Regular Show's Best Episode

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these are three of regular Show's best episodes of all time the first one being excellent with a rating of 9.6 the episode starts with Mor Kom rby watching an action show where a guy just flips his car until Benson interrupts telling them they're supposed to be working and commands them to come back to work but before they do a commercial comes on for a eating contest called the excellent challenge where you have to eat 12 eggs chili cheese biscuit in a fruit bowl in under an hour and you get a hat which is a pretty basic hat but for some reason riy becomes obsessed with it saying how cool it is and ends up convincing Mora to come the restaurant so they arrive at the excellent restaurant but RI asks a server for the excellent challenge to which the server starts acting weird and saying he really wouldn't recommend it which is interesting either he's doubting him or there's something deeper going on here anyway RI ends up convincing him after reminding him that the customer is always right and tells him to bring him the omelet to which we literally cut to him in an ambulance turns out RI was allergic to eggs like deathly allergic he wanted this hat so bad he literally risked his entire life while in the ambulance R asked morai to promise that whatever happens he will get him this hat and right after morai promises R flatlines don't worry though RI isn't dead but he is in a coma and may never wake up again then Benson being very sympathetic blames Mory rby saying if he just listened and went back to work this would have never happened and they almost get into this huge fight until morai leaves to go back to the restaurant and try to get this hat he tries to simply just buy back the hat but the server man says it's not for sale but during his interaction he says something very interesting it's out of my control now this could seem like he simply can't can't sell to him because of his boss but the way he says it is very eerie and scary and this is Regular Show so this has to mean there's probably something more deep and darker going on anyways this leaves morai with no choice but to face the omelet Challenge and fails miserably and ends up throwing The Omelette across the room now it seems morai gave up as he comes to riby and apologizes to him saying he can't do it then Benson and skips Walkin and Benson actually apologizes for earlier which is which is pretty cool of him and then he brings up some crazy lore about the excellent challenge so it turns out a long time ago this guy named Jonathan Kimble was obsessed with the excellent challenge eating it for breakfast lunch and dinner every single day and he kept a journal dedicated to figuring out how to beat this challenge but one day he told everyone that he finally figured it out but no one believed him and turns out he actually finished the challenge but after this he was never seen again what what regular show is so good at taking such generic things like a literal eating contest and making it so dark and twisted anyways turns out Benson has a notebook Jonathan used with all the secrets so they get to practice and we get a montage of morai eating The Omelette with all this new knowledge and after a beautiful inspiring montage morai is finally ready to take on the excellent contest so morai orders the excellent challenge everything seems normal just like before until the server notices morai is doing the same tricks Jonathan once did and tries warning him to stop and then he blows his fingers and the entire restaurant comes out trying to stop morai and they have this allout brawl which seems like it lasts 5 minutes but I guess an hour passes and the clock dings and the server realizes that he actually finished the omelet and he says oh no you were only trying to help which is such a terrifying thing to say and morai poofs Away into what seems like a dungeon and he meets some old night dude who says he made it to the final test which is to choose your prize but if he chooses the wrong prize he will die and we pan over to see a dead Jonathan wearing a golden Prince hat now this last challenge is a test of greed from the advertisement it promised a basic old probably $5 Walmart hat but now you are faced with countless gold and silver hats morai remembering how riby explained the Hat grabs the trucker hat from the ad and successfully passes the test and Gets Zapped back morai then puts the excellent hat on Rigby and he instantly wakes up from his coma and then of course another eating contest with the prize of a freeer comes on television at the exact same time and that's it this episode is actually so good this was actually my first time seeing it and I thoroughly enjoyed it I love how Regular Show can take the most basic Bland ideas and expand on it in a way you never expect I honestly never could have expected happened in this episode and I love that so many shows and movies nowadays are so predictable from the beginning and this was a breath of fresh air as I never knew what would happen next the pacing was also just beautiful the episode truly never got boring and there was always something new happening or progress being built not one single second of this episode was wasted everything felt important I even loved how serious Mora took the eating contest and how intense they made like I said something so basic the buildup the conflict the humor it was just absolutely perfect I can really say how this episode achieved such a high rating the next episode is exit 9B with a rating of 9.7 it starts with Thomas walking into the house but no one is there then there's a literal explosion and he runs out to see what happened there's red lasers going everywhere and the park members are being knocked down and we see some dude with an alien laser gun and he just takes out practically everyone except morai and R Who come running in with some ball that literally teleports them somewhere then we skip to 2 months later and we see that skips is a mechanic with pops as his client which is weird it seems they totally forgot about each other and this is not the only case Pops doesn't recognize muscleman and High Five Ghost also does recognize muscleman also muscleman is some Professor so obviously something really weird is going on High Five Ghost ends up delivering pizzas to the park and Benson answers and they also don't know each other anyways we see that Benson and Thomas are actually working for this guy and we learn that they are building a highway but we have no idea why so far this episode has me hooked and I am so curious about what is going on I'm also curious about morai and R and how they just disappeared and speaking of that they actually teleported back finally after 2 months and they break the space-time travel thingy but it's okay because they have another plan you see they have this document that that that's all I know so far but anyways they go to find Skips but of course skips isn't home he's a mechanic remember and they find this out by seeing his car on the floor so they head to skips auto body shop and he has no idea who they are obviously and morai RI are so confused and they end up realizing he's been brainwashed but to skips these dudes look absolutely crazy so he literally starts choking them out about to kill them until RI tells him he knows why his name is Skips which by the way was because of this woman he loved who used to skip and then he remembers everything and lets morai and Rick B go we then learn about the document so it declares the park a historical landmark and all I have to do is get everyone who worked at the park to sign it which is going to be so hard because of the fact every single person is brainwashed this conflict though is so good and it's really got me on my toes so it seems impossible to find every Park member but skip somehow knows where they might find out about their new identities and I can't help but notice this floating scary looking red ball in the air pretty terrifying so they break into this little house and start looking through the files and morai finds a binder that shows the new identities of every single Park member things start looking up but then the door starts rattling and we hear Benson and the scary beard guy talking they walk in and morai skips and RI are hiding in the closet and it seems like the beard guy looks straight into the closet and even says why is that open he starts walking towards the closet but he closes the cabinet instead scary so Pop Secret Identity is working as a butterfly zookeeper and getting him to remember is pretty easy easy they just show him this butterscotch Ripple lollipop then we see musclean solving some equation and I think it's actually so funny how different they change his identity like every other character kind of fits new identity but this is so off anyways Mory raises his hand yeah we were just wondering do you know who else is C equals 8 and muscleman literally gains his Memories Back himself by saying my mom then he muscleman himself out the college and then they kidnap High Five Ghost and muslem man gives them a high five and boom so now they got five out of seven Park members signed and it was fairly easy but Benson and Thomas are going to be near to Impossible they are literally right next to scary beard dude constantly so they all head to the park and are gathering a game plan until Thomas spots them so they ask him where Benson is and of course he is right behind them and so Benson kidnaps them all and they end up stuck in concrete which is insane the back and forth of negatives and positives is so stressful but finally we find out the bearded guy's plans so it turns out this is the son of the original boss Garrett Bob Ferguson and he's getting revenge for his dad and we find out that when this freeway is finished it will practically open a portal to hell and every being or person the Gang has killed will come back which is pretty insane so Beerman places the last part of the freeway and we see everyone come through and honestly this part is so cool it's such a love letter to the fans to see all these villains again anyways it seems like they're all about to die right but turns out skips being the only smart one invited back up which is actually the people they have become friends with throughout the series which is also so sick I think skips definitely shouldn't have waited so long to call them but that would have probably been boring I guess so the big angel babies free the gang and they go into an allout brawl and it's a pretty sick sequence anyways Mory and riby go and try to find Benson to sign the paper but Benson is trying to kill them and they're having a harder time trying to regain his memory and right as Benson's about to crush them they start doing donuts whoa and it clicks in his mind then H boning now send up the chairs next time waa and finally it all clicks for Benson this part is pretty cool and I'll explain why in a second but finally Benson signs the paper but one thing that they forgot was that Thomas is also a part of the park and so with Benson's signature it means nothing and they demand morai to give him the document holding Thomas hostage thing is though morai is smarter than that and he gives him a fake document with beard guy as a butt face and Thomas finally signs the document and happily ever after this episode is pretty amazing what's so cool about it is how someone who's never watched a show before can watch this episode and understand the entire concept and even a bunch of lore this is also why I said the SE Benson is pretty cool because it dove into some more lore and show off their signature phrases and even some iconic lines not to mention this episode also explains the dynamic between the characters so well as they try to regain the memories and we also get some more Nostalgia through the memories this episode was seriously a love letter to all the fans and it does not surprise me this episode has ranked so high the writing and pacing is also just beautiful from the beginning of episode it was insane and seriously never stopped if you want a master class in writing conflicts this episode is it I was seriously hooked from start to finish and what's crazy to me is that the Creator outdid himself and made an episode better than this leading us to the best episode which is regular epic final battle with a rating of 9.8 which by the way is a multi-part series consisting of three parts so it starts off with pops flying through the air running away from a demon looking pops until pops sees a glowing butterfly and starts to chase it but gets crushed by demon pops hands turns out it was just a nightmare and it's okay until we find out this nightmare isn't very far off from reality pops heads into the spaceship where we see a planet which is actually pops home now I'll be honest I don't know much l about regular show and this really shocked me pops is an alien then we learned why they're going to this planet to battle anti- poops which by the way is the demon looking Pops from earlier anti- poops wants to erase the entire universe so that's pretty bad upon landing on the island we also see some weird creatures and turns out they're like pops Brothers for crus Quadra crus and weird mushroom guy yeah that's that's actually his name so frivola takes him to the guardian who is this all knowing huge giant being and she explains how this battle has never ended in Victory and has always ended in the end of the universe turns out this battle has been going on and on forever and the universe just keeps restarting over and over again only thing different this time is anti- poops is running late and we watch as he struggles to get to the planet LLY land and we get a glimpse of his power which seems pretty insane while anti pops is struggling the gang is learning the history which is pretty interesting because we learn that pops is the universe's chosen one and his real name is Mega crus and he was so perfect that the Universe had to balance itself and create anti poops so after seeing all the tapestries of all the battles morai gets an idea and decides to set up traps to sneak attack anti poops and also in the Montage we see that pops has telekinesis which is pretty crazy to me the platus with this man is absolutely wild anti poops ends up getting in a space Uber and finally makes it to Lolly land and by tradition I guess they have to sing the Lolly land Anthem so egum Cris comes out and starts singing all joyful like the world isn't literally about to potentially end but anyways they start the fight and anti poops walk straight into the Trap and they went hard with the traps like it really seems like they just won there's no way anyone could survive this right psych antip poops comes out and says that tickled and and that's the end of part one this episode is a great buildup an introduction to the series honestly even me with having no knowledge of Pop lore I didn't feel confused once they explained it very well from the beginning it hooked you in Fast and like the other episodes it never stopped the pacing was brilliant and seriously never got boring Regular Show is seriously so good delivering emotions through episodes flawlessly the way they Blended jokes with something as serious as the universe literally ending was great also it's impressive how the writers of this show came up with this concept actually unbelievable I can never imagine regular shows low getting this deep the next part starts right where we left off and anti- poops proposes a gentleman deal to Pops they they fight one-on-one and if pops knocks him down the universe is saved but if anti- poops knocks down pops the universe ends which dang so they start going at it and seeing the powers pops has is just insane to me this butterfly love and& lollipop haha character is is going insane also he has a six-pack and anti poops has a 24 pack but besides that these dudes can create objects out of thin air fly shoot lasers literally everything and Pops ends up slamming a ship onto anti- poops which should mean the universe is saved yay psych turns out anti poops was lying and then gets his buddies to start shooting and also somehow gets this huge creature named streaming to help fight with them kind of an unfair fight until muscleman convinces Guardian to come help which she actually does now I'm not going to lie the rest of the episode is pretty much just fighting and it's very similar to exit 9B where we see a bunch of nostalgic characters joining the fight and just fighting now this fight is so sick and very interesting they even had some like Power Ranger type sequence but the whole fight turns out pretty pointless when anti- poops finally uses all of his power and becomes the size of the literal planet and starts just evaporating everything in his way in seconds and weat as musclean is one of the first to die pops does try to help but he's not powerful enough at least he got to say my mom before he died though now this drives pops insane he becomes a huge Goku pops but even with all this power anti- poops starts killing everyone around him leaving just Mory and R and by this time pops is flying anti-p poops full power which morai and rby remember from the tapestries was the way the world ended so they literally drive right in the middle and sacrifice their lives and they get erased the end the Cliffhangers are insane this episode like the last one is another buildup for the final part but it was still so amazing I'm getting such Avengers end games vibes from this entire thing especially with the racing people and what's crazy is this came out in 2017 an endgame came out in 2019 it kind of seems like Regular Show walked so endgame could run this episode while it was pretty much just a fight sequence was really fun very intense while still keeping the humor of Regular Show and the references are so sick as well like the Power Ranger type morph the Goku pops it's just such a beautiful thing to watch now finally with all the buildup the final part to the series part three the episode starts with a title card the power and the episode starts literally identical to the first episode of the entire series which at first is so confusing and I'm sure threw so many people off and they probably thought it was a rerun but anyways as Ry goes to put the hurt on him midair he realizes I think we've done this before then he tries telling morai this has happened before but the thing is morai doesn't remember anything and thinks R is going crazy so we're going be takes him to the futuristic Blu-ray box set that shows the next 6 years of their lives but turns out 6 years before they didn't have Blu-Ray so this is practically useless until morai touches it and remembers everything too thing is though they are faced with the problem how do they get back to the fight between pops and anti poops well obviously the power the keyboard that can literally do whatever you ask it to do so they ask take us to the end take us to the end wao won't you take us to the end and poof they're back at the end and instead of using the keyboard to destroy anti- poops they get all cocky and brag to anti poops and in the process anti-pop smashes the piano and now they are pretty much useless and anti- poops is trying to kill them which the fact they didn't die from this fall is impressive also the planet literally blowing up but anyways the planet blast pops into this black hole which puts him into this sketch World which kind of hints at multiverses in this universe which is crazy because of the fact this was before endgame pops does end up getting out and things start getting crazy pops flies through the intro letters which means this universe might be alive and being recorded then a bunch of sticky notes start beating up Pops and even rig and this part is so cool because it's the actual process the Creator uses the storyboard as episodes then we see morai another form of storyboard and this is very confusing but so interesting antip poops explains this all by saying the fabric of reality is unraveling I think it's always so cool when they try to make characters self-aware to the fact that they're actually cartoons just makes them feel so much more real anyways anti- poops about to crush morai and R until pops hears this random voice from somewhere sometimes doing something different makes all the difference and Pops finally realizes something and poofs the sticky notes away teleports to rby morai and saves them and flies towards anti- poops instead of trying to fight with negativity he fights with love and positivity and hugs anti- poops and his feelings and love stops him but the thing is once he lets go he will become evil again and so pop sacrifices himself and goes towards the sun which is such a sad scene like actually so sad it's it's it's very depressing then everything blows up and we see the breaking news confirming the park Dome is back and somehow I don't know how but everyone survived pops saved everyone we get a beautiful reunion of the families and we watch as all these characters grow up morai becomes some artist R becomes a dad Benson hired new people and I think got a girlfriend musclean got a bunch of kids skips actually becomes a mechanic and High Five Ghost becomes a DJ then we watches morai finally meet someone which is satisfying because of his awful history with love we also see them build a statue to remember pops then we see them all together for a 25-year Park reunion and then to give it a Regular Show ending a television in the cloud surrounded by butterflies turns off and we hear pops jol good show which is either a really cool way to end the show or an insane Theory the whole three-part finale was just amazing what a beautiful finale you can really tell how passionate the creators of his show were and they really put all their love into these episodes this is my first time watching this and let me just say I was definitely missing out there's no doubt the team behind this show is just extremely talented and it really shows here this episode 100% deserves the high rating it got everything about it was perfect and the fact it resembles one of the most successful movies ever made says something this series had every emotion and really hit the mark on what this show was all about but I don't know I don't know I'm just I'm just watching TV and sharing my opinion and and stuff
Channel: Maximo Esco
Views: 86,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 45DP6GGNObw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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