky and has to pass a US History test or the whole earth is going to explode what like like that scene is a joke but shit like that would happen constantly a Yeti arm wrestled death over the soul of raccoon he accidentally killed after he caught him using a robotic arm he saw on a TV ad to cheat that sentence is completely insane and just proves how you can't describe what happens in this show without sounding like you're high or lying but that's just regular Show's Vibe like there's a sentient Coffee Bean that sprays espresso out of its tits no amount of context is going to make this makes sense but somehow the least believable thing in the show is that morai and ry's Dead End Park job only pays $100 a month yet they also get free room and board now I know that sounds like indentured servitude and after seeing how much these two fuck up it probably is at this point but for two guys without a dollar a degree to their names it works out pretty well subsistance living is still a living especially when it doesn't involve living with your parents which is almost worth fighting for your life every week for as when it's all said and done they can just chill out and play video games which is as close to a win as some of us get however it wasn't all hygin and homicides as when these two weren't deal dealing with Shenanigans they were getting into more as their personal lives were just as messy as their job with the biggest recurring element of the series being the utter disaster that was mori's love life this dude was on a mission to prove that there wasn't a woman in existence that he couldn't fumble from spending years sing over a barista kissing his ex in front of his current to hijacking his friend's wedding and to lose the best thing that ever happened to him morai has never met L that he couldn't take and the internet has never let him live that down I already did a whole video breaking out the train wreck that was his love life so go check it out if you haven't already as it provides a lot of extra context but for the purposes of this video all you need to know is that it was bad oh found it mori's love life was a nightmare from its first whimper to its last though to the show's credit it at least knew what it was doing but mori's love life was the embodiment of the most annoying shipping drama of that era it makes a massive game out of getting these two people together while never really caring about what they would do after the fact the relationship was never the point it was always just about the race to get there teasing out small moments of growth slowly edging these small moments where it seems like it might happen only for nonsense to get in the way as everyone in the room rolled their eyes at how overly complicated this shit had gotten then when it finally did happen Margaret straight up left the show leaving morai to spiral till he fell into a more healthy cas ual hookup situation with CJ only for Margaret to stroll back in when it was most inconvenient for everybody creating a love triangle that didn't end well for anybody with the biggest casualty of this whole situation being mori's rep as people still clown on him for all this DJ yo MTO if you're finished hijacking my wedding is it okay if we get married now this was the worst it was drama for the sake of it there were lessons to be learned but it wasn't something that you were left feeling great about out but in the shadow of this catastrophe there was one silver lining perfectly crafted in hone to prove just what an over complicated mess morai was and how even by cartoon standards he was a disaster and that silver linting was Rigby and Eileen and I are dating for like a couple of months now we have matching bracelets so over the course of morai pulling a morai being trapped in his own head hyper fixing on anything that could go wrong till he manifested it chasing the illusion of a perfect moment so he never sees the imperfect ones Regular Show decided to set the perfect counter example just how unserious dating can actually be that it doesn't have to be this melodramatic this life or death struggle sometimes dating could just be chill I get to carry you next time deal I also want to get this clarified if R and Eileen had been something the show had been actively cultivating throughout the series like it did with MTO odds are we probably will have seen them jump through similar dumb Hoops as these shows do love to just add in all these over-the-top Stakes for no other reason than drama and dragging it out till we eventually just stop caring what the series did instead is kind of brilliant as rig and Eileen aren't just another couple they're the anti- morai subverting all the hassle that we saw the blue tip go through instead skipping straight to the functional couple who could be together without subjecting us all to hell I've got to go to the post office across town well I got to run Margaret literally I uh got really into running after you left it's a health thing bye like we really do need to recognize that R and Eileen were built on the ashes of mori's love life his rep was destroyed so they could fuck but on its own though this couple is a great example of just small but subtle storytelling as the show was able to hook them up without ever making a big deal out of it starting in season 1 eileene always had a very obvious crush on rig she along with Margaret formed the female counterparts to rig and morai while morai was crushing on Margaret who didn't notice or was just usually dating everyone else eileene was crushing on RI who knew and didn't care woohoo congratulations on second place [Music] RI yeah for most of the series rig is just the worst we give more to Kai all the shit but early Rigby is probably one of the worst friends in fiction being lazy Petty and impulsive ry's nonsense has gone un addressed for too long like early morai not great but he could at least be bare minimum responsible he knew when to leave well enough alone and to not be dumb about it if these two actually made enough to pay taxes he'd do it last minute but he'd still have to file for the both of them because RI would just ignore it then get mad when people suggested that he should if we were giving out grades morai would be ranked higher than riby on everything that wasn't emotional intelligence like rig eggs a house for the gall of not handing out candy despite the fact that he's a grown ass man trick-or-treating they're both Slackers Rigby though is really the one guy who never grew up after Dr dropping out of high school being perfectly content to just keep doing what he's doing the man is childish he's constantly throwing Tantrums or sulking whenever he has to do anything that he doesn't want which in this case is him going on a date with eileene you should go for it you'd make a cute couple stop talking so Eileen did What morai Would waste years trying to do asking out her crush and making it look casual by suggesting it be a double date R is less than enthusiastic ah why do we have to come on her shift morai has to beg RI to do him AA and accept it as he really wants to use this to try and hook up with Margaret RI for his bro agrees but his price is that morai owes him 10 solids which the Thirsty bird agrees to only for RI to ruin everything as he's not even going to pretend to want to be here let's just get this over with the man is rolling his eyes and being a dick the entire time this date's happening with his pettiness hitting arch nemesis levels as rather than sucking up for the night he immediately starts abusing his Sals to torture morai and he's not just doing this for his own Amusement he's doing it to ruin mori's KN making him embarrass himself in front of Margaret also that morai will call off the date now I know this might sound hyperbolic but RI is truly a bad friend why are you using your solids to ruin my date with Margaret why do you use your solid to ruin my life yeah he's awful there's funny and then there's asking out your boy's Crush as an Fu on how little game he has and this is just mori's love life RI SC up morai is just life sorry morai so you forged my rejection letter is that it yeah but why would you do that I had to riby tricked morai into thinking that he didn't get into college this dude is reverse flash levels of petty so you really can't blame everyone else at the park for killing his ass at one point or another the guy had it coming like RI makes morai shit on the floor in front of Margaret that's how this date ends and after that they somehow go back to being friends I'll kill you don't lie you would do it too but this date far from showing just how bad RI can be is also the beginning of Eileen and ry's relationship she has a crush and he's a petty little bitch who couldn't even pretend to be polite for about 3 hours as if you know morai is going to Fumble he's still agreed to be there only to screw up everything not to mention it feels like he's resenting having to breathe the same air as Eileen hi RI you look nice oh hey e this is ri's Vibe throughout most of the early Seasons he's funloving in a goofball but he also can be just the worst with only the power of it's a TV show guaranteeing that his friends don't kick his ass to the curb but in spite of all that Eileen is into him and over time RI slowly gets his act together and stops begging to get left in an unmarked grave every week with the ry's forign being less strangle beginning as morai and Margaret finally start to progress their relationship progessing R and E's relationship as they are also now trapped being their constant plus ones stop working on it and start making out before the door closes the show at this point was really leaning into the morai cringe which had the intended consequence of making rig annoying little man child that he was to start looking sane by comparison he was now the audience surrogate who would be rolling his eyes along with us at all of mory's nonsense instead he's now hanging out with Eileen as morto was trying to do his one-on-one thing giving Ry and Eileen the excuse to beat together and most importantly trauma Bond over all of this dude you lock the keys in the car smooth move this can be seen when the group go out camping to a secret and illegal camping spot where once there the usual Shenanigans happen like a half deer man trying to kill them for littering but before that R and Eileen actually have a pretty decent time just hanging out as just because their friends are desperately trying to get laid that doesn't mean that the two of them can't have a good time on their own they're just hanging out playing video games there's nothing real special here but it is a massive step up from where they used to be lene getting her Chad valuan into becoming the biggest badass in this friend group fre come on come on as one of the boys I.E rig forgot the camping gear it's Eileen who starts a fire with her bare hands when Mora leaves the keys in the car she's the one who breaks that sucker open like her life depends on it which it did again no amount context all Vibes but this is the night where iink went from dweeb who wasn't worth ry's time to clearly being too good for him and that's not even it that's Orion oh and she didn't even have to look up Eileen for her part also stopped being so obnoxious about her crush on rig allowing the two of them to just casually hang out though the hints of The Thirst would pop in from time to time like that one time RI and morai accidentally summoned the spirit of Secrets after performing a ritual to fix Margaret's diary after accidentally breaking it and are being too cly to just admit that it was an accident Just Go With It when they are spilling their guts and revealing their innermost Secrets riby drops this gyem I think e is hot without her glasses on so yeah RI is kind of inter something iene now knew as it turns out she was also in the other room the whole time yeah it turns out Margaret actually asked the both of them to water her plants nobody knew the other was coming just a happy little accent to let her know that she does in fact have a shot keeping the door on these two hooking up open and keeping it from not just being a friend thing which nothing wrong with that but all the shows that needed one decent hookup this show needed it the most and I think he would just keep getting better as from this point on she would slowly be integrated into the greater friend group arguably becoming close to the voice than Margaret ever was as when she was around the story inevitably became a romance thing byen she could just casually hang out and develop a bond with everyone else often helping them plan things like setting up a goodbye party for Margaret which of course involved a dance battle with a bunch of ghosts who partied too hard in the80s yeah that happened but through it all Eileen held her own and continued to prove that she was probably the best person here always willing to help out a friend but never being too selfish she was a dork at heart but she probably had plenty of skills that put her near the top of the show's random ass power scaling with riby through all of this slowly becoming a better version of himself as yeah even in a show meant for kids he was always the most childish person in the story with everyone calling him out on it but over the course of the series we watch him go from looking better by comparison to genuinely getting his act together and outshining morai with a big impetus for him to do so being eileene even when they're not dating she knew the right bouns of encouragement and tyranny to get ri's ass in line as when he is about to fail a fitness test to keep his job it's Eileen who trains him to do a single pullup Tak the time out of her schedule to flex and improve her Crush only for him to try and cheat anyway with him nearly exploding after improperly using his equipment with Eileen again having to take the Reigns and tell him to quit ditching and to do the damn pullup they were dating at this point this wasn't a scheme she did just genuinely want to help her fail Crush keep his job Eileen was a saint in compared to RI Eileen had her life so together she had spare time to help manage his he may not only have loved her nerd splaining but when the chips were down and he was doing something stupid Eileen was always going to be there to tell him he doesn't completely suck and pushing him to fight when his usual reaction is just to give up when things get hard as that is one of ry's biggest issues he dropped out of high school he had to be bullied into doing anything above the bare minimum if he can't do it for fun or to show someone else up he would rather not do it at all but slowly he starts to become less of that seeing that just because it isn't Fun doesn't mean that he doesn't benefit from it like with the pups or keeping his job or getting the band back together Rick's first reaction is always to just quit to assume that not worth the effort with it being e to remind him that it's possible and that he can be more than just some slacker so by the time Margaret left town to go to college leaving morai in shambles rig is the one who has to talk some sense into him bring morto back from his post break up depression twice and rejoin the friend group of rig and eileene who is now consistently hanging out with the boys along with mory's New Flame CJ who well not the best girl was definitely his best girl RI and again are trap playing second fi to their goofy ass tall friends but they are able to help themselves their romantic anniversary date with the little people realizing just the nonsense that's going on so they collaborate to help their lessers out so rather than enabling the situation or ignoring it like they used to they really just said fuck it and we'll do this ourselves setting up the romantic moment so they can finally just move on with their lives they even get a romantic s moment at the end where Eileen swipes the dessert to give to rig in a parallel moment to the other couple which being the very fun and very elucent wonderings of just are they friends or are they banging as riy will reveal later on that Eileen and him have been dating for months and not even the audience knows exactly when it started it seemed that something was going on between them earlier in the story from rig going over to her place to check out her new rock polisher showing just how far rig's come from barely tolerating her existence to indulging her interests even if they don't really interest him or maybe the rock polisher is just code for head we will never know though they are definitely fucking by the time he decides to install her new TV you know where Eileen keeps her house key yeah I water her plant sometimes when she goes out of town for a dance Invitational or whatever yeah R knows where her spare key is he knows all of her drama with her roommate he's going out of his way to surprise her by installing the new TV she just won the man is getting his game face on and taking charge of work which if you know ri's relationship with work you realize how out of character this is like even the other characters are noticing this but he does it even putting in extra when he has to negotiate a hostage TV situation with Eileen's crazy roommate rig is going above and beyond for I and at this point I really should have figured out the first time that they were dating but that's very much by Design as despite all the hints it's not till musle man's wedding does Ry dro the bomb to his friend spill it Ian and I dat now morai here was Trapped In Another Love Triangle where unlike last time the third person wasn't his self-doubt with RI finally snapping and telling to just stop over complicating things and stop playing inertia to make the decisions for him to go with his gut and not overthink this and morai does take this advice from his now more healthily functional friend he takes the advice poorly but I do love the reveal that R and Eileen were dating this entire time and I especially love how we don't know about it so much Regular Show is tied to Shenanigans there's always got to be something wild and extra for it to over complicate things which is the perfect Mena reason why we never see rig and Eileen hooking up because it's simple there's no life or death situation no all-consuming anxiety about asking the other out they've had episodes together but then becoming a couple Haven off screen because it was such a natural progression of who they were as people growing closer as friends till it just made sense that they would give this a shot eileene already had a crush Ry knew she was amazing and thought was hot without glasses they both kind of want this so they figured they might as well give it a try with RI for all his flaws he goes with his gut and that leads him into trouble but it also lets him avoid all the same nightmare scenarios that morai fell into morai wanted that perfect moment riy and contest probably just asked out Eileen when they were watching TV one day and it just worked out from there again watch my morai video if you want the full context of like his situation the Regular Show intentionally leads into the worst of shipping Trends but makes them makes sense by making morai just this anxiety fueled dork he obsesses over a girl for longer than he probably should have agonized over asking her out till she was always unavailable and even when she did show interest he spun his wheels till they ran out of road morai is a lot with it all blowing up in his face as it probably should have as his actions did in fact have consequences he's pretty much a cautionary tale of what not to do meanwhile RI for all his flaws got to kiss the girl and marry her as dating doesn't have to be complicated it can be nerve-wracking sure but in the absolute headache that was most of these romantic subplots having just one couple that quietly grew closer that hooked up and being so lowkey about that no one really noticed just felt like a giant middle finger to all the over complicated bullshit that was so typical of this genre and they could really get away with it because the couple just worked rby and Eileen were dating and pretty much nothing had to be changed with how they were interacting before that this is in contrast to all these other shows that just end with the kiss as they usually just want to have one giant moment rather than struggle with the perceived difficulty of riding a couple that was together and happy instead what they did was integrate eileene into the friend group early establish her and her own struggles and issues like sometimes she can be a bit of a pushover as her one music video Got Hijacked by the boys with her having to learn how to put her foot down to fight for her vision she's a chill but secretly badass member of the group she is already an established character she is not just the love interest so the fact that we get the reveal that R and her are already dating doesn't limit the storytelling choices it only creates new ones like that one time she fake dumped R to send him to depression X USA you're irresponsible lazy you never try anything new now we're talking Eileen was a beast who was probably one of the best additions the cast ever had and if you want proof of that just look at how she outlasted every other female character in the series but now that they were in this relationship and morai was swearing off dating for the moment the story did have to find new things to do with this couple which in this case was helping R get his act together as the man realized she really is out of my league seems like every day you find some new way to mess up our lives and now you found someone new to mess up their lives too that's Rigby's dad and that was probably the meanest thing ever said in this show the rig upon seeing how high her Ambitions were in high school he gets sent into a bit of a tizzy seeing that he now needs to get his life together to be worthy of love and to not be the guy she used State when she eventually traded up this fear drives him to go back and get his GED which because Regular Show means he has to go back to high school despite being probably in his mid 20s by this point he tries to hide this from Eileen with this making him look like a flake as he keeps putting off their plans to be together as he's really doing this for kind of selfish reasons and that leads him to neglect her as it's not because she feels like she needs him to be better he's doing it because he feels unworthy and he is one slip away from getting replaced but she eventually catches him in the lie and he MS he never graduated high school with her telling him it's okay she doesn't care that he didn't graduate or she's mentally emotionally and financially smarter than him but I don't need a genius I like you just the way you are yeah yeah oh RI takes this and accepts it but he also stays in school as he realizes that he likes learning he's going to keep doing this but he's going to keep doing it for him rather than out of some fear of losing eileene which I think is the biggest sign of growth for rig he's doing all this because he wants to and for someone who started the series so immature yet by the end of it he really does get his life together working towards self betterment for his own sake rather than for some nebulous concept of being worthy of someone else's love there's also a version of this couple that I feel like wouldn't play nearly as well as it was one where eileene is always Rigby's savior where she helps him get his life together and Carries him through all of his struggles and making him into a better man it plays into some kind of shitty myth about people needing their partner to fix them or to put in all this work rather than letting someone help thems putting them on this saintly pedestal when really nobody should be expected to do all of this just because they're dating or married but rather than that RI hits this balance of eile helping him when he needs it and just for the little things but really the onus is on him to get his life together and to be better because he wants to Ry doesn't need to completely change who he is to mature or become some kind of functioning adult and we see later that he probably becomes a stay-at home dad for their kids while Eileen is working and that is fine riby didn't have to become this PhD student to prove that he's worthy of love he just needed to finally learn how to apply himself to not tear down others to make himself feel better and that eileene loved him when he was a broke guy working at a park and she would continue loving him so long as he was being honest while all the drama was going on around them they fell in love and proved just how simple things could be that dating does not have to be this high stakes bullshit and avering the worst tropes of the Romantic subplot they kept it simple and that worked out for them and all of us rig exene is living proof that none of this couple shit has to consume your life or your show it was done to spite morai one last time and prove him wrong but it was an absolute breath of fresh air that so many of us needed especially after growing up with such tedious romantic subplots they made each other better they kept the show funny and while it won't work for every story this was shipping Done Right while single-handedly saving ri's rep I love this couple and even if the final season isn't my favorite it's a delight to watch eile become upgraded to an official main character as this couple worked and nothing was going to come between them
Channel: Sarcastic Chorus
Views: 1,302,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: regularshow, rigby
Id: mIUWvlMtK_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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