The Worthless Worldbuilding of Pixar’s Cars

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hi everybody I'm here in my library time to do the thing I do and get real analytical so pixars car is a series of 2 and A2 movies that somehow evolved into this entire race car entity has a lot going on it's been done to death but I'm sure everyone's looked past the plot and has tried to make sense of how anything works or functions it's really a phenomenon you know at first the series was logical to an extent throughout the first movie it was a simple racing story that made just enough sense to make everything function but once you spend more than 5 Seconds look away from the plot an infinite hellscape of problems show up and gives my migraines migraines Lightning McQueen starts off as an arrogant racer trying to win the Piston Cup already within the 10 minutes I got to ask several questions like for a road centered World why aren't the roads wider so people can talk to each other instead of going like a single file line while traveling how do Spectators actually get into the stands why isn't chick hakes disqualified if not arrested for what's essentially assault knowing that this is an illegal move regardless if we treat these races like actual races or more like track and field of events or just like 90% of all sports this is an illegal move something should be done about this but most importantly right at the door what are the cars actually just just all the vehicles the trucks the planes the cranes the boats the double-decker buses the the the forklifts in in terms of anatomy I would say the closest comparison like the robots movie made by blue sky and in robots characters technically age they get new parts and they deteriorate over time this movie is all about big Pharma making universal healthcare and accessible it also has a character named big weld he's very round he likes dominoes why did I bring this up again oh yeah the reason I bring up robots comes from the characters making the World building not expand to levels that destroy everything and that's not what cars does in robots new life is built need upgrades they need to purchase new parts that simultaneously can act as new clothing and new body parts imagine instead of braces we actually bought larger teeth to stuff in our flesh bags that it's just Dentures actually robots is entirely mechanical cars is a problem because theic Les got these things called tongues slurping slopping pink fleshy tongues not only that but the vehicles can feel pain they can feel warmth and spice and generally all the receptors humans do but they still do car stuff like dent and drink oil but then they also drink water so maybe they they function like hermit crabs and they or or maybe they have to like protect their shell well I guess you can make that argument though this creates a new problem where vehicles cannot become other vehicles because of genuine body dysmorphia a truck cannot become a boat a boat cannot become a plane stuff like that a good amount of issues come from the Disney Plus show cars on the road Mater gets insecure that he's not a real truck another example at the end of the first movie Guido's made fun of for being a smaller forklift than usual which is genuinely pathetic to make fun of a forklift like why would you bully another forklift you're a forklift in a universe where everyone else gets to fly or I don't know be a train like like shut up though the best example comes from Planes specifically the first movie in this the main guy Rusty is like a crop dusting plane he wants to be a racing plane so he goes on and does that but then after a while in the second movie his gearbox shuts down and instead of using his racing money to hermit crab transfer into another plane he has to take a break and become a fir fighter which is somehow less stressful than plane racing it makes no sense so I would assume they're built they quote unquote grow once or twice and then they live in model until they die that way the vehicles can't be immortal but they can get hospitalized due to things like injuries dents car accidents all that stuff this includes insects the tractors function as cow equivalents this implies the universe eats tractors and their tractor milk I would assume tractor milk is oil I don't even want to know like there's dinosaurs how does that even work prehistoric cars worth Stone how does that work in general a surprisingly High Gore tolerance also exists for most of the population like lightning and queen will be unfaced if he sees a live leak Mater especially makes me uncomfortable namely if we take a good old golly Gander at human equivalent and we treat the hood of the car as the the rib cage holding in the vital organs Mater's just got that dangling at one point Mater nearly dies from going too fast he meets his Guardian Angel this implies that at minimum Christianity's afterlife exists in the cars franchise the pop mobile furthers this religious belief then in this Kur fuffle Mater cheats death and it's shown that the soul drives the car as Mater only regains Consciousness when entering the driver's seat but then at the same time there's car ghosts is is there car on unfinished business why is this like this ultimately though car Jesus died for car since he he was probably like he was he was probably a wagon a lot of a lot of real life equivalents actually Sally has a stamp she's implied to be conventionally attractive I understand but I also don't Ramon's car mods could be treated a lot like piercings after they provide a really similar taboo reaction by strangers I would say that's pretty accurate Finn MC missiles an interesting choice I would argue he's a cyborg just a car with a bunch of spy mods that's that literally what a cyborg is in exchange though we got to acknowledge that since planes and submarines exist they can feel the other vehicles inside [Music] them VOR by the way uh the the the the nipples I really hope that future employers never see this but yeah the headlights and they're they're treated like nipples that's that's McQueen's entire gimmick with the kachow thing you know he gets flashed by some of his fans what what what what what do do they need to pay taxes and then we got this weirdo her name's Seline this is apparently enough to scare Mater when remind you both of these characters if they were human look like this I would say the nippol eyes beat the exposed rib cage now let's talk about world history in this universe no matter how you cut it every human event that happened in history happens in the cars world I thought that maybe the Pixar theory the idea that every Pixar movie happens in the same timeline could maybe provide an argument that the humans died or left during Wall-E and then cars replaced all the humans for everything but no this is straight up a Contin continuity with billions of years worth of vehicle Evolution we can see cars leave the waters as submarines we know about prehistoric history we know that every country every event every second every person is identical real world figures exist in cars as cars implying that in this world there is a one forone Recreation of everyone I have a car version you have a car version we all do I don't know what this means if you're like a war plane or something because there is war objective dog fight death known veterans documented tragedies Wars assassinations gender inequality corrupt Industries in business Moonshiners It's all here all Canon I understand how everything works but then there's just there's just equivalence we can use the cars to learn about our world like Lightning McQueen knows what hell is we have proof of several afterlife existing and of course this means all countries exist there's clear cultural differences for example Luigi and Guido are obviously Italian Italy exists and the cultures exists that's why Luigi got like an Italian haircut it's kind of funny the implication of Italy existing means that Italian food exists in some capacity Luigi mentions rotini pasta for example and somehow this escalates to even more real life Foods Mater eats Wasabi thinking it's ice cream meaning that they do milk the tractors McQueen finds himself covered in frosting there's alcohol in bars and no car can drink that with their wheels unless you're a forklift only the forklifts have hands so in this case I'm going to assume that the cars have two stomachs one for car stuff one for a fun stomach but if they're drinking oil and stuff how do they have white teeth are these even teeth they don't have like lines in between them they're just one giant tooth except for Mater Mater has teeth McQueen has the Nubs I don't know what these are it only gets worse I went through every piece of cars media and oh my God it never ends why why is oil simultaneously pissed and blood there's an Arnold schwarzen car mobile car do cars get muscular are there bodybuilders how would that work these gyms only have treadmills those would be the only machines that could function why do handguns exist in the first movie Lightning thinks that the sheriff is shooting at him and why would he do that you can only shoot at the tires you're not going to kill the car why are there so many buildings that are inaccessible to larger Vehicles there's a truck stop but none of the trucks can fit in it does that mean there's different size bathrooms how come besides Racers the only famous people are exclusively cars why would the vehicles choose to let trains exist and what purpose do they serve if they get paid what do they spend their money they can't go anywhere or live anywhere or do anything if the space shuttles and Rockets are sentient what purpose do they serve can they even make it back to Earth what do the space shuttles do when they're not in space can they breathe in space why does this car exist this is a one for one Recreation of Earth how do companies still function you can't do anything with like a computer or anything how do they edit these little TVs and stuff what's stopping all the non-c cars from giving up from existing like they can't really pursue any hobbies or free will they're restricted to the sea or train tracks or all that stuff are are are are none of the machines like Bob the Builder machines do do they need construction stuff none of it none of it matters none of it matters none of it matters let me ask you a question why is this the franchise that people get caught up on why do people only drop their suspension of belief for this they are humans if humans were cars why do we ask all of these questions when it's just that yeah I know World building doubles upon itself conceptually and it's all illogical but when isn't something not real ridiculous it's fiction we have stories from Pixar alone about talking toys talking bugs feelings who have feelings who have feelings who have feelings no this is the one that people care about the cars stories can basically be made into human beings doing like Marathon running or something and it could be identical to the current story so let's just take a breather and talk about what we know about some of the characters like show how realistic they can be Lightning McQueen is a rookie celebrity who likes dinosaurs and horror movies he actually Praises a director for not using CGI he's just like any of us you could know some classmate or someone exactly like McQueen now Mater is a bit of a free spirit he was born into riches if you can believe that and he even has a sister I don't really see what they have in common but I do know that Mater needs a car wash he looks rather stinky but then you look at Radiator Springs we have a whole cash of characters starge the sheriff doc Lizzy the wife of the founder Stanley how did they make this statue then because the only people who could even make anything with like precise precisions are the forklifts like Guido Guido is easily the most important player when it comes to McQueen's racing skills speedr running to his tire repairs speaking Italian that that that that's the entire character I'm sorry interesting to note though the only pies in any of these races are the forklifts and most of the mechanics are forklifts and most of everything gets done by forklifts look at Guido he's Crossing his arms regardless of how you look at the vehicles objectively speaking they are quadruped animals with four legs these wheels are legs before arms forklifts are the exception they are the only ones with arms they are doing all the precise work the tire changes typing on computers using a clapboard giving Wasabi to customers the forklifts are doing what no other vehicle could they are by far the most useful type of vehicle in the entire cars Universe in exchange for slower speeds they instead gain the endless capabilities of being bipedal and so that just leaves us with the question why aren't there more forklifts they are objectively the most functional in doing anything and since we already know that there's suppression gender inequality all the sisms in the sism decks I think there is a very very very very very good chance the forklifts are being oppressed you heard me this isn't a bit or a joke the forklifts are doing everything thing they have to be car computers are a near impossibility I don't see trains in the warehouses manufacturing the space shuttles aren't going to be working in the car hospitals it has to be the forklifts they're oppressed they are fed scraps of the harsh reality the forklifts deserve so much more they are holding everything together every other vehicle instantly becomes useless without the efforts of the working forklift class oh by the way there's a TSA do what you will with that knowledge I hate this series there will always be something unanswered I'm never going to be happy about it and I look at Pixar and I can't help but hey hey I'm the library lady shut up like this is a library all right like stop being the way that you are all right I'm sorry I'll stop wait this is my library how did you get into my house n
Channel: choopo
Views: 498,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bizarre lore, Cars, Choopo cars, Pixar, Pixar conceptually impossible, Pixar’s cars, Planes fire rescue, Schafrillas, The bizarre lore of cars, Why are you looking at the tag, cars, cars 2, cars lighting mcqueen, cars movie mcqueen, choopo, crazy disney cars, disney cars, disney movies, disney pixar, disney pixar cars, doc hudson, guido, lightning mcqueen toys, mater, microsoft paint, pixar movie, schaffrillas productions
Id: dJX_fms_2NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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