123 SECRETS In Regular Show

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Regular Show is one of the most popular Cartoon Network shows of all time and throughout its eight seasons it's built up quite a catalog of interesting facts and Easter eggs that alongside the utterly insane stories always kept fans on the edge of their feet so today we're looking at 123 of the coolest facts about Regular Show strap in here we go out of all the characters only one has a shadow and it's High Five Ghost of all people isn't he a ghost despite having green skin musclean is a human which makes him the only human employee that works at the park the characters in this show tend to have four fingers however skips actually has five fingers and is the only character to have so in Season 3 Episode 18 eggcellent we find out that rig is seriously allergic to eggs however in season 4 episode 10 one pull-up during a montage scene we can actually see rig drinking a cup of eggs the person who voices the character an pops is Robert England who also played stagman in season 3 episode 6 more famously Robert England also played Freddy Krueger in Nightmare on Elm Street definitely a voice fit for a villain morai and rig are the only two characters that appear in every episode pops was the only character in the show not to have a love interest unless we consider butterflies and butterscotch ripples of course in just about every scene that has a crowd there is a character who resembles the creator of the show JG quintal Benson's full name was Benson Dunwoody it was only said once in this show in season 7 episode 17 Hello China then I'll be all by get back to work the show is set in California shown by mory's license plate the game console that morai and rig play throughout the series closely resembled a Sega Master System got to love going retro morai rig and Benson never wore clothes unless it was a special occasion in season 6 episode 22 men in uniform we see a scroll in the park that shows that skips has been working at the park since the year 1800 in addition to skips working at the park for so long we also learn that he is Immortal and is around 500 years old will you become immortal and fight him when he returns I'll do it pops is the only character to not have been threatened with being fired speaking of firing Benson almost fired muscleman morai rig high five ghost and skips for no reason in season 4 episode 14 firework run but if you guys aren't back before the show starts at sundown you're fired dude you better be able to get those fireworks Sam Maron who worked as an animator on Regular Show also voiced Benson pops and muscleman when the 15th episode of season 3 Power Tower aired it was incomplete it had not been color graded yet and was full of Animation issues it was re-aired the same week as the completed version in the season 4 premiere we were introduced to Thomas Thomas's shoes were very similar to those that were worn by Sonic the Hedgehog not so coincidentally Thomas was voiced by Roger Craig Smith who also voiced Sonic the Hedgehog in the aforementioned episode excellent Rigby attempts a food challenge that is to eat a 12 egg omelet to win a hat that says I'm excellent this challenge is based on a real challenge at a restaurant called Broken Yoke in San Diego California in the three-part finale of Regular Show we meet residents of Lolly land frola crus quandra crus and weird mushroom guy these three characters are all earlier drawings of Pops from the development of the show which is why there is a lot of resemblance between them originally morai and Rigby were going to be zookeepers at a human zoo instead of groundskeepers at a park Creator JG Quintel said it was an executive for the show that didn't like the idea he has since thanked him for changing the idea yeah that sounds even weirder than the show show as is in season 3 episode 6 slam dunk a new character the God of basketball debuted this character was voiced by Rocky actor Carl Weathers in the three-part finale it is revealed that pops and anti poops this real names are Mega crus and malam crus during the finale we learned that the first seven seasons took place over 6 years the series finale of Regular Show was only aired once on Cartoon Network in season 1 episode 10 Dawn there was a flashback to ry's sixth birthday party at the party rig Dawn and morai still sound like their adult selves I told you to stay in the basement I just wanted to give you some birthday sugar I'm just getting some sugar dude on a Reddit AMA Creator JG quintal revealed that ri's name was originally going to be Ricky but after hearing his wife say riby instead of Ricky he liked that more JG quintal has said that morai is just himself as a bird which is why he plays the character with his normal speak voice it's also why morai never acts like a bird rig was originally meant to have a tie but it was too much work to animate so it was removed the character skips is voiced by actor Mark Hamill who you probably know better as Luke Skywalker from Star Wars or maybe you know him as the Joker from a bunch of Batman shows Eileen's last name is revealed to be Roberts at the beginning of episode 25 in season 5 as her name is written on a test the episode excellent won an Emmy for short format animated program beating episodes of Adventure Time Mad Robot Chicken and Phineas and furb Regular Show was the first Cartoon Network original series to begin airing a seventh season in the first episode of season 1 it is revealed that both rig and morai are both 23 dude we're 23 years old we shouldn't be busting holes and walls we're going to get fired for this despite skips and Pops often looking taller than morai morai is taller at 63 510 without the crest he is also the tall smallest character in the show in episode 6 of season 1 meet your maker it is revealed that morai can't stay in places that are below 10° or he will lose Consciousness rig is the only main character to die more than once in the series in season 2 episode 21 over the top skips accidentally killed rig by slamming him through a table in season 2 episode 2 it's time morai accidentally killed rig after shoving him off a microwave and into a portal in season 4 episode 3 Terror tales of the park 2 rig was killed after a tow truck crash in season 3 episode 4 Terror tales of the park in the house Rigby was drowned by a giant egg however this was just a story told by rig rig was an original character created entirely for Regular Show whereas morai was seen in two in that a.m p.m a student short film done by Regular Show creator JG Quintel JG quintal went to college with Pendleton Ward who created Adventure Time that one's crazy Quintel would also voice the character blue jay on Adventure Time a big blue jay was making noise nearby the first drawing of rig was a doodle of a raccoon hula hooping created by Quintel when he was working on The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack quintal and Sam Marin who voiced Benson pops and musclean were friends who met at College Marin graduated and was working as an animator at Walt Disney Animation Studios he left once he found out Regular Show had been green lit Reg po show was the first show on Cartoon Network to hit 200 episodes Adventure Time was second a month and a half later each episode of Regular Show takes around 9 months to complete Regular Show has its own composer but also uses licensed music from the80s when making the show The Creative team used music they liked to see how it flowed Cartoon Network Executives saw this and liked it so they tried their best to license the music used for each episode Regular Show was originally going to be called normal show Regular Show had a comic release under boom Studios but was cancelled after only eight issues the Regular Show movie was released in 2015 and was the first Cartoon Network movie to be released since 2009's Ed Ed and Eddie's Big Picture Show Pops was deliberately drawn to look like a lollipop Benson is designed to be a gumball machine and he actually works shown in season 1 episode 8 the unicorns have got to go where he is seen dispensing gumballs Sam Marin originally auditioned for skips and Mark Hamill originally auditioned for pops Marin and Hamill switched roles after their voices didn't sound right for the characters for which they auditioned prototypes of the main characters debuted in JG quint's animated shorts the naive man from Lolly land in 2005 and 2 in the am. p.m 2006 the show started off as a short for the cancelled Cartoon Network show the cartoon stute in season 1 episode 1 the p hour morai and rig smash a hole in the wall to which R says how in the H are we going to fix this s however the official broadcast version has him saying how in the heck are we going to fix this stuff no doubt a censorship change sent straight from the studio heads in episode 6 of season 1 me your maker also required censorship in the normal version morai says you pissed me off but in the broadcast version he says you ticked me off William Slayers beat Billy West Jeff Bennett and Danny cookie for the role of rig whole lot of talent there there have been many scenes that resemble scenes from the Star Wars film franchise in season 7 episode 28 the button Benson hallucinates himself stuck on the railings underneath Cloud City like Star Wars episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back from 1980 in season 7 episode 34 VIP members only morai Rigby Mitch and fives fall into a pit with skeletons and fight a monster a lot like the rancor pit in in Star Wars Episode 6 Return of the Jedi from 1983 oh by the way musleem Man's real name was Mitch sste the Warlock seen in season 3 episode 13 fortune cookie resembled the Warlock from Big Trouble in Little China from 1986 James Hong played both characters rig sometimes runs on all fours like a raccoon muscleman pops and Thomas were the only characters in the park to wear shoes in season 1 episode 5 free cake morai tells rig to stop digging through the trash dude you got to stop pulling stuff out of the trash raccoons are animals known to dig through the trash the character Party Pete from season 2 episode 9 Rage Against the TV was similar to an Adventure Time character named party Pat creators have said that there are no connections between the two characters in The Regular Show pilot pops reveals that rock paper scissors is called quartz parchment shears according to where he comes from where I come from we call it quartz parchment shears Lolly land is a strange Place pops owns three cars his Checker Taxi cab from season 2 episode 1 hello gner his flying Mini Cooper from season 2 episode 20 really real wrestling and carminita out of all of them only the latter appeared after its debut pops is the only main character who has not been an antagonist to morai and R before due to his massive power anti poops is the largest threat to morai and R as well as the rest of the characters have ever faced in the series in season 4 episode 1 exit 9B High Five Ghost was shown as a baby ghost in the past with what appears to be a human mother holding him High Five Ghost is a great bowler as proven in season 2 episode 6 my mom in season 7 episode 13 Benson's Pig it is revealed that high five ghost's favorite food is applesauce Skips got his immortality because he was the only one who could defeat clorg Bane the Destroyer the character death states that he wants to take Skip's Immortal soul skips not my words I will have your Immortal Soul death is based on the appearance of Motorhead vocalist and basist ly kilmister in season 4 episode 1 exit 9B it is shown that muscleman is 58 throughout the show it is shown that musl man is Jewish in season 4 episode 9 the Christmas special he is seen wearing a blue sweater with a drle on it and he steps on glass on his wedding in season 6 episode 28 dumped at the altar Sam Maron uses his own voice for Benson unlike his other two characters pops and muscleman in a deleted scene from season 1 episode 12 morai and the rig's it was revealed that Benson once had a girlfriend named Veronica but she left him for a businessman due to him being a hippie Benson has fired employees 10 technically nine times it didn't count in season 4 episode 3 Terror tales of the park 2 because everyone was dead before it could be official Benson has had three jobs so far A Champion stick hockey player a very SK skilled Pro drummer for hair to the throne and a park manager the gumballs inside Benson do not move when they are inside in season 4 episode 4 piie contest Benson is thrown by promise pie and his gumballs do not move at all Benson muscleman Starla and Reginald are the only characters who seem to have anger problems Benson has the most exis the second being morai and Margaret morai is 63 which is almost two times bigger than rig who is 3-2 in season 6 episode 24 brilliant Century duck crisis special when the owner of Playco offers morai and rig $100 for signing over their likeness to be used as action figures morai refers to it as a month's pay that means that morai and rig earn just $112,000 a year at an hourly rate of about 63 that's awful lady with a baby put some money in the Hat the highest rated episode on IMDb is season 8 episode 27 a regular epic final battle it scored a 9.8 out of 10 season 1 episode 8 the unicorns have got to go is banned in Poland Romania and Hungary reruns have also been banned in turkey morai has referred to Rigby as dude in every episode D dude dude dude dude morai has the most nicknames of any character in the show he has been nicknamed MTO morry rakai broak Kai blond deai motor Kai and Morty despite both of them being birds morai and Margaret sport a full set of teeth on their beaks and have two toes instead of the standard four JG quintal said that despite morai and rig being drawn as animals they are both people High Five Ghost is originally from Witchita Kansas High Five Ghost has a brother called Low Five Ghost skips full name is Skips quipper skipa original name was walks despite him skipping everywhere Regular Show writer and storyboard artist Calvin Wong owns a replica power keyboard that was seen in the pilot episode Regular Show would have up to 20 episodes in production at one time in season 3 episode 9 wrap it up there are cameos from rappers Tyler the Creator Donald Glover and MC light as part of the crew crew JG quintal was a massive Sega fan and would try to recommend Sega to be used whenever possible even over Nintendo in Season 2 Episode 15 temp check rig is shown to have masklophobia the fear of mascot and costumed characters ri's greatest fear Amusement part mascot yep you're Rigby morai and rig are in a band called morai and the rig's in season 5 episode 23 return of morai and the rig's they compete in a battle of the bands to win an air conditioner morai and rig would have staring competitions to try and avoid doing work Creator JG Quintel was rejected from his college Cal Arts twice before he got got accepted every episode storyboard started on a Post-It note it could lead up to one storyboard being 400 to 500 posted notes long in the early stages of Regular Show JG Quintel was told there was worries the show design might be too simple compared to other shows at the time he said that it was called Regular Show for a reason in the pilot episode pops and Benson are trying to throw away a chair that chair was actually owned by JG quintal in real life in season 3 episode 5 camping can be cool it is revealed that e developed good camping skills because she got lost in the woods a lot a year previous to the episode Regular Show doesn't have a theme song Instead at the start of every episode one note is played on a [Music] synthesizer despite being set somewhere in the 80s and '90s the show has a lot of modern technology such as flat screens and internet video Starla was only meant to be a character for one episode however the writers loved her and what she added to muscleman as a character so they kept her for the rest of the series in season 2 episode 8 Rage Against the TV morai and rig are seen playing a game that pays homage to the game Double Dragon in season 3 episode 19 Video Game Wizards morai and skips enter a competition to try and win the maximum glove which is a reference to Nintendo's unsuccessful Power Glove in season 2 episode 12 but I have a receipt morai and rig buy a new game called the realm of darthon which is extremely similar to the role-playing board game Dungeons and Dragons in season 1 episode 8 the unicorns have got to go one of the unicorns can be seen wearing clothes similar to Alexis duoo clothes from the 1971 film A Clockwork Orange in season 6 episode 28 lunch break morai and rig end up going through a series of portals that lead them to a room with red curtains and a zigzag pattern on the floor this is a reference to the 1990 Mystery Show win peaks in season 7 episode 15 Hello China rig meets a character in class called apple apple is played by actress and rapper Aquafina back to the episode excellent the second part of the challenge is based on the Holy Grail scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade we find out in season 3 episode 23 Dairy that the reason skips skips is because he and his old lover used to skip everywhere together and after she passed away he vowed to skip for the rest of time so he never forgot their time together and we used to skip together all the time on the day I lost her I vowed to skip every day for the rest of my life throughout the show there are nine main characters morai rig Benson skips pops musclean High Five Ghost Thomas and Eileen Thomas was revealed to be a Russian spy however in season 6 episode 8 the real Thomas he was actually born in Civ the capital of Ukraine in episode 2 2 Season 5 skips story skips who like we mentioned is played by Mark Hamill tells his story and starts it with a long time ago in a high school far far away which is a reference to Star Wars a long time ago in a high school far far away in Season 2 Episode 15 temp check morai and rig state that they would
Channel: Toonify
Views: 114,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hWgx4F5WFrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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