The Worst First Crush (ft. SomethingElseYT)

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Hey hey Katie you wanna watch me book it down this hill I don't know Chad that looks pretty steep what happens if you trip shady do these look like the magnificent calves of an inexperienced pleb no I didn't think so dude seriously listen to Katie that path is covered in tree branches you could actually break your ah did I ask you PJ cost shut up and let me do this it's time to go fast [Music] yeah my crush actually did this he sprained his ankle he also pulled his wing crushes are difficult heck I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that crushing on someone is by far one of the most stress invoking experiences one will ever undergo now let's be clear having a crush isn't inherently stressful that's not what I'm saying it's what can potentially result from it like okay you like that person right fantastic but because you do anything that this person says or does can now sway your mood one minute you're sad next thing you know crushed X you BAM you're skipping through daisies but on the flip side you can be having the best day of your life you know skies are blue the memes are fresh it's a heck and holiday but all of a sudden your chin is gross yeah that's an issue the greater issue however is that your crush typically doesn't know the power they have until you tell them like surely if they knew the immense impact their words possessed they would go a little easier on you and mine their words a bit when you're around on the other hand some people aren't so considerate why a few crushes might even get drunk off that power and use you like a puppet until they toss you aside in favor of a better sexier puppet who probably wears pants where are your pants PJ topic my first crush was a boy not named Chad and Chad was a turd a prime example of an emotional exploiter and extreme opportunist is also my best friend yes I know how that sounds but listen okay Chad wasn't so bad when we first met in fact he was probably one of the coolest guys I knew or you know as cool as any guy can be when binge-watching na'toth oh and playing runescape Ladykiller him and I eat out plenty so it seems only inevitable that I an idiot have helped a monster crush on him the head crushes aren't the romanticized daydream they're cracked up to be and that's a lesson I'd be learning the hard way thing is Ted didn't like me that way his eyes were set on another a sweet gal by the name of Katy and this last was no stranger to me dear viewers no no Katy was actually a very dear friend of mine something that Chad found out about when he told me about his feelings for her I also like to believe this was around the same time he found out about my feelings without me so much as having to confess what can I say it was obvious I wore my cooker right on my sleeve huh that was your first mistake I never intended on telling Chad how I felt about him but this dude had other plans in mind a plan that involved winning the heart of his dear Katy and using my loyalty to get what he wanted all he had to do was take the right steps look here this guy knew I liked him okay my friends knew Katy knew but that wasn't enough for him to act on obviously cuz think of how easy it would have been for me to just deny my feelings pretend he was only a pro nah man he needed some mutual confirmation so you know what he did Jeff forced me to skip class with him one day which was unsettling on its own because I specifically remember questioning why and him simply refusing to answer boy just pushed me with a little smirk and said you'll see would you honestly such a red flag but he didn't give me an out he just stayed quiet and took me all the way around to the back of the school where there were no witnesses or security cameras might I add and after a while of lingering and second-guessing he pinned me against the wall no warning caged between his arms guys and said admit you liked me I what you heard me I'm sorry do you think I don't think I know so say it say you like me yikes how did I let this slide how how it was so creepy and abrasive this guy literally and figuratively had my back against the wall so that he could get ammunition to use against me in the future you miraculously I evaded answering at the time despite pushiness but with him pulling stunts like that sporadically I was bound to cave and I did I told him I liked him a lot [Music] this one just makes good sense right if you're itching to use and abuse someone you got to make sure their feelings are deep and genuine they need to stick around for the long haul if they love you they better be ready to take that dodgeball to the chest and sit in the out corner that's how you know it's real so as soon as he confirmed my crush good old Chad here started asking some pretty intense questions it was basically a really uncomfortable pop quiz in the middle of any perfectly decent conversation and I'm not even kidding they typically went something like this so how much are you willing to do for the people you love that's a pretty specific question you're asking my guy but I don't know anything I guess really don't know if I believe that I mean you have to be able to prove it so could you could I what exactly would you prove it would you prove that you're willing to do absolutely anything for I don't know me had what the heck does that have to do with Dragonball for real though I never knew how to react to that it felt more personal than I was used to and I had a feeling that I shouldn't say anything but me not wanting to assume the worst of Chad still answered with sincerity I told them that I believe Belov was a selfless thing but if I ever did anything nice for him it would have nothing to do with him reciprocating my feelings but everything to do with won him to be happy because that was my goal I wanted happiness for him should have kept your mouth shut you dumb as some of you might have guessed all his actions up to this point we're leading to Chad asking me for favors for a good while this dude had been sizing me up just so he could start asking for the one thing I'd been quietly dreading it already hurt hearing him talk about how much he liked Katy all the time it especially hurt when you'd go out of his way to compare the two of us and laugh at me whenever I felt inadequate you suck Chad but now he was finally doing it he was asking me to chat up Katy for him and convinced her to go out with him hey PJ I need you to talk to Katy for me hey PJ will you talk to Katy can you make sure to make me sound good hey PJ I got Katy these chocolates would you be a pal and give them to her for me and make sure she knows that I got them for her of course I feel skeptical sometimes and outright tell him no I'm not going to do that but because he was such a smart boy Oh he'd refer back to everything he gathered from me and stepped to and snapped me right back into place didn't you say you'd do anything for me [Music] yeah you're right I'm sorry I want to feel more sympathy for you young me but you really dry my grapes it couldn't even complain about any of the stunts Chad was pulling because deep down I knew I put myself there I put myself in a position where I was letting a total jerk take advantage of me I took the insults I answered his questions and I did whatever he asked of me because even though I he was wrong he convinced me I'd be far more in the wrong than him by doing nothing when I'd promised him I'd do anything I wanted to stick by my word prioritize a promise over my well-being and because of that he found all sorts of ways to keep me trapped any time I ever mustered up the better sense to pull away from our friendship Chad went into flirt mode like yes sure rub it in my face that we weren't nighttime but hold on now hold on maybe let's change his mind so stick around sweet cheeks the ride ain't over he flirted with me between classes he sent me messages on the age old system of myspace that were less than appropriate and the big granddaddy gesture that locked me in for good this dude once again took me into a secluded area of the school got me right where he needed me to be and guys he kissed me hey he kissed me right off of my mouth my my virgin lips he had the balls to kiss me when he claimed to like another girl which you think would be enough to open my eyes right you think I would be smart enough to pull away right you know what to do yeah I still stuck by him one kiss and I was all the way back in Daisy skip in la-la land but like I said the daydream couldn't last eventually Katy did start talking to him and as soon as that happened he dang near forgot all about me he didn't keep me around but I mostly spent the majority of my ninth grade year watching Chad show off while I helped but summer came and left 10th grade started and before I knew it these two were a thing and it cut early broke my heart and that was it I never spoke to chat again I did find out from Katy a few years later that she dumped Chad because he was showing some controlling manipulative behavior in their relationship which didn't surprise me but I couldn't take much joy in the Karma I don't want you guys to take any joy out of it either what I want is for you to learn from my mistakes I said this once but don't feel pressured into justifying the foul actions of those close to you solely because they're close to you I obviously saw this guy's true colors emerge at some point but I never stood up to him because I felt I had to justify everything he did but that was a mistake and while I won't keep being hard on myself and basically victim blaming a ninth-grade me it's fair to say I held some amount of blame for allowing it to go that far but now I know better and sure anyone can say fight back run away cut them off but it's hard it's hard not to justify and even harder to see the warning signs through the pink haze of our daydreams after all when we finally look at those red flags through a rose-colored glass I'll just look like flex I want to go on the record here and say that no one is obligated to return your feelings okay it is not wrong for a person not to like you back what is wrong is if a person uses you and I think we could all agree across the board that that just this is no bliss no bueno it's no point oh and with that out of the way let me just say I have never had a video take so long to make like I was actually early on starting this video up and then everything that could go wrong went wrong I lost images I lost entire audio files I had to record this twice there were delays malfunction I actual family health things I did I'm so sorry that it took so long to get all this out and I'm just so happy that you guys stuck around long enough to watch this video I want to give a big shout out and thanks to something else whitey otherwise known as Adam for voicing Chad I'm sorry that you had to voice such a suckish character but thank you for putting up with it and please anyone don't harass Adam okay he wasn't Chad sometimes people hear other people voicing these lines and they think they're the actual people but no it's it's a bit it was just a bit just tell him you love him and that he's a great creator okay and I with that said that's pretty much a wrap I'm done with this video I don't want to keep looking or thinking about it anymore this pajama party is over but don't worry we'll be back next time save I voice bye and stay hydrated
Channel: PantslessPajamas
Views: 4,020,273
Rating: 4.9542089 out of 5
Keywords: PajamapartyDoodles, Pajamaparty Doodles, pantslesspajamas, pantslesspajama, pantsless pajamas, animation, animatic, animated, PJ, story, storytelling, story telling, storytime, story time, animated story telling, story telling animatic, animated story time, the worst first crush, first crush, worst crush, chad, crush stories, crushes, crush, somethingelseyt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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