High IQ Prison Escape

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in a firefight Holly spoiled it they they showed me that he escaped successfully dammit a drug conspiracy possession of 40 hundred pounds of marijuana Oh laundry I'd already be got a pump those numbers up only 1400 I was facing a life sentence on live PD we watched a 78 year old woman transporting 66 pounds of marijuana casually in an RV everybody thought it was impossible to escape that is until I asked them if I could leave and they said yes this is all gonna be useful information for when for you guys when twitch chat gets arrested when they make Lally porn illegal and you [ __ ] degenerate Oz behind bars you're gonna need these lessons to get out but I on him 24 hours a day God look at that old ass technology from 2004 not even streaming in 4k surround sound what the [ __ ] is the point you're not even watching him when the cameras was my sent through the mail but I couldn't do that here security was too tight yeah it seems pretty simple hey can you send me a blade through the mail no one checks that in to be a huge oversight I'm assuming they slid the hacksaw blade and the spine of the book in that little crease where the pages and the weight I don't know they call it but like with a hardcover and the pages meet I'm assuming they slid it down there but even still why if you shake it that would fall out there was all right that was much deeper than I thought even shaking would probably wouldn't I got that to squeak out damn it's [ __ ] genius battle rap you know like MC super huddle each other even the security guards joined in and before you know it they decided whoever went the battle rap gets to go free all that so then I won mine elite and I still couldn't get the piece of it back in the ceiling oh just [ __ ] punch it I'm just standing right in front of the window so he can't see the hole in this what wouldn't even seen you on the camera do this though like the fumbling stuff do whatever it takes there's no way he was able to successfully block the guard from seeing the hole though since he didn't get the piece back in him standing in front of the window there meant nothing cuz he's five foot six the dudes already looking down to see him he would have easily looked up and seen the hole it would have been in his view I want to see him every 30 minutes so I'd give myself just 25 and I counted out second-by-second well that's some real doctor stone [ __ ] I counted every second for 3,700 years just so I could know what time it was I mean the hole big enough where I could stick my head and little did I know I'm in the warden's office and he's looking at me unfucked a police officer offered to just let me leave but I said no I've come so far in my prison base break let me at least try you could pretty much get free calls I meant they wouldn't be able to trace who you were making calls to that's a huge oversight your book was just so sweet she put an ad in the newspaper looking to [ __ ] prison inmates I must have missed that part I just made up stories basically so they have a phone in their cell he would like me it was like he was a little boy just needing his mommy but I mean I did have a love for him ah just like an Alabama mother-daughter relationship or daughter I guess and then I fell in love with the security guard remind me of Jonah Hill and [ __ ] your [ __ ] what kind of maximum security prison gives them an easily hackable phone in their cell I thought maybe I could construct some sort of a dummy so it looked like I was sleeping in my bed when they came on their rounds how dumb are these guards that is actual home alone shame thinking I'm going to be leaving step Hey look he's just sleeping in his bed probably as they watch him make that and I took a cracker box to make the head and a chest beats me no no [ __ ] way this is based on a true story this was no one's that dumb bright lighting him to everybody he just stands up the dummy with its arms like this yeah hey how's it going mr. Adams and out of the corner of my eye I kept seeing something move oh no she turns him in blocking down off the side of this jail then I realized it's hard to believe it's the man I love and I thought to myself wow it's a weird way to release him well hop on him I said that's when I realized oh my gosh he just broke out of jail and I was so wet something's a little suspicious about that Asian comes that looks like a cereal box just a dummy made it look like him okay take off then no no look under that cuz that's the best part it's a cereal box come on man at least get the full effect is the following escape from the jail if procedures were followed he's just more upset that he lost his bet that's right I bet you can't break out of here mr. Adams what do you mean mr. Adams broke out get on the foot who hit the [ __ ] do you think it's a hole in the ceiling you guys put holes in your ceiling over here is this where you long did you try to narrow what time it is I was real worried I needed to reach out to someone to come get me why just go with Taylor she's infatuated with you just have her drive until the car breaks down who gives a [ __ ] who it is any other source of inferences stupid planned and try and get someone else in the equation sight into where he might have State Street you dropped me off and I just walked away into the darkness well how about this you could go a step further because now she's still implicated just say you convinced her that you were getting released she waited that once you stole her car and left and then you get the card Louis that's a lot tell me the truth where is he where how does he know that's a lie why would you check I told him where he was oh he [ __ ] it up she told us that he was in room 108 of the motel well why did they believe that but not that not the McDonald's he could have absolutely gotten away that was just really poor planning all he had to do is instead of giving her a [ __ ] story about McDonald to say I waited for him he said he was released but then he ended up stealing my car and drove away with it and then he just leaves with the [ __ ] car from this hotel I can think of that and I've never used a hacksaw or cereal box to escape from a maximum security prison why is the linebacker for the Green Bay Packers stuck in a Japanese prison
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,064,452
Rating: 4.9351025 out of 5
Keywords: Prison escape
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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